(FADEIN: The fans of KEY ARENA are buzzing in anticipation of the next match…all of a sudden the lights, go out to screams! Cueup: ‘In My Time of Dying’ – Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes Live at the Greek. The lights slowly come on as the slide guitar intro begins.)
RS: Fans, we've been told that Mike Randalls is in the building, and he's on his way out here!
(CUTTO: CSWAvision – Last week’s PRIMETIME, ‘The Wolf’ Mike Randalls perched on the top rope raising his arms in the air. The slide intro guitar hits a quick chord arsenal as the lights toggle on and off, coming back on just as Randalls hits the ‘Salvation’ 450 Legdrop on Tom Adler. The song fades back into the slide guitar intro as Chris Robinson’s moaning voice wails… the screens turning off.)
“In my time of dying, want nobody to mourrrrrrn…”
“…All I want for you to do is take my body hooooooome”
(w/ chord arsenal/light toggling) “Well, well, wellllllllllll, so I can die eeeeeeeeeeeasy”
(The crowd LOUDLY responds to ‘The Wolf’ MIKE RANDALLS stepping through the curtains just as the lights toggle back on. There are a few cheers, but mostly boos – reversing 8 years of hatred wasn’t going to be easy. He’s wearing an old 1995 Suicide Squad black t-shirt, blue jeans and he’s barefoot. In his right hand, one of those cordless microphones. In his left hand, a stack of papers.)
RANDALLS: This is for you, Mark.
“Jesus, gonna make up my dyin' bed. “
(RANDALLS begins his calculating march down to ringside, a smirk possibly on his face regarding this next verse in opposition to Mark Windham’s earlier comments this week.)
“Meeeeeeeeeet me, Jesus, meet me. Meet me in the middle of the airrrrrr”
”IF my wings should FAIL me, Lord. Please meet me with another pairrrrrrrr”
(RANDALLS hops onto the ring apron, eyes a focused gaze into the crowd. Perhaps the last two lines will serve notice to Deacon and Mark Windham that they don’t need to worry – Randalls doesn’t think he’s Jesus. RANDALLS steps under the ropes and enters the ring.)
(w/ chord arsenal/light toggling) “Well, well, wellllllllllll, so I can die eeeeeeeeeeeasy”
RANDALLS: “All I work for is Salvation, Mark.”
(w/ chord arsenal/light toggling) “Well, well, wellllllllllll, so I can die eeeeeeeeeeeasy”
RANDALLS: If You’re the one to bring that to me…
“Jesus, gonna make YOU my DYIN’ bed”
(The music cuts off as the Crowes/Page guitar army breaks into a overdriven, fast-paced slide guitar bridge. The lights remain on as RANDALLS paces in the ring, looking out to the crowd – they’re buzzing not sure what to expect after witnessing Primetime.)
RANDALLS: I would first like to start by publicly apologizing to Chad Merritt last week. (boos!) For, I hadn’t realized how today in the CSWA viewpoints on our character and integrity are called into question EQUALLY and with a similar amount of distrust and paranoia. That is why tonight, that will either CHANGE for us both…or confirm the beliefs of nearly EVERY patron of the Championship Wrestling Alliance.
(RANDALLS holds up his stack of papers)
Within these pages the hallowed halls of the CSWA may once again be filled with honor, or it will start a War between Chad Merritt and myself that may NEVER end. Within THESE pages, the names of Mike Randalls and Chad Merritt are signed. Like I have VOWED, I will not fight FOR Chad Merritt. But I come here to apologize in not letting him fully understand…that just like every other patron for this promotion, I WILL fight WITH him – IF he’s fighting for the same cause as I.
(RANDALLS lowers his hand as the crowd continues to buzz…)
For the past two weeks, many on this roster have CHALLENGED the ideals that I’ve come back under. Others have come to fight FOR it. Tonight, either way if you have questions (RANDALLS holds up the stack of papers) THESE will be your ONLY way to find an answer. In my hand, are open contracts for ANY CSWA show. Hundreds of open contracts for On Time, Primetime, Showtime and yes even the UPCOMING CSWA15. In my hand, are contracts with EVERY CSWA wrestler in print, just waiting for a signature…
(RANDALLS lowers his hand, sifting through the pages and starts picking them out one by one, as he announces the competitors – the crowd starts getting louder.)
Shane Southern. Sean Stevens. Evan Aho. Tom Adler. Guns. Hornet. Mark Windham. Eli Flair. Troy Windham. Eddie Mayfield. Dan Ryan. Kevin Powers. Jean Rabesque. Ryp Fandango. Cameron Cruise. Kin Hiroshi. Craig Miles. Aelieas Fierte. Deacon. There is not ONE name missing, there are more than TEN contracts for you EACH.
(RANDALLS drops the papers to the mat and walks to the part of the ring closest to the entrance.)
If ANY man wishes to fight Mike Randalls – LET HIM COME. I am afraid of NO man. I am afraid of NO stipulation as I leave that choice blank on EACH contract. For some of you, within those pages are opportunities to seek retribution if I’ve done you wrong in my previous eight years. I do not fear your vengeance, but I will NOT fold under it. If closure is what you seek, you will FIND it. Any arena, any time, anyway, anyhow – if you choose to fight for HONOR, then we ride out and fight TOGETHER. Within those pages is your opportunity to wrestle the GREATEST athlete and wrestler this sport has seen. Don’t believe that? Come PROVE it. Within those pages is your opportunity to ANSWER any questions within yourself. And if you OPPOSE me, if you choose to try and take down the walls of this hallowed hall…this is your opportunity to find how FAR I will go in meeting you EVERY step of the way.
(RANDALLS paces backwards to the center of the ring)
This week I have learned that the rules have changed because I manipulated them in the past. For eight years, I hunted every man down like prey. Don’t mistake me for now becoming the hunted, for if needed I can STILL hunt ANY man down. Yes, the rules have changed…but the game remains the same. Only now do I realize that my manipulations, the damage I’ve caused…give me NO honor nor ground to stand on. An exile, I remain.
(RANDALLS nods disapprovingly with a crossed face)
These contracts signed by Mike Randalls. Signed by Chad Merritt. They are the opportunity for me to find Salvation. They are my chance to erase the CHAOS that I STARTED.
(RANDALLS now starts nodding in agreement with himself, a grin comes across his face)
I no longer feel the need for debate on my return to the Championship Wrestling Alliance. We have ALL certainly said our piece. Some men don’t believe. Some men wish to challenge my status. Some say I wish to be Jesus, others wish to turn me into what I once was. Some of you wish to fight with me, some of you wish to initiate my honor. All I’ve heard are words, gentleman. Now is the time to take a course of ACTION. I have taken the first step, now which one of you will meet me?
(Cueup: the final bridge of ‘In My Time of Dying’ – Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes Live at the Greek)
"And I see them in the streets, And I see them in the field."
RANDALLS: An exile I am, but a King I will be – no matter the mountain I must climb…
“And I hear them shouting under my feet, And I know it's got to be real”
RANDALLS: (pointing out to the crowd) For what I’ve done…for the people, I fight for.
“Oh, Lord, deliver me. All the wrong I've done.”
RANDALLS: For the honor of this sport, and maybe one day – even Salvation.
“You can deliver me, Lord. I only wanted to have some fuuuuuuunnnnnn.”
(RANDALLS drops the microphone and picks up his stack of papers. With an expressionless face, he hops out of the ring as the song tumbles into its final crazed slide guitar outro – Chris Robinson chanting “Oh my Jesus...” repeatedly. The final guitar arsenal (w/ those toggling lights again) kicks in as RANDALLS makes it up back towards the curtains. The lights go dark except, for the spotlight on RANDALLS – the guitars stopped, RANDALLS turns around with Chris Robinson singing “Oh my Jesus...”)
RANDALLS: (while the guitars kick in behind Robinson) And to our champion, Mark Windham. Merritt was wrong, you HAVE started babbling about your ‘precious’. If Eli can’t do it. If Troy can’t do it. If Paul WON’T do it. I WILL, no matter the cost to us BOTH. I know where you seek to go. I know the bottom from which you will fall out, I know the top from where you started. You underestimate what lies in this body, Windham. You underestimate what lies in this mind. And if you choose to see just how FAR I’m willing to fight what YOU believe…
(the lights go out, the guitars stop – the crowd screams!)
“Oh, Jesus, gonna make YOU my DYIN’ bed.”
(The lights come back on as the music is cut – the crowd buzzing at the possibilities ‘The Wolf’ Mike Randalls had just created.)
RS: And now I'm being told we've got to cut to the back! Marvin, hit the switch! We'll be right back in a second, folks.
(The camera cuts to the outside of a dressing room. Bandit lies motionless on the hall floor as Dan Ryan pummels him over and over even as he lies there. Sean Stevens, standing nearby...looks down and smirks.)
Ryan: Come on, Bandit.....let's say hi to our President...
(Stevens helps to prop Bandit up, and with Bandit's limp hand.....Ryan knocks lightly on the door to no response...)
Ryan: So much for subtlety...
Stevens lets Bandit fall to the ground. Ryan shrugs, then violently pounds on the door three times.
V/O (From inside): Yo Bandit....what the hell's goin' on out there??
(The door swings open. An agitated Eddie Mayfield looks out and immediately sees Bandit lying motionless on the ground.)
Mayfield: Ahhh sh...
(The words are cut off by a violent chairshot to the top of Mayfield's head that sends him staggering back into the dressing room. He tries to get his balance on a table inside the room but slumps to a knee. As he looks up, Sean Stevens steps into the room....and right behind him wielding the chair....Dan Ryan.)
Ryan: (turning to the cameraman) Come on in....we're just getting started.
(Stevens shuts the door)
Ryan: "Now then, since Miles is out posting more flyers, why don't you get comfortable...
(Ryan brings the chair down over Mayfield's head again, dropping him to a seated position in front of the table)
Ryan: That's better.
(Ryan gets a thoughtful look on his face, hands the chair to Stevens and with his hands clasped behind his back, begins to pace in front of Mayfield)
Ryan: Eeeeeeeddddddddie......you've been a very bad boy, Eddie...
(Ryan brings a hand to his chin in thought and pauses momentarily.)
Ryan: Eddie, I don't like you. Now that we've broken the ice....I'll come right to the point. You've wasted a lot of my time as of late. And as much as I intend on moving forward.....there are certain lessons that need to be learned. (Ryan takes another object from Stevens....a sledgehammer... and pauses in front of Mayfield.)
Ryan: If you can't be taught through simple verbal warnings.....I'll have to use other methods to....how shall we say....hammer it home?
(A loud reaction is heard inside the arena....where the scene is being played out on the big screen)
Ryan: So what I want you to do, Eddie....is stand up for me...
(Mayfield stays seated, but offers up a glazed glare)
Ryan: (rolling his eyes and turning to Stevens) Help me get this piece of crap to his feet...
(Stevens goes over and starts to pull Mayfield to his feet, but Mayfield fights back. Stevens gives him a boot to the knee causing his to stumble. Mayfield fires a right hand, but gets dropped by a quick kick to the groin from Ryan, who smiles.)
Ryan: Nice try, Edward....but now.....we go to school...
(Ryan raises the sledgehammer and with a yell brings the hammer end straight down in a vertical piledriving motion onto Mayfield's right knee causing a scream of pain.)
Ryan: Like that, Eddie? Oh look, a conference table. How appropriate...
(Ryan drags Mayfield up....but Mayfield can't stand and slumps down.)
Ryan: How's about we have a little cabinet meeting?
(Ryan violently pulls Mayfield into a standing headscissors and with a yell.....drives him through the table with a powerbomb.)
Ryan: (turning to Stevens) Get that bodyguard of his in here....I want him to see this...
(Stevens opens the door and goes to Bandit, who is just coming to his senses....with an 'over the top rope' motion he pushes him into the room. Bandit takes a swing at Ryan, but Ryan ducks and laughs as Stevens clotheslines Bandit from behind, dropping him to a knee.) Ryan: Tell your boss....when he wakes up....that if he wants to REMAIN President...he'll...adjust...his foreign policies. In the meantime...
(Ryan looks down at Mayfield clutching his knee)
Ryan: He and GUNS have something new in common...
(Ryan turns back to Bandit)
Ryan: As for you......well.....you get a free lesson, too.
(Ryan turns Bandit around. He raises the sledgehammer to a position right behind his head.....Stevens steps back and delivers the Factor X to Bandit's chin, driving it back into the hammer and dropping him to the concrete drawing oohs and ahhs from the crowd.)
Ryan: Well.....that was fun, eh?
Stevens: (smiling) Wouldn't have missed it for the world...
(Ryan leads the way out, Stevens right behind him looking at their handiwork as Ryan tosses a final phrase over his shoulder.)
Ryan: Hail to the chief...
(The camera turns to show the carnage one last time before cutting to the final commercial of the evening.)