(CUT TO: The locker room. Shane Southern is sitting on a stool, hooting and hollering with a large group of  fans -- including New Orleans Saint Bill Turley, who uncorks a bottle of champagne and pours it on Shane Southern's head.)

SHANE: Oh man, I can't believe this! My first night back in the CSWA, an' I'm already Greensboro Champion! I grew up watching this league and now I'm here and I've arrived, baby! YEAH!

(A cell phone rings from one of the fans from a girl celebrating in the back.)

GIRL: Hey, Shane! It's Marc Morial... you know, the mayor!

(Shane grabs the cell phone hurriedly.)

SHANE: Hello... Mister Mayor? Yeah! Yeah! I can't believe it, either... WHAT? WHAT? (Shane puts the phone down.) THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE ME THE KEY TO THE CITY TOMORROW! (Shane begins to talk to the mayor again.) Thanks a lot Mister Mayor! I won't let you down! Or my fellow New Orleansianans! (Shane hangs up the cell phone.) Aw man, this has been one of the greatest nights of my lahfe!

GIRL: I can't believe that you're getting the key to the cit--

(The girl becomes dead silent as Evan Aho walks into the locker room. Shane sees him and stands up, with his title resting on his shoulder.)

AHO: Shane Southern... I guess congratulations are in order. (Aho extends his hand and Shane, apprehensively, shakes it.)

SHANE: That's awfully big of you, Evan...

AHO: Just remember this, Shane... the next time we fight... I'll know exactly who you are. And once I know who you are, there's no way you're going to stop me. Because I'm Evan Aho... and I'm a wrestler! And I'm not just a wrestler... I'm the best wrestler alive today!

(Aho puffs out his chest and is eye-to-eye with Shane Southern.)

SHANE: Well, Evan... that may be true... but what you AREN'T is the Greensboro Champion... and I don't plan on losing this title any tahm soon!

(At that point, the girls and Bill Turley start to scream. From off camera, chairs just pummel Shane and Aho. Rushing on screen is TSUNAMI and "The Warhorse Kid" Johnny Lang, who start to just attack Shane and Aho, repeatedly hitting them with the steel chairs. Jimmy Valentine runs up to them, laying kicks to both of them.)


(The NSS and Jimmy run off screen. The onlookers in the back, all with looks of concern on their faces, start to yell for help as Aho and Shane moan in pain.)


Featuring Cardigo, "Good God" Kevin Powers 
and CSWA World Champion "Iceman" Steve Radder

BB: Fans... earlier in the day, we taped a segment on the campus of Tulane University, where three wrestlers got the chance to address the CSWA's fans in a TOWN HALL segment. Let's get right to the clips!

(CUT TO: A big sign that reads "WELCOME TO TULANE UNIVERSITY." CUE UP: An instrumental version of "BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC".)

BILLY BUCKLEY: (V/O) On September 11, our nation was challenged and our ideals were threatened... freedom. Liberty.  Justice.  Our nation works for one reason... democracy. By allowing all of our residents to have a choice and, more importantly, have a voice... our country has lasted for over 200 years.

(CUT TO: The inside of FOGLEMAN ARENA. The old basketball gym has been transformed -- a large stage, backdropped by American flags, stands at three-quarter's court, with seats lined up on the floor. Tulane students and CSWA fans sit in the seats and in the bleachers surrounding -- holding up signs like "THE GREEN WAVE LOVES WICKED SIGHT" and "ICE IS NICE BUT POWERS IS BETTER" and "TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE CSWA". The camera pans to BILLY BUCKLEY, who is wearing a suit jacket/dress shirt/no tie combo, holding a mic. Behind him are three podiums on the stage. In the middle, with the CSWA World Title propped up is "Iceman" Steve Radder, wearing a suit and sunglasses. On his left, clad in his yellow mask and his trademarked suit, with his briefcase in front of the podium, is Cardigo. To the right, in "contempo-casual" clothing is Kevin Powers, with a "GOOD GOD" logo tank-top hanging in front of his podium.)

BILLY: (with the live crowd being raucous) AND TODAY WE CELEBRATE OUR DEMOCRACY FROM RIGHT HERE ON THE CAMPUS OF TULANE UNIVERSITY! "GOOD GOD" KEVIN POWERS... CARDIGO AND THE CSWA WORLD CHAMPION "ICEMAN" STEVE RADDER WILL ALL TALK TO YOU, THE FANS, AND EXPLAIN THEIR VIEWS ON ISSUES AFFECTING THE WRESTLING WORLD! (The camera turns to the podium.) Gentlemen... thank you for joining us. (The three are all busy shuffling their index cards.)  The first question we have is a simple one. You three are all superstars. Please explain to us why you should stand out as the clear choice as the man to lead the CSWA in the future. We'll begin with you, Mr. Radder.

RADDER: Well... (Radder looks around as the crowd starts to hoot and holler, breaking into a "RAD DER RAD DER" chant.) I think it's pretty simple. I'm the people's choice. But more importantly than that, Billy, I'm the World Champion. It's ben a tough struggle to get to this point in my career... all the injuries and all the matches that I've had. But I've become the number one wrestler in the world today for one reason. It isn't because of my size... because Lord knows I'm not that big. It isn't because I'm the best athlete... while I certainly can hold my own against ANYONE, there are guys who are more natural athletes. The reason why I get to hold THIS... (Radder holds the title up and then puts it back down.) is because of one thing... and that's THIS! (Radder takes his fist and pounds his heart.) I've got a bigger heart than anyone else in this sport. I've got more guts and determination than anyone... and I feel that these people... MY people... can relate to that.

BILLY: (As the crowd chants Radder's name) Thank you, Iceman. The same question now goes to you, Mr. Mysterian.

CARDIGO: (He fixes his tie while he waits the card to die down. Then his eyes shoot daggers over at Radder.)  A lot of people can talk about heart and determination and guts. But not a lot of people really UNDERSTAND what that means. Our World Champion talks a lot about the people RELATING to him.  Well, with all due respect, Iceman... I don't think you relate to these people. All my life, I've been beaten down by my surroundings. Poverty. Crime. Drugs. Violence. And that didn't stop when I became a professional wrestler, as I saw my career being exploited by men who, despite my muscles and my talents at hurting other people, were a lot more powerful than I. I was forced to kill the person in this world who I should have trusted the most, my brother. And, for my efforts, I wasn't rewarded with a paycheck or a cash payoff... I was rewarded with a pink slip. Just like these people... who work all day long to be harassed and oppressed by the faceless corporate heads who have no heart and no soul... the people who will ruin lives just to help the bottom line. But just like these people... MY people... I didn't give up hope... I simply thought about where I was and where I wanted to go. And soon, Iceman... I'm going to be there. Because, as far as I'm concerned... that World Title on your podium is going to end up in my briefcase.

BILLY: (As the crowd chants CAR-DI-GO.) Thank you, Mr. Mysterian... Now, Good God... your turn to respond.

POWERS: Well, Billy... you've given me a very interesting question. As for LEADING this company into the future... I don't think I'm the man for the job. The reason is simple... because just like these people know... JUST LIKE (hops up and down,) MYYYYY PEOPLE KNOW... I've BEEN leading the CSWA and I have been for some time! As all the people wearing my shirts and chanting my name will tell you... (POW-ERS POW-ERS from the crowd) there is no one bigger... there is no one badder... and there is no one cooler than the man who is so awesome, that the only thing that can be said about him is two little words... and say it with me, guys... (The crowd responds as Powers mouths the words GOOD GOD.) Now, the only reason why I haven't been on top of the CSWA is because it's the CSWA... I don't play by the rules and I don't kiss any butts. I do what I want when I want, and that's come back to bite me in the ass. Any chance I've had at winning that piece of tin hasn't happened because someone's decided to (BLEEP) with me. I've been hit from behind because I'm a threat... and I'm a threat because I'm the best wrestler there is today. As far as I'm concerned and as far as these people are concerned... I'M THE REAL CHAMPION. (Powers holds his arms out in a T pattern and the crowd goes ballistic.)

RADDER: Well, Kevin... to be the champion you have to beat the champion... and, my man... anytime you want it, you can step on the plate. I'm not out here to defend this title... I'm out here to define my legacy in this sport. And you, big man, would be a perfect notch under my belt!

POWERS: Bring it, little man!

CARDIGO: And you, Radder, don't know what you're fighting for nor do you know who you're fighting against. I'm not fighting for personal gain... I'm fighting for personal acceptance. No one has endured what I've endured and no one has overcome what I've overcome. I'm not a man... I'm a force of nature. And no man is strong enough to stand in the eye of a swirling maelstrom.

RADDER: I'm standing RIGHT here, Cardigo. Just like I told Powers over here... I'll be fighting anyone, anywhere, anytime. And I'd love to be the first guy to hand you a loss...

POWERS: And I'd love to be the guy to put you out of commission, to send you back to the hole you crawled out of.

CARDIGO: I'm pretty confident THAT won't be happening... considering you're the guy who announced his retirement. Unlike yourself... I won't quit.

POWERS: Unlike yourself... I don't suck.

BILLY: Guys, guys... we're here to foster discussion and debate. Not to start a fi-- (Buckley hops up on the podium.)

RADDER: As big a fan as I am of the word democracy... I'm a bigger fan of laying it all on the line whenever it may be. And I say... (Radder takes off his shades and tosses them to the crowd.) Let's get it on, right here.

POWERS: For once, Icepick... I agree with you! (The crowd is going nuts, stomping and kicking away. Radder squares off against Powers, who steps forward towards the champ. Cardigo pushes his podium to the floor and begins to walk towards Radder. Then all three start to square off. Billy Buckley stands between all three... and then a shoving match starts between all three men. Then, they start to get tangled and the mass of humanity bumps into Buckley, who starts to go off balance, and then he falls straight backwards off the stage, through a table. Security rushes on the stage at that point, pulling apart all three guys who are still trying to get at each other.)

BB: Thank goodness... my son, who is NOT an athlete... is okay. He was sent to an area hospital and was treated for a back injury, and is being kept overnight for observation. But the doctors have said that he appears to be stable and should be released tomorrow morning. But still... Billy, I know you're watching. I love you, son. And I want you to all know that we're all thinking of you.

SB: Except me. There's a hot blonde at ringside wearing this TIGHT skirt. I could give two cents about you, you little punk! After my job since day one...

BB: That, Sammy is highly inappropriate--

SB: But highly entertaining.

BB: Let's go to ringside.

Non-Title Matchup

Havoc vs. "Good God" Kevin Powers

(CUE UP:  ‘Let's Go All The Way’ by Insane Clown Posse - insane response)

BB:  Here’s a man who has supposedly begun a “retirement tour”, folks.   As well as being one of the parties that helped send my son into the emergency room tonight... so this may be one of the last times we ever see Kevin Powers in a wrestling ring.  It’s obvious Havoc isn’t going to let him just have the victory though, and I’m sure you at home are as excited as we are about this match… this is undoubtedly going to live up to the high-impact standard we have sat here tonight, on CSWA PRIMETIME in New Orleans.

SB:  It’s time to see if that carnie Apocalypse is right… it’s time to see if Kevin Powers has lost his edge.

(CUE UP:  ‘Climbing Up The Walls’ by Radiohead - a reaction nearly parallel to Powers’)

BB:  Fans, let me remind you that Havoc’s United States championship is not on the line in this contest, but let me assure you that the fact it isn’t up for grabs will be no deterrent in these men’s efforts here tonight.  There's no doubt that Havoc could be in line for a shot at Radder's World Title at ANNIVERSARY as well...we don't know what Merritt and the Championship Committee may decide.  The bell rings, this one is underway folks…

SB:  I can hold my liquor, that’s all I’m gonna say.

BB:  Powers is quickly taking to the injury free Havoc… Hard right hands to the side of the head of the United States Champion… Sends him to the corner, Havoc puts on the breaks and lifts a boot. Powers ducks and hits the ropes, off with a clothesline but Havoc didn’t move, folks, Havoc didn’t move.  Both men are swapping licks to the side of the head and neither man is backing down.  Havoc now gets a handful of hair and drags “Good God” back in the ring, a boot to the gut…

SB:  (Belch)

BB:  Havoc with an Irish whip to the far side… Huge shoulder block by Havoc and Powers goes down!  Havoc seems to be on fire, but the bigger of the two gets right back up, and the two are toe-to-toe once again!  Kevin Powers is six-foot-ten and well over three hundred pounds whereas Havoc is an inch shorter and a few pounds under the three hundred mark…

SB:  Havoc doesn’t stand a chance here, Benson… mark my words.

BB:  Both men are in a collar-and-elbow tie up, now, and Powers just… excuse the pun, overPOWERED Havoc, into the corner… he’s letting go and it looks like a clean break.  And it was, but Havoc grabs him by the locks and sends him into the opposite corner.  Havoc charges in with a shoulder block, Powers moves and Havoc just ate turnbuckle!  Powers now has Havoc by the head and he just chucked him outside of the ring!

SB:  Oh great… first it was Gemini… now it’s Kevin…

BB:  It is Kevin indeed, Sammy, he’s laying hard right hands into the side of Havoc’s head and nobody can keep taking shots like that… Powers winds up and this is going to be a haymaker… NO, Havoc just rolled out of the way of that shot and Powers met the steel ring post!

SB:  What an impact!  I could actually HEAR that, Benson!

BB:  And now it looks like Havoc is in the driver’s seat, here he goes with a few shots of his own and now an Irish whip into the guard rail.  The fans are getting an up-close-and-personal view of “Good God” as Havoc takes it to his opponent. 

SB:  I think Havoc IS injured and he’s trying to end this match as quickly as possible.

BB:  No, Sammy, Rudy Seitzer spoke with Havoc’s physician earlier today and Havoc is nearly at one hundred percent… and there he goes with another whip into the rail, Kevin Powers is doubled over the rail now, he went in chest-first… Havoc rolls up into a ball and he just leapt out of a somersault into Kevin Powers, body-to-body.  Havoc gets right back up, throwing Powers back into the ring but not before he gets a hammering forearm off into the back of Powers.

SB:  Does Havoc ever defend his title?

BB:  Apparently the Championship Committee felt that with Kevin Powers announcing his imminent retirement, the title shouldn’t be on the line.  But who knows what they'll have planned for ANNIVERSARY!  And there goes Powers, finally regaining some composure as he shoots Havoc into the far side and goes for a back body drop but it looks like he telegraphed it, a rookie mistake by a veteran wrestler and Havoc capitalizes with a kick to the chest, a kick that echoed over here, and it sent Kevin Powers reeling… Havoc now, shooting in and coming up with a double leg stance, and he has Kevin Powers over his head, which is no small feat in itself…

SB:  That’s an understatement, Buckley…

BB:  He just hit a most unorthodox northern lights suplex on Kevin Powers!  Now referee Ben Worthington is in position, not even a one-count folks… It’s going to take a lot for either of these headstrong superstars to be defeated.  Our United States champ sees that very fact and he’s taking the offense right back to Powers with a series of forearms to the chest, and now a whip back into the corner… KP spins away from the corner as Havoc follows in, and now Kevin is unleashing a series of fists to the midsection.  He sets Havoc up on the top turnbuckle and the crowd is on its feet here in New Orleans, they’ve already seen a lot of wild action but Kevin Powers is more than willing to give them some more…

SB:  Obviously.

BB:  Are you still drinking?

SB:  Is the Sno-Cone man still our world champion?

BB:  Well… obviously.

SB:  Then OF COURSE I’m still drinking!

BB:  Havoc just shoved Kevin Powers down to the mat, but he’s right back up!  Now the big man in black and gold with a missile dropkick, but Kevin Powers just swatted Havoc down to the mat like he was a fly!  He hits the ropes and comes off with a big, big splash!  Powers hooks the far leg... the ref is in position and he gets a one, just one… that was only our second pinfall attempt in this entire bout and now both men are back to their feet.  Powers attacks with an arm twist and now he works his way into a headlock; Havoc shrugs him off into the ropes and hits the mat.  Powers with a leap over.  Havoc gets back to his feet and goes for a cross-body block and he hits it!  BOTH men come crashing over the top rope and back down in front of us here.

SB:  No drunk is safe.

BB:  They pay you to be a drunk; it’s so pathetic.

SB:  No, it’s pretty cool.

BB:  Kevin Powers with a shot to the stomach, and Havoc folds up like an accordion… What a shot it was and now, OH MAN, “Good God” just bounced Havoc’s head off of our broadcast table, and now again… one more time for good measure.  Kevin has Havoc by the head again and he’s heading over to our timekeeper, but Havoc backs an elbow into the sternum of his opponent and now HAVOC JUST CLOCKED KEVIN POWERS WITH THE RING BELL, BEN WORTHINGTON IS BEING VERY LENIENT IN THIS MATCH…

SB:  Kevin just had his bell rung… (laughing)  Wait...why am I laughing?

BB:  Havoc pounces on the fallen Kevin Powers and he’s unleashing a flurry of fists… but he was sitting too high up on Kevin’s body and Powers just threw Havoc off.  Both men are getting to their feet and Kevin Powers has been busted open folks.  We saw Gemini earlier opened up pretty good earlier; let’s hope that Powers doesn’t turn out the way any of those three men did…

SB:  What do you mean?  I want VIOLENCE!  Not that sissy hugging stuff that the Sno-Cone man and Stanley did…

BB:  Nonetheless, you sick, sorry little man, Havoc has Kevin Powers by the wrist and he goes for… a reversal by Kevin Powers, and Havoc just went shoulder first into the steel steps!  It appears as if Kevin is testing out that supposedly 100% shoulder of the United States Champion.

SB:  If it was all the way healed… it isn’t now.

BB:  And now, as strange as this looks, Powers is hoisting Havoc up on his shoulders and the crowd is in a frenzy… Havoc is pounding away at Powers’ head for all he’s worth and Powers stumbles backwards!  Havoc grabs a hold of the top rope and lifts himself onto the apron… He’s mounting the turnbuckles and camera flashes are going off all over New Orleans … HUGE PLANCHA…


BB:  WHAT A MASSIVE SPINEBUSTER BY “GOOD GOD” KEVIN POWERS, HAVOC JUST GOT DRILLED INTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!  And now, Kevin Powers rolls the champ into the ring and follows in…  He could go for a pinfall, but Kevin Powers is wanting to inflict more punishment before he attempts a win… He shoots him into the corner and Havoc just bounced out of the turnbuckles with a horrible impact… and WHAT A HUGE BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPEX BY KEVIN POWERS, HE GOES FOR THE PINFALL RIGHT HERE… ONE … TWO …

SB:  Havoc doesn’t know when to quit, he just kicked out at two!

BB:  With blood running down his forehead, blood that came the hard way, Kevin Powers is unleashing a barrage of boots in the corner and they’re undoubtedly taking their toll on Havoc.  Powers is just laying his boot across the throat of the United States Champion, making him fight for every breath.  Finally, the referee is restoring some semblance of order in this bout and is demanding Powers to break this hold.

SB:  Violence!  We want violence… We want…

BB:  Would you give it a rest?  Havoc just got off the shelf and you’re begging somebody to get hurt…

SB:  Um… Pretty much…

BB:  Powers goes with a whip into the corner once again... HAVOC WITH A SPRINGBOARD!  His feet hit the turnbuckle and he comes off with an elbow!  BUT KEVIN POWERS JUST CAUGHT HAVOC, GERMAN SUPLEX, THIS ONE IS FINISHED… ONE… TWO…THREE!  NO!  NO!  IT WASN’T THREE… Powers is arguing with the referee but he’s motioning that Havoc got his shoulder off the mat just in the nick of time, and now Powers is back on the offensive, laying massive right hands to the side of the head of his adversary.  It was no small feat for Powers to lift a six-foot-nine competitor and toss him like he was a midget…


BB:  And now Powers has Havoc in the corner… elbows now pounding off Havoc’s skull and I don’t know how much more he of this he can take…

SB:  Not much.

BB:  HERE IT IS, THIS COULD BE IT!  Powers has Havoc set up and he’s raising his hands in victory, this could be "Kiss The Canvas" for the United States Champion here in the non-title bout!  He’s got Havoc up and HAVOC IS FIGHTING FOR EVERYTHING HE’S GOT NEARLY SEVEN FEET ABOVE THE MAT!  FRANK’N’PARSONS!  FRANK'N'PARSONS!  HAVOC HOOKS THE LEG!  ONE… TWO…NO, KEVIN POWERS JUST KICKED OUT....but what a turn of events!

SB:  You really should get your blood pressure checked one of these days, Buckley, here… have a cold one on the house…

BB:  Havoc just charged out of the corner with a clothesline that turned Kevin Powers inside out!  And now he hits the ropes and comes off with a big legdrop, but he isn’t finished with Powers yet.  He lifts “Good God” up by the hair and now he’s throwing fists at his already busted open head… Sends Powers into the far side and he follows in, BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX BY THE UNITED STATES CHAMPION AND A FOLLOW UP COVER, HE HAS THE FAR LEG HOOKED…

SB:  Maybe this’ll be it, I really need to use the restroom…

BB:  WORTHINGTON IN POSITION, ONE…TWO…THRE---NO!  NO, NO, KEVIN POWERS JUST KICKED OUT AND THE LOOK ON HAVOC’S FACE IS ONE OF FRUSTRATION… And now it looks like he’s setting up some sort of pump-handle slam… he’s got Powers up but “Good God” slides off the back and he spins Havoc around… kick to the gut and a forearm to the back and Havoc goes down, but now Kevin Powers is once again setting Kiss the Canvas up… he’s got Havoc up, he bounces him off the ropes AND OH LORD, HAVOC JUST REVERSED KISS THE CANVAS INTO A SPINNING FACEBUSTER AND KEVIN POWERS MIGHT BE THROUGH RIGHT HERE… ONE… TWO… POWERS KICKS OUT, NEITHER MAN WANTS TO GIVE IN!

SB:  Havoc’s waiting for him to get up… you know what this could be, don’t you?


SB:  Eddy made Powers… Powers is going to tap.

BB:  I thought you had Powers picked to beat Havoc…

SB:  Well… Havoc pretty much is a loser…

BB:  Actually, he's the US Champion.

SB:  For the next couple of minutes at least...

BB:  Powers reaches the ropes, but the damage was done by that boston crab to his lower back.  Now Havoc with a side Russian legsweep and another pinfall attempt, one… Powers kicks out just before two and Havoc is getting back up to his feet.  Powers, too, is rising… HAVOC BOMB, HAVOC BOMB, OUT OF NOWHERE, HAVOC JUST HIT THE HAVOC BOMB BUT IT TOOK TOO MUCH OUT OF HIM, BOTH MEN ARE LAYING IN THE CENTER OF THE CANVAS…

SB:  See, Eddy wouldn’t have let someone like Havoc ever hit his finishing maneuver…

BB:  Oh, would you shut up about Eddy Love and call the match at hand?  Worthington has started a ten-count and if neither man can make it to his feet by the end of this count, it’ll be called a draw…

SB:  How fitting… neither of these men ever wins a match.  “Oh, I’m poor Kevin Powers, I keep getting screwed by Mike Randalls…”

BB:  I smell too much beer on your breath, Sammy… Worthington is on five and now Havoc’s getting to his feet.  He stretches an arm out over Powers… ONE……TWO……TH-NO, Powers kicks out at the last minute!  There was just too much time in between that move and the pinfall; if Havoc could have followed up this match would be over.  Havoc is slowly getting back to his feet and he’s heading toward the turnbuckles.  This could make or break the match for Havoc right here…

SB:  Probably break it knowing Havoc.

BB:  This looks like a moonsault… but Powers is up and Havoc doesn’t see it… Powers pulls Havoc off the top turnbuckle and… HE BOUNCES HAVOC OFF THE TOP ROPE, INTO THE MAT… KISS THE CANVAS!  KISS THE CANVAS!  HAVOC IS DOWN BUT SO IS KEVIN POWERS… IT TOOK TOO MUCH OUT OF POWERS JUST TO STAND, AND ONCE AGAIN………BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!

SB:  Violence!  Yes!  Man, all this excitement… it’s sort of killing my buzz.  You probably need to quit yelling…

BB:  Whatever…

SB:  Not whatever…

BB:  And once again, Ben Worthington is starting a ten-count and if neither man can get up by 10, this one is over folks.

SB:  Can Ben count that high? 

BB:  He’s on four and both men are just lying there… Not even budging.  This New Orleans crowd is counting along now, and they seem to be split between cheering for Kevin Powers and for Havoc.

SB:  Ben’s got ten fingers, he can probably make it happen…

BB:  You’re a drunk idiot.

SB:  You say that like it’s a bad thing.

BB:  Ben Worthington is on six………seven………

SB:  Is a drunk idiot a bad thing?


SB:  Violence!  Yes!

BB:  Ben Worthington is down and Powers is staring at him, you’ve got to believe that it wasn’t intentional, but Havoc isn’t giving Powers a break and he just speared Powers damned near out of his boots!  A cover… but there isn’t a ref!  I think Havoc finally has this match won but there is no referee and now Havoc’s going to try and revive Worthington

SB:  Man, it’s so cool when innocent bystanders take the bump.

BB:  You’re a SICK drunk idiot, Sammy, a sick, sick drunk idiot.

SB:  You say that like it’s a bad thing… man, Buckley, what a lot of anger you have pent up inside.

BB:  Havoc is still trying to get Worthington up, but Kevin Powers is coming our way.  I don’t know what he’s doing…

SB:  I do, look at the steel chair in his hand!

BB:  I can’t say I approve of this, but be that as it may, Kevin Powers is heading back into the ring with a steel chair in his hand… he swings at Havoc... but HAVOC WITH A STANDING DROPKICK TO THE CHAIR.... AND POWERS' HEAD!  WORTHINGTON IS UP!

SB:  Convenient…


SB:  I wish Powers could have got a chair shot off…  violence.

BB:  Fans, we'll be right back... or at least I will.

SB:  What's that supposed to mean?

Onto PRIMETIME Part 6!