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"Triple X" Sean Stevens
267 lbs.
Orlando, Florida
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Finisher: |
The X-Terminator
Setup Move:
The X-Factor
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Common spots: Top Rope Frogsplash Ace Crusher Flying Forearm Swinging Neck Breaker
Heavyweight spots:
German Suplex Belly-to-Back suplex Fisherman's suplex Inverted DDT Spiked Piledriver
Cruiserweight spots:
Huracanrana from the top Frankensteiner Missle Dropkick Swan Dive(usually clearing the top rope and nailing an opponent standing outside.). |
CSWA Presidential Title fWo Internet Title fWo Tag Team Championship SCW World Heavyweight Title(2) SCW International Title(3) TCW Regional Champion HEW International Champion(2) HEW North American Champion(2) SCFW Intercontinental Champion(2) EPWF World Champion
Sean Stevens got his start as a wrestling 'fan' in the truest form. His friends would tell him that it was all 'fake' but he didn't care. His parents told him that following wrestling was a pipe dream that would never come to fruition, but he always believed. He never had the money to go to an official school, run by some pissed off old veteran with hopes of discouraging him from achieving his goals, but he did get necessary life training that has so far turned out to be valuable in helping his career.
Downtown Orlando, Florida is beautiful. Disney had done a wonderful job of making it tourist friendly and it definitely comes off as the 'happiest place on earth'. However, there is an inner city... an, inner city where kids from mid-to-upper class households hung, fought, and consumed various types of drugs, in all forms - pills, dust, leaf, and needle. Sean was never one to 'shoot up', but he had a natural charisma about him that attracted the attention of the opposite sex, which naturally attracted negative attention from their boyfriends.
While Sean's childhood wasn't horrible, he spent the better part of his teens protecting himself. Fighting because of some rumor, of some guy's girlfriend speaking to him, and fighting because his pride wouldn't allow him to look the other way whenever a comment was spoken in his direction. During his late teens, he linked up with a tall kid, an 'outcast' so-to-speak, who had just moved to town from Detroit, Michigan named Shannon Davis, who would later on be known in the wrestling world as 'Big Lucky', Triple X's bodyguard. A couple of the same groups that Sean had previously had problems with decided to gang up on Shannon for reasons Sean still doesn't understand, or care to understand. They instantly began to take a liking to one another based on the strength of their hate of Orlando's clique scene, and made a pact to watch each others back no matter what.
A pact they both took pride in keeping until Lucky's untimely death on January 13th, 2003.
Sean actually got his start in wrestling, however, when he and Davis attended a local wrestling show in Orlando's 'O-rena'. It was also Shannon Davis that almost got Stevens arrested, by using his pride - his weakness - against him daring him to hop the guardrail and enter the ring to help his favorite wrestler at the time, 'The Minister' Mark Payne. After spending a night in jail, he was bailed out by the very owner of the promotion he had interupted the day before, Greg Vaughn, because the Vaughn had come to the conclusion that the reaction the fans had given Sean was more than anything any of the current wrestlers on his roster had received in months, including his world champion at the time, The American Heartthrob - AHT, the original blue-eyed badass.
Vaughn offered Sean a contract the very day he bailed him out, to which Sean immediately accepted.
Which brings us to now. Two World titles, countless feuds, and a very gratifying career, Sean decided to hang up his retirement robe for one last strong push at the original goal he set for himself upon entering the wrestling business... the one goal he always said he'd achieve before retirement became a serious possibility... the UNIFIED World title.
Just to give you more info on the character, Sean is confident... surpremely confident. There's rarely ever a moment where he doesn't have something to say or a reply to something said towards him. His biggest weaknesses are his pride, he won't back down, and if there's something someone tells him he can't do, he'll do it just to prove them wrong. And, his heart... sometimes he hurts himself just to hurt somebody else.
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