
CSWA PRIMETIME  is back in Seattle!


CSWA World:  Evan Aho 
vs. Shane Southern

United States:  Hornet 
vs. Wicked Sight

Unified Tag:  Simply Stunning
Hip Hop Express 

GUNS vs. Eli Flair
Eddy Love vs. Joey Melton
MoA vs. Raw Deal
Josh Novell vs. Lawrence Stanley
Kin Hiroshi vs. Suicide


Other June events you shouldn't miss:

WWL Conflict

GXW X-Perience

UEW Prime



CWWF Hell's Fury

UEW Extreme 2K2

USCW Extreme Evolution

XWF X-Treme


BB:  It's that time once again, time for the MAIN EVENT here on CSWA PRIMETIME!  The CSWA World Championship is on the line with two of the top talents in the sport today going head-to-head.

SB:  That just SOUNDS dirty.

BB:  Aho continues to hold onto the title due to his incredible prowess in the ring, but Southern has proved that he certainly no slouch.  And Southern certainly has the edge in experience...he's been a champion elsewhere, and he's proved himself here in the CSWA.

SB:  Are we talking about the guy who I can never understand?  His twang is worse than yours!

BB:  Thanks for the insight, Sammy.  Aho is giving up three inches and about ten pounds, but I don't expect that to be a major factor.

SB:  Speaking of non-factors...why is Hornet still down here at ringside?

BB:  I have no idea, Sammy.  I didn't even see him, I thought he went up the ramp.

SB:  Apparently he's gonna horn in this match too.  I wonder if that's where he got his name.

BB:  Maybe you should ask him, he's headed this way.

(There's a moment of silence as Hornet puts on a headset.  The camera shows him sitting next to Buckley, with Benson down the table.)

BB:  I didn't know you were gonna be here, but thanks for joining us at the table, Hornet.

H:  I don't think anybody knew I was going to be here, Bill.  And I saw your gums flapping, Sammy, did you have something to say?

SB:  I was just commenting on how proud I was that you beat the Freak.

H:  I'm sure.

BB:  Rhubarb Jones is about set to do the introductions.  Hornet, can we ask why you're at ringside for this match?  

H:  Anyone that saw SHOWTIME back in Vegas ought to know, Bill.  There are a few new guys in the back.  Well, at least I call 'em new, cause I don't remember them from their first go-rounds here.  So I'm down here just to keep an eye out.

BB:  So you're protecting Aho?

H:  I wouldn't go that far, Bill.  Aho doesn't need anybody's protection.  Dan Ryan has made it clear that he's going to try and get some cheap heat by going after Aho, and he's hoping to get a shot at a title that isn't made of tin.  More importantly, since Merritt's obviously not going to do anything about it, I'm going to make sure that the interference is kept to a minimum.  Aho deserves that, and so does Southern.  These guys have worked hard... they don't need somebody running out here to get a cheap rub, whether it's Ryan, Sight, or whoever.

BB:  Guess that answers the question.  Let's send it down to the ring.  

for the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship

Evan Aho vs. Shane Southern

RJ:  Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's Main Even is for the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship.  Tonight's challenger...

(CUEUP:  "Ain't Goin' Down" by Garth Brooks.  The crowd is on his feet.)

RJ:  Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, this former Greensboro Champion stands at six foot three inches and two hundred forty-five pounds.  This Southern boy raised on Bourbon Street knows when the Party's Over.  He is the current NFW World Champion, and tonight wrestles to becomes the CSWA World Champion.  Here is...  SHANE...........  SOUTHERNNNNNNNNNNN!

(Southern steps onto the rampway dressed in white full-length tights, as several large roman candle-like fireballs in varied colors go up on either side of the ramp.  He half-walks half-bounces to the ring, his brown ponytail bouncing along with him as he climbs in the ring and loosens up on the ropes, taking a few moments to play to fans.)

(CUEUP:  "Blood, Milk and Sky" by White Zombie

RJ:  His opponent is from right here in Seattle, Washington!  (Huge crowd pop)  Standing at an even six feet tall and two hundred thirty-four pounds.  This former EWI Extreme World Champion has lived right here on Lake Washington for all 26 years of his young life.  And for the first time, he returns to his hometown as the CSWA Heavyweight Champion of the World... he is.... EVANNNNNNNNNNNN AAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(Cameras flash throughout the arena as Evan steps out from behind the curtain.  No fireworks blast, although scenes of Aho's CSWA career show on the video wall as he walks to the ring with a purpose, with the hard heavy metal music blaring.)

BB:  It's so loud in here I can hardly hear myself think.  Anyone that thinks the fans don't pull for Evan Aho as the Champ ought to be sitting right here.

SB:  It's the man's hometown, Buckley.  It's hardly a fair judge.

H:  Sammy, you're universally laughed at, hometown or not... how's that for a judge?

SB:  And to think I actually pulled for you in your match earlier.

H:  Why start now after fourteen years?

SB:  Good advice... I think I'll take it.

BB:  Referee Patrick Young calls for the bell, and this one is underway.

H:  I wonder whatever happened to his dad, Carl Young?

SB:  Considering you and Windham caused the man a heart attack, why would you care?

H:  He was good man...just a little slow.

SB:  I would have thought you'd consider that something you had in common with him.

BB:  The World Champion squares off with Shane Southern in the middle of the ring.  Quick collar-and-elbow gives the edge to Southern, who sends Aho into the ropes.  Southern dives down, Aho jumps over...Southern to his feet leapfrogs over Aho as he comes back across.  He catches Aho on the way back with a big belly-to-belly suplex.  Both men are back up to their feet quickly, but Aho's a hair quicker, and he catches Southern with a snap suplex.  Southern is up and charges back in, but Aho sidesteps him and hooks one arm under Southern's.... half-nelson suplex!  Huge!

H:  Aho has got as much technical ability as anyone I've ever seen.  He just made it look easy to toss a 245 pound with one arm.

BB:  Southern gets an irish whip on Aho, but he makes a mistake by putting his head down...Aho stalls...NECKBREAKER by the World Champ.  He goes for an early cover, but Southern kicks out at one.

H:  Southern made a mistake that all of us have at one point.  You set a guy up with a back body drop or something similar and just put the head down a moment too early, telegraphing what you're going to do.

BB:  Aho pulls Southern to his feet and goes to hook the neck for a german suplex, but Southern's able to execute a standing switch and get around behind the champion.  Russian leg sweep by Shane takes both men to the mat...but Aho took the brunt of that one on the back of his head.  He's slightly dazed, but Southern pulls him up and sends him for the ride into the ropes.  SPINEBUSTER by the former Greensboro Champ.  He pulls Aho to his feet and backs him into the ropes, delivering a series of hard knife-edge chops.

H:  He knew it was too early to go for the pinfall there.  So rather than risk Aho kicking out and getting to his feet, Shane decided to keep the momentum in his favor.

BB:  Southern whips Aho across into the other corner.  The World Champ staggers out clutching his back....TILT-A-WHIRL SLAM by the challenger.  And now Southern goes for the cover.  ONE..... TWO.... NO!!!!  What a huge series for Southern, and he's still got control of this one.

H:  You're awfully quiet, Sammy.

SB:  I'm waiting on you to leave.

H:  I've got no doubt that time's coming, Sammy.

BB:  Southern tries to whip Aho across again, but Evan counters.  They end up in a collar-and-elbow.  Shane catches Evan in the midsection with a knee that takes the wind out of him.  DDT by Southern!!  Evan's down hard.  Once again, Shane eschews the cover, and it looks like he's going up top?

SB:  Eschews?  Do you realize the reading level of the average fan watching this show, Buckley?

H:  You don't know what it means, do you?

SB:  I hate you.

BB:  I have more faith in the intelligence of our audience than you do, Sammy.

SB:  If they were that smart, they would have seen through Hornet years before when I did.

BB:  Southern's up on the top rope after a slight slipup.  He's setting up for what looks like a frog splash, but he's got a lot of ground to cover.  Off the top....FROG SPLASH.... but Evan rolls out of the way!!!  Shane hit hard...there's no doubt he just knocked the wind out of himself.

H:  It was a pretty frog splash, Bill, but Evan got a short breather and used it to his advantage.

BB:  Evan pulls Shane to his feet and backs him into the corner.  He hooks the head...IMPLANT DDT!  There's the cover!  ONE.......... TWO..........  THR... NO!  Somehow Shane kicked out!  Evan's quickly back up...he drops an elbow on the solarplexus, then pulls Shane up and into the ropes.  Standing Facebuster by the champ!  He rolls Southern over and into a cradle.  ONE....... TWO.....  NO!!!!  Once again, Southern somehow powers out.

H:  Aho put on a textbook cradle, Bill... Shane just gutted out of it.  I don't know if I could have after all that.

SB:  So now you're Mr. Modesty?

H:  Somebody's gotta make up for your lack, Sammy.

BB:  Again Aho pulls Southern to his feet...but Southern gets a foot under him and charge into Aho's midsection, sending both men hard into the far turnbuckle.  Southern continues to ram that shoulder into Aho's stomach, and now he sets up.... monkey flip out of the corner!!!  He jumps to the second rope and hits a quick moonsault on the World Champion.  ONE.....NO!  Aho kicks out quickly, and now these two men are grappling on the mat.  I can't keep up with who's got the upper hand, Aho's on top one moment, Shane the next.

H:  It's something you rarely see these days, Bill.  It's not all about power or agility, sometimes you've actually got to know how to get down and wrestle.

BB:  These two certainly do.  They end up in the ropes and referee Patrick Young tries to break it up cleanly.  Aho gives the break and backs up into the middle of the ring waiting for Southern to get up.  He does, but quickly charges Aho.  But this time Aho's ready... SNAP SUPLEX!  Southern lands hard, but with a foot on the rope.  Aho picks him up.... WOW!  I'm not even sure what that was.

H:  It was a modified Ligerbomb, Bill...amazing move.

BB:  He covers!  ONE...... TWO...... NO!!!!  NO!!  Southern kicks out again!  I'm not sure if I'm seeing things, but I think even Aho gave a little grin like he couldn't believe it.  Southern backs himself into the corner, trying to get a breather, but Aho's advancing.

SB:  "Modified Ligerbomb."  You just made that up didn't you?

BB:  It's... wait, Hornet's left the table.  He dives into the ring!!!


BB:  No...he dives in, and then dives outside as GXW Champion Dan Ryan charges down the ramp, intent on getting to Evan Aho!  He collides head-on into Hornet and both men go down!!!  I don't know if Aho and Southern are completely aware that Hornet went through the ring, but ref Young is and he doesn't know what to make of it!  

SB:  Bugbrain couldn't resist getting in the action.

BB:  He did exactly what he said he was going to do earlier, Sammy.  He and Ryan collided hard and went into the ring steps, with Hornet taking the brunt of the impact.  Ryan's firing away rights and lefts on top of the big man.  Inside the ring, Southern sends an elbow into the middle of the World Champion.  He pulls Aho out of the corner and sends him into the ropes toward where the fray is happening below.  Aho comes off.... FRANKENSOUTHERN by Shane!

SB:  Hey isn't that a Frank n' Parsons?

BB:  This crowd is on its feet again.... Southern's waiting for Aho to get to his to deliver that Party's Over superkick!  NO!  Aho stays down and goes after Southern's planted foot.  He rolls into Southern and both men go down in a heap!  Aho's up first, but instead of going after Southern, he charges across the ring!

SB:  Big mistake!  He's gonna pick the wrong time to get revenge on Ryan.

BB:  No!  He hits the ropes and comes back across as Southern gets up!  It's THE AGONY!!!  He NAILS that diving inverted DDT!  Small package by Aho!  ONE..... TWO...... THREE!!!!!  Evan Aho retains the CSWA World Championship!

SB:  As Bugbrain takes a shot to steel rail on the outside.  I hope Ryan busts him open.

BB:  Southern gets to his feet and takes look as Young presents the title back to Aho.  Southern reaches his hand out... Aho drops the title and immediately shakes Southern's hand.  What a match from these two.  It could have gone either way at so many moments.

SB:  Shoot!  Of course it's NOW that Gethard's slack security team decides to get involved in pulling apart a brawl.  Just as Hornet's about to get his head handed to him. 

BB:  Fans, we've had a great time here in Seattle.  These fans are going wild for the two men in the ring, especially their hometown champ.  We're headed to the Midwest next as we make our way towards Sweetwater, Texas.  Next up is ON TIME in Kansas City, with that man in the ring, Shane Southern, taking on the man outside, Hornet for the US Title, plus a whole lot more.


BB:  Yes, I'm sure he'll be there too.  Fans, we're see you there, and then in Oklahoma City...and then, it's FISH FUND XIII!  Thanks for joining us.  For Sammy Benson and the CSWA, I'm Bill Buckley, saying good night!
