Updated 7/12/00
I'm Rudy Seitzer, and
welcome to CSWA Grapevine, where we track down the rumors
running rampant here in the world of wrestling. As
always, I have to start with a standard disclaimer: we
cannot verify any of the rumors reported here. Some may
be true, some may be outright false...but they've all been
passed to me by various sources. So don't come crying to
Rudy...got it?
Remind me never to talk about how nice
it is to see the CSWA geared up again...cause you see what
happens when I do.
And is this lawsuit by Thomas really
necessary? What kind of judge does he have in his pocket
in order to be able to slap a gag order and work stoppage on
the CSWA entirely? Can you imagine how much it cost the
company to have to get out of arena dates and other
contracts? Not to mention paying all of us employees for
two months of 'free time.'
The biggest news by far is the
disappearance...and apparent kidnapping... of Ivy's adopted
daughter Susan. My prayers are with both Ivy and the
little girl. As far as I've heard, the FBI has made
almost no headway. While it's believed that Deacon's
former girlfriend, "Faith Hannum," was involved,
police have been able to find no trace of her present...just
as I was able to find no trace of her past. I have
received word from a source in the FBI that Deacon and Chris
Shepherd are not considered suspects and are not believed to
have been involved at all. How awful must it be for
Shepherd to have been involved in another criminal
investigation? It's only been about a year since he was
accused of murder.
And speaking of criminal
investigations....Commissioner Merritt is on a rampage.
He's legitimately furious at Thomas....and I'm straight
shooting here people. Merritt appears to be allowing his
furor to carry over to his contract negotiations with
Hornet. Hornet continues to refuse to speak about
signing a contract, and Merritt's threats of banning Hornet
from CSWA events after INDY continue to heat up.
I personally believe that Merritt will have to cave... he's
getting Hornet cheaper then any other CSWA superstar...the
CSWA is only having to pay Hornet scale for appearing on
television, rather than living up to the huge contract that
Hornet optioned his way out of last year. Merritt knows
that he needs Hornet in the game...but the question is...does
Hornet want to play?
Hornet's on-again off-again relationship
with Poison Ivy appears to be on-again. He was there for
her in Yakima in her time of need...but will he continue to be
there is the question? I'm the first one on the Hornet
bandwagon, obviously, but I'm also looking for some other sign
of the 'hero' from hornet before being committed again.
Blade has been added as part of the
Triple Threat Main Event at INDY... and the question
everyone is asking is... "Why?" Steve Radder
is there because he's carried the past two World Champions to
draws. Blade was recently fired for
insubordination...then rehired. Merritt forced him into
a non-title match in order to get a US Title shot...he
lost...and now he gets a World title shot?
Methinks something smells rotten in Denmark...and I have a
feeling it centers around JW Locke. Locke was never fond
of Deacon from the old BTR/EWI days...and I think I smell a
And then there's Mike Randalls.
Who knows what's gonna happen there...
That's it for now, Fans... I'll keep you
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