![]() |
Yakima HaVoc battles Bobby
Jackson, |
HaVoC vs. Bobby Jackson |
(Bobby Jackson’s music floats around the arena as he makes his way to the ring, he seems pumped for the match and appears to be ignoring the crowd as he gets into the ring.)
BB: This should be a cracker people, Jackson has sworn revenge on Havoc and he plans on carrying through that threat tonight. I have a feeling this match could get really brutal so if you’re of a squeamish disposition you may want to look away.
SB: If they’re like that what are they doing watching the CSWA in the first place?!?!
(Jackson’s ring music is replaced by that of Havoc’s who comes down to the ring staring straight at Jackson, the pair never take their eyes from each other as the referee prepares to have the bell rung.)
BB: Can you feel the tension? These two are really intense, this should be a classic.
SB: Will you stop saying that? You’re really worrying me at the moment, I keep having premonitions of getting stuck in the middle of a big fight!
BB: LOOK OUT WE’RE OFF! Jackson is nailing Havoc with rights and lefts and already he has him down in the corner, and now he stomping him down onto the canvas, I was right about these guy’s intensity.
SB: Well whoop-de-doo, take a gold star and find someone who cares!
BB: Have you been drinking? Havoc swung off the ropes and dropped by a flying elbow, now a swinging neck breaker by Jackson followed by a leg drop and there’s the cover…..1…..2……kick out by Havoc, good signs coming from Jackson. Hard knife edge chops to Havoc that back him into the corner, now an Irish whip HARD INTO THE TURNBUCKLE AND HAVOC’S GOING TO THE OUTSIDE! Jackson scaling the top rope, HIGH CROSS BODY AND HAVOC FALLS HARD TO THE CONCRETE! Jackson with a scoop slam followed by a snap suplex and I think Havoc is in real trouble, Irish whip by Jackson as he tries to send Havoc into the steel steps…..REVERSED AND JACKSON CONNECTS HARD! HAVOC STAGGERS OVER AND RAMS JACKSON’S HEAD INTO THE STEEL STEPS, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN! HOW’S HE NOT BUST OPEN?
SB: I don’t know, what am I? A doctor?
BB: I’m just ignoring you now, Havoc throws Jackson back in and scales the top rope, flying clothesline by Havoc and Jackson isn’t moving, there’s the cover….1……2…..SHOULDER UP BY JACKSON, WE’RE NOT OVER YET! Havoc swings him into the ropes, connects with a tilt-the-whirl back breaker, he follows it with a double arm suplex and floats over for the cover…..1……2…..again Jackson kicks out. Havoc looks annoyed, he picks up Jackson….JACKHAMMER AND HE REALLY PLANTED HIM THERE, NOW HE GOES BACK UP TOP…….ELBOW DROP……NO, HE MISSED! HAVOC CLUTCHES HIS ARM AS BOTH MEN LIE ON THE CANVAS, THE REF STARTS THE TEN COUNT….1……2…..3…..4…..5….6…..7…..8…..9…..JACKSON UP! JACKSON UP! Superkick by Jackson and Havoc falls into the turnbuckle, Jackson scales it and lays into Havoc’s face with right hands….1….2….3…4….5…6…7…8…9…10! Havoc collapses out of the corner straight into the hands of Jackson who folds him up with a devastating powerslam, there’s the cover….1……2….HAVOC’S FOOT IS ON THE ROPE! CLOTHESLINE BY JACKSON, AND ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER! HAVOC IS SLOW TO GET BACK ON HIS FEET, NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX ON HAVOC, FOLLOWED BY A KICK TO THE GUT AND A PUMP HANDLE SLAM, THERE’S THE COVER……1…..2…..ANOTHER KICK OUT BY HAVOC!
SB: Will one of them just lie down and lose for God’s sake? I need to go get another beer.
SB: Stop wasting time damnit…..I need another beer.
BB: Havoc is slowly getting to his feet and Jackson is STILL arguing with the ref, Havoc grabs Jackson and drops him to the floor with a drop toe hold, he’s locked in an STF in the middle of the ring, Jackson has to give up.
SB: Thank God, I can just taste that frothy cold beverage as we speak.
SB: Just quit will you? Look, just quit and I’ll buy you a beer as well.
BB: Will you stop?
SB: I was sure I heard him quit.
BB: Well you didn’t, I think the ref is looking at this, Jackson is fading fast but like the plucky guy he is he won’t stop fighting. Havoc has a sadistic smile on his face as he keeps the pressure on, Jackson’s eyes are glazing over, STOP THE MATCH REF, STOP IT FOR JACKSON’S SAKE!
SB: So that must mean…..
BB: ……Yes we know…The ref has stopped the match and awarded it to Havoc, he wins the match but give credit to Bobby Jackson. Jackson never gave up, his body did.
SB: Who cares? The match is over, and the refreshment stands are open!
BB: Havoc is making his way over to Jackson who is starting to come round, he’s offering him a hand up, great sportsmanship by Havoc, great to see….WHAT THE……H-BOMB! H-BOMB BY HAVOC ON THE BADLY INJURED JACKSON! I THOUGHT HE WAS SHOWING SOME CLASS BUT HE’S JUST DECIMATED JACKSON EVEN MORE…WHAR DID HE SAY THERE TO JACKSON?
SB: I don’t know, I’m digging out my loose change, how much are the beers here again?
BB: I think Havoc just muttered something about Jackson not being in his league and now havoc leaves to a chorus of boo’s, what a terrible display of bad sportsmanship. Wait, who’s this coming down the aisle? Its not…IT IS! IT’S THE CRIPPLER, HE’S COME TO SEE HOW JACKSON IS! HE’S IN THE RING AND HE’S HELPING JACKSON TO HIS FEET AND IS HELPING HIM OUT THE RING AND UP THE RAMP, LISTEN TO THE CROWD GO WILD FOR THESE TWO MEN!
CSWA Presidential Championship Alex Wylde vs. Aaron Douglas |
BB: It's time for the Presidential Championship bout. Alex Wylde shocked the wrestling world when he reentered the CSWA and took Randy Harders up on an impromptu challenge to the locker room, pinning him and winning the title. But now Aaron Douglas is back for his rematch. It was his shot at the title versus Harders that was interrupted when Hornet pulled him into the stands. Douglas feels like the title should be around his waist...and Wylde feels like Douglas is nothing but talk.
SB: You're so good at those buildups...no wonder they pay you the big bucks.
BB: Whoa....Douglas runs down to the ring, not waiting for an intro, music or anything. That's a change from the "Hot Stuff" of old.
SB: I liked him better as the great luchador, "El Volcano."
BB: Well, Douglas may have come in without the pomp and circumstance, but here's Rhubarb.
("No Limits" by 2Unlimited begins to play)
RJ: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is one-fall, with a twenty-minute time limit for the CSWA Presidential Championship. Making his way to the ring, standing at six feet one inch tall and two hundred thirty-two pounds...here is the unpredictable CSWA Presidential Champion, ALEX WYLDE!
BB: It's amazing to watch a hot crowd like this, Sammy. Most of the crowd is booing, but there are small groups that are going wild for the Wylde One.
SB: Hey, some people like the bad guy.
BB: And Wylde has made a name for himself by tearing down the names of some of the most established in our sport. There's the bell, and our second title match of the night is underway. The two men lock up in a collar-and-elbow....Douglas uses his slight size advantage to send Wylde to the ropes, but the Presidential Champ comes across with a flying crossbody!!! Douglas jumps to his feet, but Wylde is ready...he sends him over with a german suplex! Bridge! ONE.....NO, Douglas kicks out. Both men to their feet...Wylde again into the ropes. He goes for a frankenparsons, but Douglas catches him and short powerbombs him to the mat! Quick cover by Douglas, but no count from referee Ben Worthington.
SB: Ya know, this isn't a bad little match.
BB: Coming from you, that's like a five-star report from one of the sheet writers. Douglas continues his momentum, flinging Wylde into the corner and following in with a shoulder. Douglas pulls Wylde out of the corner and puts him down with a bulldog. Another cover.... ONE........ no! Wylde kicks out again. Douglas renews the assault, keeping Wylde on the mat with a quick suplex and now hooking in a half boston crab. The Presidential Champ is stuck in the middle of the ring...he can't reach the bottom rope, no matter how hard he struggles right now. This may be where Douglas's slight power advantage takes over for him...if he can keep Wylde stable on that mat, no matter how hard he pulls, he may win this one by submission.
SB: But that's assuming a lot of other factors...
BB: Such as?
SB: Such as the fact that the guy who got sprayed with Raid earlier tonight....is coming through the crowd.
BB: Hornet hops the railing and hits the ring, clotheslining Douglas and breaking the half boston! Worthington has called for the bell.... Douglas is going to win this one by DQ, but I don't think Hornet really cares.
SB: But Douglas does...look at him, he's furious!
BB: Hornet spears Douglas through the ropes and both men hit the floor hard. I think Hornet may have taken the brunt of that...Douglas caught his head, and it may have helped almost DDT Hornet into the floor. Douglas is up first...and he grabs Rhubarb's chair! He nails Hornet in the back....and again! Whoa....look at Hornet, he looks up at Aaron Douglas...and then elbows him in the gut! A year ago that might have been enough to keep Hornet on the ground....but his legendary back trouble isn't so legendary anymore....Hornet slams Douglas into the metal railing, and tosses him into the first row of fans! These two are headed back into the crowd again! We've been told that they're going to be forced to have a match at Independence Day 2000....and it's well past time.
SB: So, in other words, Hornet gets his revenge...Merritt gets his revenge...and everybody's happy, except Douglas, of course.
BB: Alex Wylde had been arguing with the referee, and now he follows Ben Worthington down the aisle, still pleading his case. He's still the Presidential Champion, but.....WHOA! MIKE RANDALLS steps through the curtain!!! Wylde sees him and starts backpedaling down the aisle, daring him to follow. These two are scheduled for a match at INDY...inside a steel cage. Wylde rolls into the ring, and "The Wolf" quickly rolls in after him. Wylde stomps away on the former Unified Champion as he tries to get in the ring. Randalls grabs hold of Wylde's left boot and drops him to the mat, but the Presidential Champ rolls away. Wylde is up...so is Randalls....Randalls gets sent into the ropes....he ducks a clothesline from Wylde on the other side....GERMAN SUPLEX!!! Mike Randalls is going for the DEVASTATOR!!! Wylde kicks away and rolls outside, dodging the big man's favorite maneuver.
SB: Geez....I'm glad Wylde doesn't have a mic in his hand....that kid's got a blue streak a mile long, doesn't he?
(Wylde flips Randalls off and heads back up the aisle, as Randalls grabs the microphone from Rhubarb.)
(breathing heavily) WYLDE, you can't RUN AWAY in a cage!
You have chosen to be the first to DESCEND into what will become the
(laughs), at INDEPENDENCE DAY, I will make you a MAN." (slams mic
to the mat)
BB: For Alex Wylde's sake....I hope Mike Randalls has been taking his medication. Fans, we'll be back with the Main Event.
(Backstage before the Main Event)
Blade: What do you mean YOU sent him out there!? He cost me the match against Stanley...he cost me the US Title shot at the pay-per-view!
JW Locke: Yeah, I sent him out there. Look Kendall, Miles fouled up. But that doesn't matter. You just stick to the plan I gave you, and it'll all work out.
Blade: I'll believe it when I see it.
JW: All you need to see is that you're still getting a fat paycheck put into your bank account each month. I made that happen, remember? Without me, Merritt would never have even looked back after firing you. So you'll stick to the plan, whether you think you understand it or not. Otherwise, you can go see if you can support that condo you like so much on what the EWI pays you. Got it?
EVENT Deacon vs. Steve Radder |
BB: This crowd is on its feet...ready for the main attraction of the night. Let's send it down to Rhubarb in the ring.
RJ: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is tonight's MAIN EVENT! (crowd pop) It is for the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship. First, the challenger, hailing from...........
(Cue up: "Freak on a Leash" by Korn, as the blue and green laser begin to flash through the audience and stage area.)
RJ: ...Long Island, New York. He weighs in at 234 pounds.....this is the former United States Champion, the man we call the ICEMAN.... he is STEVE RADDERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! (crowd pop as the former Family member makes his way down the aisle, an intense look on his face.)
(Darkness once again is met with silence in the Gregorian chant, but that chant has been replaced by another one as the crowd chants... DEA-CON DEA-CON...)
(At first, no one appears on the rampway. Finally...as the crescendo builds, Deacon appears.)
(Deacon makes his way to the ring, and climbs in with the title across his shoulder. His eyes meet with the Iceman who......is smiling. This is going to be fun.)
BB: There's nothing quite like a Deacon entrance. Not to put down any of his previous challengers, but this may be the toughest challenge Deacon has faced since winning the title in December. Steve Radder is a former US Champion, and he's been at the top of the rankings almost constantly for well over a year. Radder may have hurt his World Championship chances during his association with Eddy Love and Kevin Powers; Love was the champ, and Radder's role was limited to helping Eddy keep the title.
SB: As well it should have been. Radder's nothing but a second-tier wanna-be who needs the stroke of somebody like Eddy Love to get somewhere.
BB: That's funny...cause he's in the Main Event and Eddy Love is nowhere to be found. And he came close to defeating Eli Flair in that marathon 60-minute match that ended in a draw, despite interference by a slew of people.
SB: Well.....oh shut up, Buckley! Aren't Deacon and Shepherd done with their pre-match ritual or whatever yet? And where is Faith!? Or Kelly? We need something decent to look at around here.
BB: Deacon climbs back into the ring, and there's the bell. The big man approaches Radder, hand outstretched. The young man who has been accompanying Deacon has taken a seat at ringside. Radder looks over at him, then back at Deacon, and finally shakes the World Champion's hand. It's been a while since we've seen that...probably since Eli and Deacon faced each other over six months ago.
SB: Well isn't that special. Aren't they supposed to kill each other now?
BB: Not *everything* has to be that way, Sammy. This is a competition between two of the best in the sport for the biggest prize in the business.
SB: Well, la de dah.
BB: The two men break away and begin circling after trading a few words, apparently friendly ones. They lock up, and Deacon quickly uses his size advantage to drop Radder to his knees in a test of strength. Radder rolls through and extricates himself from a sticky situation, but Deacon quickly follows by pulling the former US Champ to his feet and locking in a full nelson. Radder gets a leg through the ropes and gets a clean break from Deacon, almost before referee Ben Worthington can call for it. Deacon backs away, but quickly locks back up as Radder takes a step from the ropes, forcing Steve into the corner. Again, Deacon breaks at the call from the referee.
SB: He's not gonna win the match like that.
BB: He's done it before. Deacon backs away...Radder quickly charges out of the corner...Deacon is ready with a clothesline, but Radder ducks the big arm. Radder off the ropes...flying dropkick catches the big man right in the center of the chest. Deacon is knocked back into the ropes, but not down. As the World Champ comes off one side of the ropes, Radder uses the adjacent side to catapult himself up, and send Deacon to the mat with a facebuster. Radder avoids the temptation of going for the early pin, instead setting himself up in the corner. Deacon climbs to his feet, and Radder catches him with a low dropkick to the knee. Deacon goes down to his knees, and Radder comes across with another dropkick, this time to the small of the back. The seven-foot tall World Champion is down on the mat, and Steve Radder quickly follows with an elbow drop to the back, knocking the wind out of the champ! He hooks the leg! ONE............TWO..........NO!!!! Deacon kicks out, as we all almost knew he would....
SB: I didn't know.
BB: Um...sure. Radder gets tossed halfway across the ring by the kickout, but he's already on his feet. Deacon is up to a knee....Radder goes for another standing dropkick, but Deacon gets his hands up and almost knocks the smaller man away. Both men to their feet at the same time....both charge....double clothesline! It looks like Radder took the brunt of that one...knocking him into the corner. Deacon is up...he charges the corner, but Radder quickly rolls out of the way, and now heads outside. Deacon shakes off the missed elbow, and now also heads outside, conferring with Chris Shepherd.
SB: Look out! It's the man who would be King!
BB: RANDY HARDERS is on his way down the aisleway...chair in hand. It looks like he's got Steve Radder in his sights! Harders is scheduled to get the next shot at the World Title, and it looks like he wants to prove himself against Deacon. Radder is still regaining his wind, he has no idea what's coming! Wait a second! That young man in the front row just hopped the railing! I guess he's not technically a 'fan', but it's the young man we've seen with Deacon recently. Harders can't seem to believe that someone is in his way....but he doesn't care...he'll go through anyone to get to Radder!
(lights flicker)
BB: BLADE!!! BLADE IS BEHIND HARDERS!!! Reverse DDT!!! Former US Champ Blade came out from nowhere...he must've been under the ring! And now he's pulling out a table! Harders is down on the concrete, and Radder is being pulled away from the carnage by this young man we've talked so much about...I don't even know his name. I'm being told in my earpiece that it's Immanuel Pacheco...I hope that's right. Harders struggles to his feet, and now he and Blade are trading blows. Blade rolls Harders inside the ring....ref Ben Worthington isn't sure what to do, except that he's stopped his 10-count of the competitors in this match. Blade sends Harders into the ropes........dear Lord no......high back drop OVER THE TOP AND THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! RANDY HARDERS IS SURROUNDED BY A DEMOLISHED TABLE ON THE FLOOR! Blade rolls through the bottom rope and now heads into the crowd!!!! And with the ring emptied, Ben Worthington begins the count anew! Radder and Deacon both roll into the ring at the same time...and it looks like the paramedics are being called for Randy Harders. Good grief!
SB: You know....that was actually kinda cool.
BB: Cool? Cool!? The man is unconscious and obviously lacerated from the table...and you call it cool?
SB: Yeah...so sue me.
BB: I wouldn't be the first. Radder comes off the ropes with a flying crossbody, but gets caught in the massive arms of Deacon. Deacon powers Radder over his head with a butterfly suplex, and then follows with a leg drop. The quick cover by Deacon.....ONE..........NO!!! Steve Radder kicks out. That confrontation between Blade and Harders may have worked more in Radder's favor...it looks like he was able to get his wind back.
SB: Yeah, with the help of that Patch guy.
BB: I think it's Pacheco.
SB: Like I said...
BB: (sighs) Radder avoids a takedown attempt by Deacon, then catches the big man off the ropes with crossbody off the ropes. This time, both men go down. Radder hooks the leg, but his momentum allows Deacon to turn him over and reverse the pinfall! ONE........NO! Radder kicks out. Radder quickly with an elbow to the back. He follows with a modified lionsault off the second rope onto the back of the World Champion. Steve Radder heads up the corner to the second rope as Deacon regains his feet. SHOULDER BLOCK from the second rope, as the former US Champion gets another takedown.
SB: It's not amateur wrestling, Buckley, he doesn't get two points.
BB: I'm amazed you even know there is such a thing, Sammy. Radder continues to hammer away on Deacon, but the big man won't stay down long enough to be pinned.
SB: Who's that crazy lady coming down the aisle? Oh...it's just Ivy.
(As Ivy approaches the ring, it's obvious that she hasn't seen the paramedics. Her left hand is still bleeding, barely covered by loose bandages. Blood covers one part of her shirt, and even appears to be in her hair. Her eyes are swollen and part of her face is covered in smudged mascara. She is hysterically sobbing, her chest and stomach heaving as she stumbles down the ramp, almost blinded by her tears. She stops at the bottom of the ramp, and heads toward Chris Shepherd at ringside.)
IVY: (to Shepherd) What has she done?! What have YOU done? You let her.....(breaks down sobbing)
(Shepherd tries to comfort her, but she pushes him away. As he tries to approach her again, the tears stop, and she stares Shepherd down, almost ready to attack him.)
BB: Oh my Lord....what's going on here? Fans, as you've obviously seen, Poison Ivy has made her way to ringside...something obviously has her upset. Wait a second.
SB: Um....shouldn't somebody see to her hand?
BB: You're concerned with Ivy?
SB: It's funny when she's playing the part she's made for herself, Buckley...but this... this isn't right.
BB: Deacon is completely distracted, although he's still in the ring. Radder, while he could use this to his advantage, is being a sportsman enough to take a seatain the corner. Fans, I'm being told in the back that....it looks like Rhubarb is going to make an announcement.
RJ: Ladies and gentlemen, while this match will continue to its conclusion, we've been asked by the local police force to have everyone remain in their seats once it ends. We'll let you know more as it becomes available.
BB: Rhubarb has rung the bell again, apparently 'restarting' this match...but Deacon continues to glance over at Ivy and Shepherd. Radder charges in and catches him with an elbow, followed by a hip toss. Deacon rolls to his feet...I don't know how this is going to affect the outcome of this one.
(outside the ring)
IVY: You want to know what's going on!? THEY TOOK MY BABY! THEY TOOK HER! And YOU let her! YOU BASTARD! You let that WHORE trick me and take my baby! (She begins hysterically crying again, slumping to her knees.) Don't touch me!!! Don't you DARE touch me you...you...TRAITOR! (Shepherd backs away as if he's been slapped.) You let her do this! You let her trick me!!! I should have known.... after all that...I should have known!!!
SB: What the h.....
BB: Did she just say what I think she did? Someone kidnapped her child? Who would....
(The commentators go silent for a few moments, although the action continues in the ring. Radder continues to press the upperhand, although not going for a finishing blow. Deacon seems able only to try and fend off Radder's attempts, rather than mounting an offense of his own. Even Radder is distracted by the hysterics outside the ring. Security, along with a trainer, comes down to try and help Ivy back to the dressing room area, but she refuses to go...yelling at Shepherd, and then in the ring at Deacon.)
IVY: And where were you!? Where was the "almighty" Deacon when his tramp of a girlfriend was helping steal my little girl! You're just as guilty as she is. You brought her here....you made me trust her. Tell me! TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!
(One of security men gets a rude awakening when he tries to restrain Ivy from behind. She mule kicks him, then follows with a kick to the head that puts him on the ground.)
BB: This match is essentially over, folks. Deacon has climbed out of the ring and is speaking with Shepherd, apparently trying to understand more of what's been going on. Radder is talking to the referee, it looks like he's essentially telling him to stop the match. I don't think we've ever seen anything quite like this...
SB: And that's saying something in the CSWA.
BB: Wait...this crowd is on its feet again. POWERS and APOCALYPSE!!! They just ran climbed out of the crowd right by our table here, and now the Unified Tag Team Champs are in the ring. Powers nails Radder with a kendo stick, and when Ben Worthington tries to stop them, he gets nailed by Apocalypse. The Dark Carnival is literally caning Steve Radder. But here comes Deacon! Immanuel Pacheco hops the barricade as well, but it looks like Chris Shepherd is restraining him, trying to talk the young man down. Deacon crashes into Apocalypse and pulls the big man down, knocking the kendo stick free, but Powers is still going to town on Radder. It looks like he's trying to exact revenge for Radder's interference at the last card.
SB: What's HE doing out here?
BB: HORNET is on his way down the rampway...but he's not even looking at the action in the ring. He pushes one of the security guards out of the way, and now he's trying to pull Ivy to her feet. In the ring, Deacon clotheslines Apocalypse over the top, while Steve Radder finally trips Powers up. Powers rolls outside, and now the Unified Tag Champs are standing together outside, with Powers still jawing at Radder, as well as Deacon. Fans, we're just about out of time....
(A boom microphone helps pick up the conversation between Hornet and Ivy.)
Ivy: (pushing Hornet) Get away! Get away from me! I have to find her!
Hornet: (grabbing her by the arms, careful not to touch her left hand) We'll help you. The police are looking. But this isn't doing you any good. You've got to get your hand taken care of.
Ivy: My (bleep) hand doesn't matter! If you're not going to help, then get the hell out of my way! I don't need YOUR kind of help anyway! Get away!
Hornet: (pulling her toward him) I don't care whether you want my help or not...I'm not going to let you hurt yourself anymore. We'll find her.
Ivy: (laughs and cries at the same time) You're not going to LET me HURT myself anymore? You? You! You don't even care! GET AWAY!
(Ivy begins hitting Hornet in the chest with her hands. Blood begins to flow again from her left hand, smearing Hornet's shirt. He pulls her closer, pressed against his chest.)
Hornet: No. NO! Listen to me! I'm not going to let go. I'm not going anywhere. Do you hear me? I'm NOT going ANYWHERE!
(Ivy finally collapses against his chest, sobbing.)
Hornet: (motions to the paramedics) Come on, we've got to get you fixed up. Then we can help find her. It's gonna be okay. (They begin walking towards the back as the paramedics begin working on her hand.) It's gonna be okay.
BB: There's nothing I can add to that, folks. We'll see you at INDY.
Back to: Main Event | RP Central | CS TRIBUNE
Thanks to Mike, Paul and Ross for their help!