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From the desk of CSWA Co-Commissioner Chad Merritt..

"Yoo hoo, I'll make ya famous...."

That's right, the Kid is back, and the Enforcer is still enforcing.  For those of you who thought Thomas could rid of me once and for all....what were you smoking?

Before Austin 3:16, before Sting had "Showtime!", even before Hornet was "Takin' Care of Business", one man was telling it the way it is...

..and that's the bottom line.




Updated 4/13/00

Twelve years....you know, it's almost pathetic, I keep typing 'eleventh anniversary' on everything...and it's actually twelve.  Who would have ever guessed?  And what's even funnier is the fact that for our detractors...those that say we've only been active half the time we've been around (which is a valid point, I'll admit)....even half of twelve years is longer than all the rest.

Yes, you guessed it, it's a very special out-of-character "Bottom Line."  And I won't even go on and on about how WCW keeps running with our ideas...that's documented in a previous article.  And besides, it seems that *every* league I see recently is talking about how one of the major feds has 'stolen' their angles.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you.  For those of you reading this, whether you've been around two months, two years, or ten, thank you.  For all those who will never read this, but were part of the 'old school' CSWA, thank you.  To all of you who have ever helped with a card, helped a new member learn the ropes, or helped updated features...thank you.  To all of you who ever attacked the CSWA...thank you, you helped put a new fire in our belly.

To all of you who have made the CSWA, and now thecswa.com, some small part of your lives, thank you.  It has been a pleasure (most of the time) and an honor to 'work' with you and get to know you.  And whether you've known it or not, many of you have helped get me through difficult times as well, as I've battled through family issues, work, and all the other things that come along with "real life."  

You have not only allowed me to be the 'head' of your favorite fantasy wrestling fed, but a part of your online 'family' as well.  We've laughed and had fun talking about nothing, and we've empathized and consoled each other through the hard times.

I still stand in amazement every time the CSWA 'returns' from a break at how many people are in line to help get things back to the level we're all accustomed to.  I'm still amazed at the periodic e-mail I get from 'old' members.  In fact, if you've read the history, then the name "Jaret Rice" may ring a bell.  Jaret was the first real 'member' we had in 1992 when we moved to PRODIGY.  He wrote me yesterday... he had typed in "fantasy wrestling" on Yahoo and found the site.  Listening to him talk about 'school', etc., I realized that he was just 14 when he joined up...which must make him around 22 now.

For former 'office' guys like Steve "Poppy" Schroeder, Samuel "Sticky Goo Head" Hendricks, Matt McDaniel/Scott Kennedy, Mike Ventolo, Shawn Beckowski, and yes, even Kevin Schmid, I'm thankful.  For 'old school' members like Gregg, Pete, Jon and Mad Dog, I'm truly thankful.  For all the members that have made thecswa.com since 1998, I'm thankful.  I would name all of you if I wasn't sure that I'd forget somebody and hurt their feelings...you know who you are.  And for a snot-nosed kid named Mark Vizzachero...there aren't even words enough to explain.

If you've read the sections of "The Real Story" so far, you know that it hasn't always been fun.  Steve and I have gotten bogged down in personal feuds, we've been discouraged by infighting and politicing, and there have been times when we were just burned out.  There have been times that life has intruded...the ordeal with my sister, the problems between my brother and his former wife, and so much more.  If I could honestly say I wouldn't trade in a moment of it, I would...but I can't.  But all of it, including my involvement with all of you, has changed me in ways you can only imagine if you've gone through something similar.

Don't get me wrong...the Enforcer lives. :)  But it's an older, and hopefully wiser, Enforcer...one that's a little slower to react, and cares a little less about what detractors have to say.

And this just wouldn't be a sappy note without the 'thank you' that's most important.  To the man they call "Da Tard," thank you.  It's almost impossible to believe that it's still going, isn't it....even if you do only make appearances three times a year. <BG>  I could give you the "gas tank" friendship line from the old Rock 'N Roll Express magazine...but you already know it.  You and I created something that, with the help of literally hundreds of people, has become more than we ever imagined.  It was just supposed to be something to get us through a boring summer, wasn't it?  Thank you for putting my ego over when it needed it...for deflating that same ego when it needed it, and for always being there to help pick up the pieces.

Just remember that it wasn't my fault the "Tard" nickname started.  You just can't go around asking people, "Do you think I'm retarded?" and have nothing come of it.

Well folks, I'm done with the sappy stuff.  More updates will be done shortly.  The continuing Road to Winter's Warriors VIII (even if it *is* Spring...the blasted thing is never scheduled to April anyway) will be short...I'm expect only two more PRIMETIME cards.  WW8 will be a 'mini-PPV' much like the BOB events.  Expect to see more short-form matches, especially on the PRIMETIME cards.  After the two PTs, ....it's time to press on to ANNIVERSARY 2000  and the twelfth (see I got it right!) anniversary of the CSWA.


Kayfabe note:  Don't miss previous "Bottom Line" articles to the left.  And not only that, but we've gone back and dredged up ancient history in "Enforcer Speaks" from 1995 and 1996!