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Phoenix Havoc and Jackson Round
3! |
(The camera shows Bandit trying to get the attention of Commissioner Merritt in the back. Bandit forces his way through security and yells Merritt's name.)
CM: (turning) What? Bandit? What do you want?
Bandit: Look Merritt, you've got to do something about...
CM: Are you even still on the payroll? Look, I don't have time for this.
(Merritt turns and slams his makeshift office door as security blocks Bandit from following.)
vs. Bobby Jackson |
BB: Coming up next is a grudge match between two former friends... former partners in HEW, Bobby Jackson and Havoc will square off for the third time, here on PRIMETIME. There appears to be a lot of animosity between these two men, and hopefully they can settle it here tonight in the ring.
SB: You oughta know better, Buckley, the crazy guy wants to be called ROBERT Jackson. I think it's important to point out that in their two previous encounters... Havoc got his hand raised... Has Jackson stepped mup his game? That is the question tonight.
(CUE UP: 'American Badass' by Kid Rock...)
RJ: Ladies and Gentlemen... this next contest is scheduled for one fall... introducing first... from Syracuse, New York... weighing in at 263 pounds... BOBBY JACKSON!!!
(Jackson walks to the ring with confidence...)
BB: Jackson certainly looks focused. More focused than I can remember seeing him.
(CUE UP: 'Climbing Up the Walls' by RaDIOHeAD...)
SB: Yeah, but... his opponent is known for his focus as well. Of course, I think they're both a little off.
RJ: And his opponent... hailing from Albany, New York and weighing in tonight at 298 pounds... He is called... HAVOC!!!
BB: Havoc is coming off an impressive showing at INDY 2K... as is Bobby Jackson... both of these gentlemen have a lot of momentum behind them. This is a big match, for both of them.
(Havoc stands atop the entryway... then strides to the ring..)
SB: Both of these guys are rising stars, yadda yadda yadda. Don't bore me with the senseless promotion, Buckley. Let's watch these two monsters beat the HELL out of each other!! I've had my nachos, and I'm ready for some gladiator action!
BB: ...Ooookay. Havoc and Jackson... eyeing eachother... and they lock up-- Havoc immediately lays in a knee to the mid section of Jackson... Double axehandle to the small of the back, by Havoc... and another... Havoc grabs Jackson amnd whips him into the ropes-- No! Reversal by Jackson-- By god-- But Havoc stops in his tracks and LEVELS Jackson with a shortarm clothesline!!!
SB: That doesn't stop Jackson from getting right back to his feet, though!
BB: Indeed! Jackson and Havoc lock up once again! This time, Jackson showing his speed, with a quick go-behind on Havoc... Jackson grabs a hammerlock on Havoc...
SB: Jackson is working on the upperbody of the larger Havoc from the get go...
BB: But Havoc reaches through his legs, and pulls Jackson's foot out from under him... FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK applied by Havoc!! What a reversal!
SB: But Jackson is fast to get to the ropes... and Havoc reluctantly breaks the hold... In a flash, Havoc has got Jackson back to his feet... he hoists Jackson up... GORILLA PRESS FORWARD SLAM!!
BB: And Havoc has got his leg hooked!! ONE!! TWO!!
SB: Jackson with an aggressive kickout... Jackson is a powerhouse...
BB: Havoc is waiting on Jackson... Jackson gets to his feet... and walks right into a aboot to the midsection by Havoc!! Havoc grabs Jackson... POWERBO-- No! Jackson, at the apex, wrigles free, landing on his feet... he NAILS Havoc in the jaw with a fast elbow... Jackson grabs Havoc and whips him into the ropes... MASSIVE CLOTHSELINE from Jackson takes Havoc down!!
SB: Havoc slow to get up... Jackson grabs Havoc by the hair... Havoc with a haymaker from out of NOWHERE rocks Jackson, sending him sprawling back into the corner!! Havoc charges in-- POUNDS Jackson with a running lariat!! This is just brutal. Almost shoot-fighting out here.
BB: Well... like we pointed out... there is animosity between these two.
SB: We weren't joking when we said that... as evident by some of these blows.
BB: Havoc takes a seat on the top turnbuckle... what is he doing? He grabs Jackson's head... TORNADO DDT!!! TORNADO DDT!!!
SB: Havoc just planted Jackson in the center of the ring... he hooks the poor schmucks leg and--
BB: ONE!! TWO!! TH--
SB: Jackson got his shoulder up... Jackson... what is HE thinking? If that was me? ...well... I would never ALLOW myself to get in that ridiculous of a situation in the first place, but,.. anyway... as I was saying... If *I* were him--
BB: Would you please give it a rest? Jackson is hooked by his opponent once more... looks like it's going to be a DDT.. No!! Jackson with a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!! Jackson is bridged for a pin!
BB: Havoc kicked out... and now both men are a little slow to get up... Havoc is up first... he grabs Jackson-- ACE CRUSHER!!
SB: Hey!! Look at this!!!
BB: It's Cameron Cruise and the lovely Mercedes!?! They seem to be coming to the ring, but... this isn't a TAG match! What is Cruise doing out here during his partner, Jackson's, match?
SB: Moral support.
BB: (dryly) Moral Suuport. Great.
SB: Lighten up, Buckley... this is going to be interesting.
BB: Havoc is eyeing Cruise at ringside... as Jackson is clawing his way back up the ropes after that stinging ace crusher... Jackson nails Havoc from behind, which sends Havoc head first into the top turnbuckle... What impact!
SB: Havoc staggers out of the corner, dazed... Jackson with a belly to belly suplex!! And both men, seemingly with their respective second winds... are BACK to their feet!!
BB: Jackson ducks a charging clothesline from Havoc... Jackson nails a hard right... Havoc blocks the next one and lands a hard right of his own... Havoc grabs Jackson and whips him into the turnbuckle... Jackson stagger out of the corner-- Havoc hits the ropes with a RUNNING BULLDOG!!
SB: That nearly shook the ring... I think I saw the olive in my martini quake a tad.
BB: Sure that's not your gas, Sammy? Havoc, nearly 300 pounds, is ascending the top rope, fans!! He is going to take flight... Jackson is to his feet...
SB: FLYING CLOTHESLINE by Havoc connects!! Jackson goesd down!! Havoc hooks the leg!! ONE!! TWO!!
BB: Kick out by Jackson!! We can hear the shouts of encouragement from Mercedes and Cameron Cruise... who are slowly walking around the ring... cheering on their friend and partner...
SB: Havoc is outnumbered right now... Who KNOWS where the Forsaken could be?... One thing's for sure... they're not out here wathcing their 'friends' back. Something to think about, Buckley.
BB: I suppose that's a good point to make...
SB: Of COURSE it is.
BB: Havoc whips Jackson into the-- No! Yet another reversal sends Havoc into the ropes... Cameron Cruise just HOOKED the leg of Havoc-- Havoc just went crashing face first into the canvas!!! Jackson hits the ropes and NAILS a guillotine legdrop on the back of Havoc's head!
SB: Jackson is headed up top, VERY quickly... you think he's got it in him?
BB: HARD ATTACK is on target from Jackson!! Jackson hooks the leg... ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE?? ... Yes!! That was a three count!!
SB: Havoc almost kicked out... I think that legdrop had him dazed... and the Hard Attack finished the job... but we can't overlook the presence of Cameron Cruise at ringside...
BB: As Jackson, Mercedes, and Cruise celebrate in the aisleway, Havoc locks eyes with them, a smile slowly forming on his face...
SB: I don't think it's over yet, Buckley... not between Jackson and Havoc... and now, Cameron Cruise!!
BB: At any rate... fans... coming up next... it is the Greensboro Championship Strap Match! You know...this is becoming cliche...but we've got something going on in the back. And surprise, surprise...it's The Dark Carnival. And they're outside!
(CUTTO: Powers and Apocalypse in the staff parking lot. Fans are standing around the fence watching for celebrities. They pop when they see TDC.)
KP: There it is over there...that's his. Let's do it.
(TDC walk up to a nearby brand-new Lexus and begin tearing into it with baseball bats. The windows and windshield go first, and then the two big men begin working over the hood and doors. The camera closes in on the car, zooming inside and showing a rental agreement....that just happens to be signed by Chad Merritt. The front fender falls off and TDC begin walking back towards the arena...but not before breaking out a couple of windows on a nearby CSWA truck as well.)
BB: Did they just do what I think they did?
SB: That was Merritt's car, wasn't it?
BB: Yeah.
SB: They're going to die like the Red Midget, aren't they?
BB: Fans, in the ring are two young competitors that are ready, willing, and able to put their bodies, careers, and LIVES on the line for the sake of twenty pounds of gold... the Greensboro Championship. Think back to all the names of great wrestlers that have HELD that title... there's a lot of history in that belt... but... I think this match is about MORE than the title. It's about...
SB: Unfinished Business.
BB: Exactly. Wicked Sight and the reigning and defending Greensboro Champion, Cardigo Mysterian stand across the ring from eachother, as the refere is attaching the straps to both wrestles arm... Mysterian is motionless... Sight paces back and forth in the ring...
SB: Sight wants 'his' belt back. Cardigo took him past his limit at INDY 2K... Sight really wants to redeem himself. He'll get his chance right now.
BB: To win this match, one must drag his opponent to all four corners, in succession... and the bell has rung. This Greensboro Championship Strap Match is underway... Both men... measuring each other... it's almost a standoff right now... Mysterian gives a good tug of the strap, yanking Sight in... Sight ducks a clothesline... STANDING DROPKICK by Wicked Sight! Mysterian is instantly back on his feet... he charges at Sight... but Sight catches him with a drop toe hold!!
SB: Wicked Sight is one of the fastest in the CSWA... if anyone really cares.
BB: Sight, in control, whips Mysterian into the ropes... Sight catches Mysterian with a boot... then hoists Mysterian up, crotching him across the top rope... Mysterian toppled from the rope... Sight goes to work, stomping away at a prone Mysterian, finally the referee holding Wicked Sight back... Mysterian shakes the cobwebs out... and he locks back up with Sight... fast side-headlock applied by Cardigo Mysterian...
SB: Cardigo is deceptively strong... and he's a VICIOUS fighter. BAD combination, for Sight to contend with.
BB: Wicked Sight shoves Mysterian into the ropes... Sight telegraphs a back body drop... Mysterian clubs Sight in the back... hooks Sight... DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX!!! Look at this!! Mysterian is using that strap to... to CHOKE the life out of Wicked Sight!! Not only does that strap keep these two men at each other's throats, and leave them without any respite... but it can also be used as a VERY dangerous weapon...
SB: Just as Cardigo Mysterian is going to show us... Take it away, Cardigo...
BB: Mysterian lays in with that strap, WHIPPING the back of Sight!! And AGAIN!! Cardigo helps Sight back up, then YANKS On that strap-- Mysterain has got that strap wrapped around the throat of Sight... as well as clamping on a sleeper hold!!! The referee is letting it go... and, I think it's only a matter of time before all of Wicked Sight's energy is just drained in this one hold...
SB: I've got to agree with you. Sight has a lot of aerial based moves... in a strap match, those moves are restricted... right now, Cardigo Mysterian is slowly but surely removing all the oxygen from Wicked Sight's lungs... and that will ELIMINATE most, if not all of Sight's impressive speed.
BB: But this match can only end when one man can drag his opponent to each corner... nowhere near as easy as it sounds... especially when you've got THESE two in the ring... two of the most unpredictable and energetic atheletes to come through for quiten some time. This choke/sleeper that Mysterian has got clamped on Sight... is doing it's job... doing it's damage... softening Sight up for the four corners...
SB: But... Sight is stirring... somehow, he's... he's getting to his feet!?!
BB: Mysterian has released the sleeper but will NOT relent with that choke hold of the strap!! Both men at a standing position... Sight TOSSES Mysterian over his shoulder, still being choked?!? Finally... Sight frees himsef... and he's trying to catch his breathe...
SB: Meanwhile... Mysterian is back up...
BB: Mysterian grabs Sight... combination swinging neckbreaker and stunner PUNISHES Wicked Sight dead in the cenetr of the ring! Mysterian lays in once more with the strap... and... he's dragging Sight towards the far corner!!!
SB: Here we go, Buckley!
BB: Mysterian hits the first turnuckle... and now he's dragging Sight to the next... but Sight grabs a hold of the rope.... he gets to his feet and PULLS the strap, AND Mysterian towards him-- Fireman's Carry by Sight-- DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!!
SB: Both men are down!!! What a tremendous maneuver!
BB: But look... Mysterian is the first man up... Sight is still shaken up... Mysterian grabs Sight... VERTICAL SUPLEX SLAM!! Mysterian hits the ropes... SOMMERSAULT BACKSPLASH!!! Cardigo is on fire!!! What is he doing? He hops over the top rope, careful with the strap attached at his arm... he's waiting for Sight to get up... Sight is up to one knee and-- Mysterian JUMPS off the apron, TUGGIng on the strap attached to Sight's arm!! Sight goes sprawling over the top rope and onto the outside!!! Good lord, what impact!
SB: But look at the sheer tenacity of that pest, Wicked Sight! He just keeps on getting up for more punishment!!
BB: You have to admire that--
SB: Heh. NO you don't. Trust me.
BB: Mysterian pulls Sight back to his feet... he SWINGS Sight HARD into the ringpost!!! Did you HEAR that impact? I think Sight's right shoulder may be hurt now, folks!
SB: That's the SAME arm that Sight is connected to Cardigo with... the SAME arm Cardigo almost pulled out of it's socket just a few moments ago... Cardigo Mysterian, the Greensboro Champion... has a PLAN.
BB: It would most certainly appear that way, Sammy.Cardigo has got Sight by the hair... and SLAMS him, facefirst onto the ring apron... Cardigo, up on the apron now, himself... hops over the top rope... and he CHARGES across the ring-- YANKING on that same right arm of Wicked Sight!! That pulled Sight onto the apron, too!! Cardigo--ohmy-- HIGH CROSS BODY onto Wicked Sight on the apron!!! BOTH men went FLYING through the air!!
SB: And I believe Wicked Sight's head just SMASHED Into the steel guard rail at ringside!!! What an INSANE move!! Cardigo Mysterian has LOST it... if he ever had it.
BB: Mysterian is on his feet... and he's dragging Sight behind him... rolling him into the ring... Sight is broken in pieces, folks... this is not pretty... Mysterian drags Sight to his feet... looks like Mysterian is going for a piledriver... but Sight PULLS Cardigo's legs out from under him... CATAPULT by Wicked Sight sends Mysterian THROATFIRST across the top rope!!! A guillotine-like effect!!
SB: Sight refuses to quit!
BB: Sight, althought dazed, is on his feet... He scoops Mysterian up... and PLANTS him in the center of the ring with a Michinoku Driver!!! Sight claws his way to his feet... and he tags the first turnbuckle... dragging Mysterian behind him... he HITS the second corner!!! He's half-way there!!
SB: And Mysterian is up! Mysterian throws a wild punch, Sight with a block-- HEADBUTT by Mysterian!!! ANOTHER VICIOUS headbutt!! Mysterian grabs Sight... SMASHES his face in the turnbuckle...
BB: Cardigo wraps the strap around Sight's throat once more... come on, ref!!! NO!! HANGMAN's NECKBREAKER with the strap around Sight's throat!!!
SB: Wow!
BB: Mysterian tags the first corner... dragging a limp Wicked Sight behind him... he tags the next corner...
SB: This one is FINISHED. See-ya!
BB: Mysterian drags him to the THIRD corner...
SB: Bye-bye.
BB: Hold on... Sight is slowly getting up... Mysterian see's this and NAILS Sight with a boot to the side of the head... Sight... again... is stirring... Mysterian lays the boots in once more!! He's STOMPING Sight into the canvas! But... Sight KEEPS ON getting up!!
SB: He just won't quit!
BB: Mysterian wrenches Sight to his feet, wrapping thre strap around Sight's right shoulder and torso... what the hell is he THINKING?!? He pulls Sight to his feet-- YANKS on the strap-- Cardigo ooks Sight- T-BONE SUPLEX!!! He just dumped Sight onto that shoulder! That right shoulder!
SB: Sight's shoulder and arm have been MUTILATED! Mutilated by Cardigo Mysterian! And I LOVE it.
BB: Mysterian slowly drags Sight... to the FOURTH and FINAL turnbuckle... and he SLAPS it!! Cardigo Mysterian has RETAINED his Greensboro Championship... but not without one HELL of a fight from Wicked Sight. And look at the back, Bandit is standing on the rampway, having watched the end of this match. He stares at the Greensboro Champ, and then turns and heads to the back.
SB: I think that the strap match really hampered Sight... as hard as he fought... and as much as he kept coming back... he couldn't seem to take control of that strap.
BB: Great match. We'll be back with more! You know Sammy, at least you learned Sight's name.
SB: Hey, I *am* a professional.