
CSWA PRIMETIME  is back in Portland!


CSWA World:  Evan Aho 
vs. Shane Southern

United States:  Hornet 
vs. Wicked Sight

Unified Tag:  Simply Stunning
Hip Hop Express 

GUNS vs. Eli Flair
Eddy Love vs. Joey Melton
MoA vs. Raw Deal
Josh Novell vs. Lawrence Stanley
Kin Hiroshi vs. Suicide


Other June events you shouldn't miss:

WWL Conflict

GXW X-Perience

UEW Prime



CWWF Hell's Fury

UEW Extreme 2K2

USCW Extreme Evolution

XWF X-Treme


(CUE UP: "Feel So Numb" by Rob Zombie as each lyric flashes across the screen followed by Lance Liezure in big green lettering just as Lance steps from behind the curtain with a black and red Zero board in hand and a pair of black drum sticks in the other.)

SB:  What’s this loser doing here?

BB:  Liezure is a promising young talent, and Kevin Powers and Nate Logan used him like a pawn in their scheme… Let’s hear what he has to say, Sammy... especially after what heard from Powers and Logan earlier.

SB:  If we must…

(He takes off down the aisle way and slams the board to the ground and jumps onto it and rides his way to ringside. Lance stops abruptly and kicks the board back into his hand then rolls into the ring and grabs a mic.)

Lance: Powers... Logan ...I heard you guys come out here on Showtime, talking about making me your "personal kickball." Well, I don't wanna know anything about what you guys do in YOUR spare time, but don't involve me. Though.... Powers.....when you do come down here and attack me FROM BEHIND! I mean, I'll give Nate the benefit of the doubt, he at least tried to face me man-to-man. He stood toe-to-toe with me and got the THRASHING of a lifetime! But you, Powers, you won't even answer a measly challenge when one is brought to you. So here I am in front of this great crowd in SEATTLE, HOME OF KURT COBAIN, JIMI HENDRIX, SOUNDGARDEN! (Crowd Pop) And I'm calling you out Powers....you and that little (bleep)-boy of yours, Nate Logan! Face me and see if you can ESCAPE the terror that awaits you!

(Lance drops the mic, places the sticks in his pocket, and waits for his response.)

SB:  Who does he think he is, my man Eddy Love?

BB:  Well… it looks like nobody is coming out…

Lance:  I see… I’d be scared to face somebody like a man, too, if all I were was a drunk has-been that weaseled his way out of retirement… We’ll meet, Powers… we will.

(“Feel So Numb” cues as Liezure walks out to a surprisingly loud response.)

BB:  Liezure calls them out...but nobody's coming down.  It looks like it's time for our next match.


BB:  And my poor annoying co-commentator is right.... it's Eddy Love versus Joey Melton.

Eddy Love vs. Joey Melton


BB:  Fans, we've got a match between two men who have both men at the top of our sport at various times over their careers.  Joey Melton was the original CSWA World Champion in 1988, and has had continued success over his career as a multi-time World Champ, as well as a tag team specialist.  Eddy Love became the CSWA World Champion ten years after Melton's first run.  In fact, when Love joined the CSWA in 1998, he and Melton were both part of the CORPORATION, a stable run by the infamous Ray S. Cornette.

SB:  Oh, now you're calling Ray S. 'infamous?'

BB:  It's been so long, I almost forgot... you got your run as a manager alongside Cornette.

SB:  Indeed I did.

BB:  In fact, I think that's when your drinking problems began.

SB:  Indeed it was.

BB:  Yikes.  Anyway folks, this should be a big one.  We’re joined out here by another of Eddy Love's former partners, Kevin Powers…

SB:  What’s up with the little jokes backstage, Kev?

KP:  What’s up with your head being stuck in Love’s ass?  Man, I’ve got some Lance guy running me down because we cannonballed his ass a few weeks back… he was a pawn in our game, Logan and I.  I’ll let him keep running his mouth for a bit longer, but he’d better watch it or KP will have to make a note of him on his “to-do-list” for the week.  And now I’ve got Sammy Benson, the same guy that’s wore tar and feathers on this show, asking me for motives…

BB: It’s going to be a long match, folks… Collar and elbow tie-up between the two former World Champions. Eddy Love goes behind with a hammerlock and into the side headlock, Joey Melton sends him to the ropes. Eddy rebounds off and takes down Melton with tough shoulderblock. Joey Melton delivers a stiff kick from his back to Hurricane Eddy’s calf that drops the South Carolina native. Both men are up quickly and go chest to chest, neither of these men will give an inch!

SB:  Eddy Love has no mercy, Buckley, he’s the greatest CSWA…

KP:  Cork it, Benson.

BB: Melton with a slap to the face of Eddy Love!

SB: He can’t do that!

BB: Love staggers back and Joey doubles him over with a knee to the stomach.  Melton hooks the head and nails Eddy with a suplex. Melton is to his feet and drops an elbow to the heart of Eddy Love. Melton tries a quick cover but Love shoves him off before even the first count, and now Love charges Melton. Joey counters with an armdrag into a kneeling armbreaker. Love slaps the mat…this is not the way he wanted to start things out! Love puts a boot to the face of Joey Melton to break the hold.

SB:  Don’t get frustrated, Eddy!

KP:  No, JJ’ll give you a NICE massage after the show…

BB:  Don’t say it, Sammy…

KP:  He’s right, Benson…

BB: Love sends Melton into the turnbuckle then follows with a big clothesline in the corner. Melton is on rubber legs and collapses in the center of the ring. Eddy Love measures him and drops a knee across the chest of the New York native. Here’s the cover…1…2…Joey gets the shoulder up, and now BOTH men on their feet and Love nails Melton with a right hand, another right…big left hook sends Joey Melton stumbling to the corner. Hurricane Eddy with a big knife-edge chop!

SB: Whoo!

BB: Not so fast! Joey fires back with a chop of his own followed by a stiff forearm to the head of the Eddy Love. Love is looking a little dazed…Melton off the ropes but Eddy Love floors him with a dropkick! Joey Melton pops up and Love with another dropkick! Melton is right back up but he walks into a bodyslam, Love covers…1…2…Melton kicks out.

SB:  He’s too dumb to stay down, most likely…

KP:  That or he’s not in awe of the “mighty Hurricane”.  Not many are these days…

BB: Love picks Melton up by the hair and sets him up on the top turnbuckle…he could be going for a superplex…NO! Joey Melton with a thumb to the eye and Eddy crashes backwards to the mat. Melton takes a breather…Love is back on his feet but Joey Melton sends him right back to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker, and he is certainly back in control of the match. He picks up Love and shoves him into the corner. Joey Melton with a big knife-edge chop. He slaps on a headlock and drops Love face-first with a running bulldog. Melton goes for the cover…1…2…Eddy kicks out in time.

SB:  He’s playing possum, Buckley, playing possum.

BB:  Do you really think so?

SB:  You know me, Buckley…

BB:  So you’re making it up to cover for the fact that Hurricane Eddy has a match on his hands!

SB:  It’s a good thing your kid’s brighter than you, Buckley…

KP:  Putting him light years ahead of Benson, over here…

BB: Melton peels Love off the mat…big backdrop! No cover, Joey is looking to punish Eddy Love. He picks him up again and executes another backdrop, what impact! Melton to the second rope…guillotine leg drop! Melton covers…1…2…NO! Eddy barely kicks out! Joey Melton is ready to put Eddy Love away! He hooks the head and slams him to the mat with a vertical suplex…here’s the count…1…2…Eddy kicks out again! Melton drags Eddy up while giving some choice words to the official. Eddy with a low blow!

SB: Low blow? That was clearly at the lower abdominal area…

KP:  Which is the place within Eddy Love’s body where Sammy Benson’s head normally rests after he…

BB: Melton’s got a kink to his step, folks, as Eddy catches his breath…he’s up…DDT on Joey Melton! Eddy with a cover…1…2…only two!

SB:  Blind zebras, everywhere…

BB:  Melton is holding his head, but Eddy Love is slow to his feet!

SB:  There he goes, though, Buckley, I TOLD you he was playing possum!  A series of right hands to the head, WAY TO GO EDDY!

BB: Love is coming on strong! Eddy with a kick to the stomach of Joey Melton, he’s setting him up for a piledriver…Melton pulls Eddy’s legs out from under him and tries to roll him over into a Boston Crab. Eddy is fighting it, Melton can’t quite get him over…Joey Melton with a stomp to the gut and he has the crab locked on! Eddy Love is in trouble!

SB:  That’s not trouble, Buckley, it’s just a small obstacle for…

KP:  Give it a rest.

BB: Melton is leaning back on that hold, Eddy is fighting to get to the ropes. He’s just got a few inches…Eddy’s got the bottom rope! The referee is calling for a break, but Melton jerks Love away from the ropes and reapplies the Boston Crab!

SB:  Break the hold!

BB: Love is still fighting to get out of that dangerous crab hold…he’s bridging up…he reverses it! Eddy Love digs deep and flips Melton over…here’s the cover…1…2…NO! Both men are on the mat struggling to their feet.

KP:  I’m about to take care of some business…

SB:  You’re not going to…

(Powers stands up and starts taunting Love from in front of the announce booth, his words aren’t particularly audible.  Love starts to make his way toward Powers as Melton still tries to regain his composure)

SB:  That no good, rotten, overrated, oversized…

BB:  Why didn’t you say that while he was over here?

SB:  I didn’t?

BB:  What’s this?

(Nate Logan has at this point slid into the ring, heading toward Eddy Love, but Melton sees Logan and instinctively swings, sending Logan to the ropes, then following with a clothesline to send Logan to the outside.)

SB:  That’s what a Powers-goon should get!  GXW reject!

BB:  Love rolls up Melton from behind!  ONE!  TWO!  THREE!!!  Eddy Love wins this one!  Chalk up the accidental assist to Nate Logan and Kevin Powers!  Joey Melton is furious, but he's also not dumb enough to get in between these three. He rolls outside and heads for the ramp.  And now it looks like Powers and Logan are going to try and trap Eddy inside the ring.

SB:  Eddy'll kill both of 'em.

BB:  Logan says something to Powers.  Wait a second...up on top of the ramp....that's CAMERON CRUISE!  And he just walloped Melton in the head with a chair!  Melton goes down, and Cruise levels him with a shot to the back.  And it looks like Powers and Logan think that it's as good a time as any...they rush the ring!  Love gets a knee into Logan's midsection, but Powers makes it inside...and the two men are eye-to-eye!  Up on the ramp, security has come out to drop Cameron Cruise away before he can do any more damage to Melton.

SB:  Come on EDDY! 

BB:  Love and Powers are jawing at each other...and here comes Logan!  He drops Eddy with a big knee to the back, and now he's hammering away as Powers watches on.

(HUGE crowd pop)

BB:  We've got somebody coming down the ramp...but I can't tell who it is yet.  These fans know though...

SB:  Oh no....not HIM.

BB:  STEVE RADDER IS IN THE BUILDING!  He slides under the bottom rope and tackles Nate Logan from behind.  He pulls the young superstar up and throws him into Kevin Powers....and now Radder is jawing at Powers!  There's still bad blood between these two men.

SB:  Two?  Make that three!  Eddy can stand the IceBoy either.

BB:  Logan wants to jump on Radder...but Powers is in his ear, and the two are carefully making their way out of the ring.  But look at that... I don't know if Eddy appreciates Radder's efforts or not... he certainly doesn't look too thrilled.  Radder offers his hand, and Love simply walks away and climbs out of the ring.  It's hard to believe these three men were once partners.  Wow...I don't think we've seen the last of this.  Powers is determined to get to Love...and now it looks like former CSWA World Champion Steve Radder has decided he's not done with Powers!

SB:  Where's the stupid Canadian been?  He lost to Aho six months ago, and he's just now ready to show his face.

BB:  Who knows, Sammy.  Hopefully we can get an interview with Steve on an upcoming show.  And maybe we'll even figure out why Cruise decided to go psycho on Joey Melton.

SB:  Because Melton BEAT him...that's why.  Plus the fact that Cruise is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.  

BB:  You might be right....fans, we'll be right back with Eli Flair versus GUNS!