Sampson vs. Bobby Jackson
The newest ‘R’ in PLR took on one of the CSWA’s most colorful characters. Before Jackson could even get into the ring, the high risk specialist came through the ropes
with a suicide tope. Both men hit the ground hard, with Jackson taking most of the blow. The bell rang even with both men on the outside, and referee Ben Worthington immediately
began a ten-count. Sampson belly-to-belly suplexed Jackson on the rampway, then dove into the ring. It appeared that Jackson might get counted out, but as he began to climb onto the apron, Sampson took him
down with a baseball slide. “Mr. Main Event’s” momentum took him through the ropes as well, but he quickly climbed back up on the apron. As
Sampson threw himself heedlessly off the apron in a plancha, Jackson rolled halfway under the ring, leaving nothing but mat for one of the GXW’s
finest. Jackson quickly leaped up, scooping up Sampson and dropping him throat-first on the outside barrier. Bobby quickly rolled his opponent inside, looking to finish him off with a brainbuster, only
to get a two-count. He followed quickly, sending “Mr. Main Event” into the corner, but took an elbow to the throat for his trouble as he tried to capitalize.
Sampson quickly hopped to the second rope and delivered a huge clothesline. Then it was just moments away… The Headliner… that inverted DVD into a pinfall for the
Winner: "Mr. Main Event" Rob
Hardy vs. Kin Hiroshi
The muffin tycoon may stand the same height as the Newcastle fireplug, but Hiroshi was giving up eighty pounds to Hardy. The big man welcomed Hiroshi into
the ring with a huge backdrop, giving way to a legdrop. Hiroshi tried to reestablish a vertical base, but Hardy quickly swept him off his feet with a
full nelson slam. Hardy went for several early falls, but Hiroshi used his wits and flexibility to stay in the match.
Hiroshi's break came, not from a Hardy mistake, but from an amazing counter. As the Pitbull went for his super back body drop, Hiroshi actually hooked the head in
mid-air, using his downward momentum to nail a reverse DDT, followed up with a neckbreaker. Then it was Hiroshi's turn to keep his opponent on the
ground, setting Hardy up for a side Russian leg sweep and following with a half
boston crab. Hardy was able to make it to the ropes, but that didn't save
him for long. Hiroshi allowed Hardy to pull himself to his feet, then hit
him with a huge crossbody that took both men through the ropes to the
floor. Hiroshi quickly rolled the dazed Hardy back inside, then headed up
top to set up the Hiroshi-ma Bomb frog splash and the pinfall.
Winner: Kin Hiroshi
The backstage area, as EDDIE MAYFIELD is walking down the hall, wearing white
vinyl tightpants, white boots with flames licking up the sides from the bottom
of the boots, and a fresh 'PEE-ARE-OHS' t-shirt. Suddenly, from an adjoining
hall, somebody suddenly puts their hand on EDDIES' shoulder, and in an instant,
MAYFIELD grabs the guy by the shirt, and reels back to punch! The camera jerks
over, as MAYFIELD yanks the guy outta the shadows, and we see it's SHAMON! The
crowd watching on the monitor laughs, as SHAMON shakes his head violently, not
wanting to get hit, and instead, wets MAYFIELD down with activator juice from
his gheri curl! EDDIE shoves him away, disgusted, and contiues to walk, but
SHAMON chases him down.)
(Grabs MAYFIELD again, points to the floor, then does a spin, ending in a flash
kick/crotch grab/shoulder shrug. MAYFIELD just looks at the kid like he's nuts.)
HEEEEEEEEEEE! HEEEEEE Heeeeeeeeee! WOOOOO! (Crowd WHOOOOS! in response) Eddie...
HAH... Eddie Mayfield... (Spins) Listen Eddie, this whole Intruders thing... you
think that I... yunno... can SHHHHHH... SHAMON! HEE! Shamonit... get in on that
action? Yunno, your my FAVORITE... (pauses, then shakes out his hands like they
suddenly combusted into flames) THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL NOW BABY...... (Grabs
What is your (BLEEEEEEP!)ng problem? (SHAMON just shimmies to the side,
rolling his neck) You wanna get into the Intruders, huh? (SHAMON starts hopping
up and down!) I don't know about all that, kid, but... (thinks) maybe you can do
me a favor....
pulls out a Camel, and produces a lighter. QUICK CLOSEUP: SHAMON’S
caustic, dripping hair, and EDDIE quickly puts the cigarette away)
Listen, let's talk. Not here though..."
walks past the camera, leaving SHAMON standing there, who can't stay still.
Allovasudden, we hear MAYFIELD off-camera yell 'Come the (BLEEEEEEP!) on!'
SHAMON hops, and runs past the camera, leaving us in an empty hall.
Cruise vs. Nate Logan |
The second member of PLR up tonight took on the former Presidential champ in a match between two former friends that turned ugly
early. Both men went back and forht in the beginning, before Cruise decided it was time to take it outside. Cruise tossed Logan outside, then decided it was time for he and Nate to take a new ‘step’ in
their relationship, literally. After tossing Logan into the steps, Cruise tried to hit a DDT on the rampway, but Logan blocked and backdropped Cruise back down to ringside.
Logan began to take control, using the apron to work over Cruise’s back before wrapping his arm around the ringpost. Logan rolled the Jacksonville, NC native into the ring and began to try and take him apart.
He worked Cruise over from pillar to post, but couldn’t keep Cruise down for a three-count. Finally, Cruise got payback for his earlier mistake, backdropping Logan
onto and over the ropes.
The fight headed back outside, but this time with an extra added bonus. Former CSWA World Champion Steve Radder made an appearance, backing up
his words in the recent argument between he and Logan. As Logan tried to send Cruise into the post, Radder responded with a picture-perfect
dropkick to the back of the head that knocked Logan into the apron, and set him up for a huge DDT by Cruise. The melee continued as Rob Sampson came out to make the save, and both
men had been counted out.
Double Countout
Property" Eddie Mayfield vs. Aelieas Fierte |
With the
rookie Fierte in the ring, “Voodoo Chile” began to play, eliciting massive
boos from most of the audience.
Eddie Mayfield swaggered out to the rampway in front of CSWAvision, but
stopped there with a microphone in hand.
"Ok allayall, I gotta few things to say, especially to this cat here in the
corner. (points to Fierte) Listen kid, no offense, but you don't ask Barry Bonds
to come in and pinch hit at tee-ball games, and you don't ask T-Mac to come
outta the stands and play fifteen for the Martin Luther King High Panthers. And
Aereola, whatever the GOOD GOD-(BLEEEEEP!) your name is - When I called out
Hornet for this show, I wind up with YOU. (MAYFIELD looks him up and down as the
crowd boos - some hardcores clap in the audience) So what I'm doing right now,
is, being MUST-SEE TV, that means that EYE call the shots when we're on TV, so
I'm making an executive decision, and I'm gonna put on a mid-season replacement,
because you don't DESERVE to get rub off of one half of the PEE-ARE-OHS, off of
one fourth of the Intruders, and most importantly, The Greatest Show on Earth.
(Smirks) So Areola - have a good show tonight, and music man, SEND IN THE
threw down the microphone and left as Shamon came down to “Beat It.”
Fierte waited patiently for Shamon to enter the ring, showing no sign of
frustration or anticipation.
But once Shamon came in the ring and started moonwalking, Fierte struck.
Aelieas kicked Shamon in the gut, eliciting a high-pitched squeal, then
nailed the much smaller man with a sitdown powerbomb.
Shamon never quite recovered (unless you call kicking and screaming like
a woman recovering).
The thirty-year old Frenchman showed no signs of letting up, suplexing
Shamon around like a rag doll.
In the merciful end, the 300-pound big man, picked up the 180-pound
Shamon, and executed an over the head sit-down frontface powerbomb he calls the
“Ecrasez Votre Ame,” otherwise known as the “Crush Your Soul.”
Shamon lay prone in the ring, long after he suffered the pinfall.
Aelieas Fierte
Liezure vs. Kevin Powers |
Liezure has suffered the most abuse at the hands of the new PLR, bar none.
And stepping in the ring while giving up eight inches and eighty pounds,
many thought Liezure was signing his death warrant.
What happened was anything but.
Liezure held his own against the big man and former US Champion.
“Good God” concentrated on using his edge in power, but Liezure kept
taking the punishment, reminiscent of Steve Radder’s infamous bouts.
After bodyslams and choke slams, clotheslines and suplexes, Powers still
couldn’t the shoulders of the “Luscious” one down for three.
The leader of the PLR took a scare as he went for a Power X-Treme:
Liezure took control from the top rope and brought the big man down with
a huge hurricanrana that garnered a two-count.
Powers quickly gained momentum, but still, nothing he did was enough to
give him the match.
In the end, Logan and Sampson made an appearance, helping Powers spike
piledrive Liezure, then nail him with the Kiss The Canvas slingshot powerbomb.
While it gave Liezure the match by disqualification, the trainers were
called out to attend to the winner.
Lance Liezure (by disqualification)
BB: It's time to cut to another break, but
first, I'm told we have a HUGE arrival in the back!
(CUT TO: The front of the arena. A white limo
with plates that read "MRCSWA" pulls up. The driver-- a hot blonde in
a skimpy chauffeur's outfit comes out and holds the door open and out comes Troy
Windham to huge cheers from the crowd.
is accompanied with three blondes who all look the same-- wearing skimpy tank
tops that all read on it "
gives a little nod towards the camera.)
: Playtime is over. Now, it's all biz-ness.
sticks his cheek out and all four girls give him a peck on the cheek. The
grin then escapes
's face and he walks right towards the arena.)
BB: Well, here he is... Mister CSWA. Troy
Windham, always the center of controversy. Who KNOW what he'll be up to tonight.
SB: I just wish he'd bring the ladies out with
him so I can play with
BB: Fans, we'll be right back!