Last time I talked about Midget Mania in the CSWA. This time I've got a few things to discuss...
#1: The Bum
--Well, no one knows for sure who this 'bum' is that keeps popping up at CSWA cards and in the bushes peeking on Steven Flair and Teri Melton. His voice sure sounds a little familiar though. I've got my suspicions about who he is. And if I'm right, then there's no doubt who this "masked man in black" is that keeps attacking Flair. I think Steven Flair, Teri Melton and the rest of the CORPORATION are in for a nasty little surprise. The only remaining question is what surprises he's got ready when he tries to wreak havoc on the rest of the CSWA.
Issue #2: The Letter
--So, Mr. "I'm the former VP who tried to bring you down" Jon Katz is back. But now you're a wrestler... You think no one knows who you are. Well, I do, old friend. And I'm gonna do everything I can to make your life a living hell. You can reap all the revenge you want on others in the CSWA, but the minute you turn to come after CS Enterprises, you're gonna find yourself crushed like a walnut between a hammer and an anvil. Stay out of my way, Katz, and keep your goons under control, or you'll be out on the street quicker than you were this past time.
Issue #3: Death and Taxes
--Some people say these are the only two sureties in life. Well there's one more to add to that: the CSWA will always, always have a huge race for the Unified Title. Steven Flair was able to make his first successful title defense against Alexandr Karelin. And the match was so good, the competition is so fierce, that Alexandr Karelin is still the #1 contender! Not only that, but for the first time in the history of the CSWA, two men are tied for the top contender position. Hornet has made his way back to the spot he has held in the past. The question is whether he can make it back to a spot he's much more used to: that is, the Unified Championship. However, Karelin has had a taste of being the Unified Champion as well....and I don't think he's ready to give up at it when he's this close.
--And that brings up a related topic: the EN World/AAWC Universal Title. Tom Adler, with his victory over GUNS at the AAWC's U.N.O card merged the two world championships. Adler has all but said that the MAGNIFICENCE TOUR II is his last hurrah. He wants to go out a World Champion, and more importantly he wants to keep that AAWC Universal Title around his waist. But if he truly wants the TOUR to be against the top competition, he's going to have to come up against the likes of the Karelins, the Flair, and the Meltons of the wrestling world. And that could set up an interesting match between the Unified Champion and the EN/AAWC Universal Champion. But both "Mr. Magnificent" and "The Greatest American Hero" have hinted that they WILL meet, and with the added surprising alliance between Adler and Mark Windham, that match could be one of the most titanic events ever in the CSWA.
Last updated on 95/09/29 12:56:01 EDT.