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Hornet vs. Mark Windham II
From LAST CALL, May 20, 1993
The Backstory: Hornet and Mark Windham's friendship in the CSWA was legendary. From the very first CSWA event, until five years later, their friendship remained unchallenged. Their first match pitted the United States Champion as the top contender challenging for the World Championship. The two friends played up the contest in a positive light, but a great match was ruined when Ray S. Cornette decided to horn in on things with interference from his Corporation. Cracks in the "America's Team" friendship began to show afterwards as reporters questioned who would have, or should have, won the match.
Shortly after ANNIVERSARY 1993, CS Enterprises announced its intent to leave the fading UWL 'superleague' conglomeration of federations. Many thought this jump would either allow the CSWA to come into its own and challenge for supremacy on the stage of the international wrestling world, or simply fizzle out and die like so many before.
In order to capture as much attention and possible, Merritt and Thomas signed a Hornet/Windham rematch. At first, it was to the chagrin of the two men, but as more and more words were exchanged between them, things became more and more heated.
Editor's Comment (OORP): Keep in mind, this WAS almost ten years ago. The match itself breaks up toward the end in order to push through to the extremely odd ending. CSWA matches were typically shorter then, as were cards in general. I believe, at the time, this was our longest card to date. Also, I have NO idea why we had Buckley leave the booth for the Main Event and put Stan Parsons in.
The match itself was never intended to have an actual result. In the few attempts we made under the 'system' to pit Windham and Hornet, Steve and I inevitably stopped the match in order to save our friendship. By the time the next Windy/Hornet match came around, the result was booked in advance.
Finally, a few grammatical errors have been changed, but otherwise, the match remains the same as it was when posted on Prodigy.
Bill Buckley: And now the moment you've all been waiting for. Five years in the making, it's Hornet versus Mark Windham. The pre-game hype is over, and this time it's for real. I'm going to hand things over to Stan Parsons and a special guest commentator. But right now, let's head down to Rhubarb Jones.
(The lights dim, the fireworks explode, and the greatest light show you've ever seen takes place.)
Rhubarb Jones: AND NOW THE STARTING LINEUP FOR YOUR WORLD CHAMPION CHICAGO BULLS... Whoops, wrong thing... Ladies and gentlemen, this is a one fall, six-minute time limit, no disqualification matchup FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD!
(CUEUP: Metallica's "Wherever I May Roam")
RJ: First, the challenger to the title, from Sweetwater, Texas, standing at 6'5", and weighing in at 257 pounds, this is the United States Heavyweight Champion, MARK "THE LIVING LEGEND" WINDHAM!!!! (Crowd erupts.)
(The light dim, and once again, fireworks explode.)
RJ: And the current and nine-time WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, from Greensboro, North Carolina, weighing in at 263 pounds and standing at 6'4", THIS IS HORNET!!!! (Crowd goes bonkers.)
Stan Parsons: Here we are! This no doubt has the potential to be the greatest match of all time. And because of that, we've kicked Sammy Benson out of here, and we've gotten a guest commentator. He's none other than Dream Warrior! Wait a minute, Windham's got the mic!
Mark Windham: Hey boy! You're not man enough to be here at ringside, so take your butt back where it belongs. In the SLWA! The minor leagues!
Dream Warrior: (sitting down) One day, Windham, one day.
SP: DW, I've never seen Mark like this. It's got to be the stress of finally facing Hornet.
DW: Let's hope so...
SP: There's the bell! Windham and Hornet circle each other like two fighters getting ready to engage in a fifteen-round war.
DW: I'm just glad I've got a ringside seat.
SP: Windham and Hornet lock horns, and Hornet sends Windham flying into the corner. The crowd cheers as this match is finally taking place after years of waiting! Windham points a finger at Hornet, then walks over and slaps him right in the face! Hornet slaps back, Mark slaps, Hornet slaps, everybody slaps! And everybody is standing! Good gawd it's all coming down tonight! Windham delivers a right hand to Hornet, but the World Champ ducks and catches him with an atomic drop.
DW: Pain, it hurts.
SP: So true. Hornet has Windham down on the mat in a headlock.
DW: Both men's tempers are flaring. I sure hope things don't get ugly.
Sammy Benson: Hey guys, I'm back!
DW: Too late.
SP: Mark lifts Hornet up and there's a belly to back suplex, but Hornet still hangs onto the headlock. Windham is up and he fires several right and lefts into the midsection of Hornet, thus breaking the headlock. Windham with an eye gouge.
DW: When Mark said he'd do anything to win, it looks like he wasn't kidding!
SP: Windham executes a perfect suplex. And now a knee drop! In the early going, it's Windham who seems to have everything working! Well, DW, we all know about Hornet's Scorpion and Mark's Torture Rack, but both men have a great arsenal of moves.
DW: That's right. If you were to compare these two guys, I'd say Hornet has the edge in power, stamina, aerial moves, but Mark is purely a ring technician, with great speed and agility. If you were to pick the two best WRESTLERS in the world today, I'd have to say Mark Windham and Bret Hart. Both men have spent time in Stu Hart's Dungeon.
SP: Windham has Hornet in the turnbuckle, where he chops the World Champion senseless. Hornet turns the tables and starts to chop Windham! But Mark AGAIN with a rake of the eyes. Windham scoops Hornet up, and hits a body slam. Now Windham heads up top, something he's not known to do. Windham with a jump-splash, and he hits it!!! Wow, the last time I saw Hornet so dominated early in a match was against Joey Melton. The champion is in deep trouble.
DW: Stan, I'd say it's a little early on to say that.
SP: Windham stay on the attack with a powerslam! There's the cover... One... Two... NO! Man, that was close. Windham slaps the mat, as he knows he was inches away from becoming the new champion. Both men have openly said this is Mark's last chance at the belt. Mark, again with a suplex! It's apparent he's trying to work over the back!
DW: That's what makes watching this guy so great. He wrestles to his strengths and not to the other man's weaknesses. In every match, you can tell that Mark is always in control.
SP: Windham, once again with a suplex, but this time puts a slingshot on it! Mark is looking great here in the early going. Windham picks Hornet up and locks his arms... butterfly suplex! Hornet bounced a good three feet in the air after he hit the mat! Windham with his second pinfall, ONE..... TWO.. New Champ?... NO!! Mark can't believe the count! He's saying something to Carl Young.
DW: I couldn't hear it, but you can bet he wasn't wishing him good luck!
SP: Windham looks mad as he sends the champ into the ropes and catches him with a clothesline! I think Hornet is out! Windham looks in a hurry, he's got a sleeper hooked in, but Hornet charges for the turnbuckle! Mark pushed Hornet and his head hits the iron post! Hornet is scooped up by Mark, and there's a belly to back! Oh what action! Windham is calling for the DDT! He NAILS it! But Hornet rolls outside! Mark follows him out and whips the champ into the steel railing!
DW: Pain... it hurts.
SP: Windham is back in the ring, and now comes running across. He soars over the top rope and hits Hornet! But Hornet catches him and throws him down to the concrete!! Hornet rolls back into the ring and heads to the top rope! SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE!!! Both men are down on the outside! We've been told there's some late breaking news... let's go to Rudy Seitzer who is standing by with Co-President Stephen Thomas.
Rudy Seitzer: Thanks, Stan. Mr. Thomas, we understand CS Enterprises has made a huge business deal.
Stephen Thomas: Well, I wouldn't really call it a business deal, but yes, it's huge.
RS: How much can you tell us about it?
ST: I'll tell you all about it ,but then I'd have to kill you. Just kidding. The deal involved the SLWA and the new league, the Japan Legends Alliance. CS Enterprises forked out the money to start our third league, the JLA. We all know our first one, the second was the USWA, and now the JLA, which will operate out of Japan. Former STL President Steve Schroeder is heading up the league. He's been aching to get back in the promoting business, but has been a bit short on the cash. Together with him leading the way, we'll strive to make the JLA the best league we can.
RS: So, what's the big news?
ST: The big news is that we're all (his phone rings)... Excuse me Stan, I mean Rudy, I've got to take this. Yeah. You're kidding. How'd it happen? Alright, I'm coming...
RS: Was that business?
ST: No. Jimmy Walker finally got another TV series. What do you think!? Later.
RS: What about the big news?
ST: Read about it in CS's new newspaper we just bought. USA Today no more, now it's called the CS Tribune!
RS: I've got a job to do!
ST: Hmmm, I'll take care of that.
RS: What does that mean?
ST: It means you're fired.
RS: I've got a family!
ST: I'll take care of that.
RS: WHAT!!!??
ST: I know people, who know people... Well, you get the idea.
RS: Let's go back to ringside.
SP: We're back live, and over the past couple of minutes, this match has turned around. Hornet hit that shooting star press to the outside, and since then put Windham back in the ring, hit a flying dropkick, and then hooked in the Scorpion Deathlock! But, Windham quickly gets to the ropes.
DW: This match is everything we thought it would be and more!
SP: Who are you, Bud Collins? Anyway, Hornet is up top...and he comes off with a reverse moonsault! Here's the cover... ONE... TWO..... and three-quarters! I thought that was it right there!
DW: So did I!
SP: Again, Hornet climbs the turnbuckles, and again he soars off with that huge reverse moonsault. ONE.... TWO.... NO! I can't believe Marky Mark didn't go down for the count! Hornet must be in a flying mood, because he travels again to the top. There's another reverse moonsault with a complete flip. The cover, this could bet it! ONE.... TWO.... THRE... NO!!! Hornet can't believe it! He grabs Carl Young.
Hornet: (yelling) You dumb twit! Can't you count!? One... Two... Three. You know, three comes after two, and before four. Good grief, you've got to be a Parsons. Stupid man, can't count to three, falls off the apron.
DW: What just happened?!
SP: He just slapped referee Carl Young!
SB: Bravo, bravo! More show, more show! Slap him again! /Lord knows he's cheated me out of five or six titles. Go Hornet go!
SP: Things might turn ugly once again.
P. Vicious: Bang! Bang! (Vicious runs behind the commentators' table screaming and stops... which sends Sammy Benson running away, screaming.)
PV: What's wrong with him?
DW: No doubt he's getting a change of pants.
SP: Mark Windham just kneed Hornet from behind... sending Hornet into Carl, and Carl into the iron post!
DW: Goodnight!
SP: Not again! Windham has the cover! One..... Two..... Three... but no one's there. Mark goes over to Young. He grabs Carl and starts to shake him. Mark shakes his head and turns around, and gets nailed by a standing dropkick! Mark's head hit the back of the turnbuckle! One..... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six...
DW: Hornet has Mark pinned! What's going on? Can't ANY ref here make a call...
SP: Here comes suspended CSWA ref Pee Wee Troutman! PEE WEE, you don't have your license back!
Pee Wee: Oh yeah... BYE!
DW: I'm sick of this...
SP: DW, where are you going? This is getting out of hand!
PV: Hey, I'm your second hand man now! We're new buddies1
SP: NO!!!! DW has grabbed a cup full of ice from one of the fans and has poured it on Carl's head. Young starts to move around.
(The crowd stands and cheers.)
SP: hornet sees DW and goes over to the ropes. Hornet is just standing there shrugging his shoulders, as if to say, "Why the heck are you here?" Dream Warrior tries to explain, look out! Windham from behind! Mark isn't worried about Hornet, he goes to the outside and pops DW in the head!
MW: I told you to say away, boy.
SP: Mark sends Dream Warrior flying over the railing and into the fans' laps!
FanPM: Hey, that was my drink!
SP: Windham is back in the ring and Hornet still looks slightly groggy. Mark has him up in a bridge suplex. Carl rolls over!!!! ONE..................................................................
SP: Count fool, count! TWO................................................................................................................. THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! MARK WINDHAM IS THE NEW CHAMPION! Here's the official word!
RJ: (to Carl) What's the call?
Carl Young: Mark won... no, Hornet won. No Mark, ahh, I don't know, they were both on the mat!
RJ: Oh no... we need a ruling. You know, idiot, this is for the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Make up your mind!
CY: The winner is.... The winner is... uh... hummm.. oh... How am I supposed to know, I've got a headache THIS big.
RJ: How big?
CY: You see that woman over there? THAT big.
RJ: Man, that's big.
CY: The match is a draw...
(Mark and Hornet run to the center of the ring.)
MW: What!!! Draw? Look peon, make up your mind! Who won!? It's not that hard!
Hornet: Come on, you can do it. Come on....
CY: I'm sorry, guys. Wait a minute...I can't breathe.
MW: Goodness, you've gotta be the worst ref ever. Here pal, take an enema.
CY: I'm serious. I can't.... breathe.
H: There's no time for this! The World belt is on the line!
CY: I...... can't...... breathe. (Carl keels over and hits the mat, face down.)
MW: (grabbing his wrist) What's this? (reads) Carl Young, Heart condition?
H: Whoops...
MW: Nobody saw anything. You weren't here. Everybody out of the pool!
RJ: Look guys, I've still got a pulse.
MW: Oh happy day.
(Co-president Chad Merritt comes down to the ring. He rolls in, then steps over Carl's young prone body, almost tripping.)
CM: Watch it pal, this suit cost thousands. Hey, shouldn't he be breathing?
CY: I.......... can't........
RJ: Uh oh, he's going into convulsions.
MW: Should he be shaking like that? That can't be normal.
H: He's turning blue.
MW: Blue's definitely his color.
CM: We have to go with his LAST CALL...
H: (turning Carl over and shaking him) Speak man, speak! Who won!!!???
CY: Ahhhhhh, goodbye cruel world.
RJ: Guys, I lost that pulse.
H: Ewwwwwwww....I touched him.
CM: Great, I've actually got to DO something. Rhubarb, (as he turns around and almost knocks Rhubarb off the apron) where's the video? Let's look at the replay.
(Everyone heads to the commentators' table to looks at the monitors. The video tape plays.)
CM: Alright, there's Dream Warrior flying into that idiot fan's lap. Hey, Rhubarb, fast forward. Stop! Stop! Great, go back you idiot. Stop! Give me the remote. Who hired you?
RJ: You did.
CM: What was I drinking? There it is! Slow motion...there's the suplex, the cover. One.....Two....
(The screen switches to P. Vicious looking into the camera.)
PV: Is it filming? Is it on? Hey, Muppet, are you sure we have clearance to be down here playing with this stuff?
PV: Hey, why do I always have to be Sammy?
PV: This is true!
Everybody watching the video: Ahhhhhh! (groans)
CM: Guys, what's the call?
MW: Hornet, we've given our best everywhere over the past five years; it's only fitting that nobody knows who won.
H: I agree, it's time to go home...
Aftermath: The controversial ending to the supermatch saved the inevitable money match payoff for later. The two men would not face each other in the ring again until September 1994, when Mark Windham lost the Unified World Championship to its original owner. Once again there was controversy, with the third match leading to a feud between Mark Windham and Mickey Benedict that would last for years.
The odd end to the conversation between Windham and Hornet after the match's end lead to a musical interlude to finish the show (that will never, EVER see the light of day) in which CS Enterprises made it clear that they were leaving the UWL to return to their 'home,' the EN superleague consisting of the CSWA, SLWA and JLA. More importantly, the change created the EN Unified Championship, which was a precursor to the larger, eventual Unified World Championship which eventually merged all the major championships on the PRODIGY circuit of leagues.
But, you're wondering exactly what happened to Carl Young. In a special "Spotlight Extra," we're going to show you the footage that hasn't aired in almost ten years...
(CUTTO: The back of a hearse that conveniently was available.)
Rhubarb Jones: I can't believe he's dead.
Driver: Boy, poor guy looked like he struggled to stay alive. I've never seen anyone look like they were in so much pain. At least his suffering days are over. So long, pal.
RJ: Hey, I've got a pulse!
Driver: Stop horsin' around, mac.
RJ: I'm serious!
Driver: Holy smokes! Stand back!
(Screen fades, but the audio continues)
Driver: One... Two... Three... Clear! Again, CLEAR!
RJ: He's moving!
CY: I...... can't.... breathe....
Driver: CLEAR!!!!
CY: You idiots! I'm awake!
Driver: CLEAR!
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