A Day In The Life -- Triple X
A Day in the Life of… …a Blue- Eyed Badass.
*knock, knock, knock*
“Is that them? …the camera crew? Tell me they’re not here already.”
(Poison Ivy walks up to the peephole and stares through.)
“Yeah… it’s them. Should I tell them to come back in about an hour?”
“Nah… let ‘em in… I’m ready. We’re just showing them our routine, right?”
“Yeah… for the kiddies that think being a wrestler is easy. Spar a little, sign a few autographs, eat dinner, and catch a WNBA game, that’ll be the entire day, I think. …should be enough to keep the people in Greensboro happy.”
“Yeah… right…”
(The scene opened up on the inside of Sean “Triple X” Stevens’ Orlando, Florida apartment. The camera panned in on the ‘2227’ address nameplate on his apartment door, as it slowly opened, revealing Sean and his girlfriend, Poison Ivy, on the inside. Sean was dressed in a perfectly pressed pair of blue “Calvin Klein” jeans, a black, short-sleeved “Coogi” sweater, and black loafers. Ivy was dressed comfortably in a knee length denim skirt, with a mini split on the left side of her leg, a black tank top, and boots. Her hair was braided back into several little blonde cornrows… His hair was tied back into a pony- tail, with the tail part done in several little braids.)
STEVENS: C’mon in guys… Ivy, let’s give them the tour before we head out.
(The camera panned around the entire luxurious apartment. First the living/family room area… There was a little all glass coffee table in the middle of the room, surrounded by three chairs – a long sofa, and two matching, twin, side sets. On the wall, near the area where all the furniture faced, was a eighty inch television, with a home entertainment center underneath, in a glass case, showcasing a bunch of CDs, DVDs, a VCR, and a surround sound player.)
STEVENS: This is where we… ah… come to relax. Sometimes after you’re done eating, or have company over, you want to be able to watch a game or a movie and actually FEEL like you’re there. That’s what this room is for. We usually throw the surround sound on really loud; we got the speakers over there (points to a two speakers on both sides of the television) …and, we just kick back.
(Sean sits on one of the sofa chairs.)
STEVENS: And, the good thing about these chairs… they’re light. There have been many times, a friend would question the validity of my profession, and I’d have to show ‘em how real it is. (Grins) But, only when I’m provoked, though… We have the stereo here, I’m not too big on loud music, and you’ll never see me throwing a party… not here. My superintendent tries to come down and tell me to keep it down, every once in a while… but, what CAN she say? I’m Triple X…
POISON IVY(Rolling her eyes): Sean, shut- up. You guys have to excuse him… he’s gets a bit cocky at times. Over here is the kitchen… Nothing too serious…
(The camera pans over to the spacious kitchen, with the see through refrigerator, counter- top- stove, microwave, toaster, and coffee pot. Like Ivy said… it wasn’t anything too serious. Sean is a wrestler… and, even more telling of a tale… a boy. Men usually don’t care WHAT’s in the kitchen other than food.)
POISON IVY: Refrigerator, Microwave, Stove…
STEVENS: …TV dinners because the girlfriend can’t cook!
(Ivy blushed a bit.)
POISON IVY: Whatever, Sean… you didn’t say that when you were eating my spaghetti like you’ve never eaten a day in your life. Follow me guys. Upstairs… we have a small library… Not too many books there, though… more wrestling tapes than anything.
(The camera panned in the library… there was a computer on a stand, a closet filled with clothes, a exercise bike, and a couple of bench press bars. In the corner on the right is Sean’s television, by a book case filled with marked tapes of various opponents’ matches from the different promotions he’s wrestled in.)
POISON IVY: And, in here is the master bedroom… Sean loves to sleep high, that explains the bed.
(CUT TO: A California King sized mattress on top of a stand that had to be atleast five feet into the air. The bedroom had mirrors placed all around it, even on top of the ceiling, and there were three bathrooms in the apartment, one in Sean’s bedroom – which was supplied with a Jacuzzi … shower … two attached sinks … and, of course, a toilet – with a magazine rack next to it. Directly over the Jacuzzi was a television monitor. Ivy lead the cameramen back downstairs to a waiting Triple X who stood by the door, gym bag in hand.)
STEVENS: Have you shown them everything?
POISON IVY (Smiling): Everything except things they CAN’T see!
STEVENS: C’mon guys… let’s head to the gym. We’re already late.
The Fun Part:
(FADE IN: Inside an unknown gym. It was typical… smelled like sweat, must, as the sounds of men and women pushing themselves to levels they never knew they could be pushed echoed. Sean Stevens, now clad in a pair of sweat shorts, wrestler boots, and wife beater, signals for the camera man to come closer.)
STEVENS: Whenever Ivy is in town, or I’m in New York with her, or on the road, and we’re together, we try to push ourselves to the max. The fact that Ivy gets out there and sweats as much as I do, makes me respect her even more than I did before knowing her, because she’s not an active wrestler, and she really doesn’t have to do it. Nobody would be upset with her if she didn’t.
(Poison Ivy steps out of the ladies locker-room wearing a pair of stretch pants, a plain black t- shirt underneath an athletic bra, long socks, and puma tennis shoes. Her hair was now pony-tailed.)
STEVENS (Glancing in Ivy’s direction): Ready?
POISON IVY (Putting her elbow pads on): Yeah. Who’s gonna referee?
(A guy in a striped shirt steps up, with his hand raised, Ivy gives him the affirmative nod.)
POISON IVY (Turning to the camera): We’re gonna spar to get Sean’s cardio up to par, and keep me in shape. We usually do several sets, lifting different weights for different body parts, and ride a bike, or treadmill for about three hours… but, watching us lift probably wouldn’t be too much fun for you guys.
(Stevens enters the ring, Ivy follows suit, and so does the referee. The circle each other and then meet in the middle with a collar-and-elbow tie up. Sean, the stronger of the two backs her into the corner. They appear to be jockeying for position. )
STEVENS: Shoot me off, Drop Down, Drop kick…
(They wrestled to the center of the ring, Sean placed Ivy in a headlock and she did as instructed, She shot him off, sending him to the ropes, once he hit, and bounced back, she dropped on her stomach, Sean leaped over, bounced off the other side, and was met in the middle with a light drop kick – hard enough for him to FEEL it, but not hard enough to actually HURT, he fell to the mat… Ivy hopped up to her feet, and smiled, giving him the opportunity to clear the cobwebs.
Sean got back to his feet, and they circled each other again… this time as Ivy attempted to lock up with Sean, he ducked her, almost pinning her with a schoolboy as the referee dropped down and counted to two.)
STEVENS: I’m going to hit the ropes, catch me with a back body, I’ll land on my feet, and scoop you up for a pin, kick out at two and a half.
(Sean leaped to his feet, and bounced off the ropes, Ivy kipped-up and back body dropped Sean, and as promised, he landed on his feet, turned around, grabbed Ivy by the body, did a rolling back flip, landing on top for the close pin fall. Ivy lay there for a moment as Sean pulled her to her feet.)
STEVENS: I want you to take it to the top this time, Ivy. I’m gonna send you to the turnbuckle hard, block it, or run up to the top, if you can, and jump off, I’ll be there to catch you.
(Stevens dragged Ivy to the corner and shot her off to the turnbuckle, Ivy balanced herself to the top rope, and quickly jumped backwards, into the arms of Sean, as they both came crashing to the mat. Ivy was the first to her feet; she grabbed Sean by the hair.)
POISON IVY: I wanna reverse a Superplex, Sean…
(And, before he could answer she shot him off to the turnbuckle, and came charging after, Sean moved out of the way, Ivy hit the turnbuckle, and fell to the mat. Sean grabbed her by the head, and raised her up, moving her near the turnbuckle, lifting her up to the top.)
STEVENS: You sure you wanna do this?!?
POISON IVY: Yeah… C’mon. Do it!
(Sean climbed up with her, and positioned her for the big fall, Ivy shifted her body on top of his and landed comfortably as Sean hit the mat hard, actually holding his back in pain. Ivy stayed on top for the pin. ONE, TWO, Sean attempted to kick out, but Ivy grabbed his tights, making it almost impossible to break free, as the referees hand struck the mat… THREE! She jumped to her feet in celebration, winking at the camera as she walked by.)
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