(FADEIN: To the PRIME... um, WHAT'S GOING ON?! We see the arena has been changed from the normal PRIMETIME stage set, to an all black and red orange and white flamed E! EDDIE TELEVISION set! Eddie Mayfield has struck again - the whole arena is rife with Eddie's face: On huge banners left over from the INTRUDERS era, his floating head in different moods, repeating around the ring apron, each one with a Camel hanging out of his mouth; Even the mat has a black and white picture of him sitting on a mound of gold coins, holding the PRESIDENTIAL TITLE over his shoulder and resting chin on hand like Rodin's 'Thinker'. BILL BUCKLEY and SAMMY BENSON are still at the commentators’ table, but they look like they can’t quite believe what’s happened over the last three minutes.)
BILLY BUCKLEY: Fans, welcome to CSWA P... I'm sorry, but WHAT the heck is going on here? This whole set is changed, and you get two guesses who did this.
SAMMY BENSON: HA! Looks like Eddie Mayfield made the transition from ITV to E! pretty easily! It takes some companies YEARS to find a niche, and Eddie has done it in one night! He's a genius, I tell ya!
BB: I certainly don't agree with you, and I think this is disgusting. Ladies and Gentlemen, say what you will about Eddie Mayfield - say he's 'cool', or a snake in the grass, but you can never say he's humble. I mean, look at this - his face is all over the ring apron!
SB: I think he's quite dashing, actually... He's got a lantern jaw and matinee idol good looks! I really think you're just jealous, Buckley. Admit it.
BB: I will do no such thing. Fans, I don't care what Eddie Mayfield and this obviously bought-and-paid-for producer in my ear is telling me, I will NOT call this show E! TV or anything else they feed me to say. I'm SICK of Eddie Mayfield, and Chad Merritt shouldn't be allowing this to go on.
SB: If you weren't paying attention, Buckley, he's not in the building. He's probably outside somewhere trying to get in! (CUTTO: CSWAvision, where MERRITT is outside the ticket office, banging on the window glass! The shades are drawn and there’s a scribbled note on the window which reads 'SOLD OUT!" It's now starting to rain, and the crowd laughs as MERRITT looks up, and shakes his head defeatedly.)
BB: This is ridiculous. I hoped with Miles out of the company that Mayfield might actually decide to wrestle instead of play these games...
(MUSIC UP: Blaring amp feedback, and a lot of people in the crowd get up and mark, others get up and boo and throw trash! After a 20-second wail of noise, the familiar riffs of 'Voodoo Chile' play, and that gets the crowd louder! The Ben Harper cover of Hendrix's classic plays, and BUCKLEY covers his ears in disgust)
SB: I'll stand right next to a mountain, and chop it down with the edge of my hands, Buckley!
(The crowd makes noise as 'Hot Property' EDDIE MAYFIELD makes his way onto the entrance ramp, looking at his handiwork, hands on hips, and smiling! Trash wizzes by him as he lights up a Camel, and bops his way to the ring, a trail of smoke following behind him. He's wearing the NEW 'What Would Eddie Do? - E! TV' shirt, over his wrestling tightpants, 30% Playboy shades, and ECW tapewrap, with, what looks like codes to a video game written on his left arm scrawled in red sharpie)
BB: I can't believe this guy. Presidential Champion or not, you just don't DO things like this. He has no right.
SB: ... And raise a little sand! Cuz I'm a VOODOO CHILD...
BB: And now I have to deal with you? Well, Mayfield’s in the ring, and surprise, he's got a microphone. Shock of the century. I'm assuming we have no choice, so let's hear what he has to say.
(CUTTO: MAYFIELD in the middle of the ring, looking out into the crowd of people, a 'ED-DEE! ED-DEE!' chant starting up from the Mayfield hopeful; more trash tossed by the spiteful. MAYFIELD takes a drag off his smoke, and flicks it into the crowd, spewing exit smoke out his nostrils)
MAYFIELD: Ok, let's get this party started. Welcome to my Flight of the Phoenix, E! TELEVISION. And the E isn't for Ecstacy, you wacky teens - it's for EDDIE MAYFIELD, with an emphasis on OVER. (Smirks). Welcome to my new program, where we showcase my favorite wrestler in the whole world, MYSELF. (Boos! MAYFIELD nods) Yeah, I know, I know how you feel. It must suck not being Eddie Mayfield, but fortunately, I don't have that problem. But you wanna know what sucks for me? Well, yunno, yeah, I have a great show, a full head of hair, and more hot lines on the mic than the new Jay-Z record, but yet, I have lungs black as coal, and a soul about as black - like, a third of the way... but I don't complain. I deal with the hand I've been dealt. (Smiles) And a long time ago, Bonnie Mayfield said to her only child, "Eddie, if life gives you lemons, squirt it in the eye of your enemy and kick him when he's down" and you know, so close to Mother's Day, how could I NOT honor that gem of wisdom?
(Boos! CUTTO: A guy in the crowd holding a picture of Mayfield getting hung by a noose)
Because YOUR SO-CALLED OWNER, CHAD MERRITT, who if I'm correct, IS NOT IN THE BUILDING, tried to hand MOI... ME... Lemons this week, on MY SHOW! How DARE HE? So you know what, I'm going to do what EYE wanna do, because WHO'S FACE IS THAT ON THE APRON? MINE?! Yeah, thought so - that means that your hero and savior, The Headliner, the new Franchise of CSWA, and don't forget EL PRESIDENTE FOR LIFE (Slaps the belt) Eddie Mayfield has booked his OWN thing for tonight.
BB: Is he DONE yet?!
SB: SHUSH! Don't interrupt! That's rude!
MAYFIELD: Yeah, I know, "EDDIE, how could you compete, being the HEADLINER and all, against such great matches as Mike Randalls and that guy whos named after farting in the bathtub, Tsunami, or even the Great White Whale, Tom Adler and Dan Ryan?” You know what - I'M NOT. (Crowd buzzes) That's right, because if you care about me at all, and care about... (Fakes a sniffle) MY FEELINGS, you KNOW how damaging it would be to have Eddie Mayfield in anything LESS than the upper tier of the card, if not the Main Event. So with that, I declare, TONIGHT, on E! TV, In yeah... heh... THIS VERY RING.... ( I always wanted to say that) Yours truly has decreed himself SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE FOR THE MAIN EVENT - 'Splinter Cell' TOM ADLER versus DAN RYAN. (Crowd makes noise!)
BB: He can't do that! Can he DO THAT?
SB: I think he just did!
MAYFIELD: Damn right. (MAYFIELD drops the mic and pulls off his t-shirt to reveal a referee’s shirt, complete with the CSWA patch on the breast. And the crowd doesn't like it one bit!) So I know, yeah, you don't trust me. You don't think I'll be fair and unbiased, and all that [BLEEP!]? Well, I'll be so fair and pure of heart, I'll have cartoon bluebirds landing on my shoulder during the match. You don't think I have the credentials to be a referee? Bro, lookit me, You're looking at a man that's been to the Earl Hebner Accredited School of Bumping! I get 'accidentally' hit by an errant boot? Man, I'm sailing over those ropes, and blading myself on the way down. I'M THAT GOOD.
So Adler and Ryan? You make sure you watch your PEES and QUES in that Main Event, and I'll make sure to make the RIGHT call, I mean, hey - Alls Fair in love and war, right? (Smiles) Oh, and if one of you touches me in that ring, or think you're gonna bully me, RYAN?! Let's just say... You just won't. I LOVE YOU ALL! ENJOY THE SHOW! I'M OUT! (MAYFIELD no-look tosses the mic over the side right into the hands of RHUBARB JONES, and exits the ring to a chorus of noise! "Voodoo Chile' plays again as he makes his way up the isle!)
BB: Fans, I don't believe this, but Eddie Mayfield has declared himself the guest referee for tonight’s main event! Title on the line! Dan Ryan! Tom Adler! This is nuts! Where's Merritt!
BB: Folks, we're going to head down to Billy Buckley in Sweetwater, Texas for information on Mark Windham's condition.
(CUTTO: TOM ADLER, in his dressing room watching what just went down, squinting at the TV in thought. FADEOUT!)
(CUT TO: The outside of SWEETWATER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Standing outside is BILLY BUCKLEY JUNIOR, in his CSWA blazer, with a microphone.)
BillyB: Folks, I’m outside Sweetwater Memorial Hospital here in Texas LIVE! for an update on Mark Windham’s condition. As you know, Windham was brutally attacked at the hands of the man once thought his brother, “Timmy Windham” and his longtime nemesis and former CSWA wrestler Mickey Benedict. Last we heard, Mark Windham had officially asked for a release from his CSWA contract and was retiring from wrestling after a 16-plus year career. Now, we have not been let inside Windham’s room for word about his condition but—
(At that point, from outside the main entrance, walks TROY WINDHAM—wearing sunglasses, his head down, sullen. Billy sees him.)
BillyB: That’s, that’s Troy Windham! What is he doing here? Troy! Troy! Can we get some words? How is your broth--
(Troy walks up.)
TROY: Buckley, I’m going to make this short. There’s a lot of things going through my head right now. I just paid my brother a visit and… well… I can’t help but hold myself a tad responsible for his condition. It’s been a rough week…
BillyB: What about your tag match tonight? With JJ DeVille against the Diamond Cutters?
TROY: Buckley, sometimes things are more important than PERSONAL gain. Never thought you’d hear that from me… but it’s true. (Troy walks off.)
(CUTTO: The commentators' table with Buckley and Benson.)
Scotty Michaels vs. Joey Melton |
Fresh off unmasking his Mr. Wrestling #27 persona at CSWA15, Scotty Michaels walked into the Phillips Arena poised to make a successful return to the CSWA. Over five years after last working in a CSWA ring, Michaels fought an old nemesis in Joey Melton.
Both former World Champions of one stripe or another, tonight’s match saw the two superstars grappling for favorable position on the fictional ladder of success; a win vaulting either man near title contention.
Leading up to the match Scotty, in classic “Superstar” style touted Melton as being the wife of Hornet, and among other things, as running scared. Melton’s response was one of surprise that Michaels had even left the CSWA in the first place. Some people just aren’t missed. At least in Joey’s eyes, Scotty’s absence went unnoticed.
Michaels controlled the match in the early going. The mistakes of his brash style that peppered his first CSWA Tour Of Duty have been eliminated since his return as Mr. Wrestling #27. The fruits of performing in Japan for the last year showed themselves again in Atlanta. A showman with the precision of his technical ability as opposed to the high-risk chaser of his youth, Michaels appeared intent on outwrestling his older opponent.
Scotty worked over Melton’s lower back for the first stanza in the match, suplexing the CSWA’s first ever World Champion from odd-angles, and keeping him grounded with a camel clutch, and half-Boston crab.
Though older, when focused, Melton is still as good as it gets. After absorbing the "Superstar's” new style, Joey found his chance after eight minutes, when Scotty strayed from his game plan and missing a middle-rope moonsault attempt.
An under-appreciated technical master himself, Melton returned the favor, schooling Michaels on the mat, working over Scotty’s left leg in preparation for the Figure Four.
Following a slingshot suplex, Joey went for his finisher and got it, but Michaels’s body was out of position, and after a pain ridden fifteen seconds he was able to maneuver his way to the ropes, and force Ben Worthington to call for the break.
Melton wouldn’t get the opportunity to try again.
Michaels’s reply on the mat was an errant kick that landed in Joey’s groin. Buckley, calling the match at ringside, saw it as a misfire, but Sammy Benson saw it for what it was. The first cheap shot of the match, Michaels able to beat Melton at his own game.
Minutes later Scotty left a fallen Melton to hit on Lindsay Troy, managing Melton outside the ring. Leaning over the ropes, Scotty’s “well wishes” for Troy shocked a family of four in the front row and made The Queen of the CSWA blush. It may have been Japanese Michaels was speaking, but everyone got the point. NCN censors did as well.
Seeing his woman being verbally mistreated, Melton ran at Michaels, but Scotty wisely judged the crowd’s reaction, turned in time, and caught Joey with a violent superkick.
The three-count followed.
A big win for “Superstar” Scotty Michaels: a bilingual victor in Atlanta.
WINNER: Scotty Michaels
BB: Up next, it's a visit from the Greensboro Heavyweight Champion who successfully defended his title against Kin Hiroshi at CSWA15.
(CUEUP: "Shapes of Things by The Jeff Healy Band)
SB: Mmmm...muffins.
BB: Rabesque is scheduled to face Merritt's "new blood" choice, Cleaver O'Connor, for the title at ON TIME in Little Rock. Let's see what he's got to say about it.
(Rabesque makes his way to the ring as the crowd pops. He is dressed in his normal black gear, including the "NO FALSE GIMMICKS" shirt. The CSWA Greensboro Title is draped over his right shoulder as he climbs into the ring and ascends each turnbuckle, raising the belt to the crowd as they cheer on. Rabesque grabs a microphone and speaks.)
Rabesque: It's been a wild and crazy time here in the CSWA, and it's been very nice to be a part of such a fine organization when it finally gets rolling. (Crowd pops) I think it's pretty safe to say that I've had a nice little run for myself as of late. Winning and defending the Greensboro title, taking on anybody that wants to get in my way. Taking Shane Southern to the limit, and trying to prove ONCE AND FOR ALL that all those PUNKS that said Jean Rabesque would never make it in the ‘BIG LEAGUES' were really FULL OF CRAP! (Crowd pops again)
And now, you hear Merritt talking full well about the "New Blood" here in the CSWA, and I have noticed the great superstars who are now making their way into this federation. But let's be straight up if you will, huh Chad. New Blood here in the CSWA means you weren't wrestling here in 1995! That's how tired the roster is now, Chad. I understand that all of your boys might still be inhabiting that locker room back there. But hell, Chad, I think a little locker room turnover might be healthy for business. But that's for another time.
I come out here tonight, and I'm not going to be like some and address every single issue under the sun for hours upon end. But, I have two things I need to get out in the open. The first thing has to do with the Greensboro Title sitting proudly across my shoulder right now. The administration seems to think that I'm just the boy that is going to be the launch pad for this so-called New Blood, or at least his definition of it. Pay attention, and I mean pay close attention boys. (Rabesque holds up the belt) Anybody that wants a shot, step up! I'm not picky, I'm not choosy. None of y'all really deserve it as far as I'm concerned, so why should I discriminate? First, it'll be Cleaver O'Connor, next it can be Christian Sands, Suicide, whatever the hell that Mittens guy's name is, I simply don't care, but I will defend the Greensboro title against any and all comers.
But, more importantly, I came out here tonight with bigger issues on my mind, and that has to do with the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion.... Dan Ryan. Dan, nice one over Shane at 15, you beat a man that I couldn't. But Dan, you're big, you're slow, and right now, I remain INCREDIBLY unimpressed. I don't care what you've done, and I don't care what I have to do, but right now Dan Ryan, I AM CALLING YOUR ASS OUT! You name the time, you name the place, hell, you name the stips, and I'll be there. Merritt, you wanted ‘New Blood?' I'm your New Blood dammit! I've fought everybody you've wanted me to fight, and hell, I've been paying dues for TWENTY DAMN YEARS! It's my time! NOW IS THE TIME FOR ME TO DO IT! Yes, I might be the Greensboro Champion, but that is far from being the end of the line for me. I want Dan Ryan, and I want it for the CSWA World Heavyweight Title! You want a make a mockery of me? You want to make me the King of On Time? IT'S NOT HAPPENING! Give me what I want....... or I will take it!!
No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque!!!
(Music hits as Rabesque poses for a moment before leaving the ring)
BB: The Greensboro Champion not only addresses the "New Blood," but challenges Dan Ryan as well!
SB: Huh? What? Sorry, I fell asleep at "wild and crazy." Is the Canadian gone yet?
BB: Fans, when we get back from this commercial, it's Shane Southern versus Cameron Cruise!
(Cut to commercial)