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The updated TRIBUNE INSIDER features columns by some of the CSWA's finest.  In the tradition of "Buckley's Better Beef" and "Cornette's Corner", take a look at the following:

Happy Hour
by Sammy Benson

The Ivy League
by Poison Ivy

Carnival of Knowledge
by Miso

Gentleman's Club
by Lawrence Stanley

by JT Tyler


Also within the TRIBUNE you'll find:

Rudy's Rant
by Rudy Seitzer

Bottom Line
by Commissioner Merritt

If you're interested in writing a  column, contact us at cswa@thecswa.com with the details. 



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"The Ivy League" returns with Ivy's first comments since the kidnapping and rescue of her daughter!

Updated 8/10/00      

Do I have to tell you people every single time?

You can't keep Poison Ivy down. You can't keep Team Extreme down.

Hasn't the world figured this out yet? Even with Eli still recovering from his injury. Even with my dear Susan kidnapped. Even with Johnny Fizzbin's former business burned to the ground by Damien Xeno/The Insider/Whoever the hell he was.

And we're back on top. If not on top of the rankings, then at the very least, we're emotionally as good as we've ever been.

I mentioned Johnny Fizzbin. Isn't he amazing? This is going to be one of the biggest adjustments of my professional career. Not managing Johnny.... because managing is simply what I do. But looking to my left and seeing his trainer, Eli Flair, standing outside the ring watching him amaze the crowd.

Eli's a tough teacher. He's hard on Johnny when it comes to exercise and training.... but the look in his eyes tells a different story altogether.

He's proud.

Keep watching, CSWA fans.... because Team Extreme has a new lease on life, and as the old saying goes.... you ain't seen NOTHING yet!


Carnival of Knowledge
Updated 8/11/00

Controversy. Something that everyone experiences at least once in their lives unless you compete in the CSWA. If you compete in the CSWA then you experience it everyday in your life. So can be said about the events that occurred at Indy 2000 held by the CSWA.

With three teams fighting for survival in the Stairway to Hell match, it was Kevin Powers who reached for the titles and claimed victory ... or so The Dark Carnival though. It is true that Kevin Powers and Michael Hardy of Simply Stunning grabbed the belts, but it was Powers who had control first.

Yet the CSWA ... Merritt ... had turned a blind eye to the situation and has created controversy yet again. Now nobody knows who the tag team champions are. Perhaps if they asked Michael Hardy the would get a true answer cause deep down inside he knows he is the false hero to the cause.

So would that match explain the assault of Steve Radder? Perhaps it would, but never look into the situation when the answer stares you right in the face. Kevin Powers attacked Steve Radder because he felt like it. Radder has had an unseen headlock on the CSWA which cannot be explained and now Kevin Powers will release that once and for all. In Phoenix Kevin Powers and The Dark Carnival will prove that only one team runs this league .... we do and nothing .... nobody ... can stop us from our complete and utter control.

So when you, the fans of the CSWA, buy your tickets to the next event be ready for The Dark Carnival and ... Enjoy the Ride.


Gentleman's Club
Updated 8/4/00

Greetings to you, the great unwashed, and welcome to the greatest column ever to feature in ‘The Tribune’, why you ask? Because it is penned by the greatest wrestler ever to step foot in the CSWA and professional wrestling in general – "The English Gent" Lawrence Stanley. I was approached by the editor of this magazine and asked to give my views of the CSWA in a regular article, the opportunity to voice my opinions and the substantial financial offer he made me were too good to turn down so here I am. As my column becomes more regular I will look as specific topics as well as cards that have just happened, for the sake of my debut piece I will look briefly at the comings and goings of the CSWA recently.

Let us start in the tag ranks, never have I seen a finer collection of tag teams in all my days wrestling, at the moment the tag title chase is one of the hottest and most watched in all of wrestling. The champions the Dark Carnival have shown that they deserve to be champions with displays of brute strength and domination that remind me of myself. Take a look down and you see a wealth of talent who want to knock the champions off their pedestal, the SWAT Team, "Simply Stunning", Strictly Business, Bobby Jackson and Cameron Cruise and that is just the tip. You may also take into account the team of Lawrence Stanley and Serf, granted serf may not yet be up to such competition but under the tutelage of Alfred and myself I feel he may soon be able to make his mark on the singles and tag scene. As it is we are happy to sit back and see what takes place in the tag team scene over the next few weeks, from the talent that is on offer it would not surprise me if the tag titles swapped hands frequently, however let us leave the tag ranks and look at the bigger picture that is the singles division.

Like the tag ranks the singles division is hotting up immensely, with a fine mixture of young up and coming hopefuls to the renowned veterans who have seen it all before. I for one like the mixture in the CSWA, it is not made up of young 16 year olds but at the same time the card is not dominated by people in their mid 50’s like some federations, that’s what makes the CSWA the worldwide success it is. Of course the other reason is that near the top of the rankings is yours truly, the US champion. Take a look at the Greensboro champion, the Presidential champion, the US champion and the World champion, quality wrestlers all of them, now look at the people who are vying for those titles, strength in depth all the way. The CSWA is so competitive that you need only slip up once and you may find yourself way down the rankings, without a title shot or even worse, without a title that you once held. This is what brings people to the CSWA, the opportunity that such competition can bring, for one person’s ill fortune is another person’s break and there are plenty people who are itching to get into the main event limelight.

This brief glimpse into the CSWA will suffice until I feel the urge to pen another breathtaking column for ‘The Tribune’, where I shall be able to pin-point a specific topic as oppose to merely discussing the wider picture. Either way be sure to pick up the next issue of ‘The Tribune’ so that your worthless lives can be temporarily enriched by reading the sacred words of "The English Gent" Lawrence Stanley. However until that time comes I feel it is time to bid all the members of the great unwashed a good day.


Kneel, and bow before me. Don’t be shy. My name is Sammy Benson, your constant example of morality. I understand, you’ve waited a lifetime. Come my son, and walk with me through the gates of Happy Hour.

Updated 7/12/00

I just want to start by saying how much I despise Canadians.  I know I've mentioned it before in this column...but after some 'time off' due to the CSWA's internal bickering between the big C and S, I thought I'd remind you.

And that includes Steve Radder.  The Canadian of Canadians.  While Canadians babble on about his clean air and water...while they try to convince us that their Canadian beer is a true import and better than the American stuff...while they goes on and on about providing health care to everybody by taxing everyone excessively...I know the truth.

It's all a gimmick.  Radder and Canada both.  They're all gimmick.  Just like Radder sticking his nose into what could have been the greatest combination since America's Team...the Powers of Love.  But no, Powers had to let the Canadian stick his nose into things... and so we get "PLR"...and the rest, as they say, is history.  Then the Canadian proceeds to turn on Powers, the guy that got him *in* the in-crowd, while ragging on Eddy Love.

Typical Canadian blather.  He talks about how great he is...how he deserves a title shot... how he deserved better from Powers and Love.  Please.

You want some respect, Radder?  Get up off your behind and show us that you can hold a candle to the former CSWA World Champion Eddy Love and the Unified World Tag Champ Kevin Powers.  

You didn't deserve to be with them then...and you're not in their league now.  Get over it...and go back to Canada to raise your kid in the socialistic little society your crave.

Like I said before:  "Canadian: Australian for Gay".

(Comments expressed in "Happy Hour" do not necessarily represent the CSWA or CS Enterprises On-line, Inc.) 

Updated post-TWS

"Factions.....From one extreme......."

These days, everyone and their mother is banding together as a group. Personally I don't see the point to some of them, but you can't argue with the logic. Back in the day, the old saying "A real man stands alone" held true, in fact, it was admired, now, it's just stupid.

True, you have more room for debate in a group. You know, "Who's the leader?", "So and so would have lost if he didn't have his group", and so on. However, today, it isn't necessarily "What" you know....it's "Who". Take a look at some feds outside our realm. You have "Triple H", if he wasn't involved with Shawn Michaels at one point, he would still be genuflecting in the ring. Jeff Jarrett, if he didn't make goody good with Kevin Nash, he would still be talking about the stroke he wasn't getting. These days, you NEED people around you.

There is a flip side to this as well. Say for instance, you get jumped, you think people are gonna back you up, just because "It's the right thing to do"? Back in the day, maybe that would happen. Nowadays, the only ones helping you are the referees, and they don't help at all. There are also those friendships that can happen in a group. No one can get a tag-belt by themselves you know.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't a kindred nobility in standing on your own. Just let everyone else know when you stop living in the past, we'll bring you up to speed. You don't like it?

Live with it.

".....To the other."

Why is this culture so enthralled with bandwagons, and fads? One day it's cool to wear JimmyZ, the next day it's cool to wear FUBU, clothes are clothes. It's "Cool" to be a Yankee's fan, so, you know what, everyone is, it's "cool" to have an S.U.V. so every car manufacturer is involved, whether they should be or not. I mean, really, does an offspring of a Jeep, REALLY need to be luxurious? 

A few years ago, you would see a faction here, a stable there, nowadays, I swear they should form their OWN fed. somewhere, why? Because it's "Cool".  Just like the plight of a teenager, come on, you know the words "Iwant to be judged for what I do, not what everyone my age does."  Meanwhile the kid who says that is wearing the EXACT same kind of clothes as the three kids next to him. I know all about "fitting in", so don't say it.

I'm not saying that if you are following the trend, and jumping into a faction, that you are a sheep. Not at all, what I AM saying, is, where's the challenge in it? Isn't that what life is supposed to be about? Isn't that why we have extreme sports? Because the average athlete wanted to be challenged beyond his known limits? Sure, a stablemate is good in a pinch, he's got your back, but can you say any accomplishment you make is REALLY yours?

Take a look at some of the legends that this sport has to offer. Mike Randalls, now when have you seen him with a faction? Hornet, maybe a buddy here, a buddy there, but that's about it. There are many more, but I'm not going to get into too much detail, it's not necessary. Do you have any inkling as to why these men are of legend? They know that "A warrior without his weapons, is a warrior still".  What that means is, they don't need anybody around them. Sure, they may get their butt handed to them by a group of thugs, but that doesn't change things. Take a look at the returning Swat Team, they knew that they were becoming nothing more than lackeys, so what are they doing? They're going on their own. 

These four men are warriors, no I'm not plugging an upcoming pay per view, this is coincidence.

Does your being in a faction make you a wimp? Not necessarily, but you will have to prove that alot more than a man on his own. If you have yet to realize that, then wake up, this dream is over.




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