BB: We're back...but before our first tag team match of the evening, we've
been told that Eddy Love has a few words.
UP: "Love Bites" - Judas Priest.)
SB: YES! My MAIN man 'Hurricane' Eddy Love is about to grace our
presence! Stand up and show your gratitude and applaud your role model
(As the crowd is awaiting Eddy Love with mixed reaction, it is Nate Logan that
shows himself at the top of the ramp.)
BB: Wait a second Sammy. I don't think Eddy Love is gonna make an
appearance. Especially with THAT song. It's Nate Logan!
SB: Wha? Who? Logan? That ZERO? Who the HELL does
he think he is!
(Bringing a cheer from the crowd in attendance, Logan waits at the top of the
ramp as another figure appears at the top of the ramp. Wearing a now old
Powers of Love T-Shirt, a familiar figure stands at the top of the ramp sporting
a bald head with blonde locks on the side. He holds out his arms to make a
'T' pattern and, behind him, a white fountain like pyro goes off exciting the
crowd even more.)
SB: Oh dear Lord it can't be ... HIM!
That's ...
SB: That's ... the SOB known as 'Good God' Kevin Powers! He's gonna
pay for this!
(Once the fountain goes out Powers and Logan make their way inside of the ring
and continue to spark up the crowd by standing on the second turnbuckle looking
out into the crowd. Powers then makes a move towards one of the ring attendants,
calls for a mic, gets it, brushes some of his 'locks' to the side, and begins to
KP: People ... and you are people I just want to let you know that, I
wanted to come out here tonight and apologize for a wrong that I should've never
committed in the first place. Now I know what everyone is thinking.
WHY EDDY WHY? Why must you apologize for anything? You are Eddy
Love! The Hurricane! The Playboy! The man that goes to the
fair and brings home the teddy bear! The salad that Sammy Benson never
quits tossing!
(A huge laughter erupts from the crowd save one person at the announcers'
SB v/o: WHAT? THAT SON OF A ... I don't toss his salad! He's
just a good friend I admire. So I visit the man a few times on his boat
and enjoy watching him? SO?
BB v/o: You've been on his boat?
SB v/o: Yeah I ... don't even start Buckley!
KP: In San Diego I committed a wrong I should've never committed in the
first place. I did something I've been known for doing time and time again
from this man and I'm such a heel for it. I'm a schmuck for this crime.
I'm such a boob for treading in his water cause I KNOW ... well ... I just have
a problem with him cause I admire him SO much I have no choice BUT to take his
Sure I've got The Love Boat. Ladies, and sometimes Sammy, know I've got
that LOVE connection. Hell I've even got a Brother who dresses up in white
and LOVES me very much! Gotta love kinfolk. Still, I have to admit,
in front of everyone here ... I admire ... I admire ...
{'Eddy Love' bows and shakes his head as Nate Logan comes over, snickering,
offering words of encouragement. As Logan backs off, 'Love' shoots his
head back up.)
(Another huge roar from the crowd in attendance as Powers looks out to them with
total enjoyment.)
KP: Now I know what everyone is thinking. Eddy why do you admire
Kevin Powers? You've been a world champion and he never has been.
And this is true to a point people. You see, if it wasn't for Kevin
Powers, I would've never been a champion in the first place. Sure I beat
him in Chicago and I've got ALL the film in my house to prove it! I beat
him in Chicago! I beat him in Chicago! I BEAT HIM IN CHICAGO!
(Suddenly Nate Logan breaks in.)
NL: But ... um Eddy ... didn't Powers beat you in the Ironman contest,
with Poe taking you and Troy on, and with Poe taking you and Radder on?
(As Logan is speaking Powers puts his fingers in his ears.)
It's my truth and it's my time cause I'm Eddy Love DAMNIT! I even wrote a
poem for this occasion. I'm Eddy Love and I don't care ... I enjoy wearing
women's underwear!
(More laughter from the crowd.)
KP: Now ... although I officially held the title it was Powers that
actually won it for me, but I could never admit it in the past. But now
... yes now ... I've come to terms and can finally admit it. I'm Eddy Love
and I can admit it! Is my hair growing back? I'm Eddy Love! I
always wanted Powers by my side because when I have to fight him ... The Double
G KP ... The Ayatollah of Rum and Cola ... DAMNIT I FEAR POWERS! Sure I
went to the fair, but it was Powers that won me that Teddy Bear! I can't
throw a baseball because I'm Eddy Love! I get Benson to throw balls for
BB v/o: (laughing) Oh this is too much. Oh he's got you pegged
KP: That's why I'm not surprised that Kevin doesn't wanna fight me and is
sending Nate Logan instead. I'm a waste of Kevin's time. Why should
he have to prove again what he has said all along? He's beat me cause I'm
weak ... pathetic ... worthless ... useless ... I'm EDDY LOVE! (Turns to
Logan) Nate, wait ... Mr. Logan, when we do fight I know you'll beat me
one, two, three cause I'm Eddy Love and I'll lay down for anyone. Ask
Kevin. I did it for him when Radder and myself fought him and Poe cause I
knew the truth! I'm just second rate. A flash in the pan. A
GXW wanna-be. I'm just ... just ...
(Suddenly Powers reaches for the bald skin wig on the top of his head and pulls
it off to reveal his natural hair and looks out towards the cheering crowd.)
KP: I'm just sick of doing this cause Love is a HATER! He HATES
knowing that I'm better than him, but I don't hate ... I JUST CRUSH ALOT!
EDDY LOVE! You can run and you can hide, but you can't escape!
Everyone in the back knows that you are runnin' scared from Nate Logan cause you
just ain't the same anymore. You're the shell of the man I used to know.
You say you are all this and you are all that and how nobody can compare to you,
but yet you continue to compare yourself to me? Guess what? Take
Logan's challenge and find out just how pathetic you REALLY ARE!
Oh, and Eddy, if you interrupt me again ... you'll find out firsthand why I am
the self-proclaimed Emperor of Hardcore.
I ... have ... SPOKEN!
("Love's A Bitch" - Tora Tora cues up as Powers and Logan slowly make
their way out of the ring and head towards the back.)
BB: Now that we've heard from Powers, let's
send it down to ringside for our first tag match of the night.
of Adventure vs. Raw Deal
These two teams continue to fight for bragging
rights in the CSWA tag team division, as well as a shot at the Unified World Tag
Champions. RJ Mills started out for Raw Deal against Benjamin "Big
Tom" Remus for the Men of Adventure. RJ caught Big Tom early with a
clothesline, but the big man stayed on his feet, leaving Mills to try an
unsuccessful belly-to-belly suplex, with Big Tom laughed off before hammering
RJ's back. Mills backed into the ropes and caught Tom in the gut with a
big boot, doubling him over and setting him up for a swinging neckbreaker.
RJ tagged in his partner and twin, WJ Mills. RJ
caught Remus as he got to his feet, sending him down wit ha droptoe hold,
allowing WJ to drop the leg. Referee Ben Worthington forced RJ out of the
ring, leaving the legal men in. WJ waited for Big Tom to get to his feet,
then dropped the big man with a flying clothesline, getting a two-count.
Remus pushed off a DDT attempt by Mills, catching WJ with the 'atomic' right
hand, then a big boot. Remus got the hot tag to "Iron" John
Waits, who caught WJ Mills with a 'savage' running clothesline.
More grappling ensued with the momentum passing back and
forth, until Waits finally got fed up and nailed the younger Mills with a low
blow. RJ Mills charged into the ring, only to be caught by Big Tom.
The two large men went through the middle ropes to the outside, leaving Iron
John and WJ in the ring. As the referee tried to cover the action on all
sides, Iron John gave an iron thumb to the eye of Mills along with a boot to the
stomach, setting him up for a huge powerbomb which gave the Men of Adventure the
three-count and the win.
Winner: Men of Adventure