Independence Day 2000 The MAIN EVENT
begins!? |
EVENT Deacon vs. Steve Radder vs. Blade |
BB: Welcome back, folks. This crowd is going wild as "Iceman" Steve Radder has just been introduced. The former stable partner of Kevin Powers and Eddy Love now gets his shot. He has shown himself able to take advantage of these shots in the past...taking Eli Flair to a time-limit draw, almost defeating Mark Vizzack, and battling Deacon to a draw in Yakima just weeks ago.
(CUE UP: "Du Hast" by Rammstein)
(The lights in the arena dim while blue and red pyrotechnic flames emerge at the top of the rampway.... emerging from the smoke from the pyro flames is the figure of Blade, however, this time he appears to look a bit different....Blade has returned to his wrestling attire of old as he is sporting a full black body suit which had red and blue flames on it, black wrestling boots, black wrestling gloves, and his signature black wrestling face mask which is accompanied by his long black stringy hair which hangs about....showing no emotion, Blade begins to make his way towards the ring before suddenly stopping and turning to face the top of the rampway where his wife Samantha and eight year old son, Gavin, begin to walk towards him....instead of walking to the ring alone as he normally does, Blade is accompanied by his wife and son....Blade walks his family to their seats in the front row of the crowd before he ultimately enters the ring)
SB: Why in the world does he have his family with him? Didn't anybody learn ANYTHING from Mick Foley?
BB: That's enough, Sammy. Codine has been going through some major personal issues...I think he's just proud to have his family with him for this huge match. You've got to figure this is the biggest match in Blade's career to date. Most of these fans still don't seem pleased with Blade....but it's obvious that he's got his contigent of supporters here in the arena.
SB: Again....why? Wasn't he fired a while ago?
BB: You're always a little behind, aren't you? Looks like these fans are ready for the World Champion!
begin their chant of "DEA-CON. DEA-CON".
And then, the lights go out and
the anticipation begins to rise.)
Gregorian chant begins. As it
builds, the crowd builds with it to a
explode and the house lights come on.)
Xeno stands there wearing his all black suit, black hair slicked to
a bag thrown over his head, is standing with his arms held back by
What in the world is this? Somebody
commentators’ microphones are abruptly cut off…leaving only the mics around
and above the ring to carry the scene.)
Surprise! Did
you miss me? (BOOS)
Here I stand, letting the WORLD
BOOS as the guards rip off the bag on Deacon's head allowing him to
That's right. son.
You are a disgrace to my lineage, just as your tramp
mother was. (Deacon
struggles to no avail.)
And now you are 'almost' all
alone. You still have your 'god' of
course, but what good has he done against
me? And, you still have your
"Faith". Right . Deacon?
behind the curtain, Faith Hannum walks carrying Susan, Ivy's baby.
Faith. do-n't.
pauses for a moment and turns to Deacon. Her
eyes are full of sorrow,
Faith, who holds the keys to your future?
eyes waiver. Her lips move, and you can almost here her say, "If
spins and from her free hand comes a white cloud of powder.
One of
then there’s BATT. BATT grabs her ankle as she runs. She twists her body to protect the child, her ankle bending
in unnatural ways. She lands hard
on the metal rampway, knocking her cold, as BATT grabs the child and hands Susan
to Damien. Deacon stops moving
forward as a large, ornate knife exits Xeno's coat and is placed at the
screaming child's chest.)
Stop Elijah! You
will not take what is MINE!
face turns from rage to confusion.)
That's right, son, I'd like you to meet your
half-sister, Selena.
takes his free hand and covers the screaming child's mouth.)
So Deacon, I've brought you this far to reveal what you are and
instead I've found out what this harlot is.
(Damien points to Faith) THAT
is *your* Faith? Bend the knee Deacon. Bow
to me and show the world who
you truly are or I will be forced to do something... regrettable.
takes the knife across the baby's chest. Deacon
stares at the knife, closes his eyes, and begins muttering in an unknown
STOP IT! You bring more of
YOUR Faith. FINE, if that is ALL
you have left, I'll crush it as well! BATT...you
know what to do.
one motion, BATT lifts up the limp body of Faith.
He turns to the
PPV feed goes black for a moment, then reappears.
The camera shot has widened, showing the entire ring.
A close-up shot of Xeno and Susan flickers on the screen, then cuts back
to the wide shot.)
Elijah, I've destroyed everything close to you. Don't make me end this child's young life as well.
“What would Jesus do,” Deacon? Would
he hold his ground for pride, or call me master to save someone's life?
Elijah, he did more than merely bend a
tears stream down the face of Deacon, he doesn't meet the glare of Xeno
the crowd, a small group of people begin to chant.)
faith…… is. the. evidence. (The
chant builds.) Faith…Is the
Evidence. (And builds.)
What the --
before he can finish the statement, Damien Xeno has his answer.)
IVY (on the house mic): WAIT!!!
stops for a second, but the smile is still on his face as Poison Ivy
You're too late, Ivy.... You're too late!
the chant of "FAITH IS THE EVIDENCE," a slightly smaller commotion begins
from the ringside seats)
You can't stop me now.... YOU LOSE!
(quietly): ...Wrong answer.
aback, Xeno sees that Ivy's gaze has drifted BEHIND him. He turns,
FLAIR (In the ring): Hello.
right hand to the face sends Damien Xeno reeling backwards. BATT makes a
and BATT, back to their feet.... are quickly being surrounded by Flair,
Save it.
Take a look at the video wall.
screen lights up, to show Xeno's “police officer” friends in the back,
You've got another choice to make, Deacon.... let me go,
or watch what
tosses Xeno to the outside and begins to make his move to the
Deac! Hey man.... take care of business here. We'll help out your buddy.
Go on to: The Conclusion of INDY2K