CSWA SHOWTIME September 11, 1999 |
Eli Flair vs. Steve Radder |
V/O: The following program is presented by CS Enterprises, in association with U-62 Television...
(Fade to black)
RS (V/O): All his victories...
(FADEIN: ELVIS LIVES CELEBRATION IX: Disney Days, August 1995. The Eliminator vs. Johnny Tropic for the vacant CSWA IntraContinental Championship.)
BB: Eli has the match well in hand, it would seem... wait... Who is that?
SB: JIM WILLIAMS! Williams has climbed out from under the ring! Eli doesn't see him! Haha! His disciple, Johnny Tropic, is gonna get the gold!
BB: Eli doesn't see him, he's concentrated on Tropic! Williams has a chair! In the ring, Pee Wee Troutman is just coming around!
SB: Stay down another minute! Keep your face in the mat!
BB: NO! POISON IVY FROM BEHIND! SUPERKICK TO WILLIAMS' HEAD! Tropic is distracted, and Eli hits a DDT! It's gotta be over, Sammy!
BB: Eli rolls Tropic back into the ring... BELLY- TO- BACK SUPLEX! Pee Wee crawls over... ONE--- TWO--- THREE! THE ELIMINATOR IS THE NEW INTRACONTINENTAL CHAMPION!
SB: I can't believe it!
RS (V/O): And all his accomplishments...
(CUTTO: The Eliminator vs. Jack "Summer" Samson at PRIMETIME in Chapel Hill, the card immediately after Battle of the Belts XIV: Holy Smokes!, March 1996.)
SB: Eli's not doing much of anything now, wouldn't you say, Buckley?
BB: It would seem that this one is all but over. Samson has Eli set up for the SummerSlam. Valiant effort by the young Eliminator, but he was just out wrestled. It happened a few months ago, and Eli should be proud of how well he did against a top notch competitor.
SB: Spare me, he lost.
BB: Samson going for the SummerSlam... NO! ELI HOOKED HIS HEAD! ELI IS ON HIS FEET! INVERSE DDT! Samson is down... and Eli has a second wind, it looks like!
SB: I don't believe this...
BB: Eli picks up Samson's legs... and he's got it locked in! He's got the Eliminator locked in on Samson!
SB: I can't believe he did it... and the Feminazi has another title to her roster!
BB: SAMSON TAPS! SAMSON TAPS! The Eliminator is the NEW CSWA Presidential Champion!
RS (V/O): ... Have led him to this point.
(CUTTO: Eliminator vs. Kevin Powers vs. Eli Flair for the United States title, ELVIS LIVES XI: One More Time, 1/24/1999)
BB: Never mind... Eliminator is setting up Flair for what looks to be a SUPERPLEX... If he hits this, it's all over but the crying! He's all the way up... NO! Flair blocks it! He's hooked the top turnbuckle!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Flair just gave Eliminator a shove, and he falls FIFTEEN FEET to the floor... THROUGH A TABLE!!!!
RD: That's gonna ruin his day, but Eliminator is actually pulling himself to his feet!
BB: If Eliminator can climb to his feet THAT quickly after a shot like THAT... .can he be stopped?
RD: It looks like we're going to find out!
BB: ELI FLAIR LAUNCHES HIMSELF AT THE ELIMINATOR!!! OH MY GOODNESS! Eliminator's head bounced off of the guardrail! I think he's completely unconscious, but Flair doesn't look any better!
RD: All the while, Kevin Powers is beginning to stir! Flair and Eliminator BOTH aren't moving!
BB: Kevin Powers has returned to the ring... and Patrick Young has begun to count Eliminator and Flair!
RD: I think Powers has this match won.
BB: He may very well! But... WAIT! Eli Flair is beginning to stir! He's pulling himself to his feet!
RD: Young's count is at 5... he better hurry.
BB: He's made it to his knees... and he's on his feet! This capacity crowd is giving a standing ovation for these men already, and there hasn't been a declared winner yet!
RD: Count is at 8.. and Eliminator hasn't moved!
BB: 9... HE'S IN! Eli Flair is back in the ring, and you can see it in the eyes of these two men... they're impressed with each other... THERE THEY GO! They lock up, and are fighting for control! Powers with a knee to the midsection, and he sends Flair into the ropes! Off the other side, and he hits a clothesline! He picks Flair up again... and whips him again! Backdrop... NO! He telegraphed that move... KICK to the gut! DDT! Flair picks Powers up... KISS THE CANVAS! He his Powers with his own finisher! There's the cover, 1... ... ... ... .2... ... ... ... ..3! 3! WE HAVE A NEW UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
RD: He did it the old fashioned way, Buckley... got him with the 1-2-3!
RS (V/O): Now, a dream realized... What could possibly follow?
(CUTTO: Eli Flair vs. Hornet from ANNIVERSARY '99.)
Hornet: Juarez, I'm not gonna tell you again...I'm talking to my people...why don't you get on a boat and go talk to yours? No English, remember?
BB: This crowd is getting more agitated with their booing...and it looks like Juarez is too... he's fed up...and he just called for the bell!!!! I'm being told by timekeeper Bob McAfee that under five minutes are left on the clock for this one! Juarez has restarted this match... and Eli Flair rolls inside like lightning!!!!
Hornet: What the... .?
BB: ELI SCHOOLBOYS HORNET!!!!!!!! ONE... ... ... ... TWO... ... ... ... ... ... .NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hornet kicks out!!! He rolls through to his feet and he is FURIOUS!!! But Flair is on fire! He clotheslines Hornet...but the man who thought he was the five-time champ is up on his feet!!! They charge and double clothesline each other!!! Hornet is up first, and he goes to elbow Flair, but nobody's home! Flair tries to drop toe hold Hornet, but Hornet dodges and catches Eli with a forearm. Hornet with a brainbuster!
RM: Hornet's picking up where he left off.
BB: Hornet covers!!! ONE... ... ... TWO... ... ...NO! Eli kicks out!
RM: So, would this make him a SIX-time CSWA World Champ?
BB: Hornet irish whips Flair across... .flying dropkick...and he covers again! ONE... ... ...TWO... ...Eli kicks out again! Hornet turns Flair over and starts rubbing his face into the mat. He pulls Flair up, only to put him down with a quick DDT! He hooks the leg... ONE... ... ... ..TWO... ... .NO!!!!!
RM: Eli's trying to stay in this one!
BB: He is...but we're down to around three minutes left in this one. Hornet pulls Flair up and sends him into the corner one more time!!!! He charges in with the elbow, but nobody's home again!!! Flair grabs hold of Hornet and sends him all the way across the ring into the opposite corner... .where Poison Ivy nails him in the head with that cane!!!!!!
RM: What a shot!!!!
BB: I don't know if Juarez saw it or not... ..Hornet staggers out of the corner... .here comes Flair! INVERTED DDT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He drops Hornet like a ton of bricks!!! He hooks the leg! ONE... ... ... ... .. TWO... ... ... ... .THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ELI FLAIR HAS DONE IT!!! LOOK AT THAT MAN'S FACE...HE CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!
(CUTTO: Overlay of Eli Flair holding up the CSWA World Title, with "Iceman" Steve Radder superimposed on top...)
RS (V/O): What, indeed?
(Fade to black...)
![]() |
(The logo explodes in a thousand different
directions, melting into the thousands of fans onstage for the PRIMETIME POOLJAM
tour! CUTTO: Buckley, Benson, and the Red Midget at the broadcast position.
Buckley is in a white suit, Benson, a Hawaiian shirt, and Red, in his Mighty
Morphin' Midget's outfit...)
BB: HELLO NEGRIL! Welcome to the second stop on the POOLJAM tour! Welcome to CSWA SHOWTIME! We've got SIX superb matches for you tonight, THREE titles on the line! |
Of course, Lawrence Stanley is given his shot at the Greensboro Champion, Blade! Stanley pulled out that victory over Alex Wylde after Wylde was brutally attacked... but he DID get the nod! Hornet and Aaron Douglas are teaming to take on the Powers of Love for the UNIFIED Tag Team Titles, one of the only titles Hornet has never held, and, in the BIG ONE... "Total Elimination" Eli Flair makes his first title defense, against "Iceman" Steve Radder! | ![]() |
SB: That match is important, of course, but the REAL MAIN EVENT of the night will be Eddy Love putting the TEAM back into Powers of Love. And, Eddy has been granted some time to open the show, so I need to get into the ring!
RM: There goes a waste of space.
BB: I'd call you the same, but you don't take up a lot of it.
RM: You got THAT right. Hey... Wait a second...
(Cue Up; Led Zepp "Trampled Under Foot" through the curtain pops Hurricane Eddy Love, alone wearing a T-shirt that reads "And then There was EDDY". Love wades through the belligerent crowd who bombards him with cups and beer as he climbs in the ring, joining Sammy Benson.)
SB: Eddy you promised us a surprise tonight and I haven't been able to sleep, pass out yes, sleep no. So fill us in Eddy.
LOVE: Well first things first Sammy, we need to welcome these Eddy Love Lovers here in Negril and talk a little current events. On the way over my cab driver hit a dog on Main Street, if you can call it a Street, anyway so the cabby stops and we all get out and the dog's owner comes running over, and they had a little meeting. So I think we may have trouble, but my cabby turns and tells me I need to get another ride because the dog is more than the other man's family can eat and he's staying for dinner. What a country.
But you're right Sammy I do have a surprise for all you people and a surprise that will cinch my second title run as CSWA champion. You know Sammy I sent my baby to the Orient and she brought back a surprise for all this so called CSWA talent . Now I know some of you were around to watch this surprise turn me into a submission specialist in the old NWCI, to turn me into a fighting machine that rolled not only through Bob Burkevics division, but into a nearly year long undefeated streak in the greatest wrestling alliance in the history of our sport, of my sport..the CSWA. Now my Melissa is a strategic Genius and our run has been unbelievable without his expertise... but with this man I am no longer nearly unbeatable...I AM UNBEATABLE... So I give to the people of Negril, to the people at home tuning into our island paradise.. and to you Eli Flair...I present a man who knows over 700 submission holds, the inventor of the Suzuki arm bar, accompanied by my Sweet Melissa, I give you Hiro Suzuki.
(Through the curtain pop a 5'6" Chinese man wearing Chinese head band, Martial Arts outfit and Sweet Melissa in a Geisha garb. They approach the ring and Hiro makes several failed attempts to jump in the ring and finally gives up taking the stairs. He takes the mic.)
HS: Hiro Suzuki very grateful for kind words Eddy (Bows).. I have come back to this country to refresh the training of great American champion. I come to help my friends, to train my favorite student to make Eddy Rovesan champion once again. Eddy Rovesan very fast rearner. Eddy top student and with my training he have no probrem beating Eri Frair. Sank you Negril, sank you Eddy. (bows to crowd, then turns to Eddy and bows. Hands the mic back to Eddy.)
LOVE: You heard that Eri, er Eli, your run is coming to a screeching halt boy... you lay around in the back and say you called Eddy Love out first because you wanted to start with the ones making all the noise... well boy don't kid yourself into thinking you called out Hurricane Eddy to stop the noise 'cause the whole world knows you did it because you know it's not a title reign in my mind, it's not a championship tenure in the fans minds and even you wonder if you coulda ever been champ if you had to try Eddy Love on for size one on one. Well Flair this match will not be the one that validates your sorry title run, this is the match that puts the man who rightfully deserves that twenty pounds of gold around their waste back on top of our sport. If I didn't have to carry Powers' 300 plus pounds of dead weight around while I beat up that Damn Hornet if he shows, or whoever Thomas feeds to me tonight.. Then I'd come back there and show you EXTREME EDDY LOVE style right about now... ...
(HUGE pop as Eli Flair heads out of the backstage. Security is all around him, but he's pushing them out of the way. In the ring, Eddy looks confident...)
BB: Listen to the crowd! They want to see Eddy Love and Eli Flair mix it up again!
RM: Yeah... but will it happen?
(Flair reaches the ring and steps inside. Love motions for him to make a move, then he shoves Sammy at Flair and heads for the backstage...)
BB: There goes the next man to get a world title shot. I can't believe it.
SB: It's gonna happen, Buckley... Love wants that World Title back.
RM: He's gotta go through either Radder or Flair to do that, Benson, and they're both gonna show how tough they are tonight.
SB: Not bad, for half a dead man.
BB: Let's get to ringside. Ricky Worthington is already in the ring, awaiting The Crippler.
"The Crippler" Cameron Cruise vs. Ricky Worthington |
RJ: This contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit. Currently in the ring, weighing 230 pounds... RICKY WORTHINGTON!
(Cue Up: "Don't Tread on Me" - Metallica...)
BB: The Crippler has undergone a "makeover" of sorts in his absence from the CSWA.
SB: And he's got a new manager with a set of perky hooters!
BB: Stop it, Sammy.
RJ: His opponent... coming down the aisle with his manager, Mercades Devon... from Sacramento, California, and weighing in at 227 pounds... "The Crippler" CAMERON CRUISE!!!
BB: Cruise looks to be in GREAT shape, let's see if there's any rust in his style.
RM: There's bound to be, Bill. There's only so much you can do by training. It takes WRESTLING to remove the rust.
BB: They circle... and Cruise with a knee to the chest! Worthington is down already! Cruise picks him up and PLANTS him with a bodyslam!
SB: No rust, sure, but Worthington is hardly a man to polish up with.
RM: You're right. For once.
BB: Cruise sets Worthington up one more time, and TAKES HIM DOWN with a DDT! This can't last much longer.
RM: You're right. Cruise is signaling that it's time to end it.
BB: Cruise has Worthington up... CRIPPLING PLUNGE! There's the cover, 1... ... ...2... ... ... .3! Cameron Cruise returns to his winning ways with a decisive victory over Ricky Worthington.
SB: Like that's something to brag about.
BB: Stop it, Sammy. Ya gotta start somewhere, you know?
RM: Sammy knows how to start. But look at his gut - he doesn't know where to FINISH.
SB: You snotty little midget.
BB: Stop it. Up next, we've got Pyro, in his redebut against MaxXx, in HIS redebut. He wrestled here a few months ago under the name "Guerilla," remember?
RM: No.
SB: That was when you were dead.
RM: I'm not gonna tell you again, Sammy.
BB: Neither am I.
Pyro vs. MaxXx |
(Cue Up: "Highway to Hell" - AC/DC)
RJ: This contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first...
BB: Here comes Pyro. Man, he's cocky.
SB: RIGHT BEHIND HIM IS MAXXX! MaxXx levels Pyro with a clothesline from behind! Referee Manny Juarez is calling for Rhubarb to ring the bell! We've got a brawl already, as Manny starts the count! Jeez, this kid looks like fun.
BB: MaxXx sends Pyro into the ring, at last, and follows in himself. NO! Pyro with a boot to the head! He picks MaxXx up and sends him into the ropes! POWERSLAM! The cover, 1... ...2...NO! Barely got a two count!
RM: MaxXx is a tough one.
SB: Ya think?
RM: More than you, Sammy.
BB: Pyro with a sleeper on MaxXx... He's not going down! NO! MaxXx grabbed Pyro by the head and dropped down with a chinbuster! Pyro is holding his jaw!
SB: He swallowed...
BB: MaxXx picks Pyro up... POWERBOMB! He sets him up one more time... GERMAN SUPLEX! Juarez makes the count, 1... ... ... 2... ... ... .3! MaxXx gets a decisive victory here, and we're well on our way to a memorable night here at Negril!
BB (V/O): You've heard the history, now SEE THE LEGENDS! For the first time ever, the CSWA is proud to honor HORNET in the first of a "LEGENDS of the CSWA" collector's item!
(Fade in on a tape with Hornet, sans face paint, on the front, holding up the UNIFIED Title.)
From his classic matches against Wall, to his bitter feud with Mike Randalls, to the ultimate confrontation against GUNS, literally ALL of Hornet's best and brightest moments are highlighted in this three hour extravaganza, hosted by Rudy Seitzer and featuring clips of a VERY in- depth interview with Hornet, where he comments on GUNS, CS Enterprises, the Windham family, and even his personal life!
(The CSWA Hotline flashes across the screen)
Call now, at 1-800-THE-CSWA to reserve your copy today! Only $19.95!
(Cut to: The broadcasters)
BB: He's been very few people's hero lately, but Hornet has certainly earned the title "Legend" in the CSWA.
SB: Bugbrain. Forever.
RM: And you're an idiot. Like always.
BB: Can't you two be civil?
SB: You mean one and a half.
RM: Your gut makes you one and a half on your OWN.
SB: You're still only half.
(Suddenly... the lights cut off... CUE UP: 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath... The fans come to their feet and look towards the curtain...)
BB: What is going on HERE?
(There is a small explosion of gold pyro and Havoc appears in the haze. He's wearing a black t-shirt with the words "Do the Evolution" emblazoned across... He slowly walks towards the ring...)
SB: Is this punk wrestling tonight?
BB: Uh... it's not on MY format...
SB: Oh great... He's got a microphone...
(Havoc stands in the ring... a smile crosses his face...)
Havoc: Now, I know I'm not on the card tonight... And I probably should be in the back with everyone else... watching the show... But tonight... I'm going to take this opportunity to speak to ONE man... because I KNOW he's watching this... Randy Harders...
(There is a mixed reaction from the crowd...)
Havoc: You and I have had a very heated war of words recently... But I'm not quite sure you're taking me seriouly enough... I'm not confident that you percieve me as the threat I am... Well, let's just clear THAT
up... RIGHT NOW. See... while YOU may feel the need to embelish the exploits of your career with... exaggeration. *I* choose to stand by my career with cold... HARD... facts. Here's one for you, Randy... I've
gotten a hell of a lot better since the last time we danced. I'm faster... sharper... and focused. Your main probem Randy? You let your ego DRIVE you. You let it take control... even more so than ever before.
But I'm going to tell you something... in Trinidad you can park your ego at the door or I can pound the living (BEEP) out of it... Your choice...
(The crowd erupts as Havoc rolls under the bottom rope and walks backstage...)
RM: Sammy, he's got as much mental capacity as you do.
SB: But my brain is bigger than yours, short stuff.
BB: Knock it off. I'm tired of listening to you two bicker. We DO have another match here tonight.
RM: Yeah, but Sammy's taking up all the camera room.
BB: Why do I bother...
Deacon vs. Jesse Solomon |
RJ: This contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first... weighing in at 197 pounds... This is... JESSE SOLOMON!
(Cue Up: "Fallin' Down"- Goo Goo Dolls.)
BB: Mixed reaction for Solomon. He's a good athlete who can get the job done, but he's hardly Dudley Dooright. And a lot of people think Solomon is the sole reason that Deacon didn't walk out of Anniversary with the CSWA World Title.
SB: That, and he's a Mute Freak.
RM: Stop it, Sammy.
BB: Thank you, Lyle.
RJ: AND HIS OPPONENT...Accompanied to the ring by Shepherd... weighing in at 337 pounds... THIS IS DEACON!
BB: Solomon hightails it across the ring as he realizes that that 'turnbuckle' was Deacon! You can feel the excitement in the air, can't you, Sammy?
SB: I thought it was mosquitos.
RM: Bill, may I?
BB: Please.
(Red smacks Sammy across the back of the head.)
SB: OW! What was that for?
BB: Because Deacon has climbed in the ring... and it looks like this match is ready to go! Pee Wee Reese has his hands full with this one!
RM: Deacon calls for a test of strength... and this is one that Solomon can't win! Deacon has nearly a foot, plus over a hundred pounds of advantage!
BB: HE TOOK IT! Solomon is on his knees! You have to admire the spunk of this kid, but at the same time, question his game plan of trying to match POWER with the Deacon.
RM: That's like trying to match weight with Sammy.
SB: You little... no.
BB: I never thought I'd see it, restraint by Sammy Benson. Solomon comes over the top rope with a tope, but Deacon dives out of the way, and Solomon takes a faceful of steel from the metal barricade! He could be out!
SB: I doubt it. I think he practices it that way.
BB: The man who cost Deacon the IRONMAN is pulled to his feet by Deacon, who whips him back into the barricade. Deacon once again has hold of Solomon, and this time whips him back-first into the ring apron!
SB: He's swinging Solomon around like a rag doll.
BB: And now he unceremoniously dumps Solomon back into the ring. Deacon climbs in and drops the elbow, keeping the young man on the mat. Deacon hooks in a camel clutch, sitting down hard on the back of Solomon and pulling on his neck.
RM: That's a move that'll make you wanna say "I give." It pulls on the back, the neck, every muscle in the upper body.
SB: And how would you know?
RM: I *was* a wrestler, after all. The only one I know of at this table, in fact.
SB: You're also the only midget at this table...what's your point?
BB: Solomon is stretching for that bottom rope, and with every stretch he moves a little closer, but Deacon is able to maintain his vertical base enough to keep him from getting those fingertips to the edge.
RM: Deacon is fighting hard to try and keep the camel clutch locked on, as well as to keep Solomon away from the ropes.
BB: But it looks to be a losing battle, as Solomon comes within a couple of inches. Deacon lets up on the camel clutch, and tries a new tactic, pulling Solomon up and irish whipping him across the ring. Solomon comes off with a flying crossbody, catching Deacon, who was trying to set up for a clothesline!!!
RM: Those are Solomon's strengths, that quickness and explosiveness.
SB: Is that God's Protege on the walkway?
RM: Sure looks like him...what's he doing here?
BB: It looks like he's taking a walk down to ringside. Deacon gets nailed and once again, he gets dumped outside!!! Solomon comes through the ropes with an attempt at a baseball slide, but he's grabbed by Deacon! Deacon whips him once again into the barricade, and Solomon goes over it, into the crowd!!!! Deacon turns back, he's ready to head back inside.
SB: The Book of Solomon's gotta have a trick up his sleeve here.
BB: Solomon is up...he's launched himself from the top of the barricade, and he hits Deacon in the back with a modified version of a torpedo dropkick!!! Deacon just got run into the apron and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. At the very least, he just had the air knocked out of him. And he lands at the feet of God's Protege, who simply makes eye contact with Deacon, and then walks back toward the ramp!
RM: And Solomon is capitalizing... he could be moving up a LOT faster than we thought if he can pull it out against Deacon.
BB: Solomon rolls Deacon back into the ring. Solomon jumps to the middle of the top rope, and comes down on Deacon with a rollover. That'll buy the youngster enough time to go upstairs. He comes off... MOONSAULT! He covers! 1... ... ... ...2... ... ... ... NO! Deacon gets the leg up somehow! Solomon can't believe it! He comes off the ropes and catches the downed Deacon with a leg drop, and he's gonna go up again!
RM: One reverse moonsault, coming up.
BB: That's indeed what he's going for. He jumps... but Deacon sees him coming!!! He catches him and PLANTS him on the canvas! Solomon rolls to the outside but Deacon is following! Patrick Young starts to count, but Solomon looks like he's had enough! He's heading out of here!
RM: No he's not!
SB: It's Son Of Mute Freak!
BB: Shepherd is blocking Solomon's way... and he gets a hard shove! NO! Deacon spins Solomon around! Kick to the stomach! ALTAR CALL! ALTAR CALL ON THE FLOOR! Deacon rolls Jesse back into the ring... 1... ... ... ...2... ... ... ...3! Deacon gets a difficult win here tonight!
RM: That could've gone either way... I think Solomon realized a little too late that he had started something with Deacon that he would live to regret.
BB: Even with the beating he took, Solomon is slowly getting up. He showed us a LOT tonight. Wait a second, as Jesse Solomon tried to get up, he just fell back down onto the canvas. Deacon steps over to see if the young man is alright...Solomon gets back up to his knees and pushes Deacon away...but he's down again. Deacon is calling for the paramedics.
SB: Oh great, the Mute Freak has killed another one.
RM: If only it could be you.
BB: This is no laughing matter, fans...let's hope this is no more than a stinger. The paramedics are on their way out.....we'll be back with an update after this commercial.
BB: We don't have an update on Jesse Solomon's condition yet. If we're not able to get one tonight, be sure to check the CS TRIBUNE online for up-to-date news. Before we go to our next match, I've been told that Matt Dexter has some comments. Let's send it down to Rudy Seitzer.
(Matt Dexter limps from the dressing room as "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward plays. He joins Rudy Seitzer on the top of the ramp.)
RS: Well, Matt, you've asked for some time...and the powers-that-be in the CSWA have granted it. The floor is yours. And I know all the fans want an answer about this 'masked man' issue....first he attacks Mark Vizzack and others...and then the rumor is that he's with you....
MATT DEXTER: Well, it seems as if I need to come out here and address a few things that people have been speculating on here in the CSWA. First of all, I AM going to find out who took that handheld footage of me in the dressing room with this so called Mystery Man that has been attacking people. As you can see, I am also injured thanks to that man.
(Camera takes a look at the really poor wrap job done on his "injured" knee)
DEXTER: Now, as for my involvement in this whole thing. I don't know who this Masked Man is or why he has been attacking all the people I have grudges with, but hey, you know, I'll take the help any way I can get it!! But if this Masked Man decides he has to attack me and then frame me in front of the World, I think he should get his *BLEEP* out here right now, and I will teach him a thing or ----
("Back in Black" by AC/DC plays over the PA system; The Masked Man makes his way from behind the curtain, lead pipe in hand. Dexter has a terrified look on his face as this huge man makes his way towards Dexter.)
DEXTER: Woah, woah, WOAH! Big man, I DID NOT invite you to come out here, so just turn your black *BLEEP* around and get out of my sight.
MASKED MAN: Dexter, you stupid SOB. Why don't you just admit to the world that this is all an act, and that you are behind the entire thing??? Have you forgotten about this??
(Partial footage is shown once again of the handheld video of Masked Man and Dexter in the locker room in Nassau)
DEXTER: Well, ok. You're right, but you know what. I'm not going down in flames. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, my partner in crime, the incomparable man in the mask, LANCE RICHARDS!!!! He's not dancin' or Big Lancie Cool. He's Lance Richards aka "The Destroyer" He is 6'6" - 385 lbs. of people destroyer!!!!!!!!!
RICHARDS: I am here in the CSWA to protect Dexter, and boys, if you want a piece of him, you have to get thru me first!! Vizzack, if you want a piece of me, bring it on. Stanley, you English piece of *BLEEP*, I am not above breaking your neck, so bring it on. (DEXTER Echoes: Yeah bring it)
DEXTER: The THRILL KILL CULT is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CSWA, look out!!! We are mowing through everyone!! And if you feel lucky, step up for the challenge!!!!!
(Cue Up New Theme Music: "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails as "The Thrill Kill Cult" exits.)
RS: Well, Bill, there's not much to say about that....let's send it back up to you.
BB: Up next we've got a special match, as "The English Gentleman" Lawrence Stanley goes up against BLADE for the Greensboro Title. Stanley was the co-winner of a Battle Royal a few weeks ago, and then, he managed to come out with the victory against Alex Wylde in the rematch. Tonight, he gets his first shot at CSWA gold.
(Cue Up: "God Save the Queen")
RJ: This contest is scheduled for ONE FALL, with a sixty minute time limit... and it is for the CSWA Greensboro Championship! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Lord Alfred, is the challenger. From London, England... weighing in at 320 pounds... "THE ENGLISH GENTLEMAN" LAWRENCE STANLEY!!!
BB: Look at this man. He is the personification of arrogance. He has no respect for these fans, OR, I think, for his opponent, Blade.
RM: Can you blame him? Most of these people actually look and SMELL worse than Sammy does.
SB: That a fact, shorty? You can't even decide if you're alive or dead!
(Red kicks Sammy in the shins, Sammy fights back. In the ring, Stanley and Alfred are looking at them with equal parts contempt and pity...)
BB: I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! You two... You've gotten on my nerves SO many times since Anniversary, and I've only seen you at events! Will you knock it off before I backhand BOTH of you?
SB: Jeez, Buckley... pop a blood vessel or two.
RM: You did it, fat man.
(They go at it again.)
BB: THAT's IT! Both of you... OUT.
SB: But he...
BB: Sammy, Lyle... leave my broadcast table. Now.
SB: You don't have the authority.
(Buckley stands...)
BB: So tell Thomas to fire me.
VOICE: No, I don't think that'll be a problem.
(They all turn to see CSWA BOD member Sunshine Del Payne standing there, attired in a black tank top, black sweater, and black miniskirt...)
SB: Nice to see you, Ms. Del Payne.
SDP: Mr. Benson, Mr. Tallman... I think you two need to leave the ringside area.
RM: What did I do?
SDP: NOW. We don't need any more fines from the FCC.
(Red and Sammy hesitate, then get up and leave down the aisle, shoving each other the whole way there.)
BB: I assume you're their replacement?
SDP: I can hardly take the place of THOSE two, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
BB: Charmed, as always, Ms. Del Payne.
(Cue Up: "Du Hast" - Rammestein)
RJ: AND HIS OPPONENT... from White Sands, New Mexico... weighing in at 266 pounds... The CSWA GREENSBORO CHAMPION... BLADE!
SDP: Blade not wasting any time... he's RUNNING from the curtain to the ring!
BB: What is... He's got Brass Knuckles in his hand! And a length of chain!
SDP: Oh my... oh...
BB: BLADE HAS BLINDSIDED LAWRENCE STANLEY! He's got that chain around his neck and he's choking the English Gent out! Manny Juarez attempts to get some order in the ring... BLADE WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES! Juarez is out!
SDP: It seems this match is over before it starts.
BB: Blade has Stanley set up now... and he pulls a chair into the ring! GUILLOTINE BLADE ON THE CHAIR! Stanley might be hurt. And hurt badly. Sunshine, this seems to be a general motif for the English Gent.
SDP: He brings it on himself, Bill. He always talks about being the best. Well, when you do that, you incite others to prove you wrong. I don't wish him badly, but I don't think he's treated the rest of the CSWA with the esteem they deserve.
BB: You may have a point, Sunshine. Blade obviously wanted to send a message home to Lawrence Stanley, and he did... in a most violent way. Fans, this is the POOLJAM tour you're currently watching, but coming up soon... FISH FUND XIII!
(Cut To: "FISH FUND" logo...)
BB(V/O): For eleven years, the integrity of the CSWA has revolved around one thing...
(Fade in on a very fat woman, 300 pounds easy.)
Making women look better. And nothing has ever exemplified that more than the FISH FUND telethon! Coming at you annually from the newly- upgraded FISH FUND PARK ARENA, it has featured the CSWA at its best!
(Scene dissolves into the fat woman, now fashion-model looking.)
And don't think for a minute that thirteen is an unlucky number... The arena has ALREADY been blown up once...or twice... nothing else could be worse.
(Cut to: Buckley and Sunshine at the broadcast table.)
BB: The Main Event for FISH FUND has yet to be announced, but you can bet that the CSWA Front office is going to do their best to top ANNIVERSARY. But can it be done? Can we have a Main Event so great that it supercedes Eli Flair's IOC victory?
SDP: I guess the only way to see is to SEE it.
BB: And we've got something to SEE coming up next!
SDP: I liked your segue.
BB: You need to come out here more often... But before we head to the Unified Tag Team match...we've got yet another interview scheduled with the man who has become *very* popular in the CSWA locker room. Let's head back down to the man who loves to be abused, Rudy Seitzer.
RS: Fans, at this time, it's my....pleasure....to bring out, ALEX WYLDE!
(Wylde walks out to the top of the rampway. He's wearing swim shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, flip-flops, a T-shirt and sunglasses)
RS: Well, Alex, I think it's safe to safe that you've raised some eyebrows around here....
(He stops as Wylde grabs the mic)
Wylde: Well...I guess it's become fairly obvious who really is the star around here. A-Wyd's only been around for a month...and already the former stars of the CSWA are banging down my cabin door with all kinds of threats and insults. It's no surprise that men with such egos wouldn't be able to handle the emergence of a completely superior natural talent and wrestler. And it's no surprise that they wouldn't be afraid when I announce my intentions to clean out the hall of records, and replace it with the stories of a new generation. They hear this...and respond with threats and fear...NOT because I'm just another moron who snuck in the back door, but because each and every one of them ALREADY know deep down...that I really AM capable of doing it.
So Deacon, Shepherd, Steve Radder, Blade, Eddy Love...everyone and their mother would like nothing more than to shut the Wild Thing's mouth. And while I can and will take each of them on in the ring and beat them...even I will need something extra to combat the hordes of people that would attempt to attack me and-or end my career while I am dealing with them on a one-to-one basis. And so...The Human Angle Machine...never to be out-plotted...has a plan to insure that there will be no interrupting my climb to greatness...a plan that will seal my iron grip on the balls of the CSWA's future...and it is a fantastic plan, indeed. And fans, you can catch it unfolding live...on CSTV...when the Alex Wylde Show continues.
(Wylde exits....Seitzer is left without a microphone...and so, Buckley takes over)
BB: Ya know....I hate to say it...but that guy even annoys me. Folks, let's head to the ring.
Powers of Love vs. |
RJ: This contest is a tag team matchup, scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit. It is also... for the UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!
(Cue Up: "All Star" - Smash Mouth)
Introducing first, are the challengers! At a total combined weight of 490 pounds... "Hot Stuff" Aaron Douglas... and....... HORNET!
BB: Listen to this crowd. They do NOT like Hornet and Douglas.
SDP: They've done precious little to win the admiration of wrestler and fan alike. Maybe the branding iron incident has something to do with it?
BB: Both of these men, in fact, have had altercations with former World Champion Mark Vizzack in the past, neither of which ended positively for them. Hornet may have defeated Vizzack for the CSWA World Title back in San Antonio, but it's been more or less downhill since there. Aaron Douglas was defeated by Vizzack way back in the first round of the CSWA World Heavyweight Tournament last summer, and went on to become a two- time Greensboro Champion. They've got a strange partnership... but they've got the chance for the Tag Team belts tonight, the only belt Hornet has never held here!
RJ: And their opponents...
(Cue Up: "The Power of Love" - Huey Louis and the News)
At a total combined weight of 558 pounds, and accompanied to the ring by Sweet Melissa... The UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!! "Hurricane" Eddy... "Good God" Kevin... THE POWERS OF LOVE!
SDP: They're getting a pretty good response, Bill. The people are really sympathizing with Mr. Powers about Susan and Gina. I wish he could be happy again.
BB: That's pretty noble considering your past with them.
SDP: Bill... whatever happened between us, nobody deserves to be in the capture of the Unholy.
BB: I agree... wait. Someone is coming to ringside. Who is that?
SDP: That's the Peacekeeper. I saw him off by himself backstage. He didn't have anything to say to anyone.
BB: And he doesn't have anything to say right now... He's simply standing at ringside. I wonder what he plans to do and who, if ANYONE, he wants to say something to.
SDP: We'll have to wait. Mr. Douglas and Mr. Powers are starting off.
BB: Powers locks up with Douglas... and the smaller Douglas is shoved into the corner! Powers has been a man possessed lately, with his... troubles.
SDP: That's certainly no excuse for what Mr. Love has been putting him through... but he's not even paying attention to the match!
BB: Love is playing to the crowd as Kevin Powers locks an armbar on the former Greensboro Champion! Douglas is in pain, but he's not giving in! A thumb to the eyes and Douglas reaches for the tag!
SDP: Hornet looks like he's not too happy about being in there. He's not too happy about being in the BUILDING, it seems to me.
BB: Nonetheless, Hornet is now in, and he immediately sends Powers to the mat with a dropkick! And another! Hornet has certainly lost none of his ring skills in the past eleven years, and I think he's gotten a far bit better. He picks Powers up with a side headlock... NO! Powers sends Hornet to the mat with a side suplex! Powers now pulling the former champion back to his feet... EUROPEAN UPPERCUT! Hornet is backed into the corner! Powers attacking him with knees to the midsection! Ben Worthington finally puts a count on him!
SDP: Hornet would be doing the same thing if their positions were reversed, you know.
BB: I know. But that's a sad fact of the state of the CSWA today. There are almost no heroes left.
SDP: Things will get better. They HAVE to.
BB: I hope you're right. Hornet and Powers lock up once more, and Powers sends Hornet into the ropes! Off the side... and an elbow sends Hornet to the mat! There's the cover, 1... ... ...2... ... ..NO! Hornet kicks out. He's a lot tougher than that. Powers picks Hornet up... and an armbar! He reaches for the tag, and here comes Eddy Love, VERY nonchalantly!
SDP: He could cost them the match if he doesn't take Hornet seriously.
BB: Love with the armbar, and a smack to Hornet's face! Ben Worthington is admonishing him for that one! Love doesn't even bat an eye as he grinds into the arm! And an armdrag takedown! He's got Hornet on the mat, and he's slapping away at his face!
SDP: They both have some unfinished business with each other, don't you think?
BB: Hornet with a thumb to the eye! He's really working it in there, and Worthington will call for the break!
SB: Hey Cloudy! Outta my seat!
BB: Where did YOU come from?
SB: They got the idea that Red was having a psychotic episode, so they took him to medical and told me to get back out here.
BB: You called her Cloudy, didn't you?
SB: Yeah? So?
SDP: So... your contract is currently under scrutiny by the Board of Directors, verifying that Commissioner Merritt's signature is legally binding.
SB: Ms. Del Payne... you've done a wonderful job out here. May I resume my broadcast position?
SDP: It would be my pleasure, Mr. Benson.
BB: Eddy and Hornet lock up again, and Hornet sends Eddy into the ropes! Worthington calls for the break... NO! Hornet with a slap to the face! He's being admonished, but that's simply reaction to Love's actions earlier in the match!
SB: Look! Cloudy's been stopped by Douglas!
BB: Aaron Douglas is preventing Sunshine Del Payne from returning to the backstage area. They had a run-in last summer when "Daredevil" Mark Vizzack defeated Douglas in the first round of the CSWA World Championship Tournament.
SB: Love with a quick slam on Hornet!
SB: Who's calling the action here?
BB: Me.
SB: So act like it, you big lush!
BB: ... Right. Love with a slam on Hornet, and he sets him up for a backbreaker! NO! Hornet rakes the eyes! Love drops him, and Hornet with a drop toe hold! He gets Love into a side headlock, and he's grinding that thing DOWN!
SB: Eddy is trying to power out! COME ON, EDDY! COME ON!!!
BB: Biased?
SB: Not at all.
BB: Love is to his knees... and an elbow to Hornet's chest! He's to his feet... and he's trying to power out! NO! Hornet gave a yank of the hair, and Eddy's back to the headlock! Hornet sends Eddy into the ropes, reverse neckbreaker! Eddy goes down hard, clutching his head! Hornet grabs the legs....he's gonna go for the Scorpion now!!! But wait....as the fans react, Hornet drops the legs and tags Douglas in! Douglas drops an elbow on Love, and follows with another! WAIT! Hornet is... leaving the ring?
SB: Bugbrain has left the building!
BB: Sammy! Aaron Douglas is alone against the Powers of Love and he doesn't even know it. He pulls Love to his feet and sends him to the ropes, but Love ducks the clothesline!!! Flying crossbody by Love sends Douglas flying into his corner! He reaches for the tag... NOBODY HOME!
BB: Douglas is in shock! He's looking all over for Hornet....but the former "Greatest American Hero" isn't even there for his new tag team partner! Eddy pulls him out and sets him up! HURRICANE PILEDRIVER! The cover... NO! Eddy's playing to the crowd!
SB: Of course! They love him!
BB: But he's wasting time! He finally goes to cover... 1... ... ... 2... ... ... ... 3!NO! Douglas got his foot on the bottom rope! Powers is angry! He's in there, and he's in Eddy's face!
SB: Leave Eddy alone!
BB: Douglas is trying to get up... and Eddy has left the ring! Powers sets Douglas up... KISS THE CANVAS! The cover......1... ... ... ... ..2... ... ... ... ... ...3! NO!!! Douglas got the foot on the ropes again!!!! Powers can't believe it, and he starts laying into Douglas. Now what's happening!?
SB: Well, well, the prodigal son has returned.
BB: BILLY STARR hits the ring and pulls Powers off of Douglas!!! He dares Powers to come after him, but Powers stays in the corner as the referee calls for the bell! Starr helps Douglas to his feet...and it looks like he's explaining to Aaron what just happened.
(A voice comes across the PA system, as the camera finally flips back to the Peacekeeper.)
PEACEKEEPER: You think this was bad? Wait around a while.
BB: That was brief... and he's off to the backstage. What did he mean?
SB: Who knows.
BB: Powers is maintaining his distance in the corner, as Starr helps Douglas outside. This is bizarre.... we knew Powers and Love had problems....but Aaron Douglas has been helping Hornet for months, especially against Mark Vizzack. And we know that Starr returned to help the former CSWA Champ out as well.... and now Hornet has bailed???
[Powers points to one of the ring attendants and calls for a microphone in which she quickly gives to him.]
KP: Where is he? Where's my 'tag team partner' who decided to take a walk during the match? Come on Eddy...it's time to settle this once and for all! I'm not leaving till you get out here.
(The crowd begins to chant....finally, Eddy Love emerges on the walkway.)
Well very impressive Eddy. We got another win. NOT YOU, but we. That's what makes us a tag team. You know, as I start to think about this team, I think about to those words you spewed out at the last card. Sure I was out doing my thing for my personal gain and the CSWA. You know visiting Gina and making sure that all was set to go for our match. And you did your thing like cruise on the boat and take a trip to China and studied the mirror again and again. Anyways that first one you mentioned. You know the one where Sammy comes in and does the three count while you pin me just like that. That was kinda funny. Hell I was laughing for the longest time.
[Powers then moves over towards the announcer's table. And points at Benson.]
KP: And don't you eye-ball me boy! I've heard all those comments you said about me and I didn't enjoy not a one! You wanna stay in one piece then you better keep your big fat trap shut otherwise I'll slap the beer taste right out of your mouth!
[Powers turns back around.]
KP: Then I thought about that second one. You know where I face you for the belts. Now remember back in history when you beat me for the first time. It was close wasn't it? About the best match of the night if not all of the tourney. You got the upper hand and became World Champ later on down the road. At the same time I managed to pick up the US title and I was happy. Sure you bragged about your title every chance you got, but you could cause you won it. Later on down the line we faced off again at Anniversary. You know. That place where I returned the favor and I beat you? You remember that right? Now sure you kept bragging up to Anniversary how you was gonna get the title back and how no one in the tourney could beat you, but something happened. You developed one HELL of a losing streak that night didn't you? Now here's the difference I'm trying to make obvious. When you beat me I took the loss in stride, but when I beat you it was a different story. You just couldn't take it! You cried and whined to Sammy or anyone else that would pay attention to you. And even then you bragged about the title you used to own. What am I trying to say? Quite simply I don't wanna hear your crying when I beat you AGAIN... so I'm not picking this match!
Now as for that last offer...where you find someone and I find someone and we go at it for the belts. Did you think of that all by yourself cause that's actually a good idea! Now I know, you being a singles wrestler and all, will have a difficult time finding someone cause let's face it. Everyone hates you here Primadonna. I mean you would have to find someone that you could depend on and at the same time they would have to depend on you. You would have their back at anytime and vice versa. You would have to be a TEAM PLAYER, but everyone knows that you are just a solo fighter. So have fun finding your partner cause I can find mine no problem. I know someone who is a team player and who will back me up in my need and vice versa. So yeah Eddy! I'm gonna choose the third one. And when the CSWA picks the place where we gotta throw down make sure you understand one thing. That at that match when all is said and done. One thing will be certain. It will be TWICE that I kicked your (bleep)!
SB: I can't believe what that ingrate just said!
(Love gestures to a nearby CSWA crew member for a microphone. He gets one and begins to respond to Powers.)
BB: What are you... UNHOLY! THE UNHOLY IS IN THE HOUSE! Blade and Pat Black jump Eddy!
SB: Why isn't Powers helping???
BB: He's making his move now! NO! He just caught sight of Apocalypse in the aisle! Apocalypse points to the crowd!
SB: SUSAN! He's pointing at Susan and Miso!
BB: Apocalypse is coming to the ring now! He's telling Powers, I believe, that if he does anything, Susan will be hurt! Apoc is in the ring now... and Powers looks defeated!
SB: He is now! Seventh Seal on Kevin Powers!
(Camera cuts to the backstage, shaky footage from the other side of a door. Voices can be heard from the inside...)
Preacher: I know we've had our differences lately and I know that Love has been a thorn in your side and a detractor from your message, but this is different. If you let these guys by with this on Love then tommorrow it could be me or you. With or without you, I can't stand by.
(Preacher leaves the room as the Deacon begins to follow. Shepherd grabs Deacon's arm to stop his exit. The Deacon mumbles something inaudible to our cameras and Chris answers.)
SHEPHERD: The right thing to do?... be careful my friend.
(Cut to: The ringside.)
BB: What the... That was Deacon and Preacher! What's going on?
BB: Deacon and Preacher, the Moral Majority, are in the ring, apparently... to save Eddy Love? Blade and Apocalypse have Love spread out... NO! Pat Black was going to come at him with a chair, but Preacher got in the way! Preacher took a chair shot to the HEAD! He's down! Deacon is trading blows with Dante Inferno!
SB: Wait... Apocalypse is calling them off? Powers is leaving through the crowd... he doesn't want to help Eddy?
BB: DEACON is helping Eddy Love to his feet! Love backs away... and he gives a nod to Deacon? What gives?
SB: I don't know, Buckley... but when it involves the Unholy and the Mute Freak... it can't be good.
BB: This has been an incredible night so far, ladies and gentlemen... and the MAIN EVENT is just the same. We have for you, borrowed footage from the Multinational Wrestling Corporation... of Eli Flair vs. Steve Radder from an event last Spring... and its' just a taste of what's to follow.
(CUT TO: Footage from the MWC "Domination" Pay Per View. Eli Flair vs. Steve Radder in a MEGACAGE match for the vacant EXTREME Title...)
JS: These two men have gone through hell and back so far in this tournament, and they're staring each other down as we speak! Radder still has a hold of that chair! THERE THEY GO! Radder flies at Eli with the chair, but he ducks! Drop toe hold, and Radder lands face first on the chair he brought into the cage!
IVY: He'll get up.
JS: Radder does indeed get up, as he tosses the chair outside and locks up with Flair! Flair, having the height, weight, AND strength advantage, sends Radder into the corner! He's got the Iceman by the throat, and he's chokeslammed out of the corner!
IVY: I thought this match would be a bit longer. But, Eli's setting up a table on the outside, so it looks like the KING of EXTREME is wrapping things up.
JS: Wait... Flair is setting YET ANOTHER TABLE up, on top of the last one! He picks Radder up... and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex, and sets him up on the table!
K: No...
JS: Flair to the top rope... SPLASH! Both men crash through two.. count 'em.. TWO tables, and hit the floor! Remember, this is falls count anywhere! The referee makes the count..
IVY: One, two, three.
JS: NO! NO! Radder kicked out!
(a few minutes later)
S: Radder hooked Eli's head, and countered with a DDT! He's got a hold of that chair again, and he's climbing the outside of the cage!
K: NO! It's gonna collapse on him!
IVY: Relax, kiddo. A section of the cage got knocked out but the skeleton is still connected. He's gonna be fine. That is... unless he falls.
K: You're not worried about Eli at all?
IVY: Not a bit. He knows what he's doing in there. And, if I may, so does Radder.
JS: Radder's at the top of the cage... and he DROPS the chair on Flair's head! Eli is busted open as well! But he looks like it only made him mad! He flips his hair back, sending a spray of blood all over the first two rows! NOW FLAIR IS CLIMBING THE CAGE!
IVY: Hold on a second... what's he doing here?
JS: Dr. Detructo has come out to take a closer look at the action, it seems, and he's shouting words of encouragement to Flair as he climbs!
IVY: He'd better stay the hell away from both men... They've got enough to deal with already!
JS: Indeed, as Flair gets near the top, Radder begins to stomp away at him! He's trying to cause Flair to fall!
K: Be careful, Steve... Be careful, Steve...
JS: NO! Flair lost his grip, and falls to the floor! OH MY GOD! He went through the timekeeper's table!
IVY: Now I'm getting a little concerned.
JS: Flair... oh my god... Flair's got both of Radder's arms hooked... OVERHEAD BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX! RADDER FALLS TWENTY FIVE FEET TO THE FLOOR!
IVY: That's gonna ruin his day.
JS: Fans, Kelly has left the broadcast area and is cradling Steve Radder's body in her arms... This is a tragedy... This young man's career could be over.
IVY: It is a tragedy... but Radder knew the risks involved.
JS: Be that as it may... Flair is still on top of the cage, though he is looking down with what you could call concern in his eyes for the Iceman... and here comes the medical team with a stretcher.
IVY: This isn't how Flair wanted to win this match.
JS: Be that as it may, I think it's safe to say that Eli Flair is the Extreme Champion as a result of Steve Radder's inbility to continue. Let's get the official word from Humberto Ramos.
HR: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please... Because of Steve Radders inability to continue the match, the winner... and NEW MWC--
JS: Humberto is cut off by some sort of commotion near the curtain...
IVY: You've got to be kidding me.
(moments later)
IVY: Radder's on top... and he's got the cover! Damn it, Eli, kick out!
JS: 1... ... ..2... ... NO! Flair kicked out! We said it before, what will it take to get Steve Radder out of this match... what will it take to pin Eli Flair? Or make him say those two words he's never said before?
IVY: Eli won't quit... He doesn't know how to fail.
(nearing the end...)
JS: Eli's under the ring now... what's he pulling out? A LADDER! Eli Flair has pulled out a ladder and a length of chain! This spells trouble for Steve Radder!
IVY: For both of them, possibly. See? Eli's hooking the two of them together with that chain, by the NECK.
K: This is bad.
IVY: Eli's pulling Radder to his feet, look at this, he can barely stand. How long has this match been going on?
JS: Fifteen minutes.
IVY: See? Good matches just FLY.
JS: Eli's got that ladder set up, and he's using that dog collar to pull Radder up to the top with him... POWERBOMB FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER! There's the cover, 1... ... .2... ... .NO! Radder's not out yet.
IVY: If that didn't do it... what WILL?
JS: THIS! Flair's tossed Radder over the top rope, and has a hold of that chain! Radder's being hanged!
K: End this, now! Stop the match!
IVY: Sit your butt in that seat, kid. Radder's got to see this through to the end or he'll never be able to live with himself.
JS: Radder fiddling with the chain, and he disconnects himself from it! Falling to the floor, Eli does the same.
IVY: Eli's got that ladder set up near the ropes now... What's on his mind?
JS: Eli's a good fifteen feet above Radder, from the top of the ladder to the floor! HE SPLASHES! There's the cover, 1... ... 2... ... .3! 3! We've got an EXTREME Champion, in "Total Elimination" Eli Flair! This match has cost these men a great deal, however, and it couldn't have been between anyone else!
IVY: And Flair's the only one who could've done that title justice.
JS: Radder's on his feet, though VERY shaky... and Flair has been presented with the title belt! He extends his hand, and Radder shakes it! These two men have gone through the fires together, and they've emerged stronger for it!
(Cut to: Rhubarb Jones in the middle of the ring...)
RJ: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty minute time limit. And... It is for... The CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!
(The fans pop huge but slowly begin to calm themselves.)
RJ : Introducing first ...
(Cue Up: "Bulls On Parade" - Rage Against The Machine, prompting the fans to jump to their feet, yelling, screaming, all for the man whose music this is.)
RJ: The Challenger, hailing from New York, New York, and weighing in at 246 pounds... STEVE RADDER!
(A spotlight focuses on the curtain, which parts, bringing Steve Radder out onto the stage, causing another yell from the fans, who start chanting "RADDER RADDER!" He's wearing his normal blue tights, along with a t-shirt which reads "God Is A Mets Fan" and his pair of blue-lensed sunglasses. Radder walks to the ring, basking in the cheers from the fans, until he slides into the ring, and hops up on the middle turnbuckle, and takes off his sunglasses.)
BB: Apparently Kelly is feeling a little under the weather tonight... that's gonna weigh on the Iceman's mind.
SB: Women shouldn't be at ringside anyway. They should be in MY dressing room.
RJ: And his opponent...
(Cue Up: "Bawitdaba" - Kid Rock. The fans are on their feet.)
Accompanied to the ring by Poison Ivy... from Bronx, New York, weighing in at THREE HUNDRED and TWO pounds... The CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... "TOTAL ELIMINATION" ELI FLAIR!!!!
BB: The Champion has Entered the Building!
SB: And the Building doesn't like it one bit!
BB: Sammy! Flair and Ivy are making their way to ringside... and the fans LOVE this man!
SB: Hey... No Eddy references while he's not here.
BB: Fans, Eli Flair has to be considered on a roll here in the CSWA, having won the CSWA World Heavyweight Title at ANNIVERSARY, and tonight, he's in there now with his opponent Steve Radder.
SB: Flair showed a lot at ANNIVERSARY... maybe tonight is the night Radder shows US something? Hey, doesn't Radder mean "Wannabe"?
BB: No I don't think that's what the name means at all. Lock up.. side head lock by Radder, reversed by Eli Flair, and re-reversed by Radder. Eli pushes Radder into the ropes and Ben Worthington calls for the break... Clean Break, NO! Eli nails him with a big kick to the midsection, that doubled him over, European Uppercut and Radder is spread out in the corner. Eli whips him out and to the far side and Radder went up and over the top rope.
SB: That was so quick that Poison Ivy couldn't even get up on the ring apron to do anything about it.
BB: Flair backing off, allowing Radder to get back into the ring... NO! Kick to the stomach! Flair is about to suplex Radder back into the ring!
SB: Radder reverses! And he sends Flair to the mat with a belly- to- back suplex!
BB: Flair slow to his feet, but he's back up. SNAP SUPLEX by Radder! He's in control now and this would have to be a huge boost for him to beat the World Champion! He's right back on the offensive, has Flair up... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Cover! 1... ... ... ... 2... ... ... ..KICKOUT by Flair. That was close. Radder now moving to the ropes, he's heading to the top, FLYING ELBOW DROP. That might be it, 1... ... ... ...2... ... ... KICKOUT! Radder looks a little frustrated now. He lifts Flair back up and whips him to the ropes, Radder runs to the opposite ropes... NO! Flair slides underneath the bottom rope to the outside!
SB: He's been put through the ringer here by Radder so far, and he needs the breather. I think that this match has surprised him some.
BB: Well right now he better concentrate on Radder because I think he's surprised a lot of people so far tonight. Flair back into the ring... and he offers his hand to Steve Radder! They shake! Flair charges and clips the knee! He just wanted to get the rest he needed but was right there when his opponent was getting back into this match! You've got to admit that he knows his way around a ring! Now he's going to take advantage of the clip to the knee. Spinning toe hold by Flair, and he grabs the ropes for more leverage.
SB: But the referee saw that one and forces a break on it. Radder is the type of guy who was doing real well being mobile and in a fast paced match. Right now Flair is going to slow down that pace. He's got to stop Radder's momentum.
BB: Flair grabs him by the leg and drags him into the center of the ring, ELBOW DROP onto the inside of the knee. Radder looks like he's in trouble now.Flair back to another spinning toe hold and he's just methodically taking apart that leg of Radder. Flair is being brutal, he's now stomping on that knee of Radder. Now Flair is going for it, FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK... NO! Radder just booted him right in the rear and sent him through the ropes and out to the arena floor. What a turn of events this is, Radder down in the ring and now Flair down on the outside. He looks like he's in trouble.
SB: Right now neither man look too good.
BB: Radder to the outside... and he sends Flair back inside the ring! He follows... and he is attacked right away by Eli Flair! Flair is all over the former US champion! He whips Steve off the ropes and goes for a clothesline... NO! Steve ducked and comes off the ropes! Flying bodypress by the Iceman! 1... ... ... ...2... ... ... ... NO! Flair kicked out! Both men scramble back to their feet and Flair catches Radder flush on the jaw with a superkick, and it knocks Steve through the ropes and onto the arena floor! These two men have caught their second wind!
SB: Steve Radder doesn't even know where he is! That superkick put him in a whole other world out there. Wait a second...Steve's in his own world already. That kick could have knocked him into OUR world!
BB: What ARE you talking about, Sammy? Steve climbs back on the apron and he is met with a hard right by Flair! Flair grabs Steve by the hair and drops him throat first across the top rope! That sends Steve flying off the apron, and oh my! Steve's head cracked right against the ringside barricade! He's staggering. Eli Flair is on the top rope! He comes off with a double axehandle! Oh my! What a move by Eli Flair! Flair now picks Steve up and whips him hard into the ringside barricade! Now Eli charges... oh my! He clotheslined Steve Radder over the barricade and right into the front row of fans!
SB: Eli rolls back into the ring briefly to avoid being counted out. This match has belonged to Flair so far!
BB: Radder started off the match in control, but these two men have battled back and forth so far! Steve is back to his feet and he is met by Eli. Flair sets Steve up for a suplex! He's got him...no! Steve went over the shoulder! He waistlocks Flair from behind! Belly to back suplex on the arena floor! Great move by Steve Radder, and now the Iceman is back in the ring! Can Eli Flair beat the count? Ben Worthington's count has reached 6... ... ... ..7... ... ... ... ... 8... ... ... ... ... .9... ... ... ... NO! Eli is back on the apron! Steve goes over to him, but Eli catapults over the top rope and catches Steve square in the face with a clothesline! Flair with the cover! 1... ... ... 2... ... ... ... No! Steve kicked out! Flair whips Steve off the ropes... BACKDROP! NO! Steve grabbed the ropes as he was coming off and Flair didn't see it! Radder with a faceslam! His face hit hard on the canvas! Steve with the cover! 1... ... ... ... 2... ... .. NO! Eli Flair kicked out! Steve picks Flair up to his feet, and he whips the champ off the ropes... POWERSLAM! This should do it! Radder with the cover! 1... ... ... ... ..2... ... ... ...NO! Flair kicked out again!
SB: These two just can't put each other away. Eddy would have easily disposed of either of these chumps by now!
BB: Shut up, Sammy! The Iceman whips Flair off the ropes...he put his head down and Flair kicked him
right in the face! Flair follows up with a BULLDOG! 1... ... ... ... 2... ... ... . NO! Steve kicked out again! Eli can't believe it! He's in Worthington's face asking him about the count! Steve is back to his feet! He dropkicked Eli from behind, sending him flying right into Worthington!
SB: Can't that idiot EVER stay out of the way!
BB: Radder sets Eli up... ABSOLUTE ZERO! He hit it! We've got a new champion!
SB: We do?
BB: Worthington is still down!
BB: EDDY LOVE IS COMING TO RINGSIDE! Ben Worthington is still down! HURRICANE PILEDRIVER! Radder is laid out!
SB: He ain't here to help Captain Schitzo!
BB: Indeed he is not! HURRICANE PILEDRIVER FOR ELI AS WELL! They're both down!
SB: And now Worthington is getting up... this should be sweet.
BB: He sees both men down, and he starts the count! If this match ends in a double countout... 4... ... .5... ...
SB: Eddy was just too smart for them. NOBODY gets up from the Hurricane!
BB: 7... ... ... ..Radder is up! 8... ... ... ..ELI IS UP! Worthington tells them to wrestle! But I'm not sure Steve Radder didn't just become the CSWA World Champion right there!
SB: Close don't count, Buckley!
BB: We're going to have a lock-up here, and that's a mistake! Radder goes for an armbar, but Flair won't budge... instead, Flair STRIKES WITH A SHORT-CLOTHESLINE! Radder back up, and Flair PRESSES HIM HIGH ABOVE HIS HEAD, SLAMS HIM DOWN TO THE CANVAS! Radder staggering, Flair LEVELS HIM WITH A CLOTHESLINE, and Radder is down and out on the floor!
SB: Disqualify him!
BB: This is a WORLD TITLE match, Sammy! Ben Worthington rules it as incidental contact.
SB: Ripoff...
BB: Radder back up on the apron, and Flair SUPLEXES him back into the ring! Flair with a cover, ONE, TWO, Radder with the kickout! Flair WHIPS Radder off of the ropes, and HITS A POWERSLAM! Radder is down and out on the canvas, and he's in danger of losing his title ALREADY! Flair off the ropes, ELBOWDROP... and Radder MOVES!
SB: Steve Radder has to use his quickness to his advantage!
BB: Flair back up, and Radder hits a DROPKICK! Flair staggering, but not down... Radder with a headlock, and rolls Flair down to the canvas, ONE, TWO, Flair out with ease! Flair fights back to his feet, CLOTHESLINE... NO! Radder ducks under, and goes for a CRUCIFIX CRADLE! 1... ... ... ...2... ... ... ... ..3! NO!
SB: That's what Radder has to do! Now, he's got to avoid Flair!
BB: Flair getting back up... Radder goes for a Frank-n-Parsons! NO! Flair grabs the ropes, and Radder crashes down to the canvas! Flair grabs Radder from behind, Waistlock suplex! Flair just folded up Radder like an accordian! Flair lifts up Radder again, and hits a leaping back suplex! Flair with a cover on Radder, 1... ... ...2... ... ..3! NO! Foot on the ropes!
SB: Flair's using technical skill to his advantage, and that's gonna be trouble for Radder!
BB: Flair going in for the kill, sends Radder off the ropes, DUCKS HIS HEAD, Radder LEAPS OVER... AND CONNECTS WITH A SUPERKICK! Flair staggers back, but he doesn't go down! Radder off the ropes, LEAPS... AND Flair CATCHES HIM! Flair locks in a BEARHUG, and Radder is in BIG TROUBLE! Radder quickly fading, and he's trying to box the ears of Flair... IT WORKS! Flair breaks the hold!
SB: It's a good thing that worked, or it would have been all over for Radder...
BB: Radder back off the ropes... HE HITS A THESZ PRESS! 1.......2...... NO! Flair just kicked out! Radder quickly grabs Flair... SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Radder to the outside... grabs the ropes... SLINGSHOT SPLASH ON FLAIR! 1.................2................. FOOT ON THE ROPES by Flair! Radder is steamed, he thinks Poison Ivy had something to do with it!
SB: There's no doubt that she did... Poison Ivy and Eli Flair are nothing but cheaters!
BB: Sammy, you're as fickle as they come! Radder is putting Flair up top... .what's he going to do... OH MY! SUPERPLEX!!! THAT'S GOT TO BE IT! There's NO WAY that Flair will EVER kick out from that! Radder with a cover... 1.........2........ NO! Flair GOT THE ARM UP! Radder SLAMS his fist down into the canvas, he can't believe that Flair kicked out!
SB: He's wasting time! He's got to put Flair away!
BB: Radder still arguing... and Flair's UP! Radder doesn't realize it yet, and Flair NAILS Radder with a big right hand as his turns around! Radder stunned, Flair sends him off the ropes... LARIAT! A cover by Flair... 1.............2........ NO! Radder JUST kicks out! Flair putting Radder up top, following him up... .HERE COMES A SUPERPLEX, AND IT CONNECTS! THAT COULD BE IT!
SB: PLEASE don't let this happen... PLEASE!
BB: Flair not going for the cover, he's going for the KILL! He sets up Steve Radder... PILEDRIVER! GOOD NIGHT! Flair WHIPS Radder into the corner WITH AUTHORITY... HERE COMES A SPLASH! NO! Radder had the prescence of mind to leap up to the TOP ROPE! Flair hits the buckle... Radder OFF THE TOP WITH A MOONSAULT BODYPRESS! 1..................2....................3! NO! Flair JUST KICKS OUT! WHAT A MATCH!
SB: I've gotta hand it to these two... this is incredible!
BB: Radder now taking control, NAILS Flair with a right hand, and another...Flair wobbling in the center of the ring, and he finally caves down to the canvas! Radder climbing up top, and Flair isn't moving... Radder off the top... BIG FLYING ELBOWDROP TO THE BACK! That's GOT to be it! Radder rolls Flair over, another cover... 1........2........ NO! ANOTHER CLOSE CALL! Radder is REALLY frustrated, he thinks he should have had this one won by now!
SB: He's got to stop whining and complaining, and try to win the match!
BB: Sammy! Radder on top of Flair, he's going for a BOSTON CRAB! Worthington asking Flair if he'll give it up, but I don't see any way that's going to happen... in fact, Flair grabs the ropes! Worthington counts Radder, and he lets it go at four! Radder lets Flair get back to his feet... RIGHT HAND! NO! Flair ducks, and catches him with a side suplex! If Flair can get over for the cover, he just might WIN this match!
SB: If he can get over to make the cover, that's gonna be the end for sure!
BB: Flair crawling over to Radder, covers... 1...........2................3! NO! Radder raises the right arm up! NEITHER MAN CAN GET THE PINFALL! Flair pulling himself back up, he's setting up Radder for a POWERBOMB... NO! Radder over the shoulder, ROLLS Flair UP FROM BEHIND! 1................2..............NO! Flair KICKS OUT! Radder goes for a SUPERKICK... AND Flair DUCKS! Flair with an INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!
SB: Radder left himself open for that, it's GOT TO HURT!
BB: Flair going in for the kill, sends Radder into the corner... AND THIS TIME, HE HITS THE CORNER SPLASH! Radder staggers out of the corner... Flair moving behind him... INVERSE DDT!
SB: That's gotta be it, Buckley!
BB: Flair isn't making the cover? NO! He's going for it! He's locking the Total Elimination on Steve Radder! This has gotta be it, Sammy! NOBODY has been able to get out of this STF/Full Nelson combo move!
SB: Nobody?
BB: I can't believe it... Radder hasn't escaped... but he's not giving in! He's holding on! What is this man made of?
SB: Phlegm.
BB: Sammy! This has been an incredible match, folks. This has lived up to what we expected from Radder and Flair. NOT ONE FAN IN THIS BUILDING WILL GO HOME DISAPPOINTED. That's something I can guarantee.
SB: Steve Radder fans might be a little disappointed... Flair is about to break their hero.
BB: YES! Radder submitted! There's the bell, but Eli hasn't let go! What is this? Get off of him! Radder looks confused. What's the problem?
SB: I don't know, Buckley... Flair looks confused. Maybe someone told him to take a shower.
BB: Stop it, Sammy. Ben Worthington has handed the World Title belt to Eli Flair, he wrestled his heart out tonight, and walked away with a hard fought victory. Let's get the official word.
RJ: Ladies and gentlemen, the sixty minute time limit has expired.
BB: What?
RJ: Therefore, this match is declared a draw, and the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion remains ELI FLAIR!!
BB: This is incredible, Sammy. That means Radder lasted FOUR MINUTES in the Total Elimination. He's holding his back... I hope he's not hurt.
SB: He should be. But now, the KING of EXTREME has to contend with the KING of the CSWA, Eddy Love! Eddy's gonna be golden again, yeah!
BB: Be that as it may, Steve Radder showed the world what he's made of tonight! Flair and Radder are still in the ring... and a handshake from Flair! He and Radder embrace, and Poison Ivy joins the mix! Sammy, these fans are ecstatic about this happening! CSWA fans, we've run out of time here tonight, for Sammy Benson, the Red Midget, and Ms. Sunshine Del Payne... my name is Bill Buckley. We'll see you in Trinidad!