Chapter View

End In Sight?

The Wait

Welcome to PRIMETIME!

Gut The Fish

Cameron Cruise vs. Steven Shane

GREENSBORO: JA vs. Montiero

What actually happens when telecasts go to commercial?

'The Muppet Kid' Timmy Windham vs. 'The Wolf' Mike Randalls


United States:
Hornet vs. Kin Hiroshi

Gut the Fish

(FADEIN: ‘The Wolf’ MIKE RANDALLS in his locker room, sitting in a Lotus-Position and meditating.)

RANDALLS: “Fish Funk...that time of the decade, where we, the CSWA get together as a family and watch As The Windham Turns. A carnival atmosphere inside the heart of Texas, where the smoke of barbeque ribs and heartfelt white-trash family drama of the Windham family just never, ever seems to end. Its been rigged to include title belts, and while some wrestling purists may question the so-called validity of such an act, its pretty much what I've come to expect looking at the business intelligence of any man in charge of this company."

“They wax on endlessly, poetically trying to find a romance about pot-bellied men with stained wifebeaters, holding a Budweiser and the jock of their boxer briefs. Windhams? White-Trash Family History? Supposedly its the bait of a red state, making them live out the words they couldn’t say to their own in-bred squabbling cousins.”

“Maybe Merritt saw his father in Mark, maybe Thomas sees himself in Troy when he’s straddled over a hooker’s chest...”

“...maybe Paul’s the brother they never had.”

"So, they feverishly scramble to sell out the gates.... 80,000 hicks, drunks, louts, ex-chain gang axe pickers, current motorcycle gang rapists, try and fill the rest out with wrestling fan hard-ons just as drunk and wanting to see blood..."

"Now, I know where I stand amongst the vile, deceitful and violent....”

“...but when I chose to change my ways, when I chose to stand up for something needed inside the squared circle of the CSWA...I got booed.”

“Not by one CSWA fan. Not by two. By every fan in attendance...”

“...Mark and Troy are headed towards sibling sodomy, while I'm out here busting my ass getting booed because I chose to oppose it."

“Now, there’s a man claiming to be Timmy Windham...and I want you to know something, Kid...”

(RANDALLS opens his eyes finally, staring intently into the camera as incense smoke enters the camera.)

“You are only the beginning. I’ve been told by Stephen Thomas, I’m not relevant to the best interests of his business. I’ve been told by the CSWA fans that it does not matter what I think is right...and I will accept that. Tonight, I will give the fans all that they wish for.”

“Kid, you’ve tried to pass yourself off as insane...the slimy underbelly of those with no morals, or regard for themselves. ...a perpetual bottom of society, at the bottom of the Windham Totem Pole, festering at the bottom of the CSWA.”

“Tonight, we will sink lower...together...taking you to the depths of your own soul and after that, I shall fall further. Leaving you alone to scream inside...unable to breathe... to talk...and forced to watch your torn heart drain its blood on the killing floor.”

“For the fans, kid...for the CSWA...”

(RANDALLS smirks)

“Let us hit rock-bottom together.”