Chapter View



New Season, New Series

A Shooting Star

Introducing: Steven Shane

Fortune Favors The Bull

FLASHBACK: Randalls/Timmy

Crazy for the Sake of Crazy

We Die Tomorrow

When Crazy Doesn't Count

The Little Christian Soldier

Windham UPDATE

FLASHBACK: Hiroshi/Radder

FLASHBACK: Vacant No More

Do You REALLY Know The Muffin Man?

People Love Muffin Tops

Miami Hype

FLASHBACK: Hiroshi/Radder

(CUTTO: CSWA ANNIVERSARY 2006: CSWA17, "Champion's Challenge Match: Steve Radder vs. Kin Hiroshi)

BB: This could be it! ONE! TWO! THREE! Can you believe it! Kin Hiroshi has just defeated Steve Radder, pinning him out of nowhere, and has become the number one contender to the United States Title!

SB: It’s quiet … too quiet.

BB: The fans are in shock! They don’t know what to do … it’s like they know this isn’t over. You can cut the tension …

SB: Like a knife through warm butter about to go onto a muffin!

(At that moment Powers slides in with a steel chair and begins checking on Radder.)

SB: Powers is actually checking on Radder! What has the world come to? Are drinks free tonight or something?

BB: Hiroshi is taking exception to this because he’s just shoved Powers from behind!

SB: Very gutsy for the Muffin Man.

(Powers, shocked, turns and looks at Hiroshi before taking a swing at him with the steel chair, but misses because Hiroshi stepped out of the way. After the wild swing, Powers sets the chair aside, turning back to Hiroshi in the ring, where Radder is still on the mat.)

BB: Now Powers is stalking Hiroshi! What is Powers thinking?

SB: Powers? Thinking? Isn't that a oxymoron?

(Radder slowly begins to make his way up and can barely believe what his eyes are telling him; that Powers is after Hiroshi.)

BB: Radder is finally making it up to his feet and I think he is even shocked to see the events going on!

SB: Can someone check in the back and see if any cases of beer were stolen from the concession stand? Anyone? This is important!

(As Radder makes his way closer, the shock of seeing his former friend Kevin Powers defending him turns into horror as Powers turns around and waffles Radder with a haymaker to the jaw.)

SB: I ... KNEW IT! Pay up Buckley!

BB: Pay up? We never bet! And look at Powers! He's not letting up on Radder now!

SB: Some things ... never change.

Powers raises back and cracks Radder on the head again while he's on the canvas. Powers then moves towards Hiroshi, raises his hand and Hiroshi jumps up and slaps it.)

BB: Hiroshi just gave a high five to Powers! This was a set up all along!

SB: Seriously. You didn't see this coming?

BB: What is Powers doing now? He’s just handed that steel chair to Hiroshi and he's picking up Radder! Wait! He's got Radder hooked and ... he wouldn't dare!

SB: This is Powers we're talking about, Buckley, the same person who put a former CSWA owner through the canvas. I'm pretty sure he would dare!

BB: He's got Radder up ... KISS THE CANVAS!!! KISS THE CANVAS!!! Powers just hit his slingshot powerbomb and planted Radder right in the center of the ring!!!

SB: Seven months he was away, but today Powers makes Radder pay for what happened at Primetime 500!

BB: This is incredible! Powers and Hiroshi are celebrating together in the ring to a huge chorus of boos from the fans, bowing sarcastically with their hands linked together! Steve Radder is still out in the middle of the ring, stirring a little as this duo celebrate on each side of the ring.

SB: I haven’t heard booing this loud since the Depends man didn’t show up at the old folk’s home!

BB: How would you kn … I don’t want to know. Steve Radder is finally up to his knees. Just roll out of the ring, Steve, don’t take any more of this …

SB: We know he won’t! It’s Radder! The Coolest of the Mr. Showtimes!

BB: Radder shakes his head, and stumbles over to Powers, whom he shoves in the back! Powers quickly spins and both men have each other by the collar, one fist cocked at the sides of their heads, Radder looking up at the taller Powers.

SB: As my twenty-something date last night said, THIS IS INTENSE!

BB: I can’t believe … anyway, these two men are just glaring at each other while Hiroshi is watching smugly to the side. Finally Powers chuckles, and shoves Radder by the … oh my … his shirt has just ripped away completely …

SB: WHAT THE ****!!!

(An audible gasp from the fans.)


(Radder looks down and notices his shirt is gone. His eyes flare wide, and he spins back to Powers.)


SB: WHAT THE ****!!!

BB: Radder has grabbed the tatters of his shirt and wrapped it around his left arm. Sammy, that scar, it was gruesome, it’s about half an inch thick and it twists all the way around ..

SB: WHAT THE ****!!!

BB: All the way around his left arm, straight to the shoulder and even past, I think! It even looked like a shattered piece of glass over his elbow … I’ve never … not even Randalls …


BB: Enough, Sammy! Steve Radder has hurriedly made his way backstage with that shirt around his left arm, the fans absolutely quiet, I … I don’t know what to say …

SB: …

BB: Sammy Benson is turning green beside me and is speechless … this is incredible … fans, I don’t know what to say …