(CUTTO: Trash starts being thrown at the ring as MERRITT walks up to RANDALLS with a smile and hands him the microphone! This makes the fan’s reaction MUCH worse! KAZAHIRO SASAKI rolls into the ring and nods to CHAD MERRITT as he stands beside him. RANDALLS looks over the Anaheim crowd, now throwing trash all around and at the ring, he nods approvingly before turns towards the rampway where the X-Change is being held back, then turns to where ADLER is surrounded by four security guards.
RANDALLS: If you’re questioning why you’re in this position right now, you can only blame yourself. When you dance with the devil, you NEVER get to lead.
(CUTTO: MERRITT smirking towards ADLER…RANDALLS looks out to the audience, who are now starting to MANICALLLY booing him and throwing trash at him in the ring! He turns his attention back to ADLER.)
SB: Is it me or are we looking at the Emperor and Darth Vader right now?
BB: Sammy, stop.
SB: You’re right. –LORD- Vader.
RANDALLS: You’re a smart man, Tom. Whether, it’s the business acumen, the psychology or just the natural talent – you’re ALWAYS one step ahead of the game. You never cease to amaze the naked eye with the demeanor and charisma you pull the tricks off in. For you, it’s a walk in the park. For those that compete against you – it drives them into fits of rage. But you NEVER play the game for the game, Tom.
(ERIC WRIGHT tries to dive into the ring, only to be caught by one of the security guards and pulled back down to the floor. The X-Change look ready to charge, but Adler waves them off.)
RANDALLS: If you see personal risk, personal damage or a SLIGHT possibility of your fragile little shell of an ego getting cracked, what do you do? (RANDALLS gets close up in ADLER’s face as two of the security guards stand ready to react.) YOU RUN. You (BLEEP!)’in turn and RUN. (more boos! Some filled beer cups land inches from MERRITT who looks out to the crowd in anger.) For ten years I’ve seen you avoid the big fish to stay in the small pond. Were you going to be the savior of this company for the people, Tom? Or were you the savior of this company for yourself? For your self-righteousness? For your ego? THAT is why I faced you tonight. You’re no CHAMPION, Tom. Not anymore, at least. Look at what you’ve become. You can hold any title as long as you desire, but weeks ago you showed who you TRULY are. Shane Southern would NEVER have turned his back on you. (CUTTO: Fans quieting down, some nodding in agreement) He doesn’t have that in him. You call yourself smart? I call you HANDICAPPED. ‘Cause a handicap is what you apparently need to survive in this sport today. Consider yourself lucky I stopped what’s about to happen when I did, because in the end Tom…you don’t have what it takes to save yourself..”
(RANDALLS backs up, sizing up Adler! MERRITT is screaming insults at ADLER! The crowd is LOUD with boos! All of a sudden, RANDALLS motions to MERRITT to take the first shot…MERRITT is confused at first, then smiles evilly and licks his lips! A firestorm of LOUD boos and trash rain down on the ring…)
SB: What in hellfire is going on, now!?
(MERRITT happily obliges and grabs a club from a security guard, gets into a batting stance …swings back… as the crowd BOOS…)
(As MERRITT swings back RANDALLS rips the stick out of his hand! The boos just STOP. A few pieces of trash hit, but that’s it.)
BB: WHAT’S GOING ON NOW! Randalls’ associate quickly grabs MERRITT from behind, as he turned around to see what in the word is going on!
(The crowd is LOUD looking almost as bewildered as MERRITT! RANDALLS points the stick at MERRITT.)
RANDALLS: If Tom is let go, Chad. I will let YOU go.
(The crowd is BUZZING in confusion! Nobody knows what’s going on. MERRITT now coldly staring at RANDALLS, doesn’t even look at the security guards but nods… The guards around ADLER step out of the way. Adler takes a step towards both Randalls and Merritt, then simply turns and rolls out of the ring, heading to where his stablemates are. He turns around briefly, only to find ten security guards across the front of the ring. In the ring, Randalls walks up close to Merritt.)
SB: Alright, he’s REALLY lost it this time. He’s going straight after Merritt!
BB: And apparently, Adler isn’t letting bygones be bygones, as he won’t give up his front row seat!
RANDALLS: I cannot tell you where this ends, I can only tell you it is beginning. For ten years, I spread the shadows and darkness over this sport. (crowd boos as RANDALLS starts pacing around the ring…) Breaking men’s minds, shattering their dreams. Plotting their demise, indulging in their screams. Ten years of WAR. Ten years of attrition. One Man’s anger by blind hatred and THUNDERED down upon this sport and it’s very throne. Ten years I brought an Age of Darkness (RANDALLS stops and looks to the crowd) you FEARED with reverence. (more boos! A few pieces of trash fly in…) And now it consumes this league, it’s very poison spreading from BROTHER to BROTHER, from FRIEND to FRIEND. (turns back to MERRITT) And I ask you Chad Merritt, who will be your savior to fight this? Will it be Troy Windham? That man is NO hero. (LOUD boos! RANDALLS looks out to the crowd and points) Has he deceived you as well? The style, the charisma all a MASK from the TRUTH. That the ONE thing he cares about is HIMSELF. That if given a choice right now of fighting for YOU, or fighting his OWN brother – he would leave YOU. Troy Windham fights for his ego, he fights for his bitter, raging JEALOUSY. He does NOT fight for you, OR this sport.
(The crowd BOOS! RANDALLS ducks a beer thrown at him!)
BB: Shhhh!
(RANDALLS stares back at them not fazed…he walks close to the ropes and points out)
RANDALLS: Troy Windham’s heart fills more with hate everyday, you will see this. His brother’s heart fills with emptiness as we speak because of this. His brother cannot be your savior, for he still searches for his own. As long as his emptiness continues to contain him, he only fights the darkness. The poison has spread too deep into him.
MERRITT: Well thanks, Frodo. Next you’ll be telling about how Windham has been babbling about his ‘precious’ and disappearing.
(The crowd quiets down a little…RANDALLS ignores Merritt and instead, turns and faces IVY looking intensely from outside the ring. He walks to her side of the ring, but still looks out at the crowd.)
RANDALLS: Can Eli Flair be your savior? (The crowd cheers!) You are deceived again. Believe him, when he says he won’t take a stand because he’s seen what that entails. The only war Eli Flair fights is for HIMSELF. Yes, Flair fights the darkness in his own way…by accepting it as his ally. Troy Windham, Steven Shadows – what do those men represent? Do they represent a man fighting for this sport or a man fueled by his rage? By his ANGER. He’s no ANGEL. Nor is he a martyr, and he won’t be your saviour. He FEARS the risk of exposing himself in such a manner. Flair won’t take a stand because his OWN priorities are more important. You’ve ALWAYS walked with one foot out the door, Flair. Ready to leave this sport for your personal interests. I don’t chide you on that, but I will not excuse it. Know that I see you Flair. Know that I’ve watched you. You are no Ninja…and you cannot stop what is my destiny. If you choose to oppose me after tonight…Know that I am NOT Troy Windham nor Steven Shadows. For I fear NOTHING in the name of what I fight for now…and you will NEVER know what that feels like unless you do as I do now.”
(CUTTO: IVY gives away no expression in reaction to the remarks as the crowd boos behind her, encouraging her to yell something back. CUTTO: RANDALLS briefly looks down at IVY almost sadly. His face hardens as he looks back up and turns back to face MERRITT…)
RANDALLS: “Ten Years of War. Ten Years of Attrition. Ten years of destruction, where men like Hornet and Mark Windham faded from the light under MY darkness. (LOUD BOOS! RANDALLS walks up to MERRITT close enough to look him straight in the eye) And YOU made it possible. And you only made me STRONGER than you could ever imagine. And you WOULD let me continue this against Tom Adler for your own personal good. BUT, I am here to tell (pointing at Chad) YOU…I am here to tell these people (points out to the people and quickly to the sky) and to the heaven’s above – that One Man’s Anger was only an ILLUSION. For a long time, I’ve been betrayed. And only now do I see the LIGHT.”
(the crowd buzzes in confusion as RANDALLS turns to face them and starts pacing around the ring…)
RANDALLS: “For I come to (points out to the rafters) YOU all as the tides turn. For only I know how deep this darkness…this poison goes, how far it burrows into our minds. I realize you will look upon me much like a stranger in a strange land. For it IS true that in my blindness, I walked FAR from the light. I still remain an exile, for I am NOT worthy of your acceptance.”
(RANDALLS stops, turns and stares at MERRITT…)
RANDALLS: “The WAR I’ve created must come to an end. And you CANNOT stop it from happening. (RANDALLS looks up at the crowd, before walking up and getting in MERRITT’s face) I will NOT fight for you, EVER. For what you’ve done for MORE power and MORE money, I will NEVER support you. And if you oppose me, I’ll bring this fight to your very DOORSTEP.” (MERRITT sneers at RANDALLS as the crowd actually cheers!)
RANDALLS: But I WILL fight for what I believe in. This league will NOT be taken down brick by brick. This I VOW. This sport’s champion will not be looked upon with DOUBT. In the end, this is what I SHALL fulfill. For all I’ve done, for all I’ve DESTROYED – I MUST fight for these people. (The crowd starts getting LOUD as RANDALLS points to them, still glaring at MERRITT!)
BB: Oh my goodness.
SB: I didn’t hear that. When did Randalls start taking his vitamins and saying his prayers?
RANDALLS: It is my destiny, Chad. I will bring back the BALANCE. I will END the WAR. And when the people have spoken, their true king SHALL reclaim his throne. The exile will be over, I will be able to fight for my homeland…and for the CSWA.
MERRITT: Well, I’m sure the people of Tibet, or Mars, or wherever, are thrilled to hear that. But that’s not why I brought you…
(The crowd drowns out Merritt as RANDALLS turns out towards the locker rooms/aisleway and hops onto the second turnbuckle and points out. CUTTO: ADLER still in the aisleway intensely focused on the ring, RANDALLS isn’t pointing directly at him, though.)
RANDALLS: Those that do not fight for what I do will find me against them at every turn. Those that fight without honor or courage, I will avenge. Those that wish to destroy this sport, or this league will not find a brick, but a MOUNTAIN to take down. And to ANY man that opposes me. Be forewarned that I will sacrifice more than you can ever imagine I would…to fulfill what I believe to be my destiny. To any man that may challenge me. I will NOT run. I will NOT hide. If it is I you seek to challenge for the honor of this sport, be prepared for a level and purity of excellence NEVER seen before.
(LOUD CHEERS! RANDALLS looks out towards the crowd nodding in agreement, they’re in absolute SHOCK at what they’re hearing! RANDALLS hops down from the turnbuckles backpedals to the middle of the ring and falls to his knees, CHAD MERRITT absolutely staring a hole through his back!)
MERRITT: Listen, I’m telling you, that’s not what I brought you back here for…
RANDALLS: (ignores Chad and points out to the crowd) I have nothing to pledge, but my own salvation. I can give you no more than my body at YOUR will. The path I walked for ten years leaves me at YOUR mercy. I walk a different path, now. A path that I begin in exile for the crimes I’ve committed and the pain I have caused. I have pledged my fate to the salvation of this sport. I will fight for nothing less and nothing more. On the blood I spill for years to come I PROMISE that. (RANDALLS stands up as the crowd is starting to cheer him!) Tonight, wrestlers and patrons of the CSWA – no matter who you are…know what you feel is the SAME thing these people in this arena and myself feel (RANDALLS pauses as the crowd is getting LOUDER) This league being lifted to a place only LEGENDS are made of. This Age of Darkness WILL fall and this league SHALL be lifted into the LIGHT.
(RANDALLS drops the mic on the mat and falls to his knees as the arena is loud in confusion/cheers/boos – you name it! He looks towards IVY nodding at him and something happens that never has been seen on CSWA cameras before. ‘The Wolf’ MIKE RANDALLS genuinely smiles. IVY actually smirks in response to never seeing it herself and RANDALLS nods and then looks up towards the lights. RANDALLS raises one arm towards the sky, as his associate releases CHAD MERRITT. MERRITT grabs one of the security clubs right away and races towards RANDALLS, but all of a sudden the lights go out! LOUD screams!)
RANDALLS V/O: You cannot fight, what you cannot see. And you do not see the light.
(The house lights fire up and there’s only security and CHAD MERRITT in the ring, racing their heads back and forth in confusion!)
SB: Buckley.
BB: Yes Sammy?
SB: Was that a ghost?
BB: No Sam. No…no it wasn’t.
SB: So it was just a crazy, deluded schizophrenic?
BB: Fans, we’ll be right back.
(FADEOUT as Anaheim gears up for the Main Event…)