
Wedding Redux
(The pay-per-view preview show begins to come to a close as scenes from the weekend's "CSWA FanFare" fan festival are shown. John Simons, the newest CSWA commentator, gives a voice-over.)
JS: We're less than fifteen minutes away from the start of BATTLE of the BELTS XVII. If you were unable to get a ticket to the sold-out MCI Center, or if you're too far away to attend, you've still got time to order this HUGE event on pay-per-view! Yesterday as part of CSWA FanFare, we were treated to a wedding that's been a long time in the making, and thankfully, our cameras were there. This is footage you will not see anywhere else!
(Fans everywhere are shown in front a stage where a CSWA videowall is showing a countdown. The only other item on the stage is a small altar. As the countdown gets to zero, pyro shoots out from around the stage. Through the smoke steps Billy Buckley, dressed in a windbreaker and Raybans. He waves to the fans at the foot of the stage as he walks in front of the altar to a microphone stand.)
ByB: Fans, welcome to a very special part of CSWA FanFare! We hope you've enjoyed things so far. (The crowd responds enthusiastically.)
(The camera pans the event, showing areas like the "CSWA Call-A-Match" area where fans can sit in and call matches with CSWA commentators. Several CSWA wrestlers are spotted in the crowd: Kin Hiroshi is signing autographs at a booth covered in Hiroshi-Berry muffins, along with the Greensboro Championship belt lying in front of him. Tom Adler and Nathan Storm are standing to the side of another booth, sharing a private joke as they sign autographs for a swarm of kids around them.)
(The camera brings us back to the stage where scores of fans are lined up around the guardrails as they try to catch a glimpse of Cameron Cruise and Mercedes Devon as they tie the knot in a special last minute ceremony requested by Mercedes.)
(The crowd oohs and aahs as Mercedes walks down a special rampway leading to the stage. Cameron Cruise, in a tuxedo, stands by the altar with a preacher. The footage continues to play and skip forward as Simons gives it a voiceover, before going silent to see 'the moment.')
Preacher: Mercedes Devon, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward and for all the days of your life?
Mercedes: I do.
Preacher: Cameron Cruise, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward and for all the days of your life?
Cruise: I do.
Preacher: Then by the power vested in me by the District of Columbia, it is my great pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
(Cruise leans in and kisses Mercedes, almost sweeping her off her feet. As he does so, CRAIG MILES comes out from behind the altar, cigarette in mouth and chair in hand. He pushes the preacher out of the way, and as Cruise turns, Miles catches him right in the face with the back of the metal chair. Mercedes drops to her knees on the stage as Cruise collapses, the bridge of his nose bleeding. Miles grabs the nearby microphone.)
Miles: Call me the WIDOWMAKER.
(Miles drops the microphone and walks off the stage, throwing his cigarette behind him. The camera cuts back to the PPV preview set and John Simons.)
JS: Cameron Cruise has called out Troy Windham, Hornet and Craig Miles in the past few weeks, and it looks like Miles decided to return the favor. Both men are in action tonight, although in different matches. For both, a possible shot at the CSWA World Title could be at stake... in fact, we could possibly see them meet up if they both make it to the Top Contenders Battle Royal later in the night. But to do so, Cruise will have to help his team defeat the team led by Greensboro Champion Kin Hiroshi. And Craig Miles will have to find a way to make sure he and Eddie Mayfield hold onto the CSWA Unified Tag Team Titles in a match where the Presidential and United States titles are also on the line.
It promises to be a wild night folks... and we're just TEN minutes away! Call your cable or satellite operator now, or go online at CSWAwrestling.com to order BATTLE of the BELTS XVII!