(Backstage… after the show goes off the air. A calm Triple X and his manager Poison Ivy are making there
way through the halls, in search of the parking garage.
Once they find it, Triple X digs in his gym bag, in search of his keys.)
POISON IVY: Sean, all I’m saying is, you’ve gotta focus
better… Don’t worry about me until AFTER you’ve won the match, y’know?
STEVENS: Ivy… I’ve tried. I said I was gonna do that
AFTER FISH FUND remember? I can’t do that. You are too important to me, for me
to just sit back, and just let somebody put their hands on you.
POISON IVY: Well… would it be better if I just stopped
coming to the ring with you?
STEVENS: Lord knows I don’t want that… but, maybe it
would. It wouldn’t be the first time I went at it alone out there. And, my
opponents wouldn’t have anything to focus… Sure, it may just work.
(As they exit the arena, they notice a black limo directly in
front of the door, awaiting someone.)
POISON IVY: Looks like Hornet was here…
STEVENS: Really? This his limo? (Triple X knocks on the
window door, the driver rolls it down.) Who are you waiting for?
DRIVER: Actually, ahh… (The Driver looks down at a piece of
paper) …I’m waiting for somebody named Hornet… That you? Look a LOT
different on TV.
STEVENS: No… but, he *KNOWS* me. Hang on for a second… I
have a little present for him…
(Stevens drops his gym bag, opens the arena entrance and
walks inside the building, Ivy follows.)
POISON IVY: Sean… what are you about to do? And, don’t
tell me nothing.
STEVENS: Nothing…
(Behind a curtain, is an old camera, and a bunch of tools,
that the buildings maintenance men use to fix various things gone wrong in the
building, Sean finds the one that suits his needs more than anything else… a
crowbar. He grabs it and walks back out to the limo.)
POISON IVY: Sean… Don’t.
STEVENS: Don’t what? I just want to leave my buddy Hornet a
message. He just loooooves fucking with us right? Putting our personal life on
public display. Well, I’m thinking about hurting him personally too… In his
DRIVER: Excuse me, sir… but, when Hornet comes out her… You let
him know that…
(Sean swings the crowbar, busting the back window of the
limo. The driver ducks in fear of getting hit, or cut with glass.)
STEVENS: You tell him that his FRIEND the “Blue- Eyed
Badass” was looking for him… as a matter of fact, you know what? Scratch
that… I’ll tell him myself.
(With the sharp end of the crowbar, Stevens begins to carve
into the paint of the limo. When he's finished, the side of the limo
reads: “TRIPLE X WAS HERE”. Ivy shakes her head, not necessarily agreeing with
what he did, but not disagreeing either. Sean drops the crowbar, picks up his
gym bag, and goes on his way. For the final shot, the camera focuses in on the
limo and its new message.)