Hornet vs. Cameron Cruise |
BB: It looks like "iTV" is over folks. Eddie Mayfield was sent packing by another surprise from Merritt, who has re-signed former Presidential Champion Steel Viper.
SB: Please. Hasn't he been in Japan for about 20 years now?
("Payback" by Flaw begins to play as Rhubarb Jones announced Cameron Cruise, along with his bride, Mercedes. Cruise seems a little agitated as he rolls into the ring and begins bouncing off the ropes, then adjusts the protective mask over his nose. Mercedes gives him a kiss, then climbs out of the ring to stand near the apron.)
BB: Not quite, Sammy. Up next, folks, we're supposed to have a match between former CSWA World Champion Hornet and Cameron Cruise. However, while we know that Hornet was here earlier....not again! (SFX: INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT) This has gotten old already!
SB: All Hail your President!
(Eddie Mayfield appears on the CSWAvision screen. He wearing his shirt from earlier, no coat or tie. The shirt is spotted with blood from earlier in the night.)
MAYFIELD: Didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you? Merritt's not as swift as he thinks, huh? Anyway... Hey Camel Clutch Cruise – pay attention, because I know you’re a little touched in the head. (CUTTO: CRUISE in the ring, yelling back at MAYFIELD) You can go home, buddy, because your opponent, the ALMIGHTY HORNET… (rolls eyes) ain’t here. (Crowd boos, some people can be heard screaming ‘What!?’) That’s right. The line producers just told me, your esteemed President and Ruler, that Hornet left the building right before the show started. So I guess that means you don't have a match. But he left a tape behind for us to play for all of you idiot fans, so I guess you can stand there and watch it with everybody else. Let’s peep that now. Roll the tape...
(The CSWAvision screen switches to a picture of Hornet sitting on a stool in the middle of the ring in an empty arena. He's wearing a simple pullover shirt and jeans. He looks up into the camera...)
“I wanted to take a few minutes to apologize. I need to apologize to the company I work for, to my co-workers, and to you fans. As you all know, I was scheduled to be at Battle of the Belts wrestling for the top prize in our sport today. It was a match I’m told many of you wanted to see, but obviously, I wasn’t ready for. It’s only the second time in my career that I can ever remember missing a match, and unfortunately, the reason isn’t pretty.”
“Over the last few years, you’ve heard me say that ‘it’s nothing personal.’ This time, it is. For the last five years I’ve tried to keep my private life private, while still being a public persona. It hasn’t worked well. More people know about my medical conditions, my love life and my relationships than know who the president of Mexico is. That’s not by choice, but it is by a series of wrong choices.”
“I’ve been told that many of you want to know why I wasn’t at the pay-per-view, why I chose a match that big to sit out. I could make the story a long one; heck, I could even make the story up. But I won’t. To be brutally honest, I wasn’t there because I wasn’t ready to perform. Months ago, I began taking painkillers for a simple injury sustained to my knee. Combined with my emotional state over the last year, it turned out to be a bad mix. I apologize to those of you who may be shocked by this… unfortunately, it’s more common in our business than you might realize. But that doesn’t make it right.”
“I’m not out here to ‘shed light’ on the issue, or to do a “The More You Know” public service announcement. I will, however, simply say that too many workers in our business use painkillers, only for it to eventually debilitate or kill them. I’m out here because I didn’t do what I committed to do, and for that, you fans deserve an apology, my colleagues deserve an apology, and yes, even my boss deserves an apology. I wanted to thank all of you who have supported me in the decisions I’ve made to start taking care of my problem.”
“And to all of you watching, all of you who will be sitting in this arena tonight, thank you. Thank you for the cheers… and the boos… thanks for being a part of my life for the last fifteen years, even if there were sometimes I didn’t want you to be. I don’t have a family like most of you do. I’m only close to a few of the people in the back, and to be honest, most of you have seen those relationships on camera. Most of my adult life has been on camera, and that’s hard. But to be fair, most of the time the perks outweigh the hardships. It’s no harder than raising your kids, or putting yourself through school, or taking care of your parents, or all the other things that people do everyday of their lives. Life isn’t easy… but it’s a gift.”
“We don’t always get to choose what happens to us in life, but who we are is determined by the way we deal with what we’re dealt.”
“Right now, I shouldn’t be anyone’s ‘hero’ or role model. Maybe someday soon I can get to a point where I’ll feel comfortable with that, but for now, enjoy the memories. Enjoy the times you rooted for me, the times you rooted against me, and the times when I made it look easy. Because there’s only one easy thing in this life, and that’s making things harder than they already are.”
“I hope to see all of you soon.”
(As CSWAvision fades to black, many in the crowd are speechless, others begin to murmur, and still others start to boo. The lights dim slightly as the theme from "The Greatest American Hero" begins to play. This brings some fans to their feet. But they're disappointed, as the screen begins to play a music video of 'best of Hornet' clips. The earliest television footage of him in the ring is shown, followed by a younger Hornet jumping up from pinning Degadeth and being presented with the CSWA World Championship.)
(A scratchy clip of Hornet being pinned by Wall to lose the title, is followed by several clips of the rematch, still called one of the greatest matches in CSWA wrestling history. Several other clips follow as Hornet holds up titles and trophies and plaques, as he dives out of the cage underneath the WHEEL of DEATH, as he celebrates with mentors and proteges alike. As the song comes to a close, candid pictures of Hornet are shown. They go back in time, one showing Hornet with his arm around Ivy, one showing Hornet and Timmy Windham horsing around, then others with the Parsons, Ben Flore, Joey Melton. Finally, the last one shows an early media shot of Hornet and Mark Windham with the "America's Team" caption.)
(As the lights come back on, most of the crowd politely applauds. In the ring, Cameron Cruise isn't quite as happy.)
BB: Cruise is furious inside the ring. Mercedes Devon is trying to calm him down. Cameron Cruise has been looking forward to this match, he sees it as some sort of attempt at redemption. Hold on, he's got referee Ben Worthington by the coat... it looks like he's ordering Worthington to start a ten-count. He wants this win over Hornet, even if he has to get it because the man's not here!
SB: He's a sad, sad little man. But he's got a hot wife, so that counts for something.
(CUEUP: "Like The Sun" by I Mother Earth begins to play)
BB: It looks like Merritt has arranged an opponent for Cruise tonight too. We've already seen Steel Viper, could this be another recent signing?
(The only thing appearing on CSWAvision are the lyrics to the song as they play. No one appears on the rampway.)
In light of my present mess In light of my mental weather's turn In light of all the crash and burn I'll open my mind as wide as ever
The lie behind the lesson, the soul in the open well It might have been fate, It might have been fortune It might have been wine and a mellow head
(Part of the crowd in the back of one of the sections begins to stand up. A slow wave begins as more and more fans start to stand to try and see what's going on.)
I'm finding my way, Finding the words One body breaking Someone come and rise up Rise like the sun If I am no one, Somebody save me Someone come and rise up
BB: It looks like someone is coming through the crowd. Cameron Cruise is up on the ropes trying to see who it is.
Pride doesn't own me now But know that at times life kinda hurts And know that I will live and learn So more than survive, I will endeavour
The mind behind the message, Alone on an ocean swell It might have been grace, It might have gorgeous It might have been why I've settled in
(A camera finally is able to zoom in and catch the wrestler walking through the aisle. At first, all we see is part of his body through a sea of fans who are reaching out to touch him. As the camera stabilizes on the face, a burst of blue, yellow and black color comes through. As it focuses...)
SB: Good Lord...NO!
(For the first time in eight years, the facepaint is in effect. Hornet's progression through the crowd is slow as more and more fans continue to run over and fill the aisle. The second chorus of the song ends, giving way to the third verse, displayed on the screen as it plays.)
A helpless man, a held out hand Defining images that flow through my hope's Surrender the broken moments and pointing fingers The closing of open minds I might have been delayed, I might have been delirious I might have been otherwise Taking hammer blows Like an animal For others So heavy was my weight
BB: Cameron Cruise isn't upset, he's ready! He's almost frothing at the mouth yelling at Hornet to get in the ring. And here he comes!!!
(As the chorus kicks in one more time, Hornet slowly climbs over the fan barricade. He's shirtless, wearing knee-length shorts that match the colors on his face. The final chorus kicks in as Hornet jumps up on the apron, and Cruise charges...)
I'm finding my way Finding the words One body breaking Someone come and rise up
BB: Cruise comes across...Hornet jumps... ONTO the middle of the rope!! BLASTER OF BUMS!!! He just dove off the top of the rope with the flying bumblaster clothesline!! Cruise goes down, and his facemask just went flying!!!
Rise like the sun You'll find the world Somebody save me Someone come and rise up
BB: Cruise is up! He hammers at Hornet, but gets whipped across into the ropes... HIGHHHHHH BACK DROP!!! Cruise crashing down!
I'm finding my way, Finding the words One body breaking
BB: But Cruise is back up again, he won't stay down!!! Hornet with a hard right, and now he sends him across...into the corner!! Cruise is winded! Hornet backs up!!!! HERE HE COMES! HORNET SPLASHHHHHHHH!!!!! Hornet backs up and Cruise falls onto the mat. Hornet quickly rolls him over.
SB: I can't tell you how disgusted...
Someone come and rise up Rise like the sun
BB: Hornet's going up top!!! He stands on the top rope as the rest of the crowd jumps to their feet! He turns... he jumps...
(Flashbulbs go off across the arena as Hornet leaves the turnbuckle.)
If I am no one, Somebody save me
Someone come and rise up
Rise and show
BB: And the cover! ONE!
Show us
BB: TWO!!!
(And just as the final chord of the song ends, Hornet stands up and is met by referee Ben Worthington, who quickly raises his arm. And the song kicks in again in celebration along with the crowd.)
BB: Hornet is back! I don't think I've seen him that intense, that quick, that...
SB: Dolled up in greasepaint?
BB: In years!
(Hornet rolls out of the ring and exits back over the fan barricade, mobbed by the fans at ringside.)
BB: Fans, I've got to catch my breath. We'll be right back with Tom Adler and Merritt's surprise!!!
SB: It just better not be Hornet too....