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Updated 8/29/98

I'm Rudy Seitzer, and welcome to CSWA Grapevine, where we track down the rumors running rampant here in the world of wrestling.  As always, I have to start with a standard disclaimer:  we cannot verify any of the rumors reported here.  Some may be true, some may be outright false...but they've all been passed to me by various sources.  So don't come crying to it?

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I first want to take a moment to express my sincere condolences to the entire Windham family over the tragedy that occurred at FISH FUND XII.  My get well wishes go as well to Hornet, who was injured.  I've been unable to see Hornet since the fact, he doesn't seem to be seeing anyone except the doctors.....and one other person. 

I told you last time that Starr and Teri Melton were on the outs...and did ya see what happened in Norfolk?  Just proof that ole Rudy knows what he's talking about once in a while.  And speaking of the CORP, if you think the issue ended with Melton pinning Starr... then you just aren't very bright.

Under the heading, "Brotherly Love," does anybody know why Mark Windham didn't even show up at his brother's funeral two weeks ago?  I've heard that once again, Mark's been hanging around Texas bars and shall we say, houses of ill repute?  I wonder if "The Living Psycho" doesn't have a sexual addiction much like our dear President Clinton.   As of yet, no word on a stained dress in the Windham story.

Some sources have told me that the "Masked Love" who has been assisting Eddy Love in every way known to man, may indeed be Troy Windham.  There's been no sign of the favorite Windham cousin in almost two months since being ousted from the World Tournament.  Isn't it convienient that the masked man showed up about then?  Maybe the great slacker has decided to take a more active role...

Ugly rumors are running rampant that the CORPORATION took advantage of some kind of odd infection to injure Eliminator before his match with Kevin Powers for the US Title at FF12.

Deacon and Shepherd have taken a low road since Deacon's loss in the US Tournament at FF12.  Could Deacon be having a 'crisis of the faith' or is simply taking a 'fast' from the business for a while to focus himself?

Recent reports estimated the FISH FUND XII buyrate at a tremendous 2.8 - 3.0 range, eclipsing any professional wrestling buyrate since FISH FUND XI, which drew a 3.4.  The estimated attendance for FF12 was 106,912, with 100,990 paid for a gate of over $2,500,000.

CSWA officials are expected to announce the next pay-per-view to be held in Memphis, Tennessee, as the CSWA returns to Graceland for the next ELVIS LIVES CELEBRATION.  Just doesn't seem the same without Bill Parsons, does it?

Sammy Benson has upped the ante in his contract negotiation, but CSWA co-commissioner Merritt hasn't even shown up at the table yet!   He has been seen spending most of his free time in Sweetwater, continuing to examine the clean-up of Fish Fund Park Arena.

A special guest is lined up for Labor Day Layout '98: Remembering Timmy.  Sources say the guest is from the realm of television sitcoms and other shows.

That's all for this edition of the Grapevine.   We'll be back after Labor Day Layout with more from the rumor mill!

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