Somewhere between Houston and Birmingham.....
The scenery along I-10 outside the limo rolls on by.....and Dan Ryan peers out as the vehicle approaches another state line, this one Mississippi....
Ryan: "A familiar face...."
"So Nova, it seems we're to be locked together in conflict until the end of time - or for as long as the two of us work the same territories - IE, the world. It's a pity we don't hate each other yet. Would probably be good TV."
"Instead it's just part....what?...five? six? of a series of matches between us? I've lost count."
"We have the big one at Wrestlestock coming, but as you said - discussing the other guy's company is usually a pretty big faux pas. I don't mind you showing up here with your PRIME strap on CS-TV. I guess it's relevant, since you and I currently hold pretty much every major title available to be held at the present time."
"Champion of Champions - you, and you beat me to hold onto it."
"PRIME Universal - and you'll see me in that place as soon as the sun turns to ice..."
"NFW - me, and you with a shot next month."
", all me - so I guess we just have to get that out of the way right off the bat. All your gold are belong to us, eh Nov'?"
"And you see somehow, that there's a mighty large chunk of importance around the one belt that matters here. You're trying to figure it out, but rather than jump through the hoops I'll just tell you straight out."
"See, they say the same thing to me - the ones who don't understand what the belt means. They say other places...they book more shows. There are bigger paydays. There are more chances to shine, bigger hype. Well....."
"I'm not exactly hurting for work for one..."
"But in addition, I realize something. I realize that for twenty years now in this business this company has been a constant. It was and will always be a standard bearer to compare all others to. It doesn't matter if we do a show once a week or once a year."
"Everyone will pay attention."
"Before the CSWA? Well, that's it isn't it? There is no 'before the CSWA'."
"Companies have come and gone. A thousand of them all over the country, all over the world. Some of them have shone brightly and burned hotter for periods of time, but this company has always outlasted them all. No name in our sport inspires awe like the name of this place."
"That's why you're in Birmingham. That's why I'm on my way."
"All the gold in the world....and we have....all the gold in the world.....can't keep you away from the call of this place. Not if you know the business you work in. Not if it lives in you like it lives in me, like it lives in the best of the best."
"That's why."
"I don't know where Eron or Troy are. It doesn't matter. Another collision course for the two of us."
"At least I know someone else around here cares."