February 11, 2001

(CUT TO:  Backstage, just outside of a dressing room marked “Sight/Rose.”  Rose is headed down the hallway with an intent look on her face, her gorgeous red hair flowing to her neck.  In her hand is in an envelope, and as she opens the door the camera follows suit.  Within, Wicked Sight sits in his wrestling gear, prematurely warming up for what he considers a huge bout with Troy Windham later in the evening.)

 WS:  Rose, if this is another Rudy Seitzer/Sammy Benson deal, I don’t want a part of it.

 Rose:  Mike… it’s something more than that.  How… how quick can I head home? 

 WS:  Spokane?

 Rose:  My home, I need to be with my mom…

(Her eyes begin to well up with tears and she plops her head on Sight’s shoulder.  He consoles her, instantly realizing the problem.)

Rose:  She’s in the hospital and she doesn’t have much time to live… Her landlord wasn’t checking on her like she said… Mike, I don’t know how to…

WS:  Shhh, honey, you head to the hotel and get your stuff, charge a ticket to our credit card, it’s for emergencies… Head on out, I can take care of Troy myself.

Rose:  What about later?

WS:  I’ll take care of it, get going babe.

RJ:  Ladies and gentlemen, CS Enterprises and the CSWA are proud to present this LIVE event from Paducah, Kentucky (crowd pops), broadcast around the world on U-62.  This is.....CSWA PRIMETIME!  (The patented CSWA light show, complete with lasers and pyro appears on camera for the first time in a while, before the camera cuts to the commentators' table.)

BB:  Hello wrestling fans!!  This is Bill Buckley, coming to you from a jam-packed arena here in Paducah.

SB:  What kind of name is that for a city anyway?  Sounds like something that came out of President Poop.

BB:  I'd love to banter with you some more Sammy, but we've been told that CSWA Commissioner Chad Merritt has scheduled some time to make some announcements...so we're going straight to the ring.

SB:  This better be an announcement about my raise.

(Merritt makes his entrance with little fanfare, to a mixed reaction from the crowd.  He climbs the steps to the ring, accepting a microphone from ring announcer Rhubarb Jones.)

CM:  I want to thank you all for being here tonight.  The CSWA is proud to return to Paducah, we've been away too long.  (Crowd pop)  We've got an incredible night planned for all of you.  I'm also here to tell you a little bit about our plans for the rest of the IRONMAN of CHAMPIONS.  You know that Round 3 of the tournament will take place in just two more days at SHOWTIME in Louisville.  Tonight, I'm announcing the matchups for the final two rounds.  The fourth round will take place at SuperPRIMETIME in Knoxville, and the final round will, of course, take place at our upcoming ELVIS LIVES pay-per-view in Nashville, Tennessee.  So, without any further adieu:  in Round 4, Eddy Love will face...

("Shapes of Things" by The Jeff Healy Band begins to play over the PA.  The crowd seems confused as Merritt turns toward the entryway.  Jean Rabesque steps onto the top of the rampway, microphone in hand.)

Rabesque: Now, Merritt, before you get your panties in a wad, all I ask for is one moment of your time.

CM:  Jean... whatever you're trying to do, this isn't the time.  Whaddya want?

Rabesque: Well, I'm glad you asked. You see, I've been noticing the way you've been handling things since I came on board, and honestly.....I think it sucks!

(Mixed reaction from the crowd.)

Rabesque: I think you call it "paying our dues," don't you Chad? That's what you call you constant pushing down of each and every newcomer that comes on board to the CSWA. You show us all our nice little contracts and then escort us to a lifetime in the midcard. Well, you know what? NO MORE! I'm not taking it anymore Chad. Each and every single one of us has paid our dues to even get here. This is the CSWA DAMMIT!

CM:  If you came out here to tell me the name of my own company, Jean, then you're wasting my time.  What are you talking about?

Rabesque: I'm talking about the good ol' boys in the back. Yeah, you know exactly who I'm talking about. What do you think would happen if one of us new guys tried to go up against one of them? You said it yourself, there's no way in hell you would let any of us beat any of them, and that SUCKS CHAD!  But like I said, it stops NOW! From this moment on, I'm staking my claim to what is rightfully mine here in the CSWA, and if I have to take it inch by inch, then that is exactly what I will do. Right now, I'm declaring a WAR against you, and your little (bleeped)! And I might be standing here alone, but I'm sure there are people in the back that feel the same way I do. I guess you might even be able to call this, "The Rebellion," but I promise you one thing Chad, your CSWA is never going to be the same....again.

(Rabesque turns on his heels and stalks back through the entryway as his music plays again.)

CM:  You know folks, I've done my best to be nice over the past few weeks, with a few notable exceptions that you all know about.  (A small group in the crowd begins chanting "ClaimStakers.")  Honestly, I don't know if Rabesque is trying to tell me he's with the enemy, or if he's starting his own 'rebellion.'  I do know that Rabesque is a world-class wrestler.... one who's in danger of letting his ego get away from him.  Unfortunately fans, being on live television means we've got time constraints....and due to Mr. Rabesque airing his dirty laundry, we're up against a commercial break.  (crowd groans)  I'll make sure that the CS TRIBUNE online has the pairings for the IRONMAN before things end tonight.  Again, thanks for coming....and now, it's time for PRIMETIME!  (crowd pops)

Onto Part 2 of PRIMETIME