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"The Backpage" is the CSWA's former card archive, featuring a portion of the CSWA's fourteen year history. While much of the CSWA's cards from pre-national television days have been lost much of the storied-tradition is available here!   Starting with cards from 1994, check out the CSWA from yesteryear all the way up until yesterday.

For the most recent cards, be sure to check out the TRIBUNE's Main Event.
Note:  The Backpage will be replaced by the new "History" section when done.

Archived cards are listed below in date order.  Let us know if any links are broken or any of the "Highlights" information is incorrect.  Most cards from 1994-1997 are in .txt format, since most were exported from the PRODIGY Service.

Due to the server crash in mid-2001, many cards from 2000-01 are incomplete or missing.  As we come across other pieces of the archives, we'll add them here for you.

Click below for a specific year.

  1994 1995 1996 1997  
1998 1999 2000  
Date Event Highlights
9/1/94 FISH FUND IX Note:  only includes first few segments
Unified World Championship Tournament
Takin Care Of Business
Unified:  Hornet vs. Windham III
11/12/94 BATTLE of the BELTS X:
The Fall Classic
Enterprise World Championship Tournament
Hornet vs. Mike Roiter
11/27/94 Thanksgiving Weekend Spectacular '94 Enterprise World:  Mike Randalls vs. HEAT
Mark Windham suspended from the CSWA
12/19/94 PRIMETIME in San Diego EN World:  Mike Randalls vs. Timmy Windham
Unified World:  Hornet vs. Bonecrusher
1/25/95 SuperPRIMETIME in Atlanta EN World:  Mike Randalls vs. Tsunami
Mark Windham vs. Bonecrusher
1/31/95 Super Bowl Blast '95 WHEEL OF DEATH: CORPORATION vs. Windham/Hornet/Randalls
Trial By Fire
1995 ULTRATITLE Final Four
Electrified Steel Cage: Windham/Benedict
Unified:  Hornet vs. Randalls in a Steel Cage
7/4/95 FISH FUND X:
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory
Mark Windham vs. Mickey's mystery opponent
8/5/95 AAWC Under New Ownership EN World:  Tom Adler vs. GUNS
Tuxedo Match:  Pres. Schmid vs. Teri Melton
8/8/95 SuperPRIMETIME in Washington IC:  Eli vs. Johnny Tropic
Windham vs. Bonecrusher
9/23/95 ELVIS LIVES IX Note:  only includes Main Event of Day One
Uni. Tag:  CLAW vs. Timmy Windham/Hornet
10/3/95 SPT in Portland Recap Includes only a synopsis of the card
10/4/95 SHOWTIME in Baltimore Recap Includes a recap of the first-ever SHOWTIME!
10/29/95 SHOWTIME in Las Vegas Hornet vs. Mike Randalls
12/20/95 SHOWTIME in Chicago Midget Under-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal
Note: scheduled Main (Hornet/Eli) not included
12/24/95 SuperPRIMETIME in Decatur:
Christmas at Ground Zero
Grudge Match:  GUNS vs. Mark Windham
Alexandr Karelin vs. Steven Flair
12/25/95 A CSWA Christmas:
Where Dreams Really Do Come True
Part 1  |  Part 2
Part I:  Ironman Challenge for EN World Title
Part II:  USN: Timmy Windham vs. Scotty Michaels; IC: Eli vs. Prizm; and the Anti-Christ goes wild!
1/15/96 CSWA SuperPRIMETIME:
I Have A Dream
Unified:  Hornet vs. "Antichrist" Jim Williams
EN World:  Randalls vs. GUNS vs. Windham
1/17/96 SHOWTIME at the Meadowlands Disco Express vs. <> Cutters
Mike Randalls vs. Jim Williams
2/3/96 BATTLE of the BELTS XIII:
Super Bowl Blast '96

(Note:  includes final half of card)
IC:  Eli vs. Bandit
EN World:  Death Island Match:
GUNS vs. Mike Randalls
2/15/96 SuperPRIMETIME in Miami Note:  End of Main Event is lost
EN World:  GUNS vs. Joey Melton
Intracontinental: Eliminator vs. Steel Viper
3/3/96 SHOWTIME in Chapel Hill EN World:  GUNS vs. Steel Viper
Elimination Tag:  Hornet/Karelin vs. Williams/Cyborgus/Wright
3/4/96 SPT in Memphis Armed Forces vs. GUNS/Hornet
USN:  Scotty Michaels vs. Mark Windham
UniTag:  Horsemen vs. Disco Express
3/19/96 WINTER'S WARRIORS VII EN World:  GUNS/Windham
CS Enterprises vs. Ventolo/Schmid
Note: Card only contains these matches
3/31/96 CSWA ANNIVERSARY 1996 Hornet vs. Randalls
Poison Ivy vs. Teri Melton
4/11/96 SHOWTIME in Baltimore America's Team vs. GUNS/Randalls
Tom Adler vs. Paul Pierce
5/29/96 PRIMETIME in Chicago EN World:  Windham/Randalls
GUNS/Taylor vs. Michaels/Mitchell
6/2/96 PRIMETIME in Boston EN World:  Windham/Adler
6/7/96 SHOWTIME in Kansas City America's Team vs. Bailey/GUNS/Randalls
7/12/96 BATTLE of the BELTS XIV:
Holy Smokes!
WHEEL OF DEATH:  Eli's Team vs. Randalls' Team
CS Enterprises QUITS!
9/6/96 FISH FUND XI:
End of an Era

Day One  |  Day Two
Day One:  EN World:   Anarky/GUNS/Windham

Day Two:  Career Match:   GUNS/Hornet
Ownership Match:  Bob Ryder makes his FW debut!

3/11/97 PRIMETIME in Chapel Hill GUNS vs. MJ Dean
Note:  includes only this match
3/16/97 SuperPRIMETIME in Atlanta CSWA World Tournament Rounds 1-2
3/23/97 SuperPRIMETIME in Indianapolis Mike Randalls vs. Famine
CSWA World Tournament Round 3
4/27/97 PRIMETIME in New Orleans Mark Windham vs. HEAT
GUNS vs. Bonecrusher
4/28/97 CSWA ANNIVERSARY 1997:
Nine Years In The Making
CSWA World Tournament FINAL FOUR
Red Midget Murdered!
7/7/97 PRIMETIME in Orlando EN World: GUNS vs. MJ Dean
Hornet Returns! and much more!
7/14/97 Friday Night Fury Billy Starr vs. Jason Wylder
7/15/97 SuperPRIMETIME in San Antonio CSWA World:  GUNS vs. Troy Windham
Randalls vs. Godreign; Tyler vs. Hornet
7/19/97 Friday Night Fury Billy Starr vs. Shane Southern
3/6/1998 "From The Past...To The Present" The CSWA returns...and explains Merritt's return and the Red Midget's death!  Also includes the return press conference.

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Mark Windham vs. Troy Windham
UniTag:  Killer Instinct v. SWAT Team
Mike Randalls vs. JT Tyler
CSWA World:  GUNS vs. Hornet
4/30/1998 PRIMETIME in Puerto Rico Hornet vs. Troy Windham
5/13/1998 SuperPRIMETIME in Nashville Four-Way Tag for CSWA World:
Hornet/GUNS vs. Troy and Mark Windham
5/21/1998 SHOWTIME in Boston Hornet/Windham confrontation
5/25/98 PRIMETIME in San Diego Moral Majority vs. Radder/Corleone
  CSWA World Tournament Brackets Note:  Don't look if you don't want to know the winner! :)  This includes a full bracket with winners.
7/8/98 SuperPRIMETIME in Dallas CSWA World Tournament 1st Round
Joey Melton vs. Troy Windham
Aaron Douglas vs. Mark Vizzack
7/19/98 SuperPRIMETIME in Chicago CSWA World Tournament 2nd and 3rd Rounds
Hornet vs. Radder; Vizzack vs. Starr; Windham vs. Love and more!

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Greensboro Championship Tournament

These brackets include the entire listing of winners and losers in the round-robin tournament.
8/4/98 PRIMETIME in Vancouver Uni Tag:  SWAT Team vs. Disco Express
Beginning of the Greensboro Tournament
8/7/98 PRIMETIME in El Paso Hornet/Vizzack
  United States Tournament Brackets The brackets for the "Elite Eight" tournament that occured at FISH FUND XII.

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CSWA World Tournament FINAL FOUR

United States "Elite Eight" Tournament

Sunshine's Story

FISH FUND Park Explodes:  Red Midget and Timmy Windham are killed, Hornet injured

8/26/98 PRIMETIME in Norfolk Eli Flair vs. Eliminator
Joey Melton vs. Billy Starr
9/3/98 PRIMETIME in Seattle World:  Eddy Love vs. Joey Melton
US:  Kevin Powers vs. Preacher
Top Contenders:  Vizzack vs. Radder
11/21/98 Remembering Timmy CSWA World:  Eddy Love and Masked Man vs. Mark Vizzack and mystery partner
US:  Kevin Powers vs. Eli Flair
12/10/98 SuperPRIMETIME in Charleston World:  Eddy Love vs. Mark Vizzack
Steve Radder vs. Joey Melton
1/7/99 SHOWTIME in Greensboro  
1/11/99 PRIMETIME in Baltimore  
1/23/99 SuperPRIMETIME in Memphis  
1/24/99 ELVIS LIVES XI  
2/14/99 SHOWTIME in Kansas City  
2/18/99 PRIMETIME in Lincoln  
3/4/99 SHOWTIME in Reno  
4/10/99 PRIMETIME in Santa Fe  
4/23/99 SHOWTIME in San Antonio  
4/30/99 PRIMETIME in Orlando  
5/13/99 BATTLE of the BELTS 16  
5/28/99 PRIMETIME in Albany  
6/12/99 SHOWTIME in Long Island  
6/26/99 PRIMETIME in Tampa  
7/14/99 SHOWTIME in Atlanta  
7/20/99 CSWA 1998-99 Awards  
7/25/99 CSWA ANNIVERSARY 1999  
8/17/99 SuperPRIMETIME POOLJAM in Nassau  
9/11/99 SHOWTIME in Negril  
10/17/99 SuperPRIMETIME POOLJAM in Trinidad  
11/7/99 PRIMETIME POOLJAM in Kingstown  
11/14/99 PRIMETIME POOLJAM in Grand Cayman  
11/15/99 CSTV: First Edition  
11/30/99 SHOWTIME in Houston  
Dec. 1999 Thanksgiving Weekend Spectacular '99  
3/17/00 SHOWTIME in Philadelphia World:  Deacon vs. Kevin Powers
US:  Blade vs. Lawrence Stanley
4/23/00 PRIMETIME in Norfolk World:  Deacon vs. HaVoC
Gboro:  Wicked Sight vs. Steve Radder
6/19/00 PRIMETIME in Yakima World:  Deacon vs. Steve Radder
Gboro:  Wicked Sight vs. Hornet
Greensboro Contenders Battle Royal
7/20/00 Independence Day 2000: INDY2K World:  Deacon vs. Radder vs. Blade
Unified Tag:  Stairway to Hell match
8/14/00 PRIMETIME in Phoenix Top Contenders Match:  Kevin Powers vs. Steve Radder
Gboro:  Four Corners Strap Match (Mysterian vs. Sight)
9/10/00 SHOWTIME in Santa Fe Top Contenders Match:  Havoc/Tom Adler/Chris Petty vs. Blade/Aaron Douglas/Evan Aho (winning team gets individual title shots at ANNIVERSARY2K)
Presidential:  Alex Wylde vs. Cameron Cruise
  CSWA ANNIVERSARY2K Press Conference  
  CSWA ANNIVERSARY2K World:  Deacon vs. Mike Randalls
The Dark Carnival vs. Radder/Love
Formation of the ClaimStakers
11/2/00 PRIMETIME in Pensacola (partial file) World:  Deacon vs. Kevin Powers
Top Contenders: Eddy Love vs. Mike Randalls vs. Steve Radder
12/8/00 PRIMETIME in Mobile (partial file) ClaimStakers (Hornet/Flair) vs. The Playboys (Troy Windham/Love)
12/30/00 PRIMETIME in Little Rock (partial file) Wicked Sight vs. Evan Aho
Apocalypse vs. Steve Radder
Gboro:  Sky Suicide vs. Jean Rabesque
January 2001 ELVIS LIVES XII Press Conference Merritt announces IRONMAN of CHAMPIONS V and the Swimming Upstream 2000 Tour
January 2001 SHOWTIME in Birmingham IOC-V Round 1: Mike Randalls vs. Kevin Powers
Steve Radder vs. Lawrence Stanley
Eddy Love vs. Havoc
2/11/01 PRIMETIME in Paducah (partial file) ClaimStakers (Hornet/Flair) vs. The Playboys (Troy Windham/Love)
2/13/01 SHOWTIME in Louisville IOC-V Round 3
March 2001 SuperPRIMETIME in Knoxville IOC-V Round 4
April 2001? ELVIS LIVES XII Steve Radder wins IRONMAN of CHAMPIONS V
Presidential "Top Dog" Tournament?

Infamous 2001 server crash occurred around July 2001 -- a number of cards were unrecoverable, including cards between EL12 and Tacoma.
10/6/01 PRIMETIME in Tacoma Unified Tag:  Simply Stunning vs. The Professionals
Presidential:  Wicked Sight vs. Apocalypse
11/11/01 PRIMETIME in New Orleans CSWA World:  Steve Radder vs. Lawrence Stanley
"Town Hall Meeting": Cardigo, Kevin Powers, World Champion Steve Radder
ClaimStakers vs. Playboys and Lawrence Stanley
12/22/01 SHOWTIME in Dallas Hornet vs. Eli Flair
Top Contenders: Cardigo vs. Kevin Powers
Shane Southern/Evan Aho vs. The New Suicide Squad
12/26/01 PRIMETIME in St. Louis CSWA World:  Steve Radder vs. Evan Aho
Presidential:  XXXstasy vs. Cameron Cruise
Event History picks up on the Main Event page with CSWA ANNIVERSARY 2001.