CSWA PRIMETIME  shows up in Oklahoma City!


Top Contenders
For the Title Shot at FF13
Eddy Love vs. Mark Windham

CSWA World:
Evan Aho vs. Eddie Mayfield

Hip Hop Express and a mystery partner

Triple X vs. Dan Ryan

Tom Adler vs. Cameron Cruise

JJ DeVille vs. GUNS


 CSWA World:
Evan Aho

United States:

Tom Adler

JJ DeVille

Unified Tag:
Simply Stunning

BB:  The Greensboro Championship bout is next, but first, it looks like Wicked Sight has a few things to say about the rumors that are flying.

(CUE UP:  “Just Got Wicked” by Cold - a deafening roar of cheers and boos drown each other out.)

(CUT TO:  Signs in the crowd:  “We trust the Freak”, “Plett = Turncoat”, “Say it ain’t so, Mike”)

SB:  Can somebody please make sure this guy's face time becomes non-existent after FISH FUND?  Oh wait...GUNS is gonna do that.  Hey...that's one reason to like the roid monster.

BB:  The fans here don’t know what to make of Wicked Sight, and frankly neither do I!

SB:  I do!  That CHALUPA is a TURNCOAT!

BB:  So the chalupa thing is going to stick?

SB:  I’m hungry.

BB:  Weren't you the one that just said a few minutes ago that you had no CSWA loyalty?

SB:  Yeah, but I have reasons, Buckley.  Everything this kid has in the world he owes to the CSWA.  He's been turned from a pot-smoking stoner loser to a wealthy loser.

(Mike Plett stands in the center of the ring, absorbing the crowd reaction and trying to interpret it, his black hair hanging over his face.  He flips it back as his speaking begins.)

MP:  I’m out here not to talk about my match tonight, which will inevitably take my full attention in the ring tonight.  I’m not standing in front of you to talk about FISH FUND, either, I’m here to tell you CSWA fans, the great fans that watched Cameron Cruise throw my ass off the stage at ANNIVERSARY 2001 just for me to come back and defeat five other men and earn a shot against the Heavyweight champion... (crowd reacts with more face than heel pops, but still decidedly mixed)... I’m here to tell you great fans, that without a shadow of a doubt, I am one hundred percent...

V/O:  G... X... W...

(As the robotic voice over once again plays - as it did at ON TIME - Plett’s microphone cuts out.)

BB:  Who in the world is this?  If this person really thinks Sight is a turncoat, and a traitor, he or she should come out and say it!

V/O:  For those of you who are doubting my claims that Mike Plett is the CSWA turncoat who is a part of the GXW... for those of you who doubt that it is Mike Plett who is sneaking in guys like Dan Ryan and making sure they have quick escape routes... For those of you who DOUBT that Wicked Sight is GXW now a days, and most especially for Evan Aho, I want to show you this footage from weeks before the attack on Evan.

(The screen shows Wicked Sight in a backstage interview with Rudy Seitzer.)

MP:  There’s something in the air... you can feel it, Rudy.

V/O:  Evan thought you were talking about GUNS and Hornet and Eddy Love... and I assure you, everyone else did too.  But now we’re all seeing through you... you were a little smarter than I thought, but not much.  And without your precious fans, you’re going to be nothing.  And your allies in the GXW will see that soon enough...

(In the ring, Plett is furious, looking for another mic.  A disgruntled looking Rhubarb Jones hands him one, and Sight’s voice comes through...)

MP:  I am NOT...

(The microphone cuts out.)

BB:  Someone isn’t giving Mike Plett a chance to defend himself, but this mystery person make a lot of valid points!  No matter the case, it would seem that SOMEONE backstage is helping the GXW guys, and the fingers are pointing at...


(Plett throws the microphone against the steel steps and storms up the ramp, ignoring the predominantly jeering crowd.)  

BB:  I don't know whether this kid is sincerely angry or if he's just one heck of an actor.  Hopefully we'll find out soon.

SB:  He better make it soon, because if no one gets to him tonight, SuperRoidMan sure will at FISH FUND.  In fact, since GUNS is up next, it'd be real smart for Plett to hang a left backstage and hide.

BB:  Let's head down to Rhubarb, who has just announced Greensboro Champ JJ DeVille.

Greensboro Championship

JJ DeVille vs. GUNS

BB: JJ climbs into the ring, and he hands over the Greensboro Heavyweight title to Manuel Juarez, perhaps for the last time!

SB: No way, Buckley...Eddy's taught JJ everything he'll need to know to beat Roid Boy...

(CUEUP: "Ride of the Valkryes" as GUNS comes to the ring)

BB: And here comes Third Row, Inc...

SB: Is it me, or did JJ soil himself?

BB: GUNS climbs into the ring, and JJ attacks him before the bell! He caught GUNS stepping through the ropes, and he's clubbering him with forearms to the back! JJ with a hard forearm shot to the face, and he whips GUNS off the ropes...

SB: Nope!

BB: Well, he TRIED to whip GUNS off the ropes, but didn't budge him! JJ again tries to whip the challenger off the ropes, but again, he can't even get GUNS to take a step! JJ turns around and faces GUNS, who pulls him in...SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE almost took JJ DeVille's head off! 

SB: I don't know if Eddy prepared him for THAT!

BB: GUNS pulls JJ up by the hair, and HURLS him into the corner like a ragdoll! JJ DeVille cowering in the corner, as GUNS comes over and OOOH...he punched him right in the gut! Follows it up with a nasty European uppercut, and now GUNS burying the shoulder into the midsection of the Greensboro Heavyweight champion!

SB: JJ's got him right where he wants him!

BB: GUNS now whips JJ across the ring with TREMENDOUS force, and JJ actually went up and over the turnbuckle and down to the outside!

SB: If Juarez had any backbone, he'd DQ GUNS right now!

BB: Well, there's NOBODY in the CSWA who likes GUNS, Sammy...but I don't think Manuel Juarez is going to test his patience tonight! You know darn well that GUNS remembers the "No English" fiasco!

SB: Those were good times...

BB: GUNS follows DeVille to the outside and scoops him up...WOW! What strength! GUNS just gorilla pressed JJ DeVille over the top rope and back into the ring! GUNS climbs back into the ring, and look at this! DeVille just grabbed Juarez and is hiding behind him! He's daring GUNS to hit the referee! GUNS smirks and looks to the crowd...WAIT! JJ just shoved Juarez into GUNS, and GUNS shoves Juarez aside and JJ caught him right on the jaw with a SUPERKICK!

SB: Ha ha! That was beautiful!

BB: JJ DeVille actually knocked GUNS down to the canvas with that kick, and he's posing like the Karate Kid...

SB: Put him in a body bag!

BB: GUNS gets up to his knees...NOT FOR LONG! Crane kick by JJ DeVille, and that may have turned the lights out for Third Row, Inc.!

SB: If JJ pins him here, GUNS may go home and never come back!

BB: DeVille takes a victory lap! What is this kid thinking? You don't give a man like GUNS a second chance! Now JJ goes for the cover... ONE! NO! Not even a one count, as GUNS kicked out with AUTHORITY!

SB: Authority? He threw him halfway across the ring!

BB: JJ DeVille is in disbelief as GUNS gets back to his feet, rubbing his chin, and looking very angry! JJ goes right back after him... catches him with a jab! Another jab! Another jab!

SB: Stick and move!

BB: DeVille rocking GUNS with those right jabs, and now he does a little Ali shuffle and goes for a big roundhouse right which CONNECTS! But it didn't even knock GUNS a step backward! JJ looking at his fist, and fires ANOTHER roundhouse right, and again GUNS just stares at him! JJ fires off a third...BLOCKED, and GUNS fires a roundhouse right of his own...HE DECKED HIM! JJ DeVille did a 360 in mid-air!

SB: Closed fist! Come on, Juarez, ring the bell!

BB: JJ DeVille staggers back to his feet, and he's on Dream Street! He shakes out the cobwebs pretty quickly, and runs off the ropes... FLYING SHOULDERBLOCK! Like hitting a brick wall!

SB: JJ bounced off him like a tennis ball! I need a drink!

BB: DeVille back to his feet, and he's still determined! This kid may not have a lot of common sense, but he does have at least a little heart! He runs off the ropes again for another shoulderblock, and again he hits the immovable object and goes down like a ton of bricks! JJ back up to his feet...

SB: Third time's a charm, Buckley, just you watch!

BB: JJ DeVille off the ropes again, and this time GUNS catches him and PLANTS him with a sidewalk slam! That shook the ring! GUNS now putting the boots to JJ DeVille, and he's yelling for him to get up! GUNS yanks him up by the hair and rocks him with a forearm shot, and now whips him off the ropes...GUNS-SHOT! He caught him right between the eyes with that Polish Hammer!

SB: We might need to send out a rescue team!

BB: GUNS looks like he's having fun with DeVille now, as he's not going for any type of cover! He's waiting on JJ to get back to his feet! The Greensboro champion is up and staggered, and here comes GUNS...RUNNING CLOTHESLINE sends DeVille over the top rope and down to the arena floor!

SB: JJ's getting manhandled!

BB: GUNS again follows JJ to the outside, and scoops him up...LOOK OUT! He just HURLED JJ DeVille into the steel ringpost like a JAVELIN!

SB: That CAN'T be legal!

BB: GUNS pulls JJ up and rams him HARD headfirst into the steel ringsteps before tossing him back into the ring! JJ DeVille is busted open, Sammy, as he staggers up to his feet, and GUNS climbs up to the top rope! What are we going to see here? Here comes GUNS off the top with a FLYING SHOULDERBLOCK...NO! JJ DeVille sidestepped it, and GUNS kisses the canvas!

SB: YES!  Come on, JJ, you can go down in history as the man who singlehandledly stopped GUNS from destroying the CSWA!

BB: GUNS staggers back to his feet, and JJ jumps on his back...SLEEPER HOLD! JJ DeVille's got GUNS in a sleeper hold, and he's making the challenger carry all of his body weight!

SB: Lullaby...get some rest...

BB: JJ DeVille's got that sleeperhold cinched in, and it looks like Third Row, Inc. may actually be fading here! What a colossal upset this would be! Juarez raises the arm once! He raises it twice! Will it drop a third time? NO! GUNS holds the arm up, and now he runs backwards and CRUSHES JJ DeVille into the corner to break the hold! GUNS now has JJ trapped in the corner, and he's kicking away at the ribcage of the Greensboro Heavyweight champion!  He hooks him and BEELS him out of the corner!

SB: That wasn't a beel, Buckley! That was a Brett Favre touchdown pass! He tossed him across the ring!

BB: JJ up to his feet, and here comes GUNS with a running clothesline that once again makes JJ DeVille do a mid-air 360! GUNS pulls DeVille to his feet and whips him off the ropes...THUNDEROUS POWERSLAM! He almost put him THROUGH the ring! ONE! TWO! THR-NO! JJ got a shoulder up, and GUNS smirks like he's HAPPY about it!

SB: He thinks he's gonna dish out more punishment, Buckley, but JJ's just playing possum!

BB: GUNS pulls JJ DeVille to his feet and hooks him...BEARHUG! GUNS has wrapped the Strongest Arms in the World around JJ DeVille, and he's squeezing the life out of Eddy Love's personal assistant! The Greensboro Heavyweight title set to change hands as Juarez raises the arm! It drops once! It drops twice! Will it drop a third time? NO! Somehow, JJ DeVille has found the energy to keep his arm up!

SB: That Greensboro Heavyweight title means the world to him, Buckley, after the greuling fashion in which he won the belt from Shane Southern and has defended it around the globe!

BB: Give me a break! JJ now digs his THUMB right into the eye of GUNS, and now does the same with his other thumb! He's trying to gouge GUNS' eyes out, and that forces a break! JJ now with a SERIES of eye rakes to the challenger!

SB: If a man can't see he can't fight!

BB: Manuel Juarez letting this go, as there's certainly no love lost between him and GUNS, and now JJ hooks GUNS...DDT!


BB: JJ DeVille takes the time to celebrate the DDT...

SB: Look out!

BB: But GUNS pops right back up to his feet behind him! JJ has no idea! He turns around to go for the cover...AND FINDS GUNS STANDING THERE! JJ falls down to the canvas!  He looks like he's seen a ghost!  JJ begging off, and now look...he tried to bail out under the bottom rope, but GUNS caught him! GUNS drags JJ DeVille back into the ring by his legs, and now hooks them tight and arches back...SNOWPLEX! What incredible strength by GUNS to basically lift JJ DeVille off the ground by the legs and turn it into a belly to back suplex!

SB: This could be trouble!

BB: GUNS pulls JJ up to his feet and hooks him...POWER BOMB! But he hangs on and picks him up again...a SECOND POWERBOMB! STILL hanging on as he pulls JJ up again...SITTING POWER BOMB TO FINISH IT OFF! ONE! TWO! THR-NO! GUNS let him go! He's not ready to end this yet!

SB: I hope Wicked Sight is paying attention to this!

BB: GUNS sitting back against the ropes waiting for JJ to get up to his feet! GUNS with a punch right to the gut to double him over, and now he comes off the ropes...BIONIC KNEELIFT! Say goodnight! GUNS covers JJ with one foot as Juarez counts the ONE! TWO! THREE! We have a new champion!

SB: This is a dark day, Buckley!

BB: Juarez hands GUNS the Greensboro Heavyweight title, and he just tosses it aside and stares Juarez right out of the ring! GUNS pulls JJ DeVille up to his feet and hoists him up in a GORILLA PRESS...HERE WE GO! GUNS launches JJ DeVille into the stands! Another souvenir courtesy of Third Row, Inc.!  And now GUNS smirks as he sees the Greensboro Heavyweight title laying on the canvas!

SB: He just hocked a loogey on it!

BB: GUNS just spit on the Greensboro Heavyweight title! The oldest and most tradition-rich championship in the history of the CSWA is now in the clutches of the one man who has nothing but disdain for this company! GUNS leaves the ring, and he's just dragging the Greensboro Heavyweight title behind him, refusing to even strap it on!

SB: After all of the prestige JJ DeVille added to the title, Buckley, this is an absolute outrage!

BB: Fans, JJ DeVille's joke of a title reign aside, there's absolutely no call for this disrespect! The Greensboro Heavyweight Championship is now in the dark clutches of Third Row, Inc.!  We'll be back!