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Yakima It's NO LIMIT... and the Greensboro Contenders Battle Royal! |
Greensboro Heavyweight Championship Wicked Sight vs. Hornet |
(CUE UP: Lotus by REM)
RJ: Introducing first, he weighs in at 230 pounds and is the CSWA Greensboro Heavyweight Champion... He is WICKED SIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTTTTT!!!!
BB: Here comes a man who is going through change, Sammy.
SB: Well, he’s a fluke. Or at least that’s what everyone is calling him. Sort of like the Cinderella story.
(CUE UP: "All Star" by Smashmouth)
RJ: And his opponent... A former FOUR-TIME CSWA World Heavyweight Champion... the one, the only... HOOOORRRRNNNNNEEEETTTTTTTT!!!!
BB: Listen to the ovation for Hornet! Sight has called Hornet out for a long time, much like Aaron Douglas. Is he trying to make a name for himself? Sure. Is there a problem with that? No! Hornet’s entering the ring, and Sight jumps him at the bell! Pounding away with elbows to the back, now. Irish whip to the far side sends Hornet bouncing off the ropes… Sight with a leapfrog, Hornet to the near side and back, Sight with a monkey flip, but Hornet lands on his feet!
SB: These fans do realize this is the same guy who branded Mark Vizzack a few months ago, right?
BB: Sight back up, with a chop to Hornet’s chest. Another, and another, but Hornet grabs him by the head and throws him into the corner! Chops of his own! Wicked Sight is reeling! Hornet, unleashing a series of fists now to the midsection of the current Greensboro champion. Throws him to the other side—No, Wicked Sight reverses, Hornet goes in stomach first… Sight runs in, hops on Hornet’s back, spins around… He’s perched on the top rope now! Hornet goes to throw him off, but Wicked Sight with a top rope sunset flip! That’s nearly the same way he pinned Radder!
SB: Speaking of Eddy Love, when is he gonna come back and kick the bejezus outta Radder?
BB: Who was talking about Love?
SB: Well, me, of course.
BB: A kickout by Hornet, and a rollup of his own! One, two, no! Kick out by Sight, who goes into the ropes… Hornet with a lariat, Sight ducks, attempts a cartwheel kick, no go... Hornet grabs him by the head, sets up a powerbomb… No, FRANK’N’PARSONS BY SIGHT! He grabs the legs on the way down, the cover… One…Two…NO! How close was that? If Wicked Sight wins here, by hook or by crook, no one will doubt him again! Anyway, Sight and Hornet both on their feet, locking up now… Hornet muscles Sight to the corner, but with a clean break. Once again, a lockup… Sight pushes Hornet into the corner… Clean break.
SB: That's a surprise.
BB: Once again the two men lock up. Sight squirms out with a hammerlock applied. Hornet pries his hand off and Sight is now on the other end of it. Sight reaches his free arm back, wraps it around Hornet’s head… JAWBREAKER! Sight continues with a series of kicks to the face of the former Heavyweight champion. He grabs Hornet’s hand and climbs to the top rope… Walks along it, springs off with a beautiful hurricanrana… but Hornet spins around and THROWS SIGHT OUT OF THE RING! WHAT A MOVE BY HORNET! Wow! Hornet now rolls out of the ring and goes after Sight on the floor… Irish Whip to the guardrail… no, reversal, Hornet flies in back first. Sight follows with a clothesline, and they are now IN THE CROWD! Sight mounts the guardrail and DIVES ONTO HORNET! They topple down and the fans are being held back!
SB: Aww, come on, let 'em go!
BB: Sight back up, dragging Hornet to the ring. Throws him in and mounts the turnbuckles. Hornet getting to his feet, Sight just waiting! Hornet is up, and Sight flies off with a somersault LOU THESZ PRESS! He hooks the legs, and has a cover! ONE… TWO… NOOO! Wow, this is really an up and down contest! We’re only at the four-minute mark! Hornet back up, grabs Sight by the tights and THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP! My God! Sight is lying on the floor next to us now, in a massive heap! The crowd LOVES IT! Hornet down here, now, with Sight by the hair. He’s going to slam him INTO OUR TABLE! No, don’t do it… No, Sight elbows him in the gut, springboard from the table, VIEW TO A KILL ON THE FLOOR!
SB: The kid might actually be able to win this thing!
BB: Wait, he’s doing something else! He’s… motioning to the back! Who could it be? That’s SIMPLY STUNNING! Hardy and Wilcox are running to the ring! What could this be about? We know Sight manages them… but what in the Hell are they doing here?
SB: Wilcox has something in his hand! And I doubt it's a 'welcome back' card for Hornet.
BB: Anyway, Sight rolling Hornet back into the ring, and he’s got a mic in hand. He could have tried to cover him! But he didn’t… Why not?
SB: Hmmm...I wonder...can you say 'stupidity?'
BB: Sight's got the mic!
WS: Bring that in here, man! See, fans… for a while now, I’ve said that I’m going to… recreate some old events. I sat at home and started to watch some old Fish Fund tapes…
(Hardy and Wilcox run in the ring. Hardy hands Wicked Sight a can. The two then hold Hornet up, keeping him from going anywhere.)
WS: I watched one of the damnedest, funniest things I’ve ever seen. Eddy Love and Kevin Powers run in the ring and spray Hornet… with a can of Raid! How friggin’ appropriate is that? That’s EXACTLY what YOUR Greensboro champion is about to do!
BB: What in the Hell? He can’t do that!
SB: Merritt is going to go crazy over this one. Simply Stunning is holding him…
(Sight sprays the Raid into Hornet’s eyes. Hornet drops to a knee, attempting to hold his eyes. Suddenly, "Come Play With Me" by ICP hits the PA system. Huge pop.)
SB: What the Hell are the DARK CARNIVAL, Kevin Powers and Apocalypse doing here?
BB: Sight mentioned Powers…
SB: But he was just talking about the Raid! Nonetheless, they’re at the ring now, as Simply Stunning are POUNDING Hornet along with Wicked Sight. The Dark Carnival has some business with Simply Stunning, too. Anyway, they’re in the ring now, and Sight watches on… as KEVIN POWERS AND APOCALYPSE destroy Wilcox and Hardy!
BB: Why isn’t Sight saving them?
SB: He’s a smart guy, that’s why! Hornet rolls to the outside, still trying to clear his vision, while Simply Stunning are left hurting in the ring. And their 'manager,' Wicked Sight is already hitting the curtain. Sight is left, allowing The Dark Carnival to reign supreme in the center of the ring! What in hell have we witnessed? All I know is neither Hornet, nor Wilcox or Hardy are going to be happy about this! BUT, Wicked Sight is STILL the Greensboro champion!
(JW Locke is standing backstage talking to someone who is obscured by shadows.)
JW: So you know what I want you to do?
Voice: Yeah, you were pretty clear.
Lawrence Stanley vs. Blade Non-Title Bout |
RJ: Ladies and Gentlemen... our next contest is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty-minute time limit... and is a NON-TITLE Match. Introducing first, he is the reigning and defending United States Champion... hailing from London, England... weighing in at approximately 300 pounds... Ladies and Gentlemen... THE ENGLISH GENT'... LAWRENCE STANLEY!!!
SB: This is the match that *I* have been waiting for...
(Stanley strides down the aisle, the US belt wrapped around his waist...Serf and Lord Alfred trail behind him as the fans give a mixed reaction...)
BB: The two competitors in this match have met several times before... but there seems to be so much more on the line right now. Even though this is non-title... in a sense, Blade... er, Kendall Codine is battling to regain some ground and save some face here in the CSWA after his recent firing... and...rehiring.
SB: Yeah, how did he get back on Merritt...or Locke's...good side again anyway? That could be a useful tip.
BB: Who knows. And at the same time, Lawrence Stanley is seeking to put an end to the talk of 'flukes' and stake his claim as the dominant force in this feud. Remember, this is not a title match. But if Blade can come out of this match with a victory, then he will go on to get a US Title shot at Winter Warriors VIII! And that's not that far away! Blade and Stanley could conceivably KILL each other before INDY even comes along!
(CUE UP: 'Du Hast' by Rammstein...)
RJ: And his opponent... He represents the Forsaken... he weighs in tonight at 266 pounds... Ladies and Gentlemen... 'THE BLADE'... KENDALL CODINE!!!
BB: Kendall Codine was given a second chance thanks to Locke... now he just needs to capitalize on it.
(Blade steps through the curtain and walks towards the ring with purpose...)
SB: As both men circle each other, I need to ask the question...
BB: What question is that?
SB: Did Stanley lose weight?
BB: Both men lock up! They seem to be fairly evenly matched as far as strength is concerned-- WHOA! I stand corrected! Blade muscles Stanley back into the corner with seemingly a great amount of ease! Blade is blatantly choking Stanley... it appears the referee is just giving him a warning... and Blade is just IGNORING it! Blade grabs Stanley-- and tosses him across the ring!
SB: True...even if Stanley has lost some weight. It takes a lot of energy just to toss 300 pounds around like that.
BB: I would have to agree with you on that. Blade stays on Stanley, whipping him into the ropes-- No! reversal by Stanley sends Blade into the ropes... Blade ducks a clothesline and hits the far ropes... FLYING FOREARM by Kendall Codine sends Stanley crashing to the mat!!
SB: Quite an impact!
BB: Blade quickly pulls Stanley to his feet... series of right hands by Blade... OH! Stanley just quickly ducked a punch, hooked Blade's arm and locked on a very nice hammerlock! What a burst of speed from Stanley!!
SB: Blade with a standing switch, locking on a firm hammerlock of his own... Stanley spins out of it, then pulls Blade in-- FIREMAN's CARRY into a DDT!!!
BB: What a tremendous maneuver! How did he pull that off! Stanley is going for a cover!
SB: ONE!! TWO!!! T--
BB: Blade with an aggressive kickout... I think that fired him up, Sammy... Both men to their feet... Stanley grabs Blade, sending him into the turnbuckle... Stanley charges in after him and runs into a knee from Codine! Blade quickly hops to the second turnbuckle and launches himself through the air, slamming Stanley with a FLYING BULLDOG on the way down!!
SB: Oh dear...looks like this one might be a two-cup match.
BB: Blade refuses to go down without a fight, he's shown us that time and time again.
SB: Sounds like a girl I used to know.
SB: What?
BB: (sigh) Back to the action, Blade is back in control... he's got Stanley up against the ropes and is unleashing a flurry of knife edge chops... Blade whips Stanley into the ropes-- Stanley DUCKS a Big Boot attempt! Kick to the stomach by the English Gent!! He hooks Blade!! DOUBLE UNDERHOOK BACKBREAKER by Lawrence Stanley!! What impressive power by the US Champion!! He's really pouring it on tonight, Sammy! He's come into Yakima with renewed fire! And I think he may have taken Blade off guard!
SB: And this concerns me....how?
BB: Stanley puts the boots to the small of the back of Kendall Codine!! Look at the arrogance of Lawrence Stanley... taunting the crowd while a man of the power, speed, strength, and resumé of Blade lies just feet away... His arrogance may be Stanley's one downfall.
SB: I completely disagree! Arrogance is a GOOD thing! Especially when you have a right to be arrogant! And right now? He's GOT that right! He's the CSWA United States Heavyweight Champion!
BB: And right now, he's clamping on a draining hold... the Camel Clutch! Blade is in a very bad place right now... His lower back is hurting him and he's in a VERY painful submission hold, applying even MORE pressure to the small of his back...
SB: And Stanley is loving every minute of it! The referee is checking Blade, but, like you said earlier... he refuses to give in. Even *I* have to give him credit.
BB: Blade... attemting to power out of it... trying to get his knees under him... and he does it! Blade is getting to his feet...
SB: You have to wonder... if Stanley hadn't gotten that Lipo done...could that extra twenty or so pounds have made the difference in that Camel Clutch?
BB: No time for hypothetical questions, Sammy! Blade is back to his feet, nailing Stanley with a few elbows to the midsection... Blade runs off the ropes and NAILS Stanley with a clothesline, taking BOTH men over the top rope and onto the outside of the ring!
SB: Stanley hit the floor VERY hard is is slow to get up... meanwhile, Blade is getting to his feet, favoring his back noticeably...
BB: Blade chases Serf from Stanley's side, then helps the 'Gent' to his feet... OHHH! Stanley with a cheap shot! A low-blow brings Blade to his knees and allows Stanley to 'regroup'...
SB: A wise move.
BB: Stanley now... grabs a hold of Blade... whipping him HARD into the steel guard rail!!! OH MY!!! Blade rebounds and walks right into an inverted atomic drop from the British Champion... Stanley hoists up Blade... then DRIVES him, backfirst, into the steel ring post!! GOOD LORD!! The entire ring shook with the impact!
SB: That may have done irreparable damage... to the ring!
BB: Forget the ring, Benson! What about Blade! That was just malicious! Stanley now... he rolls Blade back into the ring and is quick to follow him in... stomping yet again on the small of the back!
SB: Stanley pulls Blade back to his feet.... and sends him into the ropes... Blade stops DEAD in his tracks-- He grabs a hold of Stanley by the throat!!! CHOKE SLAM!! CHOKE SLAM!!
BB: Incredible! From out of nowhere! Now Blade has got Stanley covered!!
SB: ONE!! TWO!!! THR--
BB: NO! Somehow Stanley got his shoulder up! And now... Blade is showing signs of being seriously hurt... That chokeslam may have been all he had... Once again, I stand corrected. Blade is back up to his feet... seemingly blocking away the pain... he's got a goal... he's got an agenda... and he won't let anything stop him!
SB: Blade pulls Stanley back up to his feet... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!
BB: Incredible! But.. Blade isn't going for a cover... He's pulling Stanley back to his feet... AGAIN!?! What is he going to do!?!
SB: What do you THINK he's gonna do?
BB: Codine with a kick to the stomach-- Guillotine Bla-- No! Stanley wriggled free of it just in time... Blade bounces off the ropes and LEVELS Stanley with another clothesline... Hold on a second... What is Serf doing? Serf is climbing into the ring... and the referee is trying to hold him back...
SB: Finally, somebody with some sense...that is, if Serf nails that ref.
BB: Meanwhile, Stanley is out on the mat... and Blade is starting towards Serf and the ref... but... On the other side of the ring... In comes Lord Alfred... and he's got that cane of his!!! What is he going to do!?! Blade turns at the last possible moment, ducking the swinging cane-- But... Alfred hit the referee from behind with the cane!!!! Wait a second...who?
CM: (on his way down the rampway, mic in hand) That's right...I, Craig Miles, the one you all came to see, am here. And I'm completely bored by this pathetic attempt at a match. I'm mean, look at what you've got in the ring....a former champion, who has ripped off a gimmick used so many times by so many...and the current champion, who has to go to a plastic surgeon to get into shape. (In the ring, Stanley gets to his feet and puts Blade in a full nelson as he faces the rampway).
BB: Standing switch by Blade, and now he's got an abdominal stretch hooked in on the US Champion. Miles has reached the ringside area, and he's jawing at Stanley even though his microphone has been cut off.
(Miles swings the microphone at Stanley, who drops through the abdominal stretch. Miles hits Blade hard in the gut by accident.)
BB: Blade is doubled over, and now Lord Alfred hooks Miles in the neck with the cane! Miles levels Alfred, and looks back toward the ring...but Stanley has Blade rolled up, and Serf has helped the ref into position! ONE.......TWO.......THREE!!!
SB: Wait... I'm confused...
BB: The US Champion has won the match, but look at the expression on Stanley's face... he's more than a little disappointed... he wanted to win this match on his own merit!
SB: Forget about him! Look at BLADE! Codine is FUMING over this whole mess... and I don't blame him! Guess who's NOT going to INDY, folks?
BB: And Miles has already skulked away...something tells me that didn't go according to plan. Wow. Fans, we'll be back after these words with even MORE exciting action.
Onto the Conclusion of PRIMETIME