Back to Part Five

TWS comes to a close with the next chapter in the Deacon/Love saga... and possibly the FINAL chapter of the Unholy/Family feud in the WAR GAMES!

BB:  You know....we've seen just about everything between yesterday and tonight....a new World Champion, the return of Hornet and Vizzack...and we haven't even gotten to the DOUBLE MAIN EVENT that's still left to come.  Up next, Deacon and Eddy Love finally step in the ring.  Fans have been calling for it for over a year....these two competitors have been calling for it....and now they get to do it with the World Title on the line.  Without further adieu....hit it Rhubarb!


"Hurricane" Eddy Love

RJ: This contest is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

(Cue Up: "Whole Lotta Love" - Led Zeppelin)

Introducing first... is the challenger! From Clemson, South Carolina... weighing in at 245 pounds, and accompanied to the ring by Sweet Melissa... The SHOWSTOPPER... "Hurricane" EDDY LOVE!!!


BB: You've been waiting for this...


BB: Thanks, Steve.

RJ: And his opponent...

(Cue Up: "Gregorian Chant")

Accompanied to the ring by Faith, and his manager, Shepherd... weighing in at 330 pounds... Your CSWA HERO... AND THE CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... DEACON!!!

BB: We have been waiting for this for TWO YEARS! Deacon and Eddy Love! And with the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line, the stakes are even higher. This matchup may be THE most anticipated match in CSWA history since Hornet and GUNS in the Fish Fund XI Career match!

SB: How long until Eddy wins?

BB: Riiiiiight.

SB: What? WHAT?

BB: There's the bell! They lock up, and Deacon sends Love down to the canvas with authority! They lock up again, and this time, Love counters with a knee to the breadbasket, doubling over Deacon! Love off the ropes... BIG KNEELIFT! Deacon staggers, but he doesn't go down!

SB: Love's got to stay on him!

BB: Love off the ropes again... IMPLANT DDT... NO! Deacon DROPS HIM WITH A SIDE SLAM! That took a TON out of Love, and now, Deacon has regained his composure... BIG RIGHT HAND drops Eddy Love like a bad habit! Deacon lifts him up... HE PRESSES Love....AND SLAMS HIM DOWN TO THE CANVAS! Deacon whips Love off the ropes... BIG CLOTHESLINE! A cover by Deacon, 1...............2...................NO! KICKOUT BY Love!

SB: He has NO brain whatsoever... why waste your time with a cover so early on! And EDDY! Eddy can't be beaten!

BB: Deacon back to his feet, but so is Love! Deacon manages to keep the advantage with a forearm, and he sends Love off the ropes... FLYING CLOTHESLINE....NO! Love drops down to the canvas, and Deacon goes through the ropes, smacking down HARD on the concrete floor! Love wastes no time, he's through the ropes to the outside! He grabs the head of Deacon... SLAMS IT INTO THE APRON! Goes for it again... NO! Deacon blocks with a fist to the midsection... and he sends Love INTO THE RINGSIDE STEPS! Love literally went THROUGH the steps, scattering them everywhere!

SB: This isn't good... Deacon is manhandling him! NO! NO! NO! Deacon is supposed to be the hero! Let EDDY use the chairs and the steps!

BB: Deacon rolls Love into the ring, and he's heading up to the top rope... that's not his territory, this might be a mistake! Love staggering back to his feet... Deacon OFF THE TOP WITH A FLYING BODYPRESS... AND Love ROLLS THROUGH! 1.....................2...............NO! ALMOST A THREE COUNT! Love up to his feet, and he hits a LARIAT out of nowhere! Deacon drops to the canvas, and the tables have been turned! Love picks Deacon up by the hair... and he hits a spinebuster!


BB: Deacon's girlfriend, I suppose, Faith, is screaming at Love! She'd better stay away from him, she's no fighter! Eddy Love sends Deacon into the ropes... SHOULDERBLOCK! EDDY GOES DOWN!

SB: Get up! Get up!

BB: Deacon dragging Love into the center of the ring... AND HE LOCKS IN A FULL-NELSON! He's trying to use his strength to it's fullest advantage, and this isn't good for Love! Ben Worthington asks the former World Champion if he wants to give it up, but that doesn't have a shot in hell of happening... now, Deacon twisting back and forth, trying to increase the affects of this manuever... finally, Love drops to the canvas with a CHINBREAKER!

SB: Smart move! That caught the Mute Freak right under the chin, and he broke the hold!

BB: Deacon holding his chin in obvious discomfort, but Love is still hurting from the full nelson! He's trying to gather himself on the canvas, and Deacon locks in a REVERSE CHINLOCK, trying to futher drain the strength of the former Champ! In fact, it looks like Love may be going out here! Ben Worthington checks the arm... IT DROPS ONCE, DROPS TWICE... THREE TIMES... NO! Deacon brings Love back to his feet, and he's out...

SB: This isn't good... he can't stand up without assistance... there's just something that's not good about

this... MELISSA!

BB: Deacon picks up Love... SHOULDERBREAKER! A cover, 1................2........................3! NO! Somehow, Love had the presence of mind to get his foot on the ropes! Deacon pulls Love back up, and sends him into the corner... CHARGES IN WITH A CLOTHESLINE....NO! Love PUTS UP THE BOOTS!

SB: Now, here's your chance! Piledrive him into the concrete!

BB: Deacon staggering back, and Love climbs up to the second rope... BULLDOGS Deacon down to the canvas! That might be it! I don't know if he can kick out from that! Love not going for the cover, though, he DROPS an ELBOW... off the ropes... AND DROPS ANOTHER! Now, he goes for the cover, 1.............................2.....................NO! Kickout by Deacon! Love is really surprised that Deacon kicked out, and heaves him to the outside...

SB: Grab a monitor and drive it through his skull!

BB: Love grabs Deacon... and SENDS him into the steel post! Now, he shoves him down against the ring

railings, and Love's got a chair! Deacon better move, or he's gonna be in a WORLD of hurt...

SB: HE DIDN'T! Love cracked him right in the head with the chair!

BB: Deacon slumps against the ringside barriers, and Love grabs a table from ringside... he scoops up Deacon... and OH MY! He just SLAMED Deacon RIGHT DOWN THROUGH THE TABLE! Worthington' gotta get out here and stop this... it's getting out of hand!

SB: It is not! Personally, I'd love to see Deacon get beatings like this one more often!

BB: I know YOU would... Deacon is holding his back, and he's GOT to be hurt! Love rolls him into the ring, and he's trying to enter the ring with a chair... Ben Worthington is arguing with him! Worthington finally gets the chair away from Eddy Love and chucks it to the outside... and look at this! Love just SHOVED Worthington down to the canvas!

SB: Well, he deserved it!

BB: He did not! He's trying to enforce the rules!

SB: What's good for Eddy is good for the CSWA. Those are the rules.

BB: Worthington hit hard on the canvas and now rolls to the outside. I think he got the wind knocked out of him.

SB: He’s lucky he didn’t get the snot knocked out him.

BB: Here comes POWERS and APOCALYPSE! Kevin Powers and Apocalypse are unified on this one…and they dive into the ring. Powers is all over Love, Apocalypse is all over Deacon….what’s going on here!? These were the only two guys they couldn’t get in the WAR GAMES, so apparently they decided to interfere here!

SB: Hey, ya do whatcha gotta do.

BB: Powers has tossed Love over the top rope to the floor, and now the PoA look like they’re going to set up the World Champion! Powers has grabbed a chair and set it across the turnbuckle! Apocalypse has Deacon over his shoulder somehow…and it looks like he’s gonna drop him throat-first on that chair! Wait! Somebody just jumped out of the crowd….it’s HORNET! He’s got a chair and he’s headed into the ring!

SB: But who’s he gonna take out with that chair!!!???

BB: Hornet’s in….he nails Powers and sends him reeling. He catches Apocalypse in the gut, forcing him to drop Deacon to the mat…and now Hornet whips Apocalypse into the corner…and into that chair PoA set up!!! The chair goes flying, and Apocalypse takes a powder….the Unified Tag Team Champs are out of here….Love’s on the outside…and now Deacon and Hornet are in the ring.

SB: Cue the branding iron!

BB: Hornet still has the chair in hand….but he looks like he’s offering a hand to Deacon, to help the World Champ to his feet. Deacon doesn’t respond immediately…and Hornet shrugs and heads for the ropes. Love has rolled back in, and it looks like Worthington is climbing back in as well.

SB: What? No branding iron?

BB: I’m sorry you’re so disappointed, Sammy. Hornet is on the outside….he’s positioned himself facing the aisleway…and it looks like he’s decided to block any more interference during this one!

SB: What is that idiot doing? Just when I thought he had turned to the dark side of the Force…he goes soft on me!

BB: Now Love is pulling Deacon into the center of the ring, things do not look good! Love setting up Deacon with a TOE-HOLD... AND HE GETS A CHINLOCK in at the same time... Deacon screams out in pain, and I don't know if he can hold on much longer!

SB: Think about this... if Eddy Love can beat Deacon... he's THE GREATEST CSWA World Champion of our time!

BB: That may be true, Sammy ,but he has to BEAT Deacon. Love still has Deacon locked in this hold, and Worthington repeatedly asking Deacon if he wants to give it up... Deacon has stopped answered, so he might have slipped unconcious from the pain! Worthington checks the arm... DROPS ONCE... DROPS TWICE... THREE TIMES... NO! The arm stayed up!

SB: That's close enough...

BB: Look out…we’ve got another visitor on the rampway….who is that?

SB: I have absolutely no ida.

BB: I hate to take away from this match at all, but can we get a quick camera shot of this guys for the fans?

(A new camera angle shows a man in a long black coat, a black cowboy hat, and dark sunglasses. His face is tilted downward, making it almost impossible to see who it is.)

BB: What is with this guy…he’s walking straight down the rampway…as if Hornet’s not going to stop him from doing whatever he’s planning.

SB: Apparently he’s not…look.

BB: Folks….Hornet appears to be in shock. He’s got a better vantage point….apparently he knows who this is. He’s shaking his head like he can’t believe it.

(The man continues to walk down the aisleway…as he walks past Hornet, he takes off the sunglasses and the hat, pauses just as he passes Hornet, and then climbs over the rail to take a seat in the first row.)

BB: Hold on….that’s not….it can’t be…

SB: The Wolf is back in town! I KNEW something good had to happen tonight.

BB: Fans, that’s MIKE RANDALLS! The Devastating One…the former Unified World Champion….

SB: The man who has Hornet’s number!

BB: is BACK! I don’t know if he’s signed a contract to return to the CSWA or not…but what’s he doing here?! I’m sorry folks….back in the ring, Deacon is still trying to power out of the modified STF... Wait a second... he locks both arms of Love, and he's trying to get up to his feet... he's DOING IT! Deacon has the taller Love up in a crucifix-like position... and he BACKS into the corner, SQUASHING Love in! Deacon collapses to the canvas, and Love does the same! On the outside….Hornet is simply staring at Mike Randalls in the front row…and now Hornet begins to walk back up the aisleway. This is bizarre! Those two men HATE each other. I mean…we’ve seen tremendous feuds this year between Vizzack and Love, Eli and Powers….but I can hardly think of any feud that matches the intensity and the scope of what has happened in the past between Hornet and Randalls.

SB: But apparently Randalls could care less about Hornet….he’s watching the match…stalking his competition for the title. Hey, what's the time limit for this match?

BB: There is NO TIME LIMIT for the match! This match will continue until one man cannot! We might not have to worry about that, because neither Deacon or Love has BUDGED since falling to the canvas! Finally, Love grabs the middle rope, and he's attempting to pull himself back up! Deacon still isn't moving!

SB: EDDY! Stop wasting time! Hurricane Piledriver for the victory!

BB: Eddy Love heard you... I think... He's picking the MASSIVE Deacon up... and he's set up! If he hits this, fans, we'll have a second World Title change in two days! HURRICANE PILEDRIVER! IT'S ALL OVER! EDDY LOVE WILL BECOME A TWO- TIME CSWA WORLD CHAMPION! He hooks the leg, 1..................2...............NO! NO! FAITH JUST ENTERED THE RING! SHE HITS EDDY LOVE ACROSS THE BACK WITH A STEEL CHAIR!


BB: Worthington calls for the bell... and I believe he has disqualified Deacon! Eddy Love will go home the winner, but Deacon will go home the CHAMPION!

SB: Worthington is raising Love's hand, but he's handing the belt to Deacon! That is SO WRONG!

BB: Sweet Melissa is holding Eddy Love back as Love may try to deck Ben Worthington! Faith and Shepherd are checking on the Champ, and Shepherd is yelling at Faith! This has been a memorable event, ladies and gentlemen... and coming up next... THE WAR GAMES!


W A R   G A M E S

The Family
The Unholy

BB: Sammy, this has been a masterpiece of an event. After everything we’ve seen…and now the apparent return of "Devastating" Mike Randalls…this has been amazing. We've seen Deacon and Eddy Love finally get their hands on each other, we've seen a new World Heavyweight Champion crowned... and we're about to see the ULTIMATE match, as The Family and The Unholy settle their feud inside a WAR GAMES cage.

SB: Get on with it. Eddy might have gotten hurt and I want to get back there and help Melissa... well...

BB: We know, Sammy... we know. And we're sick of hearing about it.

SB: You'd rather talk to Rudy? To Rhubarb?

BB: That's a good idea. Rhubarb, take it away!

RJ: Ladies and gentlemen... this contest is the final piece of the MAIN EVENT! And it will be a WAR GAMES matchup! Each team has four members on it, and in just a moment, we will see which man for each team will start things off! Every two minutes thereafter, the two teams will alternate in sending another man to the ring! When all eight men are in the ring, WAR GAMES will begin, and the match will continue until one man on one team has surrendered!

BB: The rules are simple... but the match is brutal. Sammy, these men will never be the same.

SB: The crippled former Champ, Eli Flair, will definitely be changed.

RJ: And now, Ladies and Gentlemen... The FIRST TEAM MEMBER... for THE UNHOLY!!!

(Cue Up: "(Can't You) Trip Like I Do" - Filter and Crystal Method)

One Half of the UNIFIED Tag Team Champions... "Good God" KEVIN POWERS!!!

BB: Here comes Powers, with Susan on his arm and that belt around his waist. He's a reluctant member of the Unholy, but he's got a personal stake in this matchup, just like everyone else involved.

SB: He turned on Eddy. He sucks.

BB: Nice analysis.

RJ: AND NOW... The first team member... for THE FAMILY!

(Cue Up: "Blue Monday" - Orgy)


(Cue Up: "Bawtidaba" -Kid Rock)

BB: Wait a second... Eli Flair and Joey Melton are both at the curtain... and Flair is coming to the ring! I'm not sure what exactly happened here... but it's Eli Flair and Kevin Powers to start things off!

SB: I think I know... I think Flair took Melton's place when he saw it would be himself and Powers. These two never exactly finished things between themselves. And look at Powers! He's got a smile on his face!

BB: The cage has been lowered, and the bell has sounded! FLAIR AND POWERS RIP INTO EACH OTHER! Flair unloading with right hands! NO! Powers with a headbutt! He hooks the former World Champion... HE RUNS FLAIR INTO THE CAGE! Flair is in pain! He wrestled once tonight already, ladies and gentlemen! And he’s taken the place of Joey Melton, who was injured last night at the hands of the Unholy.

SB: Yeah, and I think Troy got robbed!

BB: Whatever, Sammy. Powers has Flair set up... He drops him with a backbreaker! Powers is ascending the cage... Oh, don't tell me... Powers isn't an aerial attacker! He's on the top turnbuckle... and he drops down with a splash! NO! Flair rolled out of the way! Eli Flair may have saved his career right there! Both men to their feet... Kick by Flair! DDT!

SB: How much time, Buckley?

BB: One minute, Sammy, and we'll see who gets the advantage!

SB: I can't take another minute of this.

BB: Flair is setting Powers up... SPINEBUSTER! He's really taken control here, Sammy! Eli sends Powers into the ropes... SHOULDERBLOCK! NOBODY GOES DOWN! And we've got a staredown in the middle of the ring! Listen to the fans, Sammy! They're completely divided! Half the people are screaming "ELI! ELI!" and half are screaming "POWERS! POWERS!"


BB: I should have seen that coming.


BB: Flair with a right hand! Powers fires back! These two men, who have spilled more of each other's blood than any two men in the CSWA, INCLUDING Hornet and GUNS, are currently taking each other's measure! This is intense, Sammy!


BB: I hate you.

SB: I know.

BB: Flair fires back, and Powers is rocked! Eli off the ropes... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Both men are down!

CROWD: 10...............9...................8.................7................6.................5...............4...............3................2..............1.........

SB: Who is it?

BB: It's COMMANDO! The Unholy will have two minutes of a two- on- one advantage! And with Flair down, he could really take the former champion out!

SB: Let's hope so.

BB: Commando is in the cage, and he goes right for Eli Flair! He grabs his legs, and he's locking on a Figure Four! Flair isn't going anywhere! Powers is leaving the ring... HE'S BRINGING A CHAIR INTO THE MIX! Remember, fans, there is no disqualification here! BRINGS THAT CHAIR DOWN ONTO ELI'S CHEST AREA! He could cave in his rib cage!

SB: Hey... they're cheating!

BB: RANDY HARDERS! Randy Harders, who narrowly defeated Dante Inferno to become the Presidential Champion earlier today, has hit the ringside area a full minute and a half before he was supposed to! NEMESIS IS OUT TO STOP HIM! Nemesis, who took the US Title from Harders, has tackled him from behind! Harders will have none of it, however, as he slams Nemesis into the guardrail!

SB: I think the point of War Games has just been thrown out the window... here comes Apocalypse.

BB: Apocalypse was just THROWN through the curtain... by Steve Radder and Joey Melton! They're three- on- twoing Nemesis and Apocalypse, while Powers and Commando are double teaming Flair inside the cage! NO! Harders sees what's going on... he drops Nemesis across the guardrail and heads for the cage! Apocalypse has Radder set up... SEVENTH SEAL! On the floor! Melton has been laying the boots to Nemesis... APOC GRABS HIM FROM BEHIND!

SB: I think Rhubarb is lost.

BB: What? Sammy, where are you going? OH MY! For the second straight pay- per- view event, Sammy Benson has knocked Rhubarb Jones out!


BB: I... guess it's official now. Harders has climed to the top of the cage... but Powers has met him there! THEY'RE EXCHANGING RIGHT HANDS FIFTEEN FEET IN THE AIR! Inside the cage, Flair has started to stir, and he's trying to reverse the Figure Four! Harders with a thumb in the eyes! HE JUST DUMPED POWERS OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Powers just landed in front of us, and Susan is going to check on him!

SB: See? Simple. Saves time. That's what the fans want.

BB: Of course, Rhubarb still remembers the last time you did that.

SB: He does? Amazing. You’d think a shot to the head like that would cause amnesia.

BB: ... Apocalypse picks Radder up... and whips him down the aisle! He stops short at the cage, but Melton is whipped right behind him! Inside the cage, Flair has reversed the Figure Four! Commando is in a lot of pain now! And Nemesis has entered the cage! He lays the boots to the former World Champion and the hold is broken!

SB: What we need now is some kind of natural disaster. Something to end this quickly.

BB: Why do you want it to end so quickly?

SB: So we can show more of EDDY!

BB: After this, the show is over. No more Eddy tonight.

SB (Getting up): Ok, in that case...

BB: SIT DOWN! Apocalypse has just shoved Radder into the cage! We've got six men inside the cage now, and three on the outside! Apoc sends Radder off the ropes... NO! Harders with a kick to Apocalypse! RADDER WITH THE ABSOLUTE ZERO! Joey Melton, on the outside, has picked Kevin Powers up... and sets him on a table! We've never seen anything like THIS from Joey Melton!

SB: We're not. Look inside the cage!


SB: Well he wants his little time off... it doesn't matter if he won't be able to MOVE for it.

BB: Flair is climbing to the top of the cage... and Melton with a final shot to Powers' head! OH MY GOD! FIFTEEN FEET THROUGH A TABLE! Flair and Powers are both out of it! Melton enters the cage! Sammy, this used to be your main man in the CSWA!

SB: Times change.

BB: Harders with a double clothesline on Commando and Apocalypse! Melton has Nemesis... and he locks on his own FIGURE FOUR! Radder has taken a step back along with Harders... and I'm not sure what's going on here.

SB: Apocalypse has helped Commando to his feet... They should be breaking up the Figure Four attempt.

BB: Apoc looks like he's directing traffic just a bit. He just told Commando to attack Radder, while he goes for Harders. I guess we're down to two- against- two in this one! NO! NO! NO! APOCALYPSE WITH A FOREARM TO COMMANDO! COMMANDO IS DOWN! APOCALYPSE SETS HIM UP... SEVENTH SEAL! SEVENTH SEAL! Harders scoops Commando up... WHIRLWIND! Ben Worthington slides into the ring... YES! We have a submission! Worthington is calling for the bell, although I'm MIGHTY CONFUSED about what just happened here!


BB: On the outside, Poison Ivy is trying to help Eli get to his feet... as Susan is trying to do for Powers.But it looks like Powers... yes, he's back on his feet. And he's got a smile on his face as he reenters the cage! Joey Melton is calling for a microphone!

MELTON: Unholy.... We TRIED to tell you, but you wouldn't listen! We told you that there was someone you couldn't trust in your mix. But you JUST WOULDN'T LISTEN! Lo and behold, it's your high and mighty leader.

Now, it's the AGE of the FAMILY! And I pity anyone in the CSWA who gets in our way!

BB: Rather mixed reaction for this newfound alliance, and I can't say I blame them. But we'll have as much information as possible posted on the online CS TRIBUNE as soon as we have it. I guess that's it from Houston, so, for Sammy Benson and the rest of the CSWA support staff, my name is Bill Buckley... Goodnight!

(Cue Up: "The Biggest and the Best" - Clawfinger)

BB: HOLD ON! Stay with us! What's going on?

["Mr. Main Event" Rob Sampson walks out from the back and heads to the ring. The crowd seems to be confused by Sampson's presence but cheer him on anyway. Sampson heads about ten feet right before the ring before he stops and looks to see The Family looking right at him. He then asks one of the ring attendents for a microphone and looks directly at Powers.]

RS: Just what exactly is going on here? (Pointing at Powers) I can

understand crybaby Waldo over here going to his little friends, bcause he needs a support group like any other lush. (Points at Apocalypse) You on the other hand... What are you thinking?

KP: Check it out little man. You need to back up and pack your bags. Catch the next taxi and go home. Nobody cares about you or your little quote 'World Titles' that you piced up in some third rate country federations. You're nothing more than a mere child looking for a handout here, but face the facts's over. We know the real deal.

RS: I believe I was talking to Apocalypse and not you ya lush. You see, the man is capable of speaking for himself. If I wanted to talk to you then I would've asked Apocalypse to pull the string on your back, but I didn't now did I?

KP: Oh. I'm sorry, but it seems that you've got my attention right now! Perhaps we should talk about this face to face?

RS: You don't see me leaving, do ya? What? You think I'm afraid to come in there just because you've got your boys around you? If I come in there I'll talk then beat your ass!

KP: Hey. Don't just stand there son. Bring your ass in here so I can pop my foot right in it!

BB: We've got the final member of the Unholy ready to tear Kevin Powers a new one! WAIT A SECOND! Four masked men just ran through the crowd, and they're climing the cage! Sammy, what's going on?

SB: I don't know, but they've blindsided Harders, Radder, and Melton!

BB: Eli Flair has finally climbed to his feet, but Poison Ivy is holding him back! Sammy, the man is crimson from head to toe! I'm surprised he's still STANDING! Commando and Nemesis are just standing there, completely confused as to what's happening!

SB: Usual state of affairs. But look at Apocalypse, trying to be the peacekeeper with Sampson and Powers! Ummm... hold on a second. Is it me, or is the ring smoking?

BB: The ring... OH MY GOD! There's a fire in the middle of the ring! The canvas is burning! We've got to get these people out of the building! Sammy, call the fire department!

SB: Bill? Someone is IN there!

BB: It's... Dante Inferno and Silky Rose! They entered the ring from BELOW! Radder recognizes his old enemy and--- FIREBALL INTO RADDER'S FACE! Silky Rose just shot Steve Radder with a fireball! HARDERS IS ALL OVER INFERNO!

SB: How's Captain Schitzo?

BB: Eli Flair has been restrained by security... they aren't letting him go in there! INFERNO SENDS HARDERS INTO THE CAGE! And Inferno just RIPPED the door clean off! HE HITS HARDERS IN THE BUTT OF THE JAW! Randy Harders stumbles through the ropes to the outside! And I bet he's glad Mrs. Beyer isn't here to witness this firsthand, Sammy!

SB: I'm betting she wishes she WAS, so she wouldn't have to WONDER how he is.

BB: The medical team that was looking at Eli Flair has broken off to check on Harders' condition... but Dante Inferno is guarding that entrance into the cage like a hawk! Vice President Gethard actually got up on the apron but Inferno shoved him down!

SB: Now what's this? The masked men are on one side of the ring and the Unholy, Family, whatever, are on the other.

BB: I think it's still Unholy, Sammy. Apocalypse takes a step forward, and he gestures for the rest of the Unholy to attack! NO! Powers, Sampson, and Inferno all take Commando and Nemesis out! And it looks like security teams managed to pull Melton and Radder out of there as well! Gethard's security teams will have their work cut out for them as they keep all these men separated in the back.

SB: Awww... show's coming to an end.

BB: Finally, the Unholy steps back out of the cage. The four masked men, who are obviously new recruits, continue to lay the boots to Commando and Nemesis. Fans, we will have an update for you on the conditions of all the men involved in this Main Event, as well as the status of fines, suspensions, or disciplinary action taken. Wait... They've stopped, and the 'leader' has instructed the other three to take off their masks...

SB: I don't believe it!

BB: BLADE! And Wicked Sight, the Greensboro Champion, along with Zero and Havoc! These are the four masked men! It was all a setup! The brawling during the Blade/Havoc match, everything! And Blade picks up the microphone that Melton dropped minutes ago!

BLADE: Four man banned together on one simple word. Not because we share friendship, not because we are intimidated to walk amongst the CSWA alone, and not because we seek leadership in another wrestler....

(a short pause)

We unite together for one simple reason....RESPECT!! No one assumes the leadership role, no one dictates particular decisions, and no one stands on a higher professional plateau than the other. We have come together in order to be heard, in order to 'cleanse' the CSWA of the 'older' pollutants, and most importantly, we stand side by side for the soul reason of dismantling the attempted anarchy which is the Family. Tonight is only the beginning my friends for a new 'look' is about to overwhelm the CSWA. And that new 'look' is the FORSAKEN....

(pauses for a moment and stares intently into the camera)

As the well-known proverb goes....OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW....

BB: I'm disgusted. I'm ashamed to be a part of the CSWA right now. Fans... goodnight.

(Blade drops the microphone to the canvas as the four men depart from the ring. As they head towards the backstage area they walk right past The UnHoly at the top of the rampway. The last man, Blade, walks up the rampway and brushes right past Apocalypse. As Blade is walking away he and Apocalypse are trading cold stares back and forth...)


(In the back, Poison Ivy is clearing out of her dressing room while the paramedics finish up with Eli.  There's a knock at the door.)

Ivy:  What?

(A UPS man slowly opens the door...apparently he's gotten wind of Ivy's reputation.)

UPS:  I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but I've got two deliveries for you, and I was told I could find you here.  I just need you to sign for them.

(Ivy sighs, signs for the packages, and the UPS man quickly backs out of the room.  The first is a small envelope containing a card with embossed stationery.  It has nothing written on it other than a large "I'm sorry." covering the inside flap, written in a man's handwriting.  Ivy tosses the card towards the garbage just misses, landing beside it.  The other package is in a UPS 'bag'.  Ivy tears it open, revealing... a T-shirt.  Ivy holds it up: on the front it reads "I called Mike Randalls 'old'....".  Ivy turns it around:  on the back it reads "And now my life is a living hell."  Ivy stares at the shirt a moment, then tosses it towards the trash can in disgust....this time she hits.)

(Another cameraman tries to chase down the UPS driver in an attempt to find out who sent the packages.  Outside, near the truck, the UPS driver stops and speaks with a man.  After their conversation, the driver gets in his truck and leaves.  The camera zooms in on the other man, revealing Craig Miles, a former CSWA wrestler and long-time associate of Mike Randalls.  Miles laughs and waves at the camera.)


THE END (Finally)

I hope you enjoyed TWS...even if it did take two months to post. :)  Thanks to Pete and Mark for their help, as well as to all of you for sticking around.

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