Sticks and Stones
I’m generally not one to read the dirt sheets or take the rantings and ravings of other company’s workers at face value, but I’ve noticed some interesting examples of wrestling envy blowing in from the west.
On one hand, you’ve got independent workers I’ve never heard of claiming that they worked for the CSWA in order to get jobs in new companies.
On the other, you’ve got “major superstars” of other companies, companies I have some respect for, mind you, trying to verbally trash the CSWA. Then again, I’ve got internal announcers doing the same thing.
I’m not Eric Bischoff. I can listen to reason every once in a while. And I’m not Vince McMahon, I can hear something other than what I want to sometimes too. Can I be heavyhanded? Sure. Can I get tunnel-vision? Absolutely. Can I be a hardhearted S.O.B sometimes? You betcha.
I’ve never claimed to be perfect. But I do claim to be the owner of a company that’s coming up on its fifteenth anniversary. We’ve had our ups and downs, as all companies do.
Does fifteen years mean the company itself deserves some respect? Possibly. But I know this business. And I know the quickest way to get heat is to go after number one. I’ve just found it amusing at the way in which some folks have gone about it.
You got one wrestler, who shall remain nameless, who acts like a disease in his own company. He runs down former CSWA champs and storylines, and then proceeds to re-enact part of a storyline by injuring a manager. Don’t you think that’s just a little hypocritical, Double-R? As others might say, including yourself: “Pot… kettle… black.”
I realize your ‘attitude’ has changed recently, but is it really necessary to get cheap heel heat by taking potshots at two CSWA World Champions and one of the top managers this sport has seen in a long time?
Have you been screwed, Ruben? Screwed because new management came in and saved the company paying you big bucks? Screwed because you haven’t been able to win back “your” World Title even though you’ve been given chances?
No, you just want what you’re “owed.” You certainly don’t want it to be personal, right? It’s all about business?
Gee, you’re starting to sound like that “over-the-hill fifth-rate Sting impersonator,” aren’t ya? Maybe once he burns out once and for all I can bring you in in his place!
Back to the larger audience at hand… Look, I have nothing against Ruben Ross. He’s a great technical wrestler, and a great talker. He’s been a great star for the fWo. But the airwaves don’t stay in Seattle… so if you’re going to talk junk, expect consequences.
I’ll be back with “Part Two,” after a few phone calls. Just to give you a teaser, what wrestling ‘superstar’ do you think of when I say the words “heat sink?” Most of you have never even heard of him.
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