Independence Day 2000 FAITH returns? |
ring attendant returns to Deacon)
Hey Deac, Emmanuel is not there man.
I'm sorry.
the attendant leaves, Deacon begins to look around at those that
HANNUM: Elijah?
turns to this woman who has tossed his emotions from one end to the
Elijah. I heard what happened. I'm
so sorry for what I've done. Can
all this woman has done, Deacon forgets for the moment as they hug.
Elijah. I love you.
(As the crew begins to place a podium in the center of the ring, the audience, knowing one of of two people is about to come out, begins to boo.)
RJ: Ladies and gentlemen, the co-owner of the CSWA, here is STEPHEN THOMAS!
(The boos continue as Thomas makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring.)
ST: What a reception for the man who is about to do what Merritt couldn't get done. What a reception for the man who is here to give you your "Hero" back.
(The boos slowly cease.)
ST: That's better. Over the past week, I've heard my name slandered a hundred times. I guess some people were just making up for lost time. I'm not going to go into the details of what's going on in court here. Instead, I'm going to give you what you want. Ladies and gentlemen, I have in my pocket a lucrative contract for a CSWA superstar who has fallen out of the limelight. A man who has competed around the world. A man who has captured innumerable titles.
(A camera quickly flashes to the Presidential Skybox, where Commissioner Merritt has come out onto the balcony, apparently to watch the 'action.')
A man who is finally returning to the CSWA tonight. Ladies and gentlemen.....I give you....
house lights go dark, save for a spotlight on the entrance way.
The crowd waits in eager
anticipation for their "Hero" to arrive)
up the intro section of "Jesus Christ Superstar" followed quickly by
an unknown original score)
SB: Wow, Hornet's really reaching back in his intro music past for that one.
BB: Um....Sammy, there was another man who used that song at one time.
ST: I give you...... TOM ADLER!
Adler emerges from the curtain, takes a few steps forward, then stops
dressed in black windpants, a plain black t-shirt and tennis
(The camera pointing to the skybox catches Merritt shaking his head and returning inside.)
SB: Adler?
BB: It looks like "Mr. Magnificent" is back.
SB: I thought "Mr. Magnificent" was Mark Windham under a mask. I don't think Merritt's too happy about this one.
Hush, Sammy.
You know.... (looking at a
slip of paper in his hand) I was thinking
on my way here from the airport about the current push that everything new in
this industry seems to be getting. And,
I've gotta be completely honest.
I've had my doubts as to whether or not there was still a
place for Tom Adler in this business. It's
kind of understandable, I guess.
When you consider that for the last few years.. and most recently in
particular, that one promoter after another has been telling me that there's
not. But, when I walked through the
door back there a few moments ago, it
took all of about 20 seconds for it to become pretty clear that some things will
NEVER change. Because, that's about
all the longer it took for them to
realize just who it was that Thomas had signed to a contract and send the script
writers... most of which telling me
that since I hadn't cut a promo in about
two years, that they wanted to make
anybody who wants to lay claim to any form of
takes a moment to organize his thoughts)
I realize a lot of people are gonna have a lot of ideas about why I'm
Steve, I'm sorry to tell ya that I'm not here to bolster somebody's
(Adler takes a pen and signs the contract and stuffs it in Thomas' pocket, then climbs out of the ring and heads toward the locker room).
SB: I *already* regret it.
BB: Fans, Rudy Seitzer is in the back with Hornet, who is getting ready for his match...which is just moments away!
(CUTTO: a back hallway that leads to the "ready area" behind the curtain)
RS: Champ...you just saw what Adler had to say out there. Any comments?
H: Not really, Rudy. I've got a few other things on my mind.
RS: Not even anything about what Adler had to say about you?
H: Look, Rudy, if Adler wants to come out and toot his own horn, that's fine. I'm glad the man finally got signed to another contract after being blackballed as one of the ultimate gripers in our sport. As far as what he thinks of me and my 'legend?' Like he said, I've proved myself in the ring. And if I remember correctly, I'm the biggest black mark on "Mr. Perfect's" reputation in the ring.
RS: I think it's "Mr. Magnificent."
H: I said what I said, Rudy. Adler was right about one thing. He didn't get his reputation by being part of a 'clique.' He got his reputation by having an ego big enough to be considered it's own clique. But right now, Rudy, I've got Aaron Douglas to dispose of. And then I've got to get back to what's really important....and that doesn't include Douglas or Adler.
RS: Thanks champ...back to you guys at ringside.
BB: Looks like there's still no love lost between those two.
SB: Thank goodness...I thought Hornet was gonna talk as long as Adler did. Somebody better start a match quick, I think half the audience is asleep.
BB: And you're gonna get your wish. The tension between these two has been building ever since Hornet walked out on Douglas as his tag partner last year when he retired. Douglas obviously had a few things to say about the situation, challenging Hornet, and eventually promising the fans he'd have a match with him back at THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SPECTACULAR.
SB: Which he did...
BB: Instead, Douglas brought him some fat, balding homeless guy he picked up somewhere, and played him off as 'Hornet.' The real Hornet came out of the crowd and lit in to Douglas. Ever since, there's been a war of words, with most of the volleys coming from Aaron Douglas, while Hornet has remained content to interfere in Douglas' matches and fight him out of the ring.
SB: Coward.
BB: With the ongoing contract negotiations, CSWA Commissioner Merritt originally refused to let Hornet appear here tonight. He gave him only one way to be allowed in the building...and that was to make the match against Douglas.
SB: Is that enough backstory for you yet, Buckley? Geez...do you get paid by the word?
BB: Wait a second...it looks like Douglas is already making his way to the ring...no music, no nothing. Our crew finally catches up and hits a huge pyro bang, but Douglas doesn't even acknowledge it...he's ready to get this one going.
Douglas (on the ring mic): Let's go, Hornet. It's time to get your decrepit, retired self out here and finish the "Legend of Hornet" once and for all. (Douglas drops the microphone and sits in the corner.)
BB: And here he comes! (crowd pop) No music, no lights, no pyro, just Hornet, but the majority of this crowd still loves it. Hornet is headed back into home territory, a CSWA ring.
SB: Don't expect me to get all mushy about it.
BB: Wouldn't dream of it, Sammy. Hornet walks down the aisle, eyeing Douglas the whole way. He rolls inside, and Douglas charges. Douglas connects with a clothesline that almost sends Hornet back through the ropes....and follows with a kick that *does* send Hornet to the floor. Douglas climbs through the ropes and keeps Hornet down with an elbow...now he's going after him with a camera cord around his throat!
SB: (laughs) I love it! Hornet's officially back in the ring...and Douglas pays him back royally.
BB: There's no doubt that Douglas is fired up. He's taking it to Hornet hard. Referee Ben Worthington finally manages to persuade Douglas to drop the cord to avoid being disqualified. But Douglas isn't done on the outside...he slams Hornet shoulder-first into the ring post! Hornet falls to the mat, while Douglas rolls back inside. Hornet gets to his feet, and he's grabbing that shoulder.
SB: Look out, it's the old 'trick shoulder' gimmick again.
BB: I don't think there's anything fake about the hit he just took, Sammy.
SB: Hey, I'm just saying...it worked for months after his back had been fixed.
BB: That's true. Hornet rolls inside, and Douglas is immediately there, stomping on him. Worthington tries to get the break so Hornet can fully get back in the ring, but Douglas pushes him out of the way. Hornet catches the foot and dumps Douglas to the ground, and now the former World Champion powers on top of Douglas, railing on him with a flurry of fists. Douglas powers his way on top, now Hornet, now Douglas... we've got a good old-fashioned brawl going on! Both men fight to their feet in the corner! Knife edges chop by Hornet, Douglas spins him around in the corner and delivers a series of hard rights! Douglas climbs to the second rope, still delivering blows to the top of Hornet's head. But Hornet powers out of the corner...and drops Douglas down hard with an inverted atomic drop!
SB: There's another name for what he just did...
BB: ...that we won't discuss on the air. Hornet with a standing dropkick, sending Douglas into the ropes. Clothesline by Hornet sends the former Greensboro Champ down. Hornet pulls the Canadian to his feet and tries to send him into the corner, but Douglas reverses. Hornet hits the corner hard, but dodges the elbow follow-in by Douglas. Hornet pulls Douglas off the corner by his head and uses it to slam him into the mat! Hornet sits down on Douglas' back and is now rubbing his face into the mat! Hornet pulls off and bounces off the ropes, but Douglas rolls away, just barely missing the knee drop to the head. Douglas with a spinning heel kick that staggers Hornet...and now he hooks for the....he gets him over with the snap suplex!!! Douglas bridges! ONE.....no! Hornet kicks out.
SB: Breathe, Buckley, breathe.
BB: Hornet gets sent for the ride...but he holds on the ropes, and Douglas hits the mat head-first after missing the dropkick. That's the kind of opening that Hornet lives to take advantage of. And here we go! Hornet grabs hold of Douglas....brainbuster!!! He doesn't go for the pin, instead, he pulls the dazed Douglas to his feet and hooks in a full nelson...continuing to work on Douglas' neck. Douglas struggles to get out, but his standing switch fails as Hornet locks his leg around. Douglas tries to thrash out, but Hornet's too strong...he's got the power edge in this match. Douglas finally hooks a leg over the nearest rope, and Worthington calls for the break. Hornet grudgingly gives it, and in return, gets taken over with a Japanese arm drag. Douglas tries to hook in a cradle, but Hornet powers out and pulls Douglas down instead. Douglas rolls through and now he's on top of Hornet...THIRD DEGREE BURN!!!! He's got that crossface hooked in!!! Hornet quickly grabs the ropes, but Douglas doesn't want to let up. Worthington has to literally pry Douglas's hands loose! Hornet rolls outside for a breather, but Douglas is right behind him! Hornet sidesteps the Canadian and then sends him into the metal barricade He grabs hold of Douglas again and sends him for the ride all the way into the far metal post! Douglas hit that post so hard it turned him around...and it may be the only thing keeping him standing!
SB: Please tell me he's not gonna....
BB: HORNET SPLASH!!! Hornet ran down the ringside area and hurled himself into Douglas...he almost cracked his own head n the metal post! But instead, he nails Douglas! Aaron Douglas may be out! SCORPION! SCORPION DEATHLOCK! And Douglas isn't even moving! Ben Worthington may have to stop this one....right now, he's just trying to get Hornet to let up and get back in the ring. Hornet finally does, but only after rolling the prone Douglas back inside. I don't think we've ever seen anything like this out of Hornet.
SB: Hey, I liked the old branding iron days.
BB: It looks like Hornet is gonna head up top...and this crowd is on its feet...they know what that means. The big man is gonna take to the sky with a shooting star press!
(A baby's cries are heard over the arena speakers. Hornet looks around, then climbs off the ropes. He crosses the ring and faces the rampway, motioning as if to dare "The Insider" to come down with Ivy's daughter, Susan. The cries continue for a few more seconds, then abruptly stop.)
BB: I'm not sure what's going on...
SB: I am! Aaron Douglas is up!
BB: Douglas charges Hornet from behind, but the former four-time CSWA World Champ is ready! He sidesteps Douglas, who almost clotheslines himself hitting the ropes. Hornet goes for the face slam again, but this time Douglas is ready! DOUBLE ARM DDT!!! Douglas just planted Hornet! And now he's headed up top!!! The six-foot-five, 245 pounder from Calgary takes to the top rope as Hornet lays prone near the middle of the ring! SWANTON BOMB!!!! HE NAILED IT! Douglas hooks the leg! ONE.............. TWO............... THREE!!!!!!
(CUEUP: "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys)
SB: YES!!! YES!!!
BB: Aaron Douglas has done it! And this crowd can't seem to believe it! Even Aaron Douglas looks like he can't quite believe it. He's looking at Hornet as if he expects to get attacked any moment. But Hornet simply rolls out of the ring and heads for the back. He said he had other things to concentrate on tonight...but the simple fact is, Aaron Douglas's concentration was on the mark, and he got the pinfall victory! Good grief...I don't know if my voice is going to make it all the way through tonight.
SB: Hey...then I'd get to be the only commentator! Whoo hoo!
BB: I'm sure Thomas would turn over a rock and bring out the Red Midget to help you.
SB: Yikes...you need some water, Buckley?
BB: Fans, we'll be back after this video package on Wicked Sight and Cardigo!
is dressed and ready for his match. He
is in his dressing room along with Faith Hannum.
She is not dressed as in the past, but wearing long dress slacks and a
buttoned blouse. Her hair is pulled
into a pony tail. Elijah, the
Deacon turns to her.)
Will. you. pray. with me?
another thought, Faith joins Deacon in a kneeling position with the wooden
locker room bench as their altar to God. The
heavens open up and Faith begins to tremble with emotion long held back.
In soul of this giant, he smiles, if only slightly. He is not alone either in person or spirit.)
behind, a cloth runs is jammed over Deacon's mouth.
He struggles for a moment, and then collapses as Faith Hannum screams for
help. His back to the camera, the man that had locked up Emmanuel
with the bat-looking man/monster, enters the room.)
That will be quite enough screaming.
screaming abruptly stops.)
Faith. you've proven to be all the evidence we needed my dear.
Ivy is walking through the backstage, waiting for Hornet to return from his
match with Aaron Douglas. She stops, however.... upon a door slightly ajar.)
#1: So we're gonna sit right here until the boss is done with your buddy. You
understand, don'tcha?
peers inside.... to see Chris Shepherd bound and gagged, tied to a chair. Two
"police" officers are standing over him. Without a second thought, Ivy
opens the door.)
What the (bleep) is going on in here?
#2: What's she doing here?
OFFICER #1: Grab her!
Go on to: Part 4 of INDY2K