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First off, we wish to thank you for your interest in joining the CSWA. Over the past eleven years, we've worked very hard (insert joke here from long- time members) to make the CSWA the best fantasy league of all time. Since our move from PRODIGY to the net in 1998, it's been a thrill to see the response we've gotten from other fantasy fanatics. Seeing our members enjoying themselves as much as we are easily makes the work worth it.

Chad and I have to admit we were both surprised by the number of players on the internet, as well as  its continued growth. The amount of join forms we received each week ranged anywhere from 10 to 100.  When hundreds of forms ambush your mailbox, it's not hard to understand why we were caught off- guard.

We did the best we could, sorting through them and replying as time would allow. If you sent a form in  and haven't heard from us, we apologize. You're the reason, however, that there is now a 

As of now, the CSWA is closed to new members. New members will be added periodically by invitation or referral.  You may get in by being  referred by an existing member, or by receiving an invitation due to your excellence in various leagues on FW Central.

As we mentioned, months ago, the 1500+ join forms we couldn't get to led us to start working on ways to allow more people to get involved.  To accommodate all the requests, we decided that thecswa.com would offer more federations. The planning that followed has seen an entire site rebuilt, and some of the best leagues around added to the site.

Because we couldn't open our doors, we're knocking down yours. FW Central is now THE place for fantasy wrestling. Join various leagues and participate in the fun. Future additions to the league listing will no doubt be added shortly.

We hope you enjoy the changes, and the new leagues in FW Central. Though the CSWA is closed to open joining, work hard and develop your character. We may be the ones asking YOU to join.

-Chad Merritt & Stephen Thomas
CS Enterprises Online, Inc.