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Norfolk HAVOC arrives...Hornet speaks...and the Carnival comes to town! |
(CUT TO: Backstage. The rear arena door is thrown open, and in steps Havoc. A gym bag is slung over his right shoulder, the strap obscuring the writing on his black t-shirt. Karen follows him through the door, her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Rudy Seitzer catches up with them.)
RS: Havoc, tonight is your big night. You mind if I get a quick word with you?
HAVOC: Not at all. You're right, Seitzer. Tonight IS my big night. It's the night where my dream could possibly come true... A night where nearly four years of blood, sweat, sacrifice, and hardship could conceivably pay-off. Yeah. It's been a rough road. From the dungeons of the eWf to the barbed wire of the HEW... It all brought me RIGHT HERE. Tonight, in Norfolk, Virginia... I'm not looking forward to what I have to do. Because, Rudy, I need to step into the ring with a man that I have a certain amount of respect for... and I have to tear him limb from limb. I have no choice in the matter... in order to accomplish what I want to accomplish... Deacon has to be beaten in Norfolk.
RS: That's a tall order. This is a man that holds the most prestigious title in wrestling history--
HAVOC: Relax, Rude. I know what that title means. I know all about the men that have held it and represented it. And that is one of the reasons I respect Deacon. To hold that gold... You have to have something. And it's apparent that Deacon has it.
RS: Well... that we all know what Deacon has... Deacon has 'FAITH'. Do YOU have that something?
HAVOC: (smiling) Well... I don't have anything that... profound... but I do have something that hasn't failed me yet. (he taps a finger against his chest) This right here has pulled me through more fights than you might think. I've been pounded. I've been bloodied. But, damn it, I ALWAYS get back up, whether my ass gets handed to me again... I ALWAYS get back up and take it again. Call it a strength. Call it a weakness. Right now? I'd call it... 'something'. See you later, Rudy.
(Rudy nods his head as Havoc and Karen walk down the hallway towards the locker rooms...)
Championship |
BB: Before we get started, it looks like our cameras have caught another young star making a debut of sorts here in the CSWA. Evan Aho has taken a seat at ringside for this next match. Evan recently signed a contract here in the CSWA, and I've been told we'll see his in-ring debut in Yakima. Let's head to Rhubarb.... wait a second...here comes Wicked Sight!
(The camera also catches Deacon's friend sitting in the audience, just a few seats over from Aho.)
(A portion of the crowd begins a small "Hornet" chant, which continues until Hornet actually appears at the top of the rampway with a microphone. He's dressed in a button-down shirt and jeans.)
H: Sight...I understand what you're trying to do. It's the same game plan that hundreds before you have had...step up and challenge the 'old folks' to make a name. Well, buddy, I'd suggest you focus your attention on the man stepping in the ring with you tonight...because he's got the ability to take that strap from around your waist real quick. Merritt's already said that if I'm at the next PRIMETIME, I'm yours. Well, Sight, I'm here not because I've got a a job to do, or a contract to fulfill, but because I've got some dues of my own to repay. And I'll be in Yakima doing the same thing, until the rest of the 'boys in the back' figure out that the people don't want to see a bunch of run-ins during a match for the most prestigious title in the sport...they pay to see Deacon take on his next challenger...not the entire Forsaken, not whatever other goon has decided he can get a title shot by running-in and screwing up a match. I did enough of that against Mark Vizzack to last the CSWA a lifetime....and it's time it stopped.
(Hornet stops and puts the mic in his back pocket as he walks back through the curtain.)
BB: Here comes Radder, now, determined as ever.
...and now it's FAMILY VERSUS FORSAKEN! Radder is pummeling his adversary here, Wicked Sight. You know, Sammy, with Blade dropping his gimmick, I have to wonder if Sight is calling out Hornet to EMBARASS the CSWA!SB: Don't talk about that if you want to keep your job!
BB: Radder throws Sight in to the far side... leap frog by Sight, goes into the near side. Radder drops, Sight hops over, comes at the standing Radder... Radder swings an elbow. Wicked SIght ducks, attempts a German suple... Steve Radder breaks out, kicks Sight in the gut, sets up a piledriver... OH MY GOD!
SB: Is your name Joey?
BB: Anyway, Radder nearly pulverized Sight with that piledriver! Now Radder is pulling Sight up. Sets up a vertical suplex... holds him up, Sight wiggles free and floats over... Spins Radder around, kicks him in the gut, goes for a knee-lift...Radder backs out, pulls Sight's leg... Sight crashes to the mat, Radder hits an elbow! Covers him... one, two, no! Wicked Sight kicks out, hops to his feet, and goes after Steve Radder with a barrage of fists! Shoots him into the ropes... back body drop, Radder gets up, Sight with a hip toss! Radder to his feet again, Sight dropkicks him OUT OF THE RING!
SB: Radder is regrouping on the outside... and Sight's getting ready to knock his head off from the top turnbuckle. This idiot deserves it after he left Eddy's side.
BB: Sight flies off, as Radder turns... SOMERSAULT THESZ PRESS FROM THE TOP! My God! Sight throws him back in the ring! Radder is dazed, but getting up... Sight mounts the top again, flies off... Radder with a low blow while Sight was AIRBORNE! Sight is crumpled over, and Radder stands tall! Radder lacing boots up to Sight's face, now. He scoops him up, and SLAMS him down in the center of the ring! Radder runs back into the ropes, comes off with a knee drop! Hook of the leg... One, two, no! Sight barely kicked out, somehow! I can't believe it!
SB: Where's the Forsaken? Obviously Sight needs some help to takecare of this punk.
BB: "Iceman" shoots him into the ropes again
.... look out! Sight flips over Radder and catches him with a SUNSET FLIP! ONE...TWO...THREE! WHAT AN UPSET!SB: Hey...he had the tights, but if it disgraces Radder, I'm all for it.
BB: An injured Wicked Sight with a HUGE upset over the "Iceman"! The Forsaken has been having troubles, but that was GREAT for them! Radder dominated the beginning of this rather short match, but Sight got lucky and was paying attention, and got the best of the Iceman with a basic move! We'll be right back!
(As Radder rolls outside, he stops and stares at Deacon's friend at ringside. He shakes his head and heads towards the back).
BB: We're back, fans! And up next, it's time to decide who will go on to face Unified World Tag Team Champions Powers of Apocalypse at WINTER'S WARRIORS VIII. We've got a battle royal featuring some of the CSWA's finest as well as....what's going on?
[As the crowd begins to stir up a chorus of boos the cameras turn up the rampway to see ‘Good God’ Kevin Powers and Apocalypse walking towards the ring. With ‘Risqué’ Roseanne Fairhurst and Miso by their side they roll into the ring and look out into the crowd who is giving their negative support of the tag team champions.]
BB: What is The UnHoly doing here tonight? They’re not even supposed to be here….are they? It looks like the Battle Royal is gonna be delayed a bit...
SB: What are you asking me for? Like I know what’s going on anymore these days.
BB: Well seeing that Susan and Gina aren’t with Powers I thought you would know something about that.
SB: Oh those two. They’re at my house waiting for their sugar daddy to come home.
BB: Right.
[As The UnHoly continue to walk the ring, Powers eventually reaches for a microphone and begins to address the crowd.]
KP: You know … it was about two years ago when I got the call from Billy Starr. He said come on up to the CSWA. Here you can experience what true competition is like cause this is where the action is at. So I packed my bags and headed on up. When I got here I saw that Apocalypse was here also so I knew a familiar face. Beyond that I met Eddy Love and some others and was just having a good old time. Even started that little squabble with someone named Eli Flair.
[The crowd gives a huge face pop for Flair’s name.]
KP: At the same time I’ve noticed something else and it’s simply this. No matter how hard you work No matter how hard you train and plan for your next match. If you’re not down with the TRUE big boys of this federation … then your career is basically shot to HELL! Now I’m not talking about Vice-Commissioner Mark Vizzachero who has been a big figure in the CSWA as of late. Sure he’s tried to play by the rules to the very best of his ability. He’s even made an impression on Sunshine Del Payne, who is always trying to get back at us, by telling us time and time again that we should relinquish the titles, but he’s not the big fish around here.
SB: Where’s he going with this one?
BB: I don’t know, but I’m getting a bad feeling about this.
KP: Am I talking about our ever famous peek-a-boo Commissioner Chad Merritt who’s favorite games seems to be first you see me in the CSWA and now you don’t. No I’m not talking about him. I’m not even talking about that other Commissioner Steve Thomas or anyone else who feels like playing musical Commish chair in the back. I’m talking about the TRUE BIG WIGS in the CSWA … and that’s the wrestlers themselves. And I’m not talking all the wrestlers, oh no, I’m talking about a certain group of wrestlers and they know who they are, but if they don’t know who they are … I’ll be more than happy to point them out.
BB: Can we go to commercial right now?
SB: Oh no. I wanna hear it this time. This might be some good news after all.
KP: First of all how about that Steve Radder? He leaves for awhile because he just misplaced that smile somewhere, but when he comes back he’s all up in the TV again and again. I mean … maybe I should follow his role. Maybe instead of going toe to toe with the wrestlers here and earning a number one spot for my, more than likely, one title shot I should just attack people from behind with a baseball bat and rack up the title scene. Hell he’s got a shot at the Greensboro belt tonight against Wicked Sight and a World title shot in Yakima! I mean is this what it takes? Get back at The UnHoly and we’ll grant you whatever you want? I guess it really is good to feel the rays of Sunshine! Eddy, if you are listening, I was wrong and you were right. He was a dead sack of you know what all along. My mistake.
SB: Is he saying … ?
BB: I don’t think so Sammy.
KP: Then there’s Randy Harders. The Hard one or should I say the Limp one after he dropped the title recently. I mean this man had it going for him. Running with the big dogs. Walking the walk and talking the talk. Hell I almost believed him … until I saw his match against Douglas. Oh wait you didn’t drop the belt to Douglas you dropped it to ALEX WYLDE! You dropped your Presidential title to Wylde in an embarrassing manner. I mean he beat your ASS in the ring! So I guess someone felt sorry for you … cause you’ve done so much for the league. You’ve always been there for Flair. And you’ve done that stuff for Flair. And you always carried the baggage of Flair. They just felt they had to give you the Main Event for the World title at Winter Warriors eight. Oh wait, maybe they mistook you for FLAIR OF ALL PEOPLE since you’re his damn shadow! And as if I’m not done yet … ha ha ha … there is still the matter of Deacon our beloved World CHUMP! Deacon you have said, oh wait you can’t speak it’s really Shepherd that’s pulling your string or would that be Faith … doesn’t matter. It’s been said that you wanted to bring new blood to your champion so HaVoC was picked which is a good choice. Hell he should be able to win the damn thing, but we know THAT’S not gonna happen. Either Harders will get jealous or Radder will swear he’s looking for me and get involved. Or maybe Flair will come limping back and do it for The Family one more time because even I know he’s got about thirty more shots at the world title since he can’t turn away from it. His ego won’t allow it. Hell I’m surprised he actually got pinned for the title since he has been recently known for winning the title and then leaving the federation only to add to his ego and to cause stress.
BB: I think Kevin is going too far with this one.
SB: Gee you think?
KP: And I would start on Mark Vizzack, but he’ll only don another mask and come back stronger than ever So, on that note, I’m gonna hand it over to Apocalypse.
BB: Oh great now it’s riddle time.
SB: Miller time? Did you say Miller time?
BB: You just don’ t stop do you?
A: (looking out into the crowd) For those the have come to pay respect …. SCREW YOU!!
[The crowd suddenly becomes stunned for they have never heard words connected with that expression come out of Apocalypse before.]
A: I came into the CSWA for one reason and that’s because they liked the gimmick at the time. Along with Pat Black we started Black’s Army and cause Hell and Terror throughout the CSWA, but not Total Hell. And do you know why? Cause we were held down time and time again! Fight K-9 cause that would be a good match they said. Put Nemesis in The UnHoly so we can build up his character and package him another way they said. Do this for us and we’ll make sure you have a title shot they said. Do a job here and there and we’ll take care of you they said, but what has happened? Oh I will tell you what has happened. The word in the back is now, between the inner circle of wrestlers, that they didn’t enjoy The UnHoly taking spotlight time away from them. So they went to Commissioner Merritt and requested … no …DEMANDED that The UnHoly be disbanded and dropped. Seems they didn’t enjoy what happened to them at War Games. So I ask you to look around and tell us who you don’t see. Inferno and Silky Rose? Left. Rob Sampson? Quit. Gina and Susan? Handed their pink slips! The only reason we were forced to stay is because we are the current Unified Tag Team Champions, but if a certain group gets their wish then that’ll be only a matter of time too.
BB: My GOD was that Apocalypse?
SB: That’s not the usual Apocalypse we all hate and despise. That must be The Dark Reign he keeps talking about.
KP: (taking the mic from Apocalypse) So here’s the deal boys. In our contracts it says that if we have belts then we have to defend them whenever we are told to do so and that’s fine by us, but we will add a rule. Since the boys wanna try and screw us out of stuff so they can look better … well then … let’s see if they can meet the challenge this time. FROM NOW ON … every time we defend these belts it will be under one rule and that rule is EXTREME RULES! No DQ, no countout, no easy crap! You want these belts then come on up and try and get’em, but from now on it’s gonna be under our rules. And seeing the VAST Tag Teams in the CSWA you can say that we are adding a Extreme nature to the Wrestling scene with an International flavor. Oh and one more thing. The type of Extreme match will also be picked by us. So when you think you’re coming to an anything goes match it just might be a Extreme Inferno match. You won’t know until we ALLOW you to know. So enjoy the ride kids because The UnHoly is gone forever. That carnival left town, but you never know what’s in the horizon.
BB: Fans...we'll be right back with the Tag Team Battle Royal after these messages.