
Elimination Tag Team Match
Kin Hiroshi, JJ DeVille, Tsunami, Ryp Fandango vs. Nathan Storm, Cameron Cruise, Nathan Cross, Jean Rabesque |
BB: There’s the opening bell. Referee Manny Juarez signaling to both teams that they need to decide who’s going to start this match.
SB: I thought Wright got him deported.
BB: Juarez was suspended from officiating championship matches as a result of Eric Wright’s investigations. We’re still awaiting word on that. But no, Sammy, he wasn’t deported.
SB: The wheels of justice are slower than dirt.
BB: Rebesque and Cruise climb outside the ring on the near side. Storm and Cross still holding a discussion.
SB: I bet Nathan will start this match.
BB: You really went out on a limb with that one, didn’t you. On the far side of the ring, JJ DeVille is having some heated words with his teammates about wanting to start this match.
SB: I think we should get Eddie out here to settle this.
BB: Tsunami slides out of the ring and just starts playing to the crowd.
SB: Playing? The man is a loon.
BB: DeVille… adamant now about wanting to start this… Sammy, where are you going?
SB: This is the dark match. I’m going for Nachos and a beer.
BB: This is NOT a dark match. Sit down!
SB: If I don’t get ‘em now I’m going to have to pay some bimbo to get ‘em for me later on. And, if I’m gonna pay some floozy to handle my snacks it’s going to be a wiener, not nachos.
BB: I’m not even going to touch that.
SB: That twit Simon’s around here somewhere. He can fill in for me while I’m gone.
BB: Dear God, NO! I’ll buy you the nachos myself. Just SIT DOWN!
SB: I’m going to hold you to that.
BB: I’m sure you will. Ryp Fandango steps out of the ring on the far side as does Nathan Storm on this one… it looks like we’ve ALMOST got this settled.
SB: Told you Nathan was going to start this.
BB: The former and current Greensboro Champions still arguing… Ohh… and DeVille just slapped Hiroshi across the mouth.
SB: I think I saw some sushi fly out of there.
BB: And Hiroshi responds with a knife edge chop that staggers the King Of Cool backwards.
SB: That wasn’t very nice.
BB: Hiroshi climbs out onto the apro… and Nathan Cross charges across the ring… Cross leaps up onto the second rope… SPRingboard moonsault and DeVille goes down hard! Quick cover… Juarez down with the count… One! Two! Three!!
SB: WHAT?!?! That can’t be right. He had to kick out!
BB: Maybe he had to but he didn’t, Sammy. And just that quickly this match has gotten lopsided!
SB: Where’s Eddie… we need a ruling on this!
BB: You can look for him later, but JJ DeVille has been eliminated!
SB: Good. Now about those nachos.
BB: The match isn’t over!
SB: Damn.
BB: This may be a sign of things to come here tonight, fans. We knew from the start that it was going to be difficult for these teams to get along. A lot of the participants simply DO NOT get along and we just saw a prime example of it with Hiroshi and DeVille, Sammy, and it cost their team very early.
SB: Who came up with these rules, anyway?
BB: Merritt and Melton, I would assume.
SB: No comment
BB: There is a God. Hiroshi in for his team now. He and Cross circling each other. Collar and elbow tie up. Arm wringer by the Greensboro Champion. Cross with a handspring forward back onto his feet reverses the arm wringer and takes Hiroshi down to the mat. Cross with a leaping leg drop onto the arm of Hiroshi that MISSES. Both men back up quickly… Hiroshi with a knife edge chop to the chest of Cross. Cross responding with an open handed chop of his own. Hiroshi with another that staggers the youngster back to the ropes. Cross rebounding off the ropes and firing back with a forearm shot to the champion. Hiroshi staggers back then NAILS Cross right in the face with a front kick that sends him back into his own corner.
SB: That reminds me… I need to call my dentist.
BB: Cross reaches up and tags in Cameron Cruise.
SB: That face gear is definitely a fashion don’t, Buckley.
BB: It’s a face protector, you imbecile! Given the attack he suffered it’s impressive that he’s even in this match.
SB: Or stupid.
BB: Both men slowly locking up. Cruise with a side headlock and follows through with a hip toss that takes Hiroshi down to the mat. Cruise maintaining the headlock. Hiroshi quickly reverses with a head scissors that prompts Cruise to quickly get to the ropes and break the hold. He didn’t want any part of that head scissors with that broken nose, Sammy.
SB: Either that or he doesn’t like the smell of muffins.
BB: Hiroshi stuns the former Presidential Champion with a series of knife edge chops right to the bridge of the nose as Cruise makes his way back to his feet that has him reeling in pain. Hiroshi reaches back for a tag to Tsunami who comes in and goes right for the headgear. Tsunami has it off and seems distracted by it.
SB: The guy’s nuts, I tell you. He probably thinks he pulled Cruise’s head off!
BB: Tsunami puts the face protector on, to the amusement of the fans but Cruise is none to happy about it. He drifts back a bit.. not quite sure how to proceed… and Rebesque reaches in and slaps Cruise on the shoulder and tags HIMSELF in.
SB: Guess he wanted a turn.
BB: Rebesque charges in and LEVELS Tsunami with a clothesline that sends the face protector flying and Tsunami down to the mat. Rebesque over and just that quickly tags out to Storm.
SB: Here we go.
BB: The fans come alive. They’ve been waiting for this exchange ever since Storm and J. Bishop attacked Tsunami at On Time. Storm with a big right hand catches Tsunami as he gets to his feet. Tsunami fires back with an open handed chop. Storm with a knife edge of his own. Tsunami firing back again. Storm with a side headlock.. pushed off by Tsunami. Storm to the ropes. Rebound shoulderblock takes Tsunami down. Storm to the ropes again. Rebounding. Tsunami drops down. Storm over the top. Tsunami up SUPERkick by Tsunami…. NO.. Storm holds on to the top rope and avoids the move. Tsunami moves in and walks RIGHT into a spin kick from Storm. Tsunami staggers up… STRAIGHT jacket suplex by Storm takes Tsunami down. Quick cover by Storm. Juarez out of position…
SB: What a surprise.
BB: One… two… kickout by Tsunami. Storm reaches back and tags in Cross. Cross in and catches Tsunami with a forearm shiver. Cross to the near side ropes… springboard dropkick that sends Tsunami back into his own corner. Tsunami reaches up and tags in Ryp Fandango.
SB: When did he get here?
BB: While you were gone. Didn’t you watch the show?
SB: There were shows while I was gone?
BB: Fandango moves in and gets caught with a right hand by Cross. Cross with an arm wringer… making a good showing for himself here… whipping Fandango to the ropes. Fandango rebounding off. Cross up with a HIGH leg Lariat… NO! Fandango sidesteps the move slightly and uses Cross’s own momentum take him down with a dragon screw leg whip!
SB: Dragon Screw… that sounds like the girl I…
BB: That’s enough, Sammy! Cross down on the mat clutching his leg… Fandango in quickly…. STF! Fandango has the hold locked in. Cross writhing in pain. Referee Manny Juarez down to check on Cross and see if he wants to submit. Cross biting his hand trying to block the pain… he reaches over and BARELY makes the bottom rope that forces the break. Fandango releases the hold and reaches back and tags in Hiroshi.
SB: Muffins.
BB: Hiroshi in and NAILS Cross with a one arm jumping tornado DDT as he climbs to his feet. Hiroshi bounces up… he springs to the top turnbuckle… MOONsault down on the LEG of Cross. Hiroshi with a cover… One! Two! Three! And Nathan Cross has been eliminated.
SB: Have you seen the drink menu I had around here?
BB: Pay attention to the match, Sammy. Rebesque in qickly now, catching Hiroshi from behind as he watches Cross leave the ring. Rebesque with a knee to the small of the back. INVerted DDT drops Hiroshi down. Quick cover… One… kickout at two. Rebesque over and quickly tags out to Cruise. Rebesque definitely appears to be picking his shots here, Sammy.
SB: Seems like smart wrestling to me, Buckley. This could be a long night for the winning team.
BB: You’re right about that, Sammy. Cruise in, dropping the elbow onto Hiroshi. Cover… One… Two… and the Greensboro Champion is out at two. Cruise pulls Hiroshi up. Reaches around from behind… BACKbreaker and Hiroshi goes down. Cover again… One… Two… kickout.
SB: He’s almost as tough as those stale muffins he sells.
BB: Cruise pulls Hiroshi up. Irish whip to the ropes. Hiroshi off. Cruise with a lariat… MISSES. Hiroshi ducks underneath. Hiroshi off the near side ropes… Cruise charges and rebounds off the far… OHHH!
SB: That got ugly.
BB: Both men with for a cross body and collided in mid air and both men went down hard. Cruise rolling a little… Rebesque reaches in and tags Cruise.
SB: I’m not sure he even knows it.
BB: Juarez saw it, though. Rebesque in and CATCHES Hiroshi with a bulldog just as he makes it to his feet. Juarez down for the cover… One! Two! Th…. NO! Kickout by Hiroshi. Rebesque back over and slaps Cruise on the hand who’s just making his way back to his feet.
SB: Tag, you’re it.
BB: Cruise… barely standing now shoots a few glances toward Rebesque. On the far side, Hiroshi manages to roll over and TAGS in Fandango. Cruise literally CRAWLING through the ropes, turns to give Rebesque another look then WALKS right into a hurricanrana by Fandango! Cruise went down hard on his head and he’s barely moving.
SB: He needs to tag out.
BB: Fandango sitting back waiting… measuring Cruise. Cruise up to one knee… pushing himself back up… Fandango charging in… catches Cruise with a knee to the back. Inverted face lock coming up…
SB: This is bad.
BB: RYP CORD! Fandango with the Ryp Cord driving Cruise face first into the mat. Roll over for the cover. One! Two! Three! Cruise has been eliminated. Ohhh.
SB: Ok… no marinara sauce with those onion rings.
BB: This is bad, fans. Cruise’s nose appears to be busted again. He’s covered in blood. Fandango over, clearly concerned. I think he hit the Ryp Cord without even thinking about the condition Cruise was in going into this match.
SB: Hey, he was out to win the match, Buckley. There’s a World Title shot on the line. If Cruise couldn’t compete he shouldn’t have been out there. It’s not like Cruise hasn’t taken a few unsavory shots at times to try to win a title.
BB: True enough. Fandango near the far side ropes, watching as Cruise is helped from the ringside area… and NATHAN Storm catches Fandango from behind with a knee and follows up with another straight jacket suplex. Storm, quickly pulling Fandago up… hooks his neck… DOWN with a Rude Awakening. Storm and Rebesque suddenly down two men to three here needing to pick it up a notch if they hope to win this. Storm slides under the bottom rope. Up quickly… grabbing the top rope… SLINGshot into a senton hits hard onto Fandango. Storm back up… drifting back a little… Rebesque reaches in and blind tags Storm again.
SB: When the man wants in, he wants in.
BB: Rebesque in quickly… up to the second turnbuckle… DOWN with an elbow to the forehead of Fandango. The cover… One! Two! Kickout at two by Fandango. Rebesque pulling Fandango up. Setting him up for a piledriver… NO! Fandango reversed it into a back body drop that sent Rebesque over the top rope down to the arena floor. Fandango up to his feet should go for the tag here. No, grabs the top rope… OVER and down for a plancha that MISSES as Rebesque moves quickly out of the way and Fandango gets a face full of steel ring barrier!
SB: That reminds me… WHERE ARE MY NACHOS!
BB: Later! Rebesque rolls in under the bottom rope, reaches up and tags Nathan Storm who quickly climbs the turnbuckle and DOWN with an elbow drop onto the head of Fandango. Storm picks up Fandango, nails him with a knife edge and rolls him into the ring. Storm up onto the apron and is MET by a shoulder block from Fandango that knocks Storm off the apron to the floor. Rebesque over, grabbing the head of Fandango and DOWN with a clothesline on the top ring rope that slingshots Fandango backwards. Storm back up to his feet, making his way back up onto the apron. Fandango staggers to his feet.. his back to Storm. Hiroshi motioning for him to watch out… Fandango slowly turning around… POWERLINE! Storm hit that springboard clothesline ala Air Pillman on Fandango and darn near took his head off! Referee down for the cover… One! Two! Three! Fandango is eliminated!
SB: Finally… I’m going for a beer.
BB: The match isn’t over! We’re down to two men each!
SB: Damn it!
BB: Tsunami quickly in and he’s all over Storm. Tsunami shoving Storm to the corner, mounting the turnbuckle and laying into Storm with shots to the head. Tsunami jumps down and NAILS Storm in the corner with a dropkick. Tsunami pulls Storm out of the corner. Irish whip. Storm reverses. Tsunami off the ropes… knife edge by Storm misses! Tsunami ducks underneath. Tsunami off the ropes… high cross body STORM DUCKS and Tsunami misses and hits the canvas. Storm catches Tsunami with a thumb to the eye and quickly tags out to Rebesque. Rebesque in quickly, grabs Tsunami and drops him down hard with a belly to back suplex. Quick cover… One! Two! Strong kickout by Tsunami. Rebesque up and waiting. Tsunami making his way to his feet… SLEEPER by Rebesque.
SB: Please end this already!
BB: Tsunami’s arms flailing away, trying to escape. Rebesque has the hold locked in tight. Tsunami drops to one knee. He could be fading here.
SB: I know I am!
BB: Rebesque squeezing for all he’s worth… OHHH! Tsunami reaches up and caught Rebesque right in the throat with that knife hand thrust. Rebesque releases the hold and staggers back clutching his throat. Tsunami up, grabbing Rebesque from behind… GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover… One… Two… kickout by Rebesque!
SB: I better get jalapenos with those nachos for having to wait this long.
BB: Tsunami over and TAGS in Hiroshi! The Greensboro champion in. Rebesque staggers to his feet… HIGH spinning leg lariat from the champion and Rebesque goes down hard!
SB: He’s got to slow this thing down.
BB: Hiroshi to the ropes. Springboard Moonsault coming up… NO! Rebesque must have heard you, Sammy, because he’s managed to roll to the floor before Hiroshi can hit the move.
SB: Not the safest place to be with these…
BB: Oh dear God! Hiroshi just came over that top rope with a corkscrew plancha that darn near killed Rebesque!
SB: I got to admit, this is pretty good for a dark match.
BB: Would you stop! Hiroshi pulls Rebesque up… both men the worse for wear after that move but Hiroshi clearly in the better condition. Hiroshi whips Rebesque to the barrier... REVERSAL by Rebesque and the Greensboro Champion hits hard back first into the steel! Rebesque charging in for a clothesline NO!
SB: If she wasn’t going to eat those nachos she could have sent ‘em over this way!
BB: Hiroshi just backdropped Rebesque over the barrier right into the lap of some of the fans at ringside… Hiroshi staggers to his feet…
SB: He’d better watch out!
BB: Nathan Storm leaping to the top turnbuckle…OHHHH!
SB: That’s gonna leave a mark.
BB: Storm just came off that top turnbuckle and connected with something that can only be described as a corkscrew moonsault that connected with Hiroshi on the floor. How either of these men is moving is beyond me!
SB: About those nachos you promised….
BB: Later Sammy because these four guys aren’t done yet…
SB: Look out below!
BB: Tsunami just ran across the ring and hit a springboard into a senton just drove Storm face first into the steel barrier!
SB: They’re turning this into a game of Can You Top This!
BB: It certainly seems that way, Sammy! Rebesque over the barrier and NAILS Tsunami with a big right hand that drops him to the concrete.
SB: They’d better pay attention to the ref!
BB: Juarez administering the count in the ring!
SB: What happens if he gets to ten?
BB: All four men are eliminated and NOBODY makes it to the battle roy… ohhhhh!
SB: That reminds me… where’d I put that bag of M&M’s?
BB: Eric Wright just came into the ring and caught referee Manny Juarez from behind with a low blow!
SB: Can I say it?
BB: Oh, go ahead!
SB: Ricky won’t be singin’ Babalu to Lucy tonight!
BB: You’re sick.
SB: You know you love me!
BB: Like a hernia!
SB: I can get Simon back here!
BB: Just call the match!
SB: Call it a cheap shot if you want, but Wright may have just saved this match for all four of these guys.
BB: You’ve got a point there, Sammy. Wright’s actions stopped the count and that’s allowing this melee to continue out here on the floor as Juarez writhes in pain on the opposite side of the ring.
Rebesque pulling Tsunami up off the floor. He goes for a belly to back suplex… TsuNAMI flips up over the top and catches Rebesque with a spin kick as he turns around.
SB: We need another cameraman down there.
BB: He’s coming around the ring now, Sammy, as Storm and Hiroshi exchange blows on the far side. Tsunami reaching under the ring…
SB: He’s got wood!
BB: Tsunami pulls out a table and props it up on the ring apron as Rebesque makes his way over. Tsunami with a knife edge chop that staggers the French Canadian. Tsunami with a hand full of hair DRIVES Rebesque face first into the table then proceeds to finish setting it up.
SB: No good can come of this.
BB: A kick to the face by Hiroshi staggers Storm back past the ring post and TsuNAMi tackles him and lays into him with blows to the head.
SB: Think he’s trying to get some payback?
BB: Your brilliance knows no beginning, Sammy.
SB: Thank you.
BB: Tsunami pulling Storm up… Hiroshi with a kick from behind STORM ducks out of the way and Hiroshi catches Tsunami square in the face! Tsunami spins around SPINEbuster from Rebesque drives Tsunami into the concrete. Rebesque back up… he turns SOMersault kick by the Greensboro Champion catches Rebesque in the chest sending him down.
SB: Did Pancho collect his family jewels over there yet?
BB: It wouldn’t matter if he had with Eric Wright taking shots at him!
SB: I don’t care… just checking.
BB: Storm with a clotheline from behind takes Tsunami over the ring barrier and Storm drops to a knee looking for a bit of a breather as Hiroshi catches him with a basement dropkick from behind!
SB: You think I could get something to drink with those nachos?
BB: Rebesque staggers to his feet, and catches Hiroshi with a right hand.
SB: He’s making a great showing for himself, Buckley.
BB: He is that, Sammy. Rebesque and Storm seemingly in sync here….
SB: I bet Storm’s Justin!
BB: WHAT?!?! Nevermind. Rebesque holding Hiroshi up as STORM catches him in the face with a superkick in what may be the first bit of teamwork we’ve seen tonight.
SB: None of these guys have ever wrestled together before. You knew it would take a while for them to get on the same page, if they could at all.
BB: Storm, winded… backs up and OHHH!!!
SB: Batter up!
BB: Tsunami just NAILED Storm from across the ring barrier with a wicked chairshot to the back of the head of the Trouble Shooter! If he’s not busted open it’ll be a miracle!
SB: Somebody get a squeegee!
BB: Tsunami is IRATE! He’s swinging that chair at anything that moves…
SB: You can forget the nachos if you take a chair shot for me, Buckley.
BB: Rebesque turns around and gets nailed in the face with the chair for his troubles.
SB: This is gonna get ugly.
BB: Hiroshi over… trying to calm Tsunami down a little… OH!!!
SB: No teamwork there. Unless you count Tsunami and the chair!
BB: Tsunami nails Hiroshi with a chair shot to the face that flattens the Greensboro Champ! He didn’t get quite all of that one, but he got enough to take his partner down, Sammy.
SB: I don’t think Tsunami knows what he’s doing out there right now. He’s snapped.
BB: Tsunami rolling into the ring. He’s climbing up to the top turnbuck…
SB: Somebody call for some teamwork!
BB: Out of nowhere, J. Bishop has hit the ring and he shoves Tsunami off the top rope down to the floor! Eric Wright over, checking on Storm who slowly makes his way to his feet. Bishop out to the floor nailing Tsunami with right hands rocking him back onto the table. Wright rolls Storm into the ring who staggers to his feet and starts to climb the turnbuckles.
SB: Ummmm
BB: Bishop climbs up on the table… what in the world…
Bishop grabbing Tsunami… horizontal bearhug…
SB: Holy mother of Hooters!
BB: Storm just came off the top turnbuckle and drove Tsunami through the table with a vegematic! The man’s insane!
SB: I told you that twenty minutes ago!
BB: Bishop rolling Tsunami… or what’s left of him into the ring. Storm crawling back into the ring as well. Both men working over a prone Tsunami.
SB: Diamond warned Merritt what would happen if he didn’t give them The Suicide Squad… they may be looking to end a career right here!
BB: Hold on! Hiroshi just grabbed the steel chair from off the floor… he slides into the ring and NAILS Bishop across the back with it knocking him out of the ring.
SB: Wright just threw Juarez into the ring.
BB: Jaurez looking around… OHHH! Hiroshi just nailed the Storm with the chair!
SB: He’s gonna regret that, Buckley!
BB: What?!?! Oh come on! Jaurez is calling for the bell!
SB: He’s calling for a DQ here… Hiroshi’s gonna be eliminated!
BB: Hiroshi yelling at Juarez, trying to tell him what happened… Storm out cold on the mat.
SB: Ha ha… look at this!
BB: Rebesque rolls into the ring… he drags Tsunami up off the apron… come on… the man’s unconscious!
SB: Do you know an easier way to win a match?
BB: Rebesque… having trouble pulling Tsunami up… he hooks him… FISHerman Suplex… Jaurez collapses to the mat…. One… Two… Three! This one’s over and the team of Rebesque, Storm, Cruise and Cross make it to the battle royal.
SB: All I’ve gotta say, Buckley, is that it’s a good thing for at least three of those men that this match was first. Cruise was busted open, and Rebesque and Storm all took some wicked shots with that chair. They’ve got to be exhausted!
BB: Nathan Cross may be in the best shape of anybody on this team. An amazing end to this match, Sammy. Eric Wright walking out with the <> Cutters, giving Rebesque an approving nod. But, whatever teamwork may have existed at the end of this goes out the window at the end of the night, Sammy, when it’s every man for himself in that big battle royal.
SB: I’ve only got one thing to say about the end of this match, Buckley.
BB: What’s that?