Old Claim, New Stakes

Welcome to PRIMETIME!

Mike Randalls vs. Lawrence Stanley

Tom Adler vs. Kin Hiroshi

Eli Flair vs. Steel Viper

That Other Big Gold Belt

Mark Windham vs.
Sean Stevens

Franchise Application

Challenger Speaks

CSWA World:
Dan Ryan vs. Hornet

Whole Lotta Shoutin Goin' On

Send 'Em Home... Happy?

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

CSWA PRIMETIME in the Meadowlands
March 15, 2004
Meadowlands Arena, New Jersey

Mark Windham vs. Sean Stevens

BB: Welcome back to PRIMETIME fans, still to come Dan Ryan putting the World Title on the line against “The Franchise” Hornet!

SB: Buckley (Benson shakes his head) I know CS Enterprises essentially took a five-month company picnic but you owe it to the fans not to come out here on NCN and work from old material. The Franchise?

BB: Yes, Sammy (mockingly) The Franchise.

SB: Hornet’s now “The Floor licker”. We’re back for all of two weeks but the stories are running rampant. The man combs every square inch of the arena in hopes some idiot dropped an Advil or Zolaff.

BB: Oh please.

SB: The aging process happens so fast it’s a shame to see. Some old men move to Florida and mine beaches for buried treasure, Hornet...I caught him an hour before show time in the bowels of the Meadowlands tongue pressed up against the floor.

BB: I should have cut your mic fifteen years ago.

SB: But the story ends well Buckley, let me finish! Hornet’s sober but he found twenty empty snickers’ wrappers, which hopefully he’ll recycle, and $2.43 in change. Hey, no matter what happens out here tonight against Ryan, we know who the true winner is.

BB: The people smart enough to go see The Passion Of Christ, or refill their bird feeders, anything but sit on their couches and listen to you!

(CUEUP: "'Till I Collapse' by Eminem.)

SB: I know sitting around the house the last few months presented lots of opportunities for you to compete with that harlot you call a wife, Mrs. Buckley in the kitchen, but the idea is for this company to work successive months for the first time in eight years. Now, we do that by selling the promotion, not asking our viewers to switch us off and run out to see Gibson’s new flick.

BB: I was just drawing a comparison Sammy. I’ve seen visions of the devil for the last...

SB: Fifteen years, we get it. Geez could you shamelessly promote ANNIVERSARY at Merritt Auditorium in two weeks, some good seats still available at reasonable pricing, call now, don’t wait...any more? You’re such a tool.

(The crowd stands in anticipation as the curtain slowly separates and Sean 'Triple X' Stevens steps through. He's fully dressed to wrestle, wearing a pair of black tights, blue outlining, with his trademark 'X' etched in the back, near the rear. Sean makes his way down to ringside, acknowledging a couple of fans along the way, with a smirk here, and a wink there. Once he enters the ring, he immediately hops on the nearest turnbuckle, lifting his arms in glory, as the crowd shows their appreciation.)

BB: You didn’t know what to do with yourself during the picnic did you?

SB: No I really didn’t. But I ate a lot of good catered food, and Manny and I won the two-man beach volleyball season, narrowly defeating Stan and Rudy 15-7 in the 2nd set of the final game. That was a long ass company outing. Anytime you have enough free ‘company’ time to play an 82-game schedule, you’re hurting. But, like The Floor Licker there’s good news. Rudy lost thirty pounds, and we’re negotiating a television deal as we speak. Granted it’s UNIVISION, but it’s moving pictures, okay.

BB: Fans let’s all hold our breath for Sammy. Ahem. Enough banter Sammy...

SB: Sorry, just trying to string this out, get to extra ad money.

BB: Sean Stevens is back! (SB: Buckley we know, the entire company is back, relax.) Shut up, Sammy. Stevens a former CSWA Presidential champion has resigned with us, after a rough year personally and professionally in ’03.

(CUEUP: HIM - Pretending)

SB: That we’re letting convicted rapists in the league now should be good news for the guys on the Murder One waiting list.

(Mark Windham, wearing black ankle-length tights, black boots, and a black sleeveless shirt with white letters on the front reading: “The Ass Is Back” broods down the aisle. Calmly soaking in the atmosphere.)

BB: Sean did nothing wrong Sammy and you know it.

SB: Yeah, and Barry Bonds just runs ten miles every morning and eats a heaping of non-fat yogurt! Yum! Thirty extra pounds of muscle mass near the age of forty!

(Patrick Young checks Stevens and Windham for illegal objects. Calls for the bell.)

DING. DING. (That was for you, Tom.)

BB: Collar-and-elbow tie-up in the center of the ring, as the fans stay standing! Stevens with early control!

SB: Look at him really apply pressure in that headlock. If that’s not his new finisher it damn well should be!

BB: Mark backs Sean into the ropes, as Young calls for the break.


SB: While we have a moment, our condolences to the Young family as Carl suffered another stroke, this one though not in a CSWA Arena.


BB: Also, all trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and graphics ("Marks") indicated on this telecast are registered trademarks of CS Enterprises and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries. You may not make any use of CS Enterprises Marks without the prior written consent of Chad Merritt.

(As Windham and Stevens break, Mark rakes Sean across the eyes.)

SB: Well done Buckley.

BB: Windham unloads a big right hand! Stevens rocks back as Windham fires again. Whips him across the ring, off the ropes, Lariat—no...Sean rolls over, Windham up, standing dropkick!

(Stevens with lariat of his own)

BB: Windham off his feat again, quick cover...

SB: Don’t waste your breath.

BB: One.......two......shoulder up!

SB: Wow that was close. Something just rolled up against the back of my leg, Buckley. I’ll be nice and leave it for Hornet.

BB: Belly-to-Back suplex! Sean going for (crowd excitedly stands again) and hooking in the Figure Four! Submission move!

SB: It’s also a pinning move if Windham passes out from the pain and can’t get his shoulders off the mat, it’s rare but I’ve seen it a couple times. (Mark’s screaming in pain trying to break the lock with his hands) The last being in Mexico City early last spring, Melton and Lewis Gallon aka The Little Lepracon, in front of sixty thousand people and millions more on UNIVISION, Melton pinned Bryon with the move.

(Windham’s shoulders on the mat; one count.)

BB: The former World Champion’s ears must be burning, Sammy.

SB: As are Lewis’ after the beating he took on the home front after the three-count. The good news is he’s been medically cleared to wrestle, and yes I’m setting up a Geicko joke for later in the show.

BB: Windham’s in obvious pain Sammy, Stevens may get a submission right here, what a boost it’d be for his return, if he could beat Mark Windham in Jersey!

(Windham’s shoulders on the mat again, 2 count.)

SB: Two!

BB: Mark clawing at Steven’s legs trying anything to break this hold.

(Building starts to shake from the fans stomping and clapping, egging a submission on.)

BB: Mark grimaces at Stevens and rocks to his left...back to his right, Sammy...REVERSAL!! Stevens now in awesome pain, he’s close to the ropes though and yes...he’s got’em!

(Windham limps to his feet. Stevens follows suit.)

SB: I thought the little guy was off the hook there, but Windham the savy, crazed vet that he is, reversed the hold.

BB: Sean two giant steps to Mark, Hurricaranna! Mark’s traditionally a slow starter, but Stevens making his way to the top turnbuckle, it could be over in less than six minutes!

SB: Wouldn’t that be a hoot!

BB: Top rope FLOGSPLASH!!! Noooooo! Windham gamely moves out of the way! Stevens ate that mat hard.

(Fans groan at Windham surviving.)

SB: I’ll be good here.

BB: Thank you. Mark drops his right knee across Sean’s forehead! Now he’s got Sean’s legs, BOSTON CRAB!

SB: The loon softening up Sean’s back for the Torture Rack! Friendly wager Buckley, do we see the Torture Rack tonight?

(Stevens to the ropes.)

BB: I don’t bet, Sammy. You know that. Young calls for the break, and Windham surprisingly obliges.

SB: Right. Ever since the last Vegas fiasco.

(As Sean pulls himself to the middle rope, Windham leaps and drives his right knee into Sean’s lower back.)

BB: Sammy, drop it.

SB: I don’t see how you’ve stayed married to that (CENSORED).

BB: Stevens crashes to the floor outside, and Mark follows. Taking his time, this is where the man does most of his business, Sammy. (Windham sends Stevens flying into the ring steps, back first)

SB: In CS Sanctioned arenas? Yeah, good call.

BB: Windham’s got a chair! (Young reaches over the top rope and snatches it out of his hands.) Not on Patrick Young’s watch!

SB: Shouldn’t he be at home watching his father! Besides these Jersey freaks like carnage. Let’em feed or they’ll soon be eating one of us out of survival.

BB: SPEAR! Stevens spears Windham! The front row taunting Windham as he lays on the floor, reaching blindly to gather his senses. Sean leaps on the apron in a flash, a gesture to the crowd, Good grief!! Stevens off the apron with a leg drop!

SB: Why isn’t Young giving the convict a five-count? It’s fine for you to be bias Buckley, but the refs only Merritt’s payroll shouldn’t be.

(Stevens grabs Mark’s legs, falls to the ground and Windham catapults head first into the iron post.)

BB: If Mark’s not busted open from that collision, it’ll be an early Christmas miracle. And what are you getting at Sammy?

SB: That Patrick Young there weakly warning Stevens to play nice has it in for Windham? What has Mark ever done to that man?

BB: (Crowd pops) Sean’s setting up The X-Factor! Cocking his right leg if he connects...Windham to his feet...OH!! The former World Champ goes down in a heap! Listen to this place, they want Windham finished!

SB: As apparently does Young who now begins counting as Sean’s back in the ring. What---

BB: What did he do to the Young family? (SB: Yes.) There’s a “Best Of” DVD marketing the man’s father’s first heart attack. Connect your own lines, Sammy.

SB: Cardiac event...I’m not sure Young’s best man there got all of his kick...Windham’s slow, but to his feet..

(Replay shows The X-factor just barely connected.)

BB: Sean...what’s he doing, off the opposite ropes with a head full of steam, FLYING BODY PRESS OVER THE TOP, NO! Windham caught him, SPINEBUSTER INTO THE SECURITY RAILING! Good Grief did you hear the impact of that shot!

SB: Senator John Kerry has just phoned in. He heard it. No wait, a correction, he did not hear it. No wait...

BB: Stevens out cold, as a stunned haze falls over the crowd. Sammy he could be seriously hurt. WINDHAM WITH A CHAIR OVER HIS BACK! No!

SB: And Patrick counting like a lunatic. Let it go Patrick, Mark’s not to blame for your father’s poor dietary habits.

BB: Mark softly rolls Stevens back in the ring, damage done, there’s not mistaking that. Sean Stevens was a second away from finishing the Lost Soul, but the X-Factor barely missing full impact!

(Windham stands and backs Stevens into the ropes, shoots him across, SPINEBUSTER!)

BB: Another! And Mark’s still got ahold of Steven’s legs, turns him over, sits down, BOSTON CRAB! Come on, he could pin the man right here! Young not even bothering to ask Stevens...he wants the match stopped.

SB: Of course Young’s not asking Stevens if he quits. We’ve already established the men in the family are better when they’re half-dead!

BB: Enough. Patrick yelling at Windham to break the hold, and end it...Mark up, face-to-face with’s not the time to be brave, Master Young...

(Windham grabs Young in a neckbreaker position, but Patrick just escapes.)

SB: Master Young? Buckley are you okay?

BB: Mark laughing at all over this...look at Sean, the figher...struggling to his feet!

(Windham steps on Sean’s back, and stands.)

BB: That’s class for you, the Windhams in a nutshell.

SB: No, this is the Windhams in a nutshell..

BB: I swear Sammy if you start miming I’ll stab you with my pen. Windham has Stevens on his feet, backed into a corner...STEVENS WITH A RIGHT HAND! Another! Windham whipped hard across the ring, and hits chest first!!

SB: And you wanted to end it. Killjoy.

BB: Stevens, crowd back on it’s feet, HORNET SPLASH attempt, but Windham slips away! NECKBREAKER!

SB: With a bit of luck that would have been Young, earlier.

BB: Stop it. Mark, as the fans in attendance begin to boo, lifts Stevens to the top turnbuckle, then climbs to the middle rope himself.

(Mark throws Sean’s left arm over his head, smirks at the crowd, then superplexes Sean off the top rope, hooking Sean’s leg in mid-air. As they hit the mat, Windham throws his right leg over Steven’s already arm-hooked left leg for the pin)

BB: An inverted brainbuster of sorts, what the hell, Young counts, ONE......TWO..........THREE!

SB: I think Sean might have gotten a shoulder up, let’s restart this puppy.

BB: Stop it. Windham relishing in the Meadowlands’ disapproval, wait....come on...Mark has Stevens up in the Torture Rack! The match is over!

SB: Should have taken the bet, Buckley. That harlot costs you again.

BB: There’s no need for this...

(Those actually sitting jump to their feet, as the roof blows off. Crazy pop.)

SB: Did you just get a chill? I sense a presence I’ve not felt since...


(Slo-mo replay catches Ivy nonchalantly hopping the rail, diving into the ring with Cane in hand.)

SB: The Femi-nazi! She’s not supposed to be here!

(Ivy to the delight of a delirious crowd, canes Windham in the back, then the left knee. He drops Stevens, and is canned in the head, dropping him to his knees.)

BB: Ivy CANES WINDHAM AGAIN. AND AGAIN! ONE MORE TIME, good grief that one busted Mark open. Windham slumps to the mat, he’s out!

(Ivy stares at a fallen Windham, then exits the ring under the middle rope, showing no emotion.)

BB: Ivy just laid Windham out! Can you believe it? (Sammy stammers to speak.) Oh who cares what you think. There’s bedlam in Jersey tonight, listen to this place! Fans, we’ll be back after this! The (CENSOR) is back!

(Fade on Ivy turning back toward the ring, cane raised in the air as she walks backwards toward the back. The fans are all but bowing in her presence.)

Franchise Application

(CUTTO: the backstage area.)

(A cameraman aims down the hallway, showing Tom Adler walking towards the camera. The camera pans to the left as Adler turns the corner and is suddenly face to face with HORNET. The cheer of the fans can be heard echoing throughout the building.)

SB: Uh oh.

BB: This could get ugly quickly, Sammy!

SB: We can hope.

Adler: Well, well. Look at what we have here. The FRANCHISE of the CSWA. The ICON. The LAST American Hero.

Hornet: I don’t have time for this. I’ve got a…

Adler: Hey, relax. I know you’ve got a big match coming up in a second. For, what was it… the World Title? Funny how that happens, isn’t it. You haven’t won a match around here in what, six months? And, wham, just a couple of weeks before our big match at CSWA15 you get yet ANOTHER World Title shot.

Hornet: Yeah, the first one in three years, Tom. If you have something to say, Adler, say it. Otherwise, get out of my way.

Adler: As a matter of fact, I do have something to say. Something I suggest you pay attention to, because I’m not likely to say it too often.

Hornet: Let me wait in breathless anticipation, oh Magnificent One.

Adler: Just an admission on my part that I made a mistake.

Hornet: Somebody stop the presses. Print the headline: “Tom Adler Admits Mistake, Thirty Years of Hypocrisy Ends.”

Adler: I made a mistake in thinking that I could do with you what I’ve done with everybody my entire career.

You and I have seen a thousand guys with every physical gift a man could want come and go from this sport… having accomplished JACK SQUAT. Why? Because WE learned years ago what most people never will. That this industry was never about who had the biggest muscles or the hardest punch.

It’s about climbing up inside somebody’s head, figuring out what makes them tick… pushing all the right buttons. You and I became LEGENDS doing that very thing. And I honestly thought I could look inside that head of yours and get the OLD Hornet to climb out of the hole he’s been hiding in for the last year and a half.

I THOUGHT I’d done it at the last PRIMETIME. I honestly figured that you’d rebound and tear this place apart to get back at me. But, that didn’t happen, did it. No… instead you go out and you lose to Rabesque. And then you lose again to Eli Flair. And you didn’t even lose WELL. That’s the troubling part.

Hornet: Hear that countdown, Tom? That means my music’s about to play. Are you planning on getting to a point sometime this century, Adler, or are you simply gonna waste my time like you normally do?

Adler: Oh, trust me, there’s a point. The fact is, Hornet, it’s become painfully clear that I’ve FAILED in my objectives for ANNIVERSARY. It’s really a no-win situation for me at this point. I clearly CAN’T get from you what I want… because you clearly don’t HAVE it to give.

Now, I could accept that. But the thing that’s really bugging me in all of this, Hornet, is that I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why. Because I flip on ESN and watch somebody ELSE get what we USED to get on a weekly basis.

I watch you BEAT the same guys there you can’t even seem to HANG with here.

Now, maybe you have a reason. Maybe you don’t. Whatever it is, clearly it’s beyond MY capability to figure it out.

But, either way, it doesn’t change the problem that you and I have, right here, right now.

Now, maybe I don’t have what it takes to solve your problem, Hornet. But, I DO have what I need to solve mine. It’s called a contract. And, I’m gonna use it to do you, me, and the entire CSWA a favor. I’m gonna go to Merritt’s office and exercise the fine print and cancel your shot at the US Title at CSWA15.

And then I’m gonna take that contract, walk down the hall, and toss it right in Poison Ivy’s lap!

BB: Look at the expression on Hornet’s face, Sammy!

Adler: Oh, that got your attention, didn’t it? That’s right. Ivy. And, ya know why? Because if there’s one thing I CAN be sure of, it’s that ANYBODY she can come up with to wrestle for the title is worth more of my time… and the CSWA’s time… than you are.

BB: Hornet’s fuming!

Adler: So, you go ahead and take your shot at Ryan. Who knows, you may even get lucky. But when you go home tonight, do yourself a favor. Give Ivy a call and let her know she’s got you all wrong.

Tell her that the problem isn’t that Teri got your d… it’s that nobody around here can find your balls!

(Adler turns to walk away.)

SB: Adler gave him an ear full, Buck…

BB: Whoa! Hornet just LEVELED Adler from behind with a clothesline! He did NOT like what Adler had to say, Sammy!

SB: Who would!? Although I may have a new found respect for Tom Adler after that!

BB: Hornet’s down on top of Adler, NAILing him with big right hands to the head, reminiscent of what we saw from Adler at the last PRIMETIME! Hornet now picks Adler up and DRIVES him face first into the wall.

SB: Adler could be busted open here…

BB: If we could get… oh, yeah, he is. Adler collapses to the floor and Hornet continues to kick away at him.

SB: The man’s snapped, Buckley!

BB: I don’t know what Adler was shooting for with that, Sammy, but he may have pushed Hornet just a bit too far.

SB: The truth clearly hurts, Buckley! And it’s hurting Adler right now!

BB: Some officials have arrived and they’re struggling to pull Hornet off of Adler. They shove him away and Hornet just stands there seething! He looks like a man possessed!

SB: I’m not sure what set him off, Buckley. Adler canceling the match or telling him he had no balls!

BB: I’d say the latter for sure. Hornet… finally walking away.

SB: He’s still got a match with Dan Ryan!

BB: Eric Wright and the Diamond Cutters have arrived and they’re checking on Adler.

Wright: Go after him!

Adler: NO!

BB: Wright wants the Diamond Cutters to go after Hornet, but Adler’s stopping them; this is a surprise.

Wright: What?

Adler: I said leave him alone.

BB: Adler, slowly being helped to his feet. Adler runs his hands back through his hair and pulls them away.

SB: I think Adler just saw the blood.

BB: This may not be over yet, Sammy!

Wright: You ok? Somebody get a trainer back here.

(Adler looks at the blood on his hands. He starts to smile and begins laughing under his breath)

Adler: Finally.

SB: Finally? Finally WHAT?!?!

BB: I have no clue! But it’s time to head to the ring… Hornet… Ryan… for the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship is up next!