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Yakima It's NO LIMIT... and the Greensboro Contenders Battle Royal! |
Simply Stunning vs. No Limit
Soldiers |
BB: The SWAT Team is obviously ready for the Three Way Dance for the tag team titles at INDY. We'll see in a few moments if the other top contenders, Simply Stunning, are as ready. The real question, though, is can either team truly be ready when we don't what the 'extreme' stipulations for the match against The Dark Carnival will be. They get to decide...and I guess they could wait until the match actually happens to announce them.
SB: Hey...I may not like Powers, but even that idiot gets lucky once in a while.
BB: Up next, Simply Stunning takes on the challenge from Mikey Beretta, who has yet to announce who his partner in the "No Limit Soldiers" is?
SB: Didn't Troy Windham start up the NLS?
BB: He did....and I think a lot of fans are hoping that the former "King of All Media" may be ready to make his return to active competition. I guess we're about to find out. Let's head down to Rhubarb Jones for the....
("I'm The One" by the Descendants begins to play)
MB: Thanks, but no thanks, Bill. We'll take care of this one ourselves.
("Showtime" Mikey Beretta steps out from behind the curtain with the microphone in hand.)
MB: It's the time you've all been waiting for, fans. Of course, I am the six-foot-six, two hundred seventy-five pound tower of speed, stamina and athleticism. But you already knew that. I know....I know...I know what you're waiting for. You're ready aren't you? You're ready to go NO LIMIT! (crowd beings to pop) So it's time to give you what you want. My partner is a CSWA veteran, a former tag team specialist and five-time Unified Tag Team Champion.....here is JUNIOR HORNET! (crowd pops as the 300+ pounder comes out with face paint on) The NO LIMIT SOLDIERS are back! Now let's do this! (A "Hootie Hoo" chant is heard in the crowd as the NLS make their way to the ring, where the top tag contenders are waiting)
BB: As corny as I think Beretta is, some of these fans are quickly getting behind him. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that Junior Hornet has long had his own faithful following.
SB: And how truly sad is that statement?
(joined at the 7:58 mark)
BB: Michael Hardy continues to work over Junior Hornet. NLS has put up a good fight here, but the quick tags and agility of Simply Stunning have just kept Junior Hornet and Beretta from really gelling as a team. Hardy with a standing sidekick, and now he hooks in a sleeper on the big man. Beretta is trying to pump up the crowd to help Junior Hornet fight off the sleeper, but so far, no luck.
SB: Hey....is that Wicked Sight kid still in the rafters? Shouldn't he be down here 'managing' his team?
BB: It's amazing, every once in a while you come up with a good question.
SB: Here's another....what's big and green and coming down the aisle right now?
BB: Big and green? Here comes the SWAT Team! And they've got Simply Stunning in their sights! Simon Wilcox rushes through the ropes to warn his partner, but referee Patrick Young tries to stop him...he doesn't realize what's going on....and he gets pancaked in between Wilcox and Hardy.
SB: Real smart guys, aren't they?
BB: Hardy drops the sleeper on Junior Hornet. Beretta quickly grabs the arm of his partner and helps the big man roll outside to apparent safety...he got out of the way quick when he saw Colt and Beretta coming. They hit the ring, but Simply Stunning is ready. A double dropkick sends the two big men against the ropes, but Colt fires back at Hardy with a billy club! Hardy goes down hard, and now Wilcox is the subject of the double team! PEACEMAKER! Good grief! Both men are down....and Colt has the microphone.
Colt: There are your 'top contenders' to our titles. We were defending the Unified Tag Titles when thse geeks were headlining bingo halls. Well guess what...we're not gonna play "Happy Legends!" The only reasons Disco Express got the belts from us in the first place was because our contract was up and we gave those two "That 70s Show" rejects the break of their lives! (Beretta gives Wilcox and Hardy a swat with the billy club for good measure). No games...no threats. At INDY...we're going to get the belts back our way.
BB: It looks like Mikey Beretta and Junior Hornet have asked for security to come down. Taking guys out is one thing...but beating on them when they're already out is another.
You geeks take so much as one step in here...and "the boys in the
back" are gonna hafta call a lot more ambulances. There's
an old saying, "Whether the scars or physical or mental, crime wounds
everyone it touches." We dealt with a lot of crimes in our day, but
you know what, now YOU are. No one wants to believe this, you guys are
sitting there thinking, "These old men are just trying to put themselves
over", well guess what......(Beretta grasps his club and drives it into the
ankle of either member of Simply Stunning, effectively injuring both men)
Ask them if we're serious.....anyone else wanna call us "whiners"?
Beretta: If you're smart, you'll say "no"!
(SWAT Team leaves on the other side of the ring as security protects the paramedics entering to attend to Simply Stunning.)
BB: This is outrageous. Folks, we'll be back.
Deacon's dressing room. Ivy re-enters.... to find the place completely empty.)
Ummmm.... Faith?
peers into the bathroom.)
cell phone starts ringing.... there is definite tension in Ivy's posture.)
person hangs up. Ivy stands there for a second.... as if her mind hasn't caught
up with the moment yet..... until....)
hurls her phone against the wall. She punches the mirror, shattering it....
before she sinks against the wall....)
I.... failed.
Championship Contenders Winner gets title shot at INDY |
BB: These PRIMETIME battle royals have started to become a CSWA tradition over the last year. They're a perfect way to showcase young talent...and tonight, one of these eight men is going to win himself a shot at the Greensboro Title, coming up at INDY. Whether it's against current champ Wicked Sight, or Hornet, we'll find out later tonight when those two face off.
SB: I thought you said young talent? What are Ricky Worthington and Wesley Paige doing in there? And hasn't anybody figured out that Ricky Worthington is referee Ben Worthington's nephew?
BB: Hasn't done Ricky much good in his career, has it? This one is quickly underway. Along with Worthington and Paige, also in the ring are NLS leader Mikey Beretta as well as John Cisco, both of whom we saw in tag action just a few minutes ago. Chris Petty, Shawn Stevens, Bobby Jackson and Cardigo Mysterian round out the field.
SB: Um...can we ask security to step around here? I don't like that Cardigo guy...even without that briefcase he used to carry around.
BB: Apparently John Cisco isn't afraid of Cardigo...he attacks the former bodyguard in the corner, while Bobby Jackson appears to have hooked up with Mikey Beretta. Chris Petty has Ricky Worthington in a neutral corner, while Shawn "Superman" Stevens is already pounding Wesley Paige's head into the mat.
SB: Well....that's surprising.
BB: Cisco continues to deliver high knees to Cardigo's midsection, but Mysterian grabs him by the throat and turns him around in the corner! Good grief! Stevens picks up Paige and gorilla presses the 320-pounder above his head....and tosses him to the floor!
SB: One gone....seven to go!
BB: Was that really necessary? Petty has Worthington in trouble in the corner, but the wiry Worthington slips under Petty...only to run into Beretta and Jackson, who are trading punches. Petty catches Worthington from behind....full nelson slam!!! Snap suplex by Beretta on Bobby Jackson, but Jackson rolls through and avoids the elbow. Petty picks Worthington up with the scoop slam....and sends him over the top!
SB: Two gone...six to go!
BB: Please stop it. Cardigo Mysterian has literally choked out John Cisco in the corner with his boot...with no referee to maintain order, this may be Cardigo's kind of match. But as Cardigo turns away from the "Strictly Business" member, Shawn Stevens is already there...Belly-to-belly suplex by the six-foot-six Michigan standout!
SB: Until he got thrown out of school that is.
BB: Bobby Jackson levels Chris Petty from behind with a clothesline, and then follows up with a kick to the midsection on Mikey Beretta. Petty ends up beside Cisco in the corner....and it looks like Cisco is trying to talk the youngster into teaming up with him against somebody. Stevens drops Cardigo with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and leaves him laying. Cisco and Petty stand up...it looks like they're going to go after Stevens. Petty charges in....but Cisco doesn't!!!! Chokeslam on Petty by Stevens! Chris Petty is down....and it's all because of Cisco! Stevens advances on the John Cisco....but Cardigo is up from behind!!! Dropkick by Cardigo to the back of Stevens!!!! It launches Stevens into Cisco....and John Cisco goes over the top!!! He tries to grab hold of the top rope... but Chris Petty kicks his hands away, making sure he hits the floor, and then heads for safe ground!!!
SB: Three...gone, four, I mean, five to go!!!
BB: Would you SHUT UP!?
SB: Geez...sorry.
BB: Mikey Beretta looks like he's stalking Cardigo from behind....but Bobby Jackson gets to him first, kneeing him from behind and slamming him into the corner. Shawn Stevens goes for a chokeslam on Cardigo....but the big man dropkicks Stevens away and into the ropes. Stevens grabs hold of the second rope and pulls himself back in. Chris Petty has recovered in the corner and looks ready to go on the attack...but wait, now he's looking at the video wall!
(The video wall shows footage of Chris Petty having his legs shaved by "Maestro" Bryan Blair's servants. Petty seems in shock.)
BB: Petty's attention is distracted, and Bobby Jackson uses the opportunity to send Chris into the ropes...and then over the top with a back drop! But Beretta quickly clotheslines Jackson into the ropes...and now he's trying to finish putting Bobby over the top. Meanwhile, Cardigo and Stevens are still going at it....toe-to-toe, trading punches...at least until Cardigo delivers a low blow. He brings his knee up quickly into the face of Stevens....and "Superman" has been knocked out of the sky. Cardigo quickly scoops the big man up and starts dumping him over the top.
SB: Oooh look, one of my favorites, Contessa!
(Bryan Blair comes from the back with Contessa, holding a pair of nylon hose and a microphone.)
Blair: Petty, should not a man with legs as clean-shaven as yours be attired in these? I know my dear Contessa would give you one of her old dresses to match.
BB: Petty didn't like the sound of that!!! He charges up the ramp, but Blair and Contessa are already back behind the curtain. In the ring, Cardigo gets Stevens over the top and boots him off the apron, leaving us with three men left in the hunt. Mikey Beretta has Bobby Jackson halfway over the top rope...but Mysterian grabs hold of Beretta from behind and sends him flying with a release suplex!!! Jackson falls to his knees as Cardigo tries to deliver the final clothesline to send him over the top! Beretta is on his feet from behind....standing dropkick to the back of Mysterian...and with a little help from Jackson, Cardigo goes over the top!!! But Jackson keeps going...he levels Mikey with a clothesline and follows with an elbow!!!!
SB: Cardigo's not out!!! He's still hanging onto the ropes!
BB: Referee Patrick Young is right there...watching to see if Cardigo's feet hit the floor. Inside, Jackson goes for another elbow, but Mikey rolls out of the way. Beretta with a drop toe hold, and he quickly hooks in a step-over. Jackson grabs the ropes, but it won't do him any good in this match. Cardigo skins-the-cat on the ropes, and the mysterious one is back in the ring!!! He levels Beretta from behind, then swings him into the corner.....HUGE CLOTHESLINE sends Beretta over the top to the floor!!! Now it's just Cardigo and Bobby Jackson!! Cardigo reaches for the chokeslam, but Jackson catches him with a right hand. Jackson swings a left, but Cardigo catches his fist in his hand and starts to bend Jackson's wrist backwards!!! He slams Jackson into the corner, but Bobby slips out. He hits the ropes and catches Cardigo with a flying body press....NO!! Cardigo catches him in midair....and dumps him over the top!!! Jackson hangs on and lands on the apron.....DROPKICK by Cardigo!!! Cardigo Mysterian wins this thing!!! There's John Cisco!!!! Cisco from behind with a chair, and even Cardigo goes down! Mark Davis guards the ring as Cisco begins working Cardigo over with the chair, and now he hooks in an elevated half crab! Here comes security! Cisco quickly breaks the hold and heads for the hills!
SB: I never thought I'd see security come down on Cardigo's behalf...not after what he's done to them.
BB: That's what they they're for, Sammy. They can't afford to hold grudges. Cardigo Mysterian will go on to INDY to face the Greensboro Champion....whether it continues to be Wicked Sight after his match against Hornet or not is yet to be determined. That's up...after this break.