United States Championship:
Tom Adler vs. Merritt's Mystery Opponent |
(FADEIN: Back to PRIMETIME in Anaheim, where the crowd is buzzing in anticipation for the next featured match – the United States title defense of ‘Mr. Magnificent’ Tom Adler against a mystery challenger. CUTTO: BILL BUCKLEY and SAMMY BENSON sitting at the broadcaster’s booth.)
BB: Well Sammy, this next match certainly will be interesting. This all started at BATTLE of the BELTS before the Top Contenders Battle Royal. As you fans may know, Tom Adler how should I say it…SHREWDLY maneuvered himself into a United States Title victory.
SB: He outsmarted a farm boy, Buckley. I’ve seen pigs do that.
BB: Regardless, Adler never took part in the earlier elimination tag match where he was partnered with Shane Southern. Some in the back say that Tom Adler was scared of facing Shane Southern on a level playing field. Southern, the honorable man that he is, won’t oblige to those statements.
SB: ‘Cause he knows Adler beat him fair and square.
BB: Well, Adler tried to enter the Top Contenders Battle Royal which were reserved for elimination tag match survivors. Owner Chad Merritt wouldn’t allow that since he didn’t believe Adler earned that right. On top of that, he has made his first title defense against an unnamed opponent.
SB: You think Tom Adler hasn’t seen this before? You think Tom Adler hasn’t seen it all? Tom Adler has guaranteed that he’ll walk out of this arena with his title belt. For a year NOBODY came close to defeating Tom Adler for the Presidential Title. You can’t argue with him.
BB: Well, let’s head down to Rhubarb and see if that’s the case.
(CUTTO: RHUBARB JONES, his dome reflecting the spotlights…the fans are cheering him on!)
RJ: This next match is scheduled for one fall and is for the United States Heavyweight Championship! First introducing the challenger! He stands 6 ft. 4 ¾ inches tall and weighs 255 pounds, this is FACELESS!
(CUTTO: Out from the entrance curtains walks out Kazahiro Sasaki – the Japanese businessman from ON TIME. He’s wearing a black MIB styled suit with gold-rimmed glasses. Behind him surrounded by three of CSWA’s finest security guards is a man jogging in place wearing a long sleeve white tee, black pants and a black mask. The crowd’s cheers sink to murmurs as no music plays, they all look around confused and disappointed in the lack of shock value.)
SB: What’s up Gethard’s butt with this guy?
BB: It seems that Chad Merritt doesn’t want anything to go wrong with what he has planned tonight. He knows that Tom Adler might have his own plan in store. Not only that, but this entrance certainly is conspicuous.
SB: No music. He’s just gotten in the ring and is stretching on the ropes. If he’s not trying to give away who he is, that’s a damn good job. I don’t like it one bit. This place is eerily quiet right now.
BB: Well, I can’t disagree. Chad Merritt isn’t one to hold back on surprises, this must be one helluva ‘quiet before the storm’. And apparently from the looks of things, Poison Ivy has not taken up the offer to attend this match at ringside tonight.
SB: Aw, you mean we don’t have to listen to the ravings of the Feminazi? I’m crushed.
BB: Settle, Sammy.
SB: No really, I am.
(CUTTO: Back to Rhubarb)
RJ: And now introducing the CHAMPION! (the lights go out except for one spotlight on RJ) He is the current UNITED STATES CHAMPION! From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -this is ‘MISTER MAGNIFICENT’! TOM! ADLERRRRRRRRRRR!
(CUEUP: "Revillusion" by Tantric, a mix of cheers and boos…CUTTO: CSWAvision – where the <> Exchange logo flashes across the screen then in a gold fancy cursive font ‘Mr. Magnificent’ is spelled. QUICK CUTTO: Action sequences of Tom Adler - Hitting his Death Lake Driver on Craig Miles! Adler hooking Shane Southern into an abdominal stretch, NO! Adlerplex!)
(CUTTO: ADLER walking out from the curtain in black trunks with gold trim, black kneepads and black boots. He pauses momentarily surveying the situation as Press agent ERIC WRIGHT walks out as well with a grin on his face. The crowd boos! WRIGHT is wearing a grey suit and his press badge hangs around his neck. ADLER keeps looking around, chewing a piece of gum and drapes the UNITED STATES title over his left shoulder and continues walking with Wright following in-step.)
BB: I don’t think we’ve heard Tom referred to by his nickname in a while; last I heard, he had retired it, so to speak. You have to wonder if it’s another of Merritt’s ‘surprises.’ Anyway, Adler’s one of the GREATEST wrestlers of the past 10 years, Tom Adler. Love him, or hate him – you have to respect the accomplishments he’s had in this sport.
SB: And that’s why Tom Adler didn’t even blink an eye for this match. He’s already gone on the record saying he won’t lose this title tonight.
BB: Well with Adler, that can mean a lot of different things, Sammy. We’ve seen Eric Wright get involved in several matches over the past few weeks.
SB: You think Adler is worried about some guy Merritt picked off the street? Adler said that Merritt’s been cherry-picking his opponents since day one. And since day one, Adler has sent them all home with a loss. He’s cocky, he’s arrogant, but so what? He’s that good.
(CUTTO: Referee Patrick Young holds up the CSWA UNITED STATES title as the crowd cheers! FACELESS walks over to ADLER’s corner and extends for a handshake and ADLER looks him over before turning his back on him and talking to ERIC WRIGHT.)
BB: And Tom Adler made a statement right there.
SB: This guy’s beneath him, Buckley. He knows it.
BB: Faceless walks back, nodding slightly…I think he expected that from Adler.
SB: He knows he’s beneath Adler, too. I’m real proud of him.
(The bell rings! WRIGHT hops off the apron as ADLER spits his gum out and forehands it away in a swift motion. ADLER turns around and jogs to the middle of the ring as does FACELESS)
BB: And this one is underway! FACELESS against TOM ADLER for the United States title! Both men circling each other quickly! Adler drops to a knee trying to get a takedown, but Faceless stays out of reach!
SB: And what the hell kind of name is Faceless? Why don’t we just go with Masked Man #4, Buckley? I’m sure the nacho-heads in the back had that on the board at some time.
BB: Sammy, if you had creative control – this show would be all about booze and wet t-shirts.
SB: And that’s not gonna sell?
BB: Collar and elbow tie up, both men trying to get a push…but I gotta say I’ve never seen two men so evenly matched in size. Adler with only a ¼ inch advantage and is two pounds heavier. Adler now pushing Faceless back, but Faceless turns him around quickly and backs him into the corner…and we have a clean break. Faceless backs off right away to the middle of the ring, and Adler stays in his corner…a little surprised?”
SB: It’s getting quieter, Buckley. What the hell is going on? This guy is trying to wrestle Adler.
BB: God help us all, Merritt without knowing might’ve signed a wrestling match for once.
SB: Isn’t that my line?
BB: Adler cautiously walks out and circles Faceless, who’s jogging in place. Another collar and elbow tie up, Adler now backing Faceless quickly into the corner and a blasts him with a right forearm! Another! Adler with a right hand to the face! Another right, no! Faceless blocks it and headbutts Adler staggering him! He reverses Adler into the corner and nails a right hand of his own! Irish Whip, no! Reversal by Adler! (CHEERS!) FACELESS just did the FLAIR flipover the turnbuckle! He runs to the other corner and hops up! Here comes Adler, Faceless leaps – no! ADLER DUCKS, (CHEERS!) BUT FACELESS COUNTERS WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! THRNOOOOOOO! (CROWD “OHHHHHHHHH!”) We were A MILLIMETER away from a new champion!
SB: Adler knew what was going on, don’t believe that!
BB: Both men roll back to their corners and are back to there feet and Adler looks a little upset after that!
SB: He’s not gonna get shown up!
BB: And both men come out of the corners and Faceless extends for another handshake, and the crowd is now cheering!
SB: What a tool.
BB: It’s a sign of respect why can’t you appreciate it like these fans, Sammy? Adler looking the man up and down – OH! Adler with a kick to the midsection! Faceless bends over and (BOOS!) a VICIOUS KNEELIFT! And these fans are not happy with Adler right now as he is not in this for respect tonight. He wants to beat this guy and rub it in Chad Merritt’s face.
SB: Faceless better face the facts that Tom Adler wants to make an example out of him tonight. So no more handshakes, it’s time to get your ass handed to you!
BB: Adler lifting him up by the mask and he delivers a powerful right hand to Faceless staggering him backwards! Adler with an Irish Whip into the turnbuckles, followed with a quick running clothesline! He didn’t give him a quarter second to move and almost snapped his head off!
SB: The man has perfected his game, pure and simple. Ask Shane Southern about that.
BB: Adler with a vicious chop! Another chop! Another Irish whip, no reversed by Faceless! AND LOOK OUT! (CROWD EXPLODES!) HE JUST FLEW IN WITH A HANDSPRING FLYING ELBOW TO ADLER’S FACE! And he did it QUICKER than Adler’s clothesline! Faceless walks out as these fans can’t believe that! He’s walking away from the corner? Another clean break?”
(CROWD “OHHHHH!, followed by disbelief!)
BB: A MULE KICK TO ADLER’S HEAD! I’ve never seen that! How did he get up like that? He used Adler’s head as momentum to somersault roll himself to a standing position, wow! Faceless is already on his feet stalking in and Adler is hurt! Wright is looking a little concerned! Faceless measuring Adler…OH LORD! WHAT A CHOP! (CROWD: “WHOOOOOOO!”) That sounded like a .44 magnum!
SB: Adler just screamed from that!
BB: And I think Faceless has given up on handshakes for the rest of the night himself! If Adler wants to fight, he WILL fight! Another chop! Those are gonna turn Adler’s chest into a puddle of blood! Faceless brings Adler out from the corner and blasts him with an elbow thrust to his chest! Adler staggers back and (CROWD: “OHHHH!”) Faceless just smacked Adler right across the face with a leaping roundhouse spin kick!
SB: It looked like a freaking helicopter!
BB: Adler quickly rolls out of the ring as that hit with blinding speed! He didn’t even know where it came from!
SB: A smart move by Adler ‘cause he needed a timeout, a great veteran move!
BB: Adler wiping some blood out off his mouth and is NOT happy about it.
(The crowd starts cheering from near the entrance curtains, which gets the crowd looking back…)
SB: You know my favorite Elton John song?
BB: What’s that?
SB: The Feminazi is back!
(CUTTO: POISON IVY at the entrance stage holding her Singapore Cane, looking suspiciously side to side for a moment. She’s wearing leather pants, black tank top, red fake fur jacket, black leather boots and trademark thick rimmed neo-punk glasses.)
BB: Apparently, Poison Ivy HAS decided to take an interest in this match!
SB: Maybe she wants a real man like Adler instead of that blue eyed candy ass who whines and takes his ball home?
(IVY starts walking down the aisle, and security starts flanking her from behind. She turns around, eyeing them suspiciously…and then continues walking down towards ringside…CUTTO: Back to ringside, where ADLER is using up his 10 count as WRIGHT is silently saying something in his ear. SFX: Headset rustling…)
BB: And viewers, let’s all welcome Poison Ivy, the…
BB: SAMMY! Ivy, I’m a little surprised to see you out here.
IVY: Lets just say my curiosity is piqued right now.
SB: I’ll tell you what’s piqued.
BB: Keep it inside, Sammy. Tom Adler rolling back in the ring, and if I could see through that mask of Faceless right now – I’d want to know if he’s smiling at the fact he just upset Tom Adler, or is he not ‘cause now he knows he’s in for a DOGFIGHT.
IVY: That’s why I’m out here, Buckley. Something fishy is going on. Merritt is protecting this match more than some of the World title bouts I’ve seen. I want to know WHY, now. I didn’t before, but after seeing what’s in that ring I’m not sure if I’ve seen this before or not…and I want to know what Merritt knows.
BB: Always a journalist at heart?
IVY: No, this guy knows Adler. And that series just proved it.
BB: Adler and Faceless circling the ring and wait a minute, Faceless offering another handshake!
SB: He’s just trying to mess with Adler’s head!
IVY: What is with this guy? Is he trying to prove something?
BB: Adler just PLASTERED him with a right hand! Adler with another! Adler with an Irish Whip (CROWD: “OHH!”) ADLER JUST CAUGHT HIM WITH A NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX! One! Two! No! Adler quickly up and blasts Faceless with a boot to the kisser! He pulls him and plants him right back down with a quick Gutwrench Suplex! He goes for the pin! ONE! TWO! NO!
IVY: Well, whoever this guy is he just pissed of Tom Adler. Merritt picked this guy and Adler has made it clear that he intends to win this match no matter what, at this man’s expense. That makes an angry Tom Adler, a DANGEROUS one.
SB: You’re such a drama queen.
BB: Adler not wasting any time and dragging Faceless up by his mask, he backs him into the corner and lowers his shoulder and bulldozes right through Facless’ sternum! Another one knocking the wind out of the unknown competitor! Adler now measuring Faceless and he blasts him across the face with a hard right hand! Patrick Young letting Adler know closed fists aren’t allowed…
SB: Well, this is Mister Magnificent’s neighborhood.
BB: Do you miss Eddy that much?
SB: You can’t help, but miss the LOVE you once had.
IVY: Well it’s a love long GONE. Deal with it.
SB: Bi—
BB: SAMMY! NO! Adler with a vicious chop! (CROWD: “WHOO!”) He hasn’t forgotten why his chest looks like a big bear clawed it! Another chop! A rake of the eyes! Adler bringing out the blinded Faceless and hooks him – SNAP SUPLEX! Adler held on and he’s rolling over and raising Faceless up and OH! Slingshot Suplex with a rollover pin! ONE! TWO! NO! Faceless kicks out! (Crowd applauds Adler for the move) You can’t like the guy but you gotta respect him.
IVY: Well, since neither of you two seem to have a better clue than me, I’m gonna get a little CLOSER look.
(SFX: Headset rustling)
SB: Thank god, she smells like a pig. And not one of those cute, tiny ones either. A big ol’ huge…
BB: You have no class. Adler laying some boots to Faceless and now backs off the ropes and drops and elbow smash right across his head! Adler grabs Faceless by the mask and delivers a Snap Mare and quickly follows with a rolling neck snap! Great move by Adler! Faceless rolling around in pain from the effects of that one! Adler not wasting anytime and hooks Faceless in a front facelock as he brings him up to his feet…he lifts him up…and he’s got him up in a Vertical Suplex…
SB: And he’s got him up straight up at a 90 degree angle, just letting all that inferior blood flow to his brain before he rattles him!
BB: And Adler crashes down with a picturesque leaping Delayed Vertical Suplex! I’ve never seen one so pretty in my life! Adler rolls to his feet and looks out to the crowd with that multi-million dollar smile! (CUTTO: ADLER flashes the <> sign to the crowd as some are applauding his skills, some booing him) Adler in control of the match and Faceless struggling to get to his feet, he stands up and Adler nails him with a Superkick right on the jaw! Adler now grabs both legs of Faceless (CROWD: “OHHHH!”) OH MAN! A double legdrop right between them!
SB: And look at him just roll around crying in pain, that’s MAGNIFICENT.
BB: You’re a sick, sick man.
SB: Nah, just buzzed from the margaritas, baby. Chill out.
BB: Adler really trying to punish Faceless here. He’s bringing Faceless up to his feet and delivers a perfect standing dropkick sending Faceless right over the top rope and out the ring! Adler up to his feet and smirking! (CUTTO: FACELESS trying to pull himself on the ring barricade, IVY watching carefully) And here comes Adler out of the ring…
SB: Its time to take this punk to school.
BB: Adler with a well-placed forearm shiver to the back of Faceless reeling him over the barricade! Adler grabs Faceless by the mask and rams him right across that barricade! Adler now choking Faceless across the barricade, NO! Faceless with an elbow to the sternum, backing Adler away. Adler comes back in…OH! (CROWD: “WHOO!”) FACELESS JUST RIPPED ADLER WITH A CHOP! Adler just went down like he was shot!
SB: That was LOUD. Jesus.
BB: Ivy’s mouth is gaping, she flinched when she heard that. Adler now trying to bring himself up by the barricade, look how red his chest is! Faceless back up and is he gonna return the favor and take it to Adler outside? No, he just rolled him back in the ring! Faceless up on the apron, Adler gets up…WHOA! SPRINGBOARD BULLDOG FROM BEHIND! What a move! The crowd on their feet after that! Adler was barely off his knees when he hit that!
SB: This guy moves pretty quick for his size…
BB: Faceless brings Adler up to his feet, hooks him in a facelock…SNAP SUPLEX! He’s still got him hooked, rolls over and stands up…SNAP SUPLEX! He’s still got him hooked and rolls over…SNAP SUPLEX! NO! SNAP GOURDBUSTER! (crowd cheers!) HE NAILED ADLER WITH IT! Faceless with the crowd behind him, brings up Adler and has him in a facelock…and look at this! He’s giving Adler his OWN treatment! He’s got him up in the Vertical Suplex position! He’s still got him up there! Wait – he drops him back to his feet, NO! AN IMMEDIATE SNAP SUPLEX WITH A ROLLOVER PIN! ONE! TWO! THRRRRRNO! Adler JUST got a shoulder up! What a move! He brought him back down and right away SNAP SUPLEXED him! That had to send Adler’s brain and body into pieces!
SB: Nah, all it probably did was loosen up a little tightness in his back. Don’t worry about him.
BB: Faceless brings Adler to his feet and pushes him into the corner and OH! Jesus, another chop! Crescent kick right to the ribcage Adler crunches over and Faceless brings him back up and OH! Snap Kick to the other ribcage! Adler coughing in there, holding his ribs! Faceless brings Adler out and scoops him – and drops Adler’s ribs right across his knees! He’s still got him, hooked and delivers another, Adler on the mat in pain! Those are some stiff shots Adler’s taking! Faceless now waiting for Adler to get up and OH! (CROWD: “WHOO!”) He just went down low and nailed one of those chops that just tore through Adler’s midsection! Adler doubled over in a lot of pain! OH! LEAPING IMPLANT DDT! Faceless rolls Adler over! ONE! TWO! NO! Adler kicks out! Faceless bringing Adler up to his knees – OH!”
(CROWD groans!)
SB: Faceless is goin’ HBO, ‘cause he’s a SOPRANO!
BB: Tom Adler with a brutal low blow to Faceless and he’s doubled over! Adler rocks him with a forearm staggering him back! Adler up to his feet grimacing from those hurt ribs and he crushes Faceless with a boot to the midsection! Faceless doubled over and Adler catches him with a swinging neckbreaker! Adler up to his feet and drops a quick knee drop across the face! Adler now pummeling him with right hands!
SB: That’s the way you lay the smack down!
BB: The referee now trying to stop Adler from using those closed fists, but he just pushes him out of the way! Adler now up to his feet with a grasp on Faceless, he smiles and nails a kneelift right across his head knocking him back down! Adler not waiting a moment grabs him by the mask and pulls him up to his feet and hooks him in a front facelock.
SB: Let’s take him from a ride Tommy!
BB: Adler with a suplex, no! Faceless flips over behind Adler into a waistlock! Adler with an elbow and reverses it! Adler with a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Faceless just got compacted! Adler hustles over and hooks the leg! ONE! TWO! NO! Faceless kicks out! Adler up and he grabs Faceless, hooks him – TIGER SUPLEX! He’s got the pin! ONE! TWO! Faceless kicks out again! Adler didn’t quite hit those moves as good as he usually does, those shots to the ribs are affecting his legendary hip-popping skills for suplexing. That bridge wasn’t Tom Adler’s best, that’s for sure.
SB: Oh, put a cork in it Buckley! He’s dominating in there!
BB: I think Faceless is giving him MORE than he bargained for!
SB: Doesn’t look that way right now does it?
BB: Can’t argue there. Adler looking a little frustrated after not getting that pin and brings up Faceless up to his feet – OH! Faceless just overhead chopped Adler in the ribs and he stumbles and doubles over! He’s definitely hurt! Faceless up, Adler doubled over…and a running Ax Kick by the challenger! Adler just got leveled! Faceless not wasting time and grabs Adler and whips him off the ropes! OH! STUN GUN! Adler holding is throat staggering back, Faceless runs off the ropes! OH! He hit just unleashed a running styled knife-edge right across Adler’s mid-section! I think all of Anaheim just heard that! (CLOSEUP: FACELESS on one knee from the follow through a la Ricky Steamboat – as the fans go wild!)
SB: Thank god it’s not an earthquake!
BB: Adler on one knee, just holding those ribs! Faceless hooks him from behind in a Full Nelson (crowd leaps out of their seats!) OH!!! A FULL NELSON FLIPOVER GERMAN SUPLEX! That looked like it snapped Adler’s neck off when he landed! He’s barely moving! And Faceless rolls him over, and what’s this? He’s walking to the TOTAL opposite side of the ring!
SB: I don’t like this.
(crowd gets LOUD)
BB: And Faceless is going up to the TOP rope there as the fans are getting on their seats! Adler is practically ¾ across the ring! LOOOOOOOOOOOOK OUT BELLOWWWWWWW!
BB: SUICIDE HEADBUTT! Right into Adler’s ribcage! WHAT A MOVE! Faceless on his feet and these fans are going CRAZY! I don’t think they’ve seen THAT before! He could be SERIOUSLY hurt!
SB: Shutup, Buckley…just SHUT UP!
BB: Faceless brings Adler up to his feet and he’s hooked in an ABDOMINAL STRETCH! And look at this HE’S ADDED A CLAW HOLD TO ADLER’S RIBCAGE!
SB: The storm is here, Buckley! This guy is trying to injure Adler! Merritt did have it in for him!
BB: I don’t know about that, but judging from Adler’s screams he’s in SERIOUS trouble! Patrick Young trying to see if Adler’s gonna quit or tap!
SB: Never!
BB: Touching, Sammy. He’s got that hold cinched in the middle of the ring! Adler trying to fight it! (CUTTO: WRIGHT looking nervous!) Adler screaming in pain! I THINK ADLER JUST PASSED OUT! Young raising his arm ONCE! It drops! (crowd getting LOUD!) TWICE!
SB: No, no, no, no, no…
BB: It drops! WAIT! (BOOS!) ERIC WRIGHT is on the apron and Patrick Young has to go over before he gets in the ring! WHOA! Faceless just dropped Adler to the mat and he’s walking over! Wright ‘causing a scene claiming that Faceless was hooking the tights! The referee now trying to push Faceless away, but he’s not budging! He’s staring down Wright and look out here comes Adler! (LOUD BOOS!) Abdominal Stretch! NO! ADLERPLEX! BUT HE COULDN’T HOLD THE BRIDGE! He’s holding his ribs in pain and crawls over and covers Faceless! Wright hops off the apron! ONE! TWO! THRNNNNNO! (CROWD EXPLODES!) FACELESS JUST KICKED OUT!
SB: You gotta be kidding me!
BB: Adler either when he popped his hips, or landed…he hurt those ribs and that broke the pinning combo he’s made famous AND slowed him down enough that Faceless could kick out!
SB: Nobody kicks out of the AdlerPlex!
BB: I don’t think that was the real one, Sammy. Adler not happy and smacking his hand down on the mat in frustration! He gets up to his feet, one arm clutching at those hurt ribs and lays a big kick right to the challenger’s face! He bends over and picks up the challenger, NO! SMALL PACKAGE! ONE! TWO! REVERSED BY ADLER! ONE! TWO! NO! Both men up and Faceless slides through Adler’s legs and rolls him up from behind! ONE! TWO! NO! (crowd applauding!)
SB: They can clap all they want, he won’t get Adler that way!
BB: Faceless with a chop, no! Adler blocks it and hits an Armbar DDT! Adler with a Bow and Arrow Cradle! ONE! TWO! NO! Faceless gets a shoulder up! Both men up, wait! Adler hooks a Backslide! ONE! TWO! NO! FACELESS ROLLS OUT AND CATCHES A SCRAMBLING ADLER IN AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! NO! These fans are on their feet in pandemonium! Faceless with a wild right hand, Adler ducks and hooks in a waistlock! NO! FACELESS cracks him with an elbow and reverses it! GERMAN SUPLEX! WAIT, HE’S HOLDING ON! ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX BY FACELESS! ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX! ANOTHER! WAIT – NO! FACELESS JUST DROPPED ADLER WITH A LEAPING TORNADO DDT! (Crowd “ohhhs.”)
(CUTTO: IVY getting wide-eyed! She runs over to SASAKI standing by the timekeeper’s table and starts yelling at him!)
SB: What’s her problem!? It’s Adler that’s getting screwed by shoddy pinfall counting!
BB: Faceless now standing over Tom Adler and he’s taking off his shirt! AND OHMYGOD, HE’S STARTING TO TAKE OFF HIS MASK…
(The crowd is nearly RIOTING!)
SB: Ohmygod…
(Anaheim goes NUCLEAR!)
(CUTTO: ‘The Wolf’ MIKE RANDALLS looking over the Anaheim crowd BUG-EYED! His arms are hanging down his side, the inner forearms both possessing a long, stiched scar running from his elbows to his wrists. He looks at his arms, before looking out to the fans and then grabbing Adler’s legs…CUTTO: IVY screaming at SASAKI! IVY (V/O): “Why didn’t he tell me!”)
BB: RANDALLS IS GOING FOR THE DEVASTATOR! He hooks Adler’s legs, (BOOS!) WAIT! ERIC WRIGHT has run into the ring and he’s jumped on MIKE RANDALLS’ back! Patrick Young is trying to pull him off…WAIT!
BB: Poison Ivy just cracked Wright across the back with that Singapore Cane and he’s OUT! Randalls and Ivy stuck in a staredown – look out Adler! ABDOMINAL STRETCH! NO! RANDALLS WITH A HIPTOSS! Adler up and OHHHHHHHHHH! (The crowd HOWLS!) WHAT A CHOP!
SB: Chad Merritt is the most evil man I know. This just sealed that.
BB: Adler falls back into the corner and HIS EYES JUST SHOT OUT! He didn’t even know who chopped him!!
(CLOSEUP: ADLER getting out the corner, INCENSED! RANDALLS smiling, staring right at him and motioning like Bruce Lee for him to come out and fight! Anaheim is breaking sound decibel barriers at this point…IVY rolls out of the ring…CUTTO: An injured ERIC WRIGHT being taken back to the locker room…)
BB: TOM ADLER AND MIKE RANDALLS! I think it’s been FIVE years since they’ve been in the same ring!
SB: Well nobody told Adler tonight was the reunion party! There’s NO way he was ready to wrestle Mike Randalls! NOBODY was prepared for this! You think Adler would’ve been THAT cocky about even walking out the arena? THIS MAN IS INSANE!
BB: Adler and Randalls have probably put on one of the most brutal matches in wrestling history, their famous ‘I Quit’ Match in New Orleans! Adler runs out and Randalls meets him with a right hand! Adler with a right! Randalls with a right! Adler! Randalls! Adler! Randalls! OH! Adler with a chop! OHHHHHH! Randalls returns one! Adler with one! OHHHHHH! Randalls! Adler staggers back he can’t fight him chop for chop! Randalls stalks in, but Adler catches him with an eye gouge! Adler slams Randalls into the turnbuckles and just starts rapid-fire kicking Randalls in the gut!
SB: That’s it Tom, you know who it is now! You know what you gotta do!
BB: Adler turns around and Randalls blasts him with a right hand! Adler with a right! Randalls with a left jab! Adler with a knee to the gut doubling Randalls over – OH! LIGHTNING DDT BY ADLER!
(CLOSEUP: ADLER stands up wide-eyed and exhausted, slumps back against the ropes but raises an arm up in the air which gets boos!)
BB: Randalls looks hurt as Adler is getting over the shock value and NOW realizes that this isn’t just any cherry-picked opponent by Chad Merritt! Adler quickly on Randalls with some more boots!
SB: You can’t let Randalls rest, I’ve never seen someone with the endurance he has. You give him enough air and he’ll TANK you.
BB: Awful pun. Adler now dragging Randalls out to the middle of the ring…Adler with an Irish whip! NO! RANDALLS REVERSES IT! CLOTHESLINE – NOBODY HOME! Randalls staggers around and Adler PLASTERS him with a clothesline! Randalls’ head snapped like a twig! The Wolf is down and hurt! Adler rips him up and makes a cutthroat motion, he doesn’t care WHO this is! Abdominal Stretch! NO! HIPTOSS BY RANDALLS! He won’t get caught in the Adlerplex, he senses it every time!
SB: That’s impossible!
BB: Adler up and Randalls blasts him with a right hand! Adler with a right! Randalls with a left jab! Adler with a knee to the gut doubling Randalls over – OH! LIGHTNING DDT BY ADLER! Adler bringing Randalls up to his knees and Randalls buries his head right into Adler’s sternum! Adler fires back with a forearm across his back! Randalls with an elbow to the ribs as he’s getting to his feet! Adler steps back, that hurt him! Randalls keeps attacking those ribs, he staggers to his feet and Adler catches him with a knee to the chest backing him against the ropes! Irish Whip by Adler, TILT-A-WHIRL! NO! RANDALLS BEHIND ADLER HE’S GOT HIM IN A CHICKENWING! (CROWD: “OHHH!”) TIGER SUPLEX! HE’S ROLLING IT OVER, AND HE’S UP AGAIN! And Randalls with a quick chop to Adler’s ribs! Adler doubles over – (CROWD: “OHHHH!”) GUTWRENCH STOMACHBREAKER! HOLY CHRIST!
SB: He’s trying to break Adler’s ribs! The man’s crazy! And Merritt isn’t gonna stop it!
BB: Randalls brings Adler to his feet, OH! Cresent Kick to the ribs and Adler stumbles back and falls out of the ring!
SB: NOT where you want to be with Randalls!
BB: Adler to his feet! Randalls off the ropes, WHOA! BACK HANDSPRING!
(CUTTO: ANAHEIM insane! RANDALLS and ADLER in a trash-heap, as everyone can’t believe the move!)
BB: MIKE RANDALLS just SACRIFICED everything there!
SB: I don’t even know what I just saw!
BB: Randalls staggering to his feet and these fans can’t believe it! He’s climbing up on the apron, WHAT CAN HE BE THINKING?!?! He’s turning his BACK towards Adler and waiting!
SB: This can’t be good. This can only end BADLY.
BB: Patrick Young admonishing Randalls, and he just pushed him away! Adler using the barricades to get up…RANDALLS FLIES! OHHHHHHH!
BB: Randalls just missed a MOONSAULT BODYPRESS and impaled himself on the ring barricade! Tom Adler, and I DON’T KNOW HOW…but he saw it coming and moved! I’ve never heard a place THIS loud! Adler is now removing the padding at ringside!
SB: It’s PAYBACK time! Randalls risked it all and now he’s gonna lose it all!
BB: I think both men are fighting on fumes at this point! Adler grabs Randalls off that destroyed barricade and OH NO. He’s setting him up for a PILEDRIVER!
BB: Adler rolling off Randalls clutching his ribs, that took a lot out of him! RANDALLS ISN’T MOVING! Patrick Young is starting a countout!
SB: Stop the match, I think someone’s gonna die! This is getting WAY too close to Adler/Randalls in New Orleans!
BB: I think NOW I know why all the EXTRA security is around this match, Sammy! These two men will stop at NOTHING to beat each other!
SB: And MAGNIFICENTLY, Tom Adler is getting to his feet first! He’s taken the best Randalls has dished out! We all can say it one million times over. Love him or hate him, you gotta respect him!
BB: Adler and Randalls are putting it all on the line. Adler vowing not to lose this title tonight. He grabs a limp Randalls and rolls him back in the ring! Randalls may have a broken neck for all we now! Adler in the ring and he’s dragging Randalls out to the center and he drops down and hooks the leg!
(CLOSEUP: ADLER wide-eyed, staring at Patrick Young waving it off…holding up two fingers!)
SB: I don’t believe this.
BB: I don’t think anyone does in Anaheim. Certainly, not Tom Adler! This match is worth the admission price ALONE! Adler still staring at Young, who just stands there and shrugs at him! What will it take to end this match! Adler up to his feet and he brings up Randalls, he makes a cutthroat motion!
BB: ABDOMINAL STRETCH! NO! Randalls with a hiptoss! Randalls stumbles backwards and falls backfirst into the corner! Adler holds his ribs as he gets up and he’s incensed! He charges in, NOBODY HOME! (crowd cheers!) RANDALLS MOVED! Adler’s ribs hit nothing, but steel! He’s slumped in the corner in a lot of pain! Randalls levels him with a kick to the ribs! Another! Another! Randalls turns him around! (CROWD: “OH!”) HUGE chop by Randalls! That sound makes me cringe!
SB: Adler’s chest looks clawed!
BB: Randalls with an Irish Whip and Adler hits the corner chest first! (crowd gets LOUD!) HANDSPRING ELBOW SMASH! NO! ADLER MOVED! ADLER WITH A BIG RIGHT! He grabs Randalls and places him on the top rope! Adler now coming up! He’s hooking him for a SUPERPLEX!
SB: He’s taking him for a ride!
SB: You know I haven’t said it all match…but really, I NEED A DRINK.
BB: I might have to join you. Tom Adler and Mike Randalls are both struggling to their knees! Adler clutching at those ribs…Randalls can barely even hold his head up off the ground as he crawls to the ropes!
(CUTTO: YOUNG starting to count both men down! CUTTO: Behind IVY we can see all of ANAHEIM on their feet, jumping up and down, clapping their hands and stomping their feet! She’s watching with her arms crossed, intently…)
BB: This place is coming apart and Tom Adler has to be asking himself would he have viewed things a little differently knowing Chad Merritt’s mystery opponent would be Mike Randalls!
SB: Maybe, Buckley. But that doesn’t mean he thinks the result won’t be the same.
BB: Adler and Randalls pulling themselves up by the ropes at the SAME time, I don’t believe this! And Young stops his count and continues the match to the exultation of this crowd! Randalls stalks towards the center of the ring, and AGAIN! I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! He’s putting his hand out for Adler to shake it!
SB: Don’t trust him Tom!
BB: Adler walking to the center of the ring staring a hole at Randalls…whoa, he fires a right hand! No! Randalls blocks it! OH! Big Chop by Randalls! Right hand by Adler! OH! Another chop! Adler rakes Randalls’ eyes! Randalls stumbles back against the ropes, Adler grabs his arm and an Irish Whip – OH! (cheers!) FLAPJACK ACE CRUSHER! Adler rolls Randalls over! ONE! TWO! THRNNNNO! Randalls gets a shoulder up! Adler pushes it back down! ONE! TWO! THRRRRRNOOOOO! SO CLOSE! (crowd getting LOUD!) Adler brings Randalls up to his feet – WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER SUPLEX! Adler jumps up and motions that’s it! HERE COMES A FIGURE FOUR!! NO! RANDALLS WITH A QUICK INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! ADLER REVERSES! ONE! TWO! NO!
SB: Make that a double, pronto! I can’t take this Buckley! Neither man knows what’s coming next, they’re coming deep from the playbook at this point!
BB: And who knows what lies in those pages! Both men up and Adler fires a right but Randalls catches it and OH! A short arm running kneelift by Randalls right across Adler’s ribs! Randalls still has that arm and reels Adler in…FIREMAN’S STOMACHBREAKER! Randalls goes for the pin! ONE! TWO! NO! Adler kicks out! Randalls brings Adler up to his feet and good lord, I think Adler just spit out blood! Randalls slides around and a double leg takedowrn from behind! Adler trying to call to the ropes to escape the Devastator! (CROWD EXPLODES!) RANDALLS WITH A WHEELBARROW SUPLEX! AND HE ROLLS OVER INTO A ROLLUP PIN! ONE! TWO! THRNNNOOOOO! ADLER JUST KICKED OUT! We were a millimeter from a new champion!
SB: Adler needs to do something fast, his ribs are in bad shape! (crowd starts booing!)
(CUTTO: ERIC WRIGHT gingerly walking down the aisleway as J. BISHOP and NATHAN STORM walking behind him…)
BB: Randalls lifts Adler to his feet and…what this? Nathan Storm and J. Bishop are coming to ringside and security is NOT stopping them! Randalls throws Adler into the corner! OH! Big chop! Another one! Randalls backs up to the opposite turnbuckles! Here comes the <> Exchange to ringside! Randalls flies with a HANDSPRING ELBOW…(CROWD EXPLODES!) NOBODY HOME! ADLER MOVED! ADLER MOVED! Randalls stumbles and falls out to the mat!
(CUTTO: NATHAN STORM and J.BISHOP on the apron, halfway through the ropes…but ADLER waves them off!)
BB: Adler wants to finish this on his own! He doesn’t want help and Bishop and Storm hop off the apron!
SB: That’s the mark of a CHAMPION!
BB: They’re remaining at ringside as Wright is shouting from across the ring at Poison Ivy some words that allowed on ANY telecast! Adler brings Randalls up to his feet and he’s got him hooked in an Abdominal Stretch! He raises his arm in victory! (The crowd boos…then EXPLODES!) NO!
BB: RANDALLS FLIPPED OUT! Adler bewildered and turns around…(CROWD: “OHHHHH!”) WHAT A CHOP BY RANDALLS! He just swung wildly! I think that was on instinct! Randalls with another chop and Adler flies back into the corner! Randalls flies in with a shoulderblock to his midsection! A kick! Another! (crowd cheers!) And now’s he firing them off like a machine gun! Randalls with an Irish Whip and Adler hits the turnbuckles chestfirst and…LOOK OUT!
(CROWD: “OHHHHHHHHHH!, “ while leaping out of their seats!)
BB: RANDALLS JUST NAILED A BACK HANDSPRING HORNET SPLASH! I’ve never seen that in MY LIFE! Adler drunkwalks out and Randalls grabs his arm – Irish Whip!
SB: Where the hell did that come from!
BB: Randalls just took Adler’s head off with a SHORT ARM ROUNDHOUSE KICK! He’s out of it!
(CUTTO: ANAHEIM screaming on their feet, as MIKE RANDALLS quickly hops over the ropes onto the apron!)
BB: Adler is down in the middle of the mat and Randalls is heading up to the top rope!
SB: I don’t’ even want to know what he’s thinking up there!
BB: Randalls is perched on the top rope as ANAHEIM is going WIIIIIIIILD! RANDALLS RAISES HIS ARMS IN THE SKY AND LEAPS!
(ANAHEIM RIOTS! Everything’s getting thrown around as people are MARKING OUT!)
BB: OHMYFRIGGIN GOD! RANDALLS JUST NAILED A 450 LEGDROP! ADLER’S STILL DOWN! RANDALLS HOOKS THE LEG! (with crowd!) ONE! TW—OH NO! (LOUD BOOS!) LOOK OUT! HERE COMES THE <> EXCHANGE! Randalls breaks the cover to get ready to deal with the onslaught!
BB: (over INTENSE boos!) STORM AND BISHOP HAVE RUSHED THE RING AND ATTACKED RANDALLS! They’re laying the boots to him as Patrick Young has called for the bell! Here comes security! Storm and Bishop now fighting two guards off! (CROWD EXPLODES!) IVY just threw RANDALLS her cane! What the hell? He just threw it back at her! (CUTTO: IVY yelling at RANDALLS! CROWD EXPLODES!) OH MAN! BISHOP TURNED AROUND and RANDALLS SHOT OUT OF THE CORNER WITH THAT LEAPING ROUNDHOUSE KICK!
SB: Well here comes the WHOLE Gethard patrol!
(CUTTO: LOUD BOOS as GREGG GETHARD and a team of security guards storm the ring! NATHAN STORM and J. BISHOP are tackled and restrained, but RANDALLS isn’t touched by anyone… The guards approach the recovering ADLER, who tries to shrug them away, but is quickly surrounded, although not touched. RANDALLS backs into the corner, nodding approvingly as the security team grabs BISHOP and STORM, leading them out of the ring…LOUD BOOS!)
(CUTTO: CSWA Owner, President and Godfather – CHAD MERRITT walking down the aisleway flanked by two HUGE guards. They’re wearing black suits and shades, holding their earpieces and nodding. MERRITT who is grinning wildly, has a microphone in his hand.)
BB: This explains Randalls’ choice in not taking the cane, I still don’t understand how he’s connected in all of this. He’s NEVER been Chad Merritt’s favorite customer.
SB: Merritt has signed more of his suspensions than my paychecks!