(It’s the second day locked in a cabin together for the three hostages. At first, their only open connection to the ‘outside’ was Poison Ivy’s cell phone walkie-talkie linked to Adrian “Little Voltron” Evans. Then the Red Midget and the Hacker decided to make themselves known, using the television to show the threesome scenes from what has been going on aboard the ship.
They’ve deduced that the whole cruise is held hostage, although only those that work for the CSWA know it, thanks to the Red Midget. The ship didn’t stop at its scheduled port in Montego Bay, which means that the other patrons, the ‘regular’ cruisers here to enjoy the CSWA’s PRIMETIME POOLJAM Cruise, must be beginning to realize that something’s amiss.
The Hacker’s latest ploy? Stir the pot by showing Ivy’s current boyfriend lambasting her ex. And while Hornet knows he shouldn’t take the bait… he does, cutting a promo that may or may not be seen by the public. But maybe he shouldn’t have said…)
IVY: Sloppy seconds?
HORNET: You sound so calm. I was sure this was going to turn into one of those ‘screaming fits.’
TERI: Brace for impact. In three….two…
IVY: Hey Funbags.
TERI: Excuse me?
IVY: Yeah, you. The saline implants with the skin attached.
TERI: I don’t care if you’re my ‘boss’ or not now, you can’t talk to me that way…
IVY: Yes I can. Leave.
TERI: And just where am I supposed to go?
IVY: There's two rooms in this suite and we're in one of 'em. Use your tiny brain and do the math. But unless you want another broken nose, you'll leave now.
(A brief staredown commences. Ivy doesn’t even have to take a step forward – Teri’s been in this spot long enough to know when to back down. Which is always where Ivy’s concerned. Which is why it’s odd that Hornet has chosen this moment, trapped in a cabin with her, to push that particular button.
Teri slinks towards the bathroom. Before she can even get inside, Ivy has already turned her attention back to Hornet. She misses the fact that Teri snags a small bag that Ivy left outside of her normal backpack/satchel combo. The bathroom door slams.)
HORNET: It’s like being locked up with an angry teenager.
IVY: She’ll do what she’s told.
HORNET: Who said I was talking about Teri?
IVY: You’re determined to get into this, aren’t you?
HORNET: What else are we going to do? None of us had the forethought to bring cards.
IVY: So what, I’m supposed to launch into a fit and yell about how I won’t be called sloppy seconds and defend Sean’s manhood?
HORNET: I’d never presume to guess how you’re going to react to anything.
IVY: I don’t believe it.
HORNET: Excuse me?
IVY: I don’t believe it. The whole act. The whole “let me be indifferent” thing.
HORNET: The whole ‘act?’ You oughta know better than anybody that I don’t put on an act. I’m not Troy or Timmy, or even Sean.
IVY: That’s for sure. So what’s this, a new take on the “Businessman?” Maybe the new, improved “Executive?”
HORNET: Ah, ok, now I’ve gotcha. It’s not the stuff with Sean that you have a problem with, it’s what… that I’ve got nothing to lose? That I’m focused on one thing? That I don’t care about you and Sean being together?
IVY: 'Don't care' isn't what I'm talkin' about. I mean, no matter what we've gone through, together or separately, I've never downplayed what we used to have like you just did.
HORNET: Why, because I’m not pining after you while I write sappy notes and pop a few more Soma?
IVY: That’s not what I…
HORNET: That I couldn’t possibly be over somebody who wrote me out of her life because she believed a pathological whore?
TERI (from bathroom): Hey!
IVY and HORNET: Shut up, Hooters!
HORNET: Or that I somehow still have feelings for a woman who doesn’t have the common decency to have someone return a phone call to let me know that she’s still alive?
IVY: That’s not…
HORNET: A woman that would rather spend time with a psychotic break like Craig Miles?
IVY: Craig is…
HORNET: Or that somehow, some way, I wouldn’t still want to be with a woman who lambasted me for one night with Teri Melton when we were apart, but somehow finds it okay to sleep with Mark Windham? That I couldn’t possibly be over a pathetic hypocrite like that?
IVY: Finished?
HORNET: For a long time now.
(Hornet turns and spits blood into a nearby wastebasket – no one ever said Ivy didn’t have heavy hands, woman or not. As if on cue, the television comes back on full blast as the manipulative Hacker gives the captives a chance to catch up on the main event match they missed the night before -- Mark Windham’s appearance on the boat, UNIFIED Title in hand, as he walks down to his ladder match with Dan Ryan.)