<> Cutters vs. Dawn of a New Day |
(Cue up "Revillusion" by Tantric)
RS: Billy, this next match has been in the making since the <> Cutters first reformed at ON TIME in Norfolk nearly six months ago.
ByB: It's been in the making longer than that, Rudy. This one goes back years.
RS: The <> Cutters, now, making their way down toward the ring. They're accompanied by reporter Eric Wright.
(Eric Wright appears through the curtain, dressed in a suit and tie with a press pass clipped to his lapel. The <> Cutters follow closely behind, both sporting new <> X-Change hooded ring jackets with the <>X logo on the back)
RS: One of the greatest teams in wrestling history carried the <> Cutters name, Billy. It's going to be interesting to see if this unit can carry the banner.
(The <> Cutters climb into the ring, each mounting a turnbuckle and crossing their arms signifying members of the <> X-Change)
RS: Fans, we're apparently being joined here at the broadcast booth by Eric Wright. Eric, good to have you here with us.
EW: Well, I figured I'd help out since this is the only show with a Buckley on it that doesn't make me wanna hurl.
RS: This place is on FIRE in anticipation of Wildstar and Tsunami making their return to the ring.
EW: On Fire... is that supposed to be some kind of sick joke, Rudy?
ByB: The man isn't known for his tact, Eric.
RS: Not at all. Just a poor choice of words. Sorry.
ByB: Eric, this is your team's first O-FISH-al outting together here in the CSWA. Any thoughts on how their lack of experience as a team will affect their performance here tonight?
EW: I don't think it'll have much of an impact here at all. These two men have lived together... trained together... done damn near everything that two guys can do together and not have to live in Canada. They're as cohesive as it gets. Not sure we can say the same about the guys on the other side.
RS: Good point. These two haven't been in the ring together in quite some time.
ByB: Don't sugarcoat it, Rudy, they hate each other.
EW: Let's be honest, guys, the only reason Wildstar and Tsunami are back together is because Wildstar is concerned about his fanbase. We've been beating the hell outta Tsunami for months now... there's been nothing stopping Wildstar from saving him.
(CUEUP: "Five Star Techno Remix" by DJ Tricky)
RS: And here they come. This place coming unglued! Wildstar... Tsunami... and yes! Teri Melton is right behind her team!
EW: They can cheer all they want. We're not out to win any popularity contests.
RS: Speaking of which, your United States Champion... is conspicuous by his absence here tonight. He's not hiding under the ring or anything, by chance.
EW: Rudy, you're not suggesting that we'd stoop to something underhanded to win a match, are you?
RS: You? No, never.
EW: Well, you can relax, Rudy. Right now, Tom is in Pittsburgh consulting with the <>X lawyers, making sure the restrictions that Merritt placed in his contract have been lifted.
RS: Are you saying we can expect Tom Adler and Hor...
EW: I'm saying what I said. The CSWA had a chance to have the <> X-Change on it's side... Merritt threw that out the window at PrimeTime when he brought that psychopath into the mix. All bets are off now.
RS: Dawn of a New Day slides in under the bottom rope and immediately they go after the <> Cutters who... are making a hasty retreat out of the ring.
EW: Just watch.
RS: DAWN grabs them from behind, yanking on those jacket hoods as they try to escape.
EW: Just watch.
RS: Tsunami throws J. Bishop into the corner and pounds away, one masked man to another. Wildstar tugs on Nathan Storm's jacket who... wait a minute.. what the hell?
EW: Told ya to watch.
RS: Wildstar grabbed Nathan Storm by the hood and was about to lay into him... but that ISN'T Nathan...
ByB: It looks like him from behind, but you're right, Rudy, that definitely ISN'T Nathan Storm, and I don't think Wildstar knows it yet. Poor five-star sucker.
EW: He will in a second.
RS: Wildstar spins the guy around and draws back to lay into him and is stopped flat, realizing it isn't.... OHHHH!
EW: Ha ha!
RS: Nathan Storm and J. Bishop have hit the ring from behind and have LEVELED Wildstar and Tsunami! Storm with a thrust kick nearly takes Tsunami's head off in the corner. Bishop grabs Wildstar and NAILS him with a release German suplex that drops the former tag champion right on his head.
ByB: It was a setup, Rudy! Gotta love it.
RS: Bishop throws Wildstar out over the top rope and he hits HARD on the concrete below. Storm grabbing the top rope and SLINGshotting down onto Wildstar. Back in the ring, Tsunami staggering back to his feet and gets met with a dropkick right in the face for his troubles. Storm rolls back into the ring and both men beginning to work on Tsunami now. The referee desperately trying to get control of the situation, to no avail. Bishop picking Wildstar up in a bearhug position... Storm charging to the far side ropes and... OH!
EW: Excuse me.
ByB: I knew she wasn't gonna let this go on for long, Rudy! Once a trollop...
RS: Teri just grabbed Storm by the foot as he came off the ropes and he goes down flat on his face. Eric Wright has left the announce position and is persuing her as she slides into the ring. Wright goes to follow suit and gets grabbed by the foot by Wildstar. Teri slides in behind Bishop and...
ByB: That's gotta hurt.
RS: ...she catches him with a low blow from behind and Bishop drops to his knees. Wildstar back up to his feet, levels Eric Wright with a knife edge chop that drops him to the floor. Teri backing away from Nathan Storm. Wildstar up on the apron. Storm moving in quickly... right hand by Storm... BLOCKED by Wildstar who returns fire with one of his own. Storm moving in again.. Wildstar grabbing the middle rope and DRIVES a shoulder into the midsection of Storm. Wildstar back up, slingshot sunset flip coming up... NO!
ByB: Wright grabbed him.
RS: Eric Wright grabbed Wildstar by the foot and gets kicked in the face for his troubles, he turns and gets caught in the face with a right hand by Storm. Far side of the ring Bishop and Tsunami exchanging blows. Storm hooking Wildstar, vertical suplex into the ring coming up.. NO. Wildstar grabs the top rope and blocks it. He catches Storm with a right to the midsection and oh Lord no!
ByB: He's gonna suplex him out of the ring!
RS: Wildstar hoists Storm up.. vertical suplex com.. Wright back up and wacks Wildstar with a chair as Storm hits vertical. Storm floats over, hooking his legs around Wildstar's wais...
ByB: Holy Parsons!
RS: Storm just rolled on through the maneuver and drove Wildstar down with a sunset flip back first to the floor!
ByB: He's not moving, Rudy.
RS: Teri goes to jump out of the ring and... OH DEAR GOD!
ByB: Merritt's not gonna like this.
RS: Eric Wright NAILED her with that chair as she was climbing through the ropes. He got ALL of that one! Back in the ring, Tsunami abandons his assault on Bishop goes over and covers Teri who fell back into the ring after that chair shot. Storm back in. He and Bishop back on the attack, kicking away on Tsunami. Bishop grabbing Wildstar and pulling him up. Bishop whipping Tsunami to the ropes. Eric Wright throws the chair toward the center of the ring... Bishop and Storm hoists Tsunami up... Flapjack maneuver coming up.. NO!
ByB: Somebody get the spatula!
RS: Fans, it looked like they were going for a double flapjack and instead released Tsunami and came straight down with a double diamond cutter onto that steel chair!
ByB: Both men are hurt, and hurt badly, Rudy.
RS: The referee calling for the bell, he's gonna throw this one out.
ByB: He never had control from the start.
RS: This is sick, folks. We'll be back after a commercial break.
(FADEIN: 'COCKY' CRAIG MILES & 'HOT PROPERTY' EDDIE MAYFIELD, walking around a corner. They're both smoking cigarettes, chatting about something - having a good laugh. Every few feet or so, Miles stops and tapes some sort of flyer to the wall.)
(As Miles and Mayfield turn the corner, the camera shows a hallway where almost every square inch is covered in the flyers. The camera zooms in on one, showing Shane Southern's face. Above it, the flyer asks "Have You Seen This Person?" Below the picture, it lists Shane's age, height, weight, as well as "Distinguishing Features: Missing Ponytail, Stupid Grin." Below that, "LAST SEEN: Battle of the Belts - United States Champion. Please contact your local Intruder if you find him.")
(As Miles and Mayfield leave the scene, Dan Ryan and "Triple X" Sean Stevens appear in frame, staring at one of the flyers. Ryan takes one off the wall and motions to Triple X. The two head down the hallway opposite from where the Professionals exited.)
RS: We're back with SHOWTIME here on NCN from the Key Arena. I'm not sure what The Intruders are trying to prove by posting Shane Southern's face all over the building. He's not scheduled to wrestle here tonight, so of course he's not here! It's not like he's hiding out.
ByB: I wouldn't be so sure, Roodypoo. The man lost his ponytail, he lost his title, and he may have lost his smile too. Maybe by ON TIME The Intruders will have his face on the back of a milk carton.
RS: One of the Intruders is already in the ring, and he better be concentrating on the wrestling veteran across from him. Jean Rabesque may be early in his stint here in the CSWA, but he's been in wrestling almost as long as GUNS has. The bell rings and this thing is underway!! GUNS and Rabesque are circling each other and it’s painfully obvious that GUNS doesn’t respect Rabesque at all.
ByB: Was it the yawn that gave it away or the book he brought to the ring to fend off the boredom?
RS: Cute…the two men lock up and GUNS shoves Rabesque away hard into the ropes where Rabesque grabs hold and stops his momentum!
ByB: Nice strategy.....attack the power guy with power….geez…Canadians….
RS: Rabesque back in and locks up one more time, but this time swings around with a go-behind…..GUNS checks over both shoulders trying to get an elbow in….Rabesque slips down with a school boy rollup!! ONE…..and GUNS slips out!
ByB: Way way WAY too early for that one, Rudy…
RS: GUNS is none too pleased however…..they lock up once more….GUNS with the headlock and he backs him into the ropes….the ref gets over for the break….GUNS takes a swing with the right hand….Rabesque ducks down, slips under, turns and a backslide!! ONE, TW…..GUNS out again very quickly once again!
ByB: He’s got GUNS pounding the mat in frustration….I’m starting to like this guy…
RS: GUNS is on one knee glaring hard at Rabesque who is crouched in a ready position…..the big man to his feet and they lock up once more….GUNS this time backs Rabesque into the corner….another swing and Rabesque ducks it again…..a go behind….but GUNS catches him square in the jaw with an elbow as Rabesque staggers back…..
ByB: So much for that….
RS: GUNS measures him….hard clothesline and Rabesque is down!
ByB: He did the full flip on that one….
RS: GUNS back over and slowly brings Rabesque to his feet….a right hand….another….a left….GUNS backs him into the ropes…..Rabesque slides through his legs!!….Rabesque up on the other side….GUNS turns….dropkick sends GUNS back a step!!….Rabesque hits the ropes…..flying forearm sends GUNS tumbling out of the ring to the floor!!
ByB: There he goes again! This kid doesn’t realize he’s not supposed to get any offense in I don’t think…not very cooperative of him…
RS: GUNS out on the floor but up to his feet and once again is furious….he quickly climbs up onto the apron….Rabesque rushes in and dives, but GUNS DUCKS!! Rabesque just went flying over the top rope and out to the floor!!! His head missed the guardrail by mere inches!!
ByB: Well, he had things going his way….so much for that…
RS: GUNS hops down and pulls Rabesque to his feet….scoops him up, turns and rams him back first into the ring post!! Again!! GUNS turns…..and drives him to the blue mat on the arena floor!!
ByB: A little version of the Oklahoma Stampede there from the Strongest Arms in the World….
RS: GUNS taking a moment now to clear his head…..he pulls Rabesque back up and rolls him in under the ropes…..GUNS climbs in and approaches the downed Rabesque…..Rabesque comes slowly to his feet….GUNS takes him by the hair and drills him right in the forehead with a straight right hand…..Rabesque fires back!!
ByB: GUNS didn’t expect that one!
RS: GUNS returns the punch….Rabesque again!!….GUNS returns!…NO Rabesque ducks it and a dropkick to the knee!! GUNS buckles and goes down!! Rabesque now with rapid fire stomps to GUNS’ knee!!!
ByB: It’s the Rabesque stomp!! Give him the NWA World title!!
RS: Easy, sparky…..Rabesque quickly grabs GUNS leg and drapes it over the bottom rope…..he leaps and comes down HARD on the knee!! GUNS reaching for that knee in some obvious pain here!!
ByB: GUNS has a well documented history of knee injury as we all know….but Rabesque is working on the non-metallic knee here…..very smart move…
RS: Rabesque takes the leg of GUNS….drags him out a few steps and wraps on a figure four!! GUNS pounds the mat in pain and frustration!!….OH and a quick reach up and thumb to the eye puts an end to that!
ByB: HA! When in doubt, cheat.
RS: GUNS rolls over to one knee….he’s shaking that knee out and manages to get to his feet….GUNS with a disgusted smirk on his face…he grabs Rabesque around to the back of his hair and he’s yelling into his face…..GUNS puts him down in a standing head scissors….and UP WITH A BIG POWERBOMB!!!
ByB: Game over…
RS: GUNS looks down on Rabesque….but no cover….
ByB: You know what’s coming!
RS: GUNS points out to the crowd and they all stand in unison….they know what’s coming too!!
ByB: Looks like GUNS blames Canada….
RS: GUNS pulls Rabesque to his feet….he’s practically out cold…barely able to walk!!
ByB: All the easier to make a souvenir out of him…
ByB: Third Row, Inc. is back in business!!
RS: Rabesque is practically motionless in the crowd!!
ByB: Wouldn’t you be?
RS: GUNS is turning to the ref….he’s had enough of this…..and the ref starts his count!!
RS: GUNS with a huge smile on his face….
ByB: Well, he just took out the garbage….chores done for the day…
RS: Wait just a SECOND!! Rabesque is fighting to get out of the crowd….and GUNS isn’t seeing any of this!! He’s looking to his corner and adjusting his boots!! He thinks this thing is over!!
ByB: It is!! What’s this guy doing?? Is he still trying to win???
RS: Rabesque comes over the rail….WITH A STEEL CHAIR IN HIS HAND!!
RS: Rabesque is in the ring!! GUNS doesn’t see him…..and now GUNS is turning around!!!
ByB: He sees him now!!!
RS: Rabesque just laid GUNS out with a vicious chair shot right over the head!!!
ByB: I’ve seen GUNS withstand some wicked chair shots and not even go down, but he didn’t see that one coming!! GUNS is seeing stars!!
RS: Now what the hell is this???
ByB: Kevin Powers??? OH man…..here we go…..
RS: Powers with a chair of his own, but the referee sees him!!…Powers is up on the apron, but the referee is having absolutely NONE of it!!!
ByB: Come on, let the man have some fun!!
RS: Rabesque comes over….he’s yelling at Powers to get out of the ring area….but Powers continues to try and get into the ring!! Rabesque turns….GUNS IS UP!! GUNS WITH A BIG BIONIC KNEELIFT AND RABESQUE GOES FLYING INTO THE REFEREE!!!!
ByB: The ref just went flying out of the ring and Kevin Powers barely missed being bowled over himself!!
RS: Meanwhile Rabesque is out cold, but there’s no referee to make the count!! GUNS shoots a glare at Powers and rolls out of the ring…..Powers is on the business end of a very intense glare from GUNS, but GUNS is trying to get the ref up so he can make the count!
ByB: Powers is just standing there….guess he’s got some of the brains that Rabesque left at home…
RS: GUNS rolls the referee into the ring…..GUNS turns to climb the apron and POWERS DRILLS HIM IN THE BACK!! GUNS arches back in reaction to the chair shot…..Powers climbs the apron beside him, grabs GUNS and shoves him over and into the ring!!
ByB: Oh man…it’s Kevin Powers all alone….this is going to be trouble….trouble…
RS: Powers surveys the situation…..Rabesque is out like a light….the referee still hasn’t regained his senses….he’s got GUNS all to himself!!
ByB: So much for Powers minding his own business….
RS: Powers takes both chairs and lines them up next to each other in the ring…..he pulls GUNS to his feet….standing head scissors…..he POWERS GUNS UP….
ByB: Nice pun….
ByB: He’s going to try and fight out of it!!
ByB: Dear lord….
RS: Powers with a satisfied smile on his face now rolls out of the ring and starts up the ramp!! This thing has gotten out of control!!
ByB: And lo and behold…look who’s coming to…
RS: Indeed, the ref is finally regaining some consciousness as Jean Rabesque crawls over to GUNS….here’s the cover!! ONE…..TWO……
ByB: Oh come on….
RS: THREE!! Jean Rabesque just pulled out a huge upset win here on Showtime!!
ByB: Kevin Powers did you mean….this is the second time he’s pulled this…
RS: Kevin Powers comes in and puts the decisive hurt on GUNS and believe me….the Strongest Arms in the World are NOT going to be pleased….
ByB: When he wakes up…..
RS: Fans...when we get back, we've got the hometown hero, EVAN AHO!