Top Contenders Match High Flyer vs. "Triple X" Sean Stevens |
“Triple X” versus the “Neighborhood Lunatic.” These two main eventers who between them could fill up the alphabet with the leagues they’ve anchored. fWo, IWO, aWc, SCW, TCW, HEW, among many, many others. On a non-televised event? Why?
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the winner of the “top contenders” match gets the chance to challenge for the UNIFIED World Championship after FISH FUND? The title that can fill up the alphabet many times over with the number of league titles it has merged and represented? Or maybe it just has something to do with loyalty – whether to the CSWA or to the sport. Trip has made it clear that he stands with the CSWA, whether on television or not. And to his credit, the Lunatic has made it clear that he’s committed just by showing up.
So what happens when a man crazy enough to mate with Ivy meets up with a man who just might be plain crazy?
Bedlam, of course. Despite the size difference, the two decided to turn it into a cruiserweight-type match, the smaller Flyer clearly aiming at Trip’s legs with thigh kicks and attempts at dragon screws. It seemed to take Trip aback, especially when High Flyer appeared to be yelling obscenities in Spanish at him the whole time.
He switched to Japanese once Trip took the upper hand, catching him in midair and dropping the fWo’s finest with an inverted DDT. Flyer quickly took the powder, continuing to yell at either himself or Trip in Japanese curses… it wasn’t clear which. Stevens quickly made the swan dive over the top, giving Flyer another reason to curse.
Or maybe not… Trip’s high-risk move had subjected him to that all too-important second part… risk. His head smacked hard against the right angle made by the thin mats and the crowd barricade. High Flyer pushed the dead weight off of himself, quickly heading to the ring to avoid the count-out fate of Kevin Watson and Troy Douglas earlier in the night. Flyer urged Ben Worthington to count faster… but he did so in German, which Ben is apparently not fluent in.
The multi-lingual High Flyer was willing to take Top Contender status by count-out, but was forced instead to deal with Stevens’ recovery. He quickly met Triple X on the apron, but Trip did a quick dive over the top and sunset flip that almost got him the big win. Flyer rolled through, backing into the corner and catching a charging Stevens with a modified Lou Thesz press that dropped him to the mat, forcing him to try and avoid a flurry of rights and lefts from Flyer.
Neither man was able to get a significant pinfall attempt until later in the match after Flyer hit Trip with his Hypothermia – a huge double underhook brainbuster, using the second rope for height and leverage. Flyer waited in the corner for Trip to get to his feet, measuring him with the Locomotive. As Trip got to his feet, Flyer charged in for the yakuza kick, but was met by Trip’s own foot as he tried to deliver an X-Factor superkick of his own in desperation.
Each man caught the other with the devastating kicks, sending both to the mat like a ton of bricks. Fortunately for Sean Stevens, his arm was barely draped over the arm and shoulder of the Neighborhood Lunatic, getting him a Ben Worthington three-count… without even being conscious for it.
WINNER and Top Contender to the UNIFIED World Championship: “Triple X” Sean Stevens