
Rock The House
(CUTTO: The backstage, where it’s just over an hour from Game Time. The CSWA is typically a laid-back place to work, but a night like tonight is different, it’s important everything flow like a well-oiled machine.)
Merritt: How’s the songbird feel?
Eli: Peachy… she’s stoked.
(Eli Flair has been watching the CSWA tech staff hook up the Valerian’s Garden equipment to the sound system, making sure they have all their wires in the right place. The Garden has broken, fixed, cross-wired, and rewired the same amps and instruments so often that they require a customized setup to even work.)
Merritt: “She knows the rules right, no cursing? She’s gonna have to be the Anti-Ivy out there?”
Eli: “She knows.”
(As if on cue, Angel sulks past, jumping up onto Eli’s back with a tight hug.)
Angel: Need the coat.
(Eli takes his black leather trenchcoat off and hands it to her, she bites him on the neck and lowers herself to the floor, pulling the coat on.)
Eli: Knock ‘em dead, Angel.
Merritt: Yes, good luck”
Angel: Rock the motha f**kin’ house.
(As she walks toward the stage entrance, Merritt looks toward Eli with a skeptical look on his face.)
Eli: “What? Had to get it outta her system.”

Houston, We Have A Problem
Merritt: What do you mean he's not here?
(Chad Merritt is standing at the gorilla position just behind CSWAvision and the stage. Reminiscent of the last ON TIME, he's surrounded by a handful of road agents and producers, who are intentionally trying not to meet his gaze.)
Merritt: Please tell me that this time someone's checked his lockerroom by now!
Asst. Director: Yes sir, we haven't found him anywhere.
Merritt: Has someone tried the hotel?
AD: Yes. The concierge said he left about an hour ago.
Merritt: Cell phone?
AD: It goes straight to voice mail.
(Merritt turns his glance to the two road agents: Brian Nord, who wrestled in the CSWA early days as the Blond Devil, gets the full brunt of the stare.)
Merritt: I thought I told you to keep an eye on him, to mind him?
Nord: I spoke with him early this afternoon. He was at the hotel resting up.
Merritt: And?
Nord: And I asked if he wanted a car to pick him up and bring him in. He said he already had his rental and that he knew the way.
Merritt: I'm surrounded by idiots. Did it ever occur to you that when I set you up as his 'minder' that it meant that you were supposed to make arrangements to get him here and have him ready... NOT that you were supposed to send him on his own merry way?
Nord: He's not a child, Chad. He's been at this company as long as I have, and almost in the business for as long. He'll be here.
Merritt: He better be. Otherwise...
(Merritt stalks off, leaving the five men to simply stare at each other. Ten minutes before showtime and one-half of the Main Event is AWOL? This can't be good...)